# Copyright (c), Google Inc, 2017 # Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or # https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause) import re import time import traceback THIRD_LIBRARIES_IMP_ERR = None try: from keystoneauth1.adapter import Adapter from keystoneauth1.identity import v3 from keystoneauth1 import session HAS_THIRD_LIBRARIES = True except ImportError: THIRD_LIBRARIES_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc() HAS_THIRD_LIBRARIES = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import (AnsibleModule, env_fallback, missing_required_lib) from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text class HwcModuleException(Exception): def __init__(self, message): super(HwcModuleException, self).__init__() self._message = message def __str__(self): return "[HwcClientException] message=%s" % self._message class HwcClientException(Exception): def __init__(self, code, message): super(HwcClientException, self).__init__() self._code = code self._message = message def __str__(self): msg = " code=%s," % str(self._code) if self._code != 0 else "" return "[HwcClientException]%s message=%s" % ( msg, self._message) class HwcClientException404(HwcClientException): def __init__(self, message): super(HwcClientException404, self).__init__(404, message) def __str__(self): return "[HwcClientException404] message=%s" % self._message def session_method_wrapper(f): def _wrap(self, url, *args, **kwargs): try: url = self.endpoint + url r = f(self, url, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: raise HwcClientException( 0, "Sending request failed, error=%s" % ex) result = None if r.content: try: result = r.json() except Exception as ex: raise HwcClientException( 0, "Parsing response to json failed, error: %s" % ex) code = r.status_code if code not in [200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 226]: msg = "" for i in ['message', 'error.message']: try: msg = navigate_value(result, i) break except Exception: pass else: msg = str(result) if code == 404: raise HwcClientException404(msg) raise HwcClientException(code, msg) return result return _wrap class _ServiceClient(object): def __init__(self, client, endpoint, product): self._client = client self._endpoint = endpoint self._default_header = { 'User-Agent': "Huawei-Ansible-MM-%s" % product, 'Accept': 'application/json', } @property def endpoint(self): return self._endpoint @session_method_wrapper def get(self, url, body=None, header=None, timeout=None): return self._client.get(url, json=body, timeout=timeout, headers=self._header(header)) @session_method_wrapper def post(self, url, body=None, header=None, timeout=None): return self._client.post(url, json=body, timeout=timeout, headers=self._header(header)) @session_method_wrapper def delete(self, url, body=None, header=None, timeout=None): return self._client.delete(url, json=body, timeout=timeout, headers=self._header(header)) @session_method_wrapper def put(self, url, body=None, header=None, timeout=None): return self._client.put(url, json=body, timeout=timeout, headers=self._header(header)) def _header(self, header): if header and isinstance(header, dict): for k, v in self._default_header.items(): if k not in header: header[k] = v else: header = self._default_header return header class Config(object): def __init__(self, module, product): self._project_client = None self._domain_client = None self._module = module self._product = product self._endpoints = {} self._validate() self._gen_provider_client() @property def module(self): return self._module def client(self, region, service_type, service_level): c = self._project_client if service_level == "domain": c = self._domain_client e = self._get_service_endpoint(c, service_type, region) return _ServiceClient(c, e, self._product) def _gen_provider_client(self): m = self._module p = { "auth_url": m.params['identity_endpoint'], "password": m.params['password'], "username": m.params['user'], "project_name": m.params['project'], "user_domain_name": m.params['domain'], "reauthenticate": True } self._project_client = Adapter( session.Session(auth=v3.Password(**p)), raise_exc=False) p.pop("project_name") self._domain_client = Adapter( session.Session(auth=v3.Password(**p)), raise_exc=False) def _get_service_endpoint(self, client, service_type, region): k = "%s.%s" % (service_type, region if region else "") if k in self._endpoints: return self._endpoints.get(k) url = None try: url = client.get_endpoint(service_type=service_type, region_name=region, interface="public") except Exception as ex: raise HwcClientException( 0, "Getting endpoint failed, error=%s" % ex) if url == "": raise HwcClientException( 0, "Can not find the enpoint for %s" % service_type) if url[-1] != "/": url += "/" self._endpoints[k] = url return url def _validate(self): if not HAS_THIRD_LIBRARIES: self.module.fail_json( msg=missing_required_lib('keystoneauth1'), exception=THIRD_LIBRARIES_IMP_ERR) class HwcModule(AnsibleModule): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): arg_spec = kwargs.setdefault('argument_spec', {}) arg_spec.update( dict( identity_endpoint=dict( required=True, type='str', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_HWC_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT']), ), user=dict( required=True, type='str', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_HWC_USER']), ), password=dict( required=True, type='str', no_log=True, fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_HWC_PASSWORD']), ), domain=dict( required=True, type='str', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_HWC_DOMAIN']), ), project=dict( required=True, type='str', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_HWC_PROJECT']), ), region=dict( type='str', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_HWC_REGION']), ), id=dict(type='str') ) ) super(HwcModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class _DictComparison(object): ''' This class takes in two dictionaries `a` and `b`. These are dictionaries of arbitrary depth, but made up of standard Python types only. This differ will compare all values in `a` to those in `b`. If value in `a` is None, always returns True, indicating this value is no need to compare. Note: On all lists, order does matter. ''' def __init__(self, request): self.request = request def __eq__(self, other): return self._compare_dicts(self.request, other.request) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def _compare_dicts(self, dict1, dict2): if dict1 is None: return True if set(dict1.keys()) != set(dict2.keys()): return False for k in dict1: if not self._compare_value(dict1.get(k), dict2.get(k)): return False return True def _compare_lists(self, list1, list2): """Takes in two lists and compares them.""" if list1 is None: return True if len(list1) != len(list2): return False for i in range(len(list1)): if not self._compare_value(list1[i], list2[i]): return False return True def _compare_value(self, value1, value2): """ return: True: value1 is same as value2, otherwise False. """ if value1 is None: return True if not (value1 and value2): return (not value1) and (not value2) # Can assume non-None types at this point. if isinstance(value1, list) and isinstance(value2, list): return self._compare_lists(value1, value2) elif isinstance(value1, dict) and isinstance(value2, dict): return self._compare_dicts(value1, value2) # Always use to_text values to avoid unicode issues. return (to_text(value1, errors='surrogate_or_strict') == to_text( value2, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) def wait_to_finish(target, pending, refresh, timeout, min_interval=1, delay=3): is_last_time = False not_found_times = 0 wait = 0 time.sleep(delay) end = time.time() + timeout while not is_last_time: if time.time() > end: is_last_time = True obj, status = refresh() if obj is None: not_found_times += 1 if not_found_times > 10: raise HwcModuleException( "not found the object for %d times" % not_found_times) else: not_found_times = 0 if status in target: return obj if pending and status not in pending: raise HwcModuleException( "unexpect status(%s) occured" % status) if not is_last_time: wait *= 2 if wait < min_interval: wait = min_interval elif wait > 10: wait = 10 time.sleep(wait) raise HwcModuleException("asycn wait timeout after %d seconds" % timeout) def navigate_value(data, index, array_index=None): if array_index and (not isinstance(array_index, dict)): raise HwcModuleException("array_index must be dict") d = data for n in range(len(index)): if d is None: return None if not isinstance(d, dict): raise HwcModuleException( "can't navigate value from a non-dict object") i = index[n] if i not in d: raise HwcModuleException( "navigate value failed: key(%s) is not exist in dict" % i) d = d[i] if not array_index: continue k = ".".join(index[: (n + 1)]) if k not in array_index: continue if d is None: return None if not isinstance(d, list): raise HwcModuleException( "can't navigate value from a non-list object") j = array_index.get(k) if j >= len(d): raise HwcModuleException( "navigate value failed: the index is out of list") d = d[j] return d def build_path(module, path, kv=None): if kv is None: kv = dict() v = {} for p in re.findall(r"{[^/]*}", path): n = p[1:][:-1] if n in kv: v[n] = str(kv[n]) else: if n in module.params: v[n] = str(module.params.get(n)) else: v[n] = "" return path.format(**v) def get_region(module): if module.params['region']: return module.params['region'] return module.params['project'].split("_")[0] def is_empty_value(v): return (not v) def are_different_dicts(dict1, dict2): return _DictComparison(dict1) != _DictComparison(dict2)