#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2017, Ansible by Red Hat, inc # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'network'} DOCUMENTATION = """ --- module: iosxr_interface version_added: "2.4" author: - "Ganesh Nalawade (@ganeshrn)" - "Kedar Kekan (@kedarX)" short_description: Manage Interface on Cisco IOS XR network devices description: - This module provides declarative management of Interfaces on Cisco IOS XR network devices. extends_documentation_fragment: iosxr notes: - Tested against IOS XRv 6.1.2 - Preconfiguration of physical interfaces is not supported with C(netconf) transport. options: name: description: - Name of the interface to configure in C(type + path) format. e.g. C(GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0) required: true description: description: - Description of Interface being configured. enabled: description: - Removes the shutdown configuration, which removes the forced administrative down on the interface, enabling it to move to an up or down state. type: bool default: True active: description: - Whether the interface is C(active) or C(preconfigured). Preconfiguration allows you to configure modular services cards before they are inserted into the router. When the cards are inserted, they are instantly configured. Active cards are the ones already inserted. choices: ['active', 'preconfigure'] default: active version_added: 2.5 speed: description: - Configure the speed for an interface. Default is auto-negotiation when not configured. choices: ['10', '100', '1000'] mtu: description: - Sets the MTU value for the interface. Range is between 64 and 65535' duplex: description: - Configures the interface duplex mode. Default is auto-negotiation when not configured. choices: ['full', 'half'] tx_rate: description: - Transmit rate in bits per second (bps). rx_rate: description: - Receiver rate in bits per second (bps). aggregate: description: - List of Interface definitions. Include multiple interface configurations together, one each on a seperate line delay: description: - Time in seconds to wait before checking for the operational state on remote device. This wait is applicable for operational state argument which are I(state) with values C(up)/C(down), I(tx_rate) and I(rx_rate). default: 10 state: description: - State of the Interface configuration, C(up) means present and operationally up and C(down) means present and operationally C(down) default: present choices: ['present', 'absent', 'up', 'down'] """ EXAMPLES = """ - name: configure interface iosxr_interface: name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 description: test-interface speed: 100 duplex: half mtu: 512 - name: remove interface iosxr_interface: name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 state: absent - name: make interface up iosxr_interface: name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 enabled: True - name: make interface down iosxr_interface: name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 enabled: False - name: Create interface using aggregate iosxr_interface: aggregate: - name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3 - name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 speed: 100 duplex: full mtu: 512 state: present - name: Create interface using aggregate along with additional params in aggregate iosxr_interface: aggregate: - { name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3, description: test-interface 3 } - { name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2, description: test-interface 2 } speed: 100 duplex: full mtu: 512 state: present - name: Delete interface using aggregate iosxr_interface: aggregate: - name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3 - name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 state: absent - name: Check intent arguments iosxr_interface: name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/5 state: up delay: 20 - name: Config + intent iosxr_interface: name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/5 enabled: False state: down delay: 20 """ RETURN = """ commands: description: The list of configuration mode commands sent to device with transport C(cli) returned: always (empty list when no commands to send) type: list sample: - interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 - description test-interface - duplex half - mtu 512 xml: description: NetConf rpc xml sent to device with transport C(netconf) returned: always (empty list when no xml rpc to send) type: list version_added: 2.5 sample: - ' act GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 test-interface-0 GigabitEthernet 512 100 half ' """ import re from time import sleep from copy import deepcopy import collections from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.network.iosxr.iosxr import get_config, load_config, build_xml from ansible.module_utils.network.iosxr.iosxr import run_command, iosxr_argument_spec, get_oper from ansible.module_utils.network.iosxr.iosxr import is_netconf, is_cliconf, etree_findall, etree_find from ansible.module_utils.network.common.utils import conditional, remove_default_spec def validate_mtu(value): if value and not 64 <= int(value) <= 65535: return False, 'mtu must be between 64 and 65535' return True, None class ConfigBase(object): def __init__(self, module): self._module = module self._result = {'changed': False, 'warnings': []} self._want = list() self._have = list() def validate_param_values(self, param=None): for key, value in param.items(): # validate the param value (if validator func exists) validator = globals().get('validate_%s' % key) if callable(validator): rc, msg = validator(value) if not rc: self._module.fail_json(msg=msg) def map_params_to_obj(self): aggregate = self._module.params.get('aggregate') if aggregate: for item in aggregate: for key in item: if item.get(key) is None: item[key] = self._module.params[key] self.validate_param_values(item) d = item.copy() match = re.match(r"(^[a-z]+)([0-9/]+$)", d['name'], re.I) if match: d['owner'] = match.groups()[0] if d['active'] == 'preconfigure': d['active'] = 'pre' else: d['active'] = 'act' self._want.append(d) else: self.validate_param_values(self._module.params) params = { 'name': self._module.params['name'], 'description': self._module.params['description'], 'speed': self._module.params['speed'], 'mtu': self._module.params['mtu'], 'duplex': self._module.params['duplex'], 'state': self._module.params['state'], 'delay': self._module.params['delay'], 'tx_rate': self._module.params['tx_rate'], 'rx_rate': self._module.params['rx_rate'], 'enabled': self._module.params['enabled'], 'active': self._module.params['active'], } match = re.match(r"(^[a-z]+)([0-9/]+$)", params['name'], re.I) if match: params['owner'] = match.groups()[0] if params['active'] == 'preconfigure': params['active'] = 'pre' else: params['active'] = 'act' self._want.append(params) class CliConfiguration(ConfigBase): def __init__(self, module): super(CliConfiguration, self).__init__(module) def parse_shutdown(self, intf_config): for cfg in intf_config: match = re.search(r'%s' % 'shutdown', cfg, re.M) if match: return True return False def parse_config_argument(self, intf_config, arg): for cfg in intf_config: match = re.search(r'%s (.+)$' % arg, cfg, re.M) if match: return match.group(1) def search_obj_in_list(self, name): for obj in self._have: if obj['name'] == name: return obj return None def map_config_to_obj(self): data = get_config(self._module, config_filter='interface') interfaces = data.strip().rstrip('!').split('!') if not interfaces: return list() for interface in interfaces: intf_config = interface.strip().splitlines() name = intf_config[0].strip().split()[1] active = 'act' if name == 'preconfigure': active = 'pre' name = intf_config[0].strip().split()[2] obj = { 'name': name, 'description': self.parse_config_argument(intf_config, 'description'), 'speed': self.parse_config_argument(intf_config, 'speed'), 'duplex': self.parse_config_argument(intf_config, 'duplex'), 'mtu': self.parse_config_argument(intf_config, 'mtu'), 'enabled': True if not self.parse_shutdown(intf_config) else False, 'active': active, 'state': 'present' } self._have.append(obj) def map_obj_to_commands(self): commands = list() args = ('speed', 'description', 'duplex', 'mtu') for want_item in self._want: name = want_item['name'] disable = not want_item['enabled'] state = want_item['state'] obj_in_have = self.search_obj_in_list(name) interface = 'interface ' + name if state == 'absent' and obj_in_have: commands.append('no ' + interface) elif state in ('present', 'up', 'down'): if obj_in_have: for item in args: candidate = want_item.get(item) running = obj_in_have.get(item) if candidate != running: if candidate: cmd = interface + ' ' + item + ' ' + str(candidate) commands.append(cmd) if disable and obj_in_have.get('enabled', False): commands.append(interface + ' shutdown') elif not disable and not obj_in_have.get('enabled', False): commands.append('no ' + interface + ' shutdown') else: for item in args: value = want_item.get(item) if value: commands.append(interface + ' ' + item + ' ' + str(value)) if not disable: commands.append('no ' + interface + ' shutdown') self._result['commands'] = commands if commands: commit = not self._module.check_mode diff = load_config(self._module, commands, commit=commit) if diff: self._result['diff'] = dict(prepared=diff) self._result['changed'] = True def check_declarative_intent_params(self): failed_conditions = [] for want_item in self._want: want_state = want_item.get('state') want_tx_rate = want_item.get('tx_rate') want_rx_rate = want_item.get('rx_rate') if want_state not in ('up', 'down') and not want_tx_rate and not want_rx_rate: continue if self._result['changed']: sleep(want_item['delay']) command = 'show interfaces {!s}'.format(want_item['name']) out = run_command(self._module, command)[0] if want_state in ('up', 'down'): match = re.search(r'%s (\w+)' % 'line protocol is', out, re.M) have_state = None if match: have_state = match.group(1) if have_state.strip() == 'administratively': match = re.search(r'%s (\w+)' % 'administratively', out, re.M) if match: have_state = match.group(1) if have_state is None or not conditional(want_state, have_state.strip()): failed_conditions.append('state ' + 'eq({!s})'.format(want_state)) if want_tx_rate: match = re.search(r'%s (\d+)' % 'output rate', out, re.M) have_tx_rate = None if match: have_tx_rate = match.group(1) if have_tx_rate is None or not conditional(want_tx_rate, have_tx_rate.strip(), cast=int): failed_conditions.append('tx_rate ' + want_tx_rate) if want_rx_rate: match = re.search(r'%s (\d+)' % 'input rate', out, re.M) have_rx_rate = None if match: have_rx_rate = match.group(1) if have_rx_rate is None or not conditional(want_rx_rate, have_rx_rate.strip(), cast=int): failed_conditions.append('rx_rate ' + want_rx_rate) if failed_conditions: msg = 'One or more conditional statements have not been satisfied' self._module.fail_json(msg=msg, failed_conditions=failed_conditions) def run(self): self.map_params_to_obj() self.map_config_to_obj() self.map_obj_to_commands() self.check_declarative_intent_params() return self._result class NCConfiguration(ConfigBase): def __init__(self, module): super(NCConfiguration, self).__init__(module) self._intf_meta = collections.OrderedDict() self._shut_meta = collections.OrderedDict() self._data_rate_meta = collections.OrderedDict() self._line_state_meta = collections.OrderedDict() def map_obj_to_xml_rpc(self): self._intf_meta.update([ ('interface-configuration', {'xpath': 'interface-configurations/interface-configuration', 'tag': True, 'attrib': 'operation'}), ('a:active', {'xpath': 'interface-configurations/interface-configuration/active', 'operation': 'edit'}), ('a:name', {'xpath': 'interface-configurations/interface-configuration/interface-name'}), ('a:description', {'xpath': 'interface-configurations/interface-configuration/description', 'operation': 'edit'}), ('mtus', {'xpath': 'interface-configurations/interface-configuration/mtus', 'tag': True, 'operation': 'edit'}), ('mtu', {'xpath': 'interface-configurations/interface-configuration/mtus/mtu', 'tag': True, 'operation': 'edit'}), ('a:owner', {'xpath': 'interface-configurations/interface-configuration/mtus/mtu/owner', 'operation': 'edit'}), ('a:mtu', {'xpath': 'interface-configurations/interface-configuration/mtus/mtu/mtu', 'operation': 'edit'}), ('CEthernet', {'xpath': 'interface-configurations/interface-configuration/ethernet', 'tag': True, 'operation': 'edit', 'ns': True}), ('a:speed', {'xpath': 'interface-configurations/interface-configuration/ethernet/speed', 'operation': 'edit'}), ('a:duplex', {'xpath': 'interface-configurations/interface-configuration/ethernet/duplex', 'operation': 'edit'}), ]) self._shut_meta.update([ ('interface-configuration', {'xpath': 'interface-configurations/interface-configuration', 'tag': True}), ('a:active', {'xpath': 'interface-configurations/interface-configuration/active', 'operation': 'edit'}), ('a:name', {'xpath': 'interface-configurations/interface-configuration/interface-name'}), ('shutdown', {'xpath': 'interface-configurations/interface-configuration/shutdown', 'tag': True, 'operation': 'edit', 'attrib': 'operation'}), ]) state = self._module.params['state'] _get_filter = build_xml('interface-configurations', xmap=self._intf_meta, params=self._want, opcode="filter") running = get_config(self._module, source='running', config_filter=_get_filter) intfcfg_nodes = etree_findall(running, 'interface-configuration') intf_list = set() shut_list = set() for item in intfcfg_nodes: intf_name = etree_find(item, 'interface-name').text if intf_name is not None: intf_list.add(intf_name) if etree_find(item, 'shutdown') is not None: shut_list.add(intf_name) intf_params = list() shut_params = list() noshut_params = list() for index, item in enumerate(self._want): if item['name'] in intf_list: intf_params.append(item) if not item['enabled']: shut_params.append(item) if item['name'] in shut_list and item['enabled']: noshut_params.append(item) opcode = None if state == 'absent': if intf_params: opcode = "delete" elif state in ('present', 'up', 'down'): intf_params = self._want opcode = 'merge' self._result['xml'] = [] _edit_filter_list = list() if opcode: _edit_filter_list.append(build_xml('interface-configurations', xmap=self._intf_meta, params=intf_params, opcode=opcode)) if opcode == 'merge': if len(shut_params): _edit_filter_list.append(build_xml('interface-configurations', xmap=self._shut_meta, params=shut_params, opcode='merge')) if len(noshut_params): _edit_filter_list.append(build_xml('interface-configurations', xmap=self._shut_meta, params=noshut_params, opcode='delete')) diff = None if len(_edit_filter_list): commit = not self._module.check_mode diff = load_config(self._module, _edit_filter_list, commit=commit, running=running, nc_get_filter=_get_filter) if diff: if self._module._diff: self._result['diff'] = dict(prepared=diff) self._result['xml'] = _edit_filter_list self._result['changed'] = True def check_declarative_intent_params(self): failed_conditions = [] self._data_rate_meta.update([ ('interfaces', {'xpath': 'infra-statistics/interfaces', 'tag': True}), ('interface', {'xpath': 'infra-statistics/interfaces/interface', 'tag': True}), ('a:name', {'xpath': 'infra-statistics/interfaces/interface/interface-name'}), ('cache', {'xpath': 'infra-statistics/interfaces/interface/cache', 'tag': True}), ('data-rate', {'xpath': 'infra-statistics/interfaces/interface/cache/data-rate', 'tag': True}), ('input-data-rate', {'xpath': 'infra-statistics/interfaces/interface/cache/data-rate/input-data-rate', 'tag': True}), ('output-data-rate', {'xpath': 'infra-statistics/interfaces/interface/cache/data-rate/output-data-rate', 'tag': True}), ]) self._line_state_meta.update([ ('data-nodes', {'xpath': 'interface-properties/data-nodes', 'tag': True}), ('data-node', {'xpath': 'interface-properties/data-nodes/data-node', 'tag': True}), ('system-view', {'xpath': 'interface-properties/data-nodes/data-node/system-view', 'tag': True}), ('interfaces', {'xpath': 'interface-properties/data-nodes/data-node/system-view/interfaces', 'tag': True}), ('interface', {'xpath': 'interface-properties/data-nodes/data-node/system-view/interfaces/interface', 'tag': True}), ('a:name', {'xpath': 'interface-properties/data-nodes/data-node/system-view/interfaces/interface/interface-name'}), ('line-state', {'xpath': 'interface-properties/data-nodes/data-node/system-view/interfaces/interface/line-state', 'tag': True}), ]) _rate_filter = build_xml('infra-statistics', xmap=self._data_rate_meta, params=self._want, opcode="filter") out = get_oper(self._module, filter=_rate_filter) data_rate_list = etree_findall(out, 'interface') data_rate_map = dict() for item in data_rate_list: data_rate_map.update({etree_find(item, 'interface-name').text: dict()}) data_rate_map[etree_find(item, 'interface-name').text].update({'input-data-rate': etree_find(item, 'input-data-rate').text, 'output-data-rate': etree_find(item, 'output-data-rate').text}) _line_state_filter = build_xml('interface-properties', xmap=self._line_state_meta, params=self._want, opcode="filter") out = get_oper(self._module, filter=_line_state_filter) line_state_list = etree_findall(out, 'interface') line_state_map = dict() for item in line_state_list: line_state_map.update({etree_find(item, 'interface-name').text: etree_find(item, 'line-state').text}) for want_item in self._want: want_state = want_item.get('state') want_tx_rate = want_item.get('tx_rate') want_rx_rate = want_item.get('rx_rate') if want_state not in ('up', 'down') and not want_tx_rate and not want_rx_rate: continue if self._result['changed']: sleep(want_item['delay']) if want_state in ('up', 'down'): if want_state not in line_state_map[want_item['name']]: failed_conditions.append('state ' + 'eq({!s})'.format(want_state)) if want_tx_rate: if want_tx_rate != data_rate_map[want_item['name']]['output-data-rate']: failed_conditions.append('tx_rate ' + want_tx_rate) if want_rx_rate: if want_rx_rate != data_rate_map[want_item['name']]['input-data-rate']: failed_conditions.append('rx_rate ' + want_rx_rate) if failed_conditions: msg = 'One or more conditional statements have not been satisfied' self._module.fail_json(msg=msg, failed_conditions=failed_conditions) def run(self): self.map_params_to_obj() self.map_obj_to_xml_rpc() self.check_declarative_intent_params() return self._result def main(): """ main entry point for module execution """ element_spec = dict( name=dict(type='str'), description=dict(type='str'), speed=dict(choices=['10', '100', '1000']), mtu=dict(), duplex=dict(choices=['full', 'half']), enabled=dict(default=True, type='bool'), active=dict(default='active', type='str', choices=['active', 'preconfigure']), tx_rate=dict(), rx_rate=dict(), delay=dict(default=10, type='int'), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent', 'up', 'down']) ) aggregate_spec = deepcopy(element_spec) aggregate_spec['name'] = dict(required=True) # remove default in aggregate spec, to handle common arguments remove_default_spec(aggregate_spec) argument_spec = dict( aggregate=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=aggregate_spec), ) argument_spec.update(element_spec) argument_spec.update(iosxr_argument_spec) required_one_of = [['name', 'aggregate']] mutually_exclusive = [['name', 'aggregate']] module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, required_one_of=required_one_of, mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive, supports_check_mode=True) config_object = None if is_cliconf(module): module.deprecate("cli support for 'iosxr_interface' is deprecated. Use transport netconf instead", version='4 releases from v2.5') config_object = CliConfiguration(module) elif is_netconf(module): if module.params['active'] == 'preconfigure': module.fail_json(msg="Physical interface pre-configuration is not supported with transport 'netconf'") config_object = NCConfiguration(module) result = {} if config_object: result = config_object.run() module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()