# This code is part of Ansible, but is an independent component. # This particular file snippet, and this file snippet only, is BSD licensed. # Modules you write using this snippet, which is embedded dynamically by Ansible # still belong to the author of the module, and may assign their own license # to the complete work. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE # USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # import time class OneAndOneResources: firewall_policy, load_balancer, monitoring_policy, private_network, public_ip, role, server, user, vpn = range(9) def get_resource(oneandone_conn, resource_type, resource_id): switcher = { 'firewall_policy': oneandone_conn.get_firewall, 'load_balancer': oneandone_conn.get_load_balancer, 'monitoring_policy': oneandone_conn.get_monitoring_policy, 'private_network': oneandone_conn.get_private_network, 'public_ip': oneandone_conn.get_public_ip, 'role': oneandone_conn.get_role, 'server': oneandone_conn.get_server, 'user': oneandone_conn.get_user, 'vpn': oneandone_conn.get_vpn, } return switcher.get(resource_type.name, None)(resource_id) def get_datacenter(oneandone_conn, datacenter, full_object=False): """ Validates the datacenter exists by ID or country code. Returns the datacenter ID. """ for _datacenter in oneandone_conn.list_datacenters(): if datacenter in (_datacenter['id'], _datacenter['country_code']): if full_object: return _datacenter return _datacenter['id'] def get_fixed_instance_size(oneandone_conn, fixed_instance_size, full_object=False): """ Validates the fixed instance size exists by ID or name. Return the instance size ID. """ for _fixed_instance_size in oneandone_conn.fixed_server_flavors(): if fixed_instance_size in (_fixed_instance_size['id'], _fixed_instance_size['name']): if full_object: return _fixed_instance_size return _fixed_instance_size['id'] def get_appliance(oneandone_conn, appliance, full_object=False): """ Validates the appliance exists by ID or name. Return the appliance ID. """ for _appliance in oneandone_conn.list_appliances(q='IMAGE'): if appliance in (_appliance['id'], _appliance['name']): if full_object: return _appliance return _appliance['id'] def get_private_network(oneandone_conn, private_network, full_object=False): """ Validates the private network exists by ID or name. Return the private network ID. """ for _private_network in oneandone_conn.list_private_networks(): if private_network in (_private_network['name'], _private_network['id']): if full_object: return _private_network return _private_network['id'] def get_monitoring_policy(oneandone_conn, monitoring_policy, full_object=False): """ Validates the monitoring policy exists by ID or name. Return the monitoring policy ID. """ for _monitoring_policy in oneandone_conn.list_monitoring_policies(): if monitoring_policy in (_monitoring_policy['name'], _monitoring_policy['id']): if full_object: return _monitoring_policy return _monitoring_policy['id'] def get_firewall_policy(oneandone_conn, firewall_policy, full_object=False): """ Validates the firewall policy exists by ID or name. Return the firewall policy ID. """ for _firewall_policy in oneandone_conn.list_firewall_policies(): if firewall_policy in (_firewall_policy['name'], _firewall_policy['id']): if full_object: return _firewall_policy return _firewall_policy['id'] def get_load_balancer(oneandone_conn, load_balancer, full_object=False): """ Validates the load balancer exists by ID or name. Return the load balancer ID. """ for _load_balancer in oneandone_conn.list_load_balancers(): if load_balancer in (_load_balancer['name'], _load_balancer['id']): if full_object: return _load_balancer return _load_balancer['id'] def get_server(oneandone_conn, instance, full_object=False): """ Validates that the server exists whether by ID or name. Returns the server if one was found. """ for server in oneandone_conn.list_servers(per_page=1000): if instance in (server['id'], server['name']): if full_object: return server return server['id'] def get_user(oneandone_conn, user, full_object=False): """ Validates that the user exists by ID or a name. Returns the user if one was found. """ for _user in oneandone_conn.list_users(per_page=1000): if user in (_user['id'], _user['name']): if full_object: return _user return _user['id'] def get_role(oneandone_conn, role, full_object=False): """ Given a name, validates that the role exists whether it is a proper ID or a name. Returns the role if one was found, else None. """ for _role in oneandone_conn.list_roles(per_page=1000): if role in (_role['id'], _role['name']): if full_object: return _role return _role['id'] def get_vpn(oneandone_conn, vpn, full_object=False): """ Validates that the vpn exists by ID or a name. Returns the vpn if one was found. """ for _vpn in oneandone_conn.list_vpns(per_page=1000): if vpn in (_vpn['id'], _vpn['name']): if full_object: return _vpn return _vpn['id'] def wait_for_resource_creation_completion(oneandone_conn, resource_type, resource_id, wait_timeout): """ Waits for the resource create operation to complete based on the timeout period. """ wait_timeout = time.time() + wait_timeout while wait_timeout > time.time(): time.sleep(5) # Refresh the resource info resource = get_resource(oneandone_conn, resource_type, resource_id) if resource_type == OneAndOneResources.server: resource_state = resource['status']['state'] else: resource_state = resource['state'] if ((resource_type == OneAndOneResources.server and resource_state.lower() == 'powered_on') or (resource_type != OneAndOneResources.server and resource_state.lower() == 'active')): return elif resource_state.lower() == 'failed': raise Exception('%s creation failed for %s' % (resource_type, resource_id)) elif resource_state.lower() in ('active', 'enabled', 'deploying', 'configuring'): continue else: raise Exception( 'Unknown %s state %s' % (resource_type.name, resource_state)) raise Exception( 'Timed out waiting for %s completion for %s' % (resource_type.name, resource_id)) def wait_for_resource_deletion_completion(oneandone_conn, resource_type, resource_id, wait_timeout): """ Waits for the resource delete operation to complete based on the timeout period. """ wait_timeout = time.time() + wait_timeout while wait_timeout > time.time(): time.sleep(5) # Refresh the operation info logs = oneandone_conn.list_logs(q='DELETE', period='LAST_HOUR', sort='-start_date') if resource_type == OneAndOneResources.server: _type = 'VM' elif resource_type == OneAndOneResources.private_network: _type = 'PRIVATENETWORK' else: raise Exception( 'Unsupported wait_for delete operation for %s resource' % resource_type.name) for log in logs: if (log['resource']['id'] == resource_id and log['action'] == 'DELETE' and log['type'] == _type and log['status']['state'] == 'OK'): return raise Exception( 'Timed out waiting for %s deletion for %s' % (resource_type.name, resource_id))