# Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project # Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause) $process_util = @" using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace Ansible { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public class SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES { public int nLength; public IntPtr lpSecurityDescriptor; public bool bInheritHandle = false; public SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES() { nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(this); } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public class STARTUPINFO { public Int32 cb; public IntPtr lpReserved; public IntPtr lpDesktop; public IntPtr lpTitle; public Int32 dwX; public Int32 dwY; public Int32 dwXSize; public Int32 dwYSize; public Int32 dwXCountChars; public Int32 dwYCountChars; public Int32 dwFillAttribute; public Int32 dwFlags; public Int16 wShowWindow; public Int16 cbReserved2; public IntPtr lpReserved2; public SafeFileHandle hStdInput; public SafeFileHandle hStdOutput; public SafeFileHandle hStdError; public STARTUPINFO() { cb = Marshal.SizeOf(this); } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public class STARTUPINFOEX { public STARTUPINFO startupInfo; public IntPtr lpAttributeList; public STARTUPINFOEX() { startupInfo = new STARTUPINFO(); startupInfo.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(this); } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct PROCESS_INFORMATION { public IntPtr hProcess; public IntPtr hThread; public int dwProcessId; public int dwThreadId; } [Flags] public enum StartupInfoFlags : uint { USESTDHANDLES = 0x00000100 } public enum HandleFlags : uint { None = 0, INHERIT = 1 } class NativeWaitHandle : WaitHandle { public NativeWaitHandle(IntPtr handle) { this.SafeWaitHandle = new SafeWaitHandle(handle, false); } } public class Win32Exception : System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception { private string _msg; public Win32Exception(string message) : this(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), message) { } public Win32Exception(int errorCode, string message) : base(errorCode) { _msg = String.Format("{0} ({1}, Win32ErrorCode {2})", message, base.Message, errorCode); } public override string Message { get { return _msg; } } public static explicit operator Win32Exception(string message) { return new Win32Exception(message); } } public class CommandUtil { private static UInt32 CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT = 0x000000400; private static UInt32 EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT = 0x00080000; [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, BestFitMapping = false)] public static extern bool CreateProcess( [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string lpApplicationName, StringBuilder lpCommandLine, IntPtr lpProcessAttributes, IntPtr lpThreadAttributes, bool bInheritHandles, uint dwCreationFlags, IntPtr lpEnvironment, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string lpCurrentDirectory, STARTUPINFOEX lpStartupInfo, out PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern bool CreatePipe( out SafeFileHandle hReadPipe, out SafeFileHandle hWritePipe, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpPipeAttributes, uint nSize); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern bool SetHandleInformation( SafeFileHandle hObject, HandleFlags dwMask, int dwFlags); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] private static extern bool GetExitCodeProcess( IntPtr hProcess, out uint lpExitCode); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern uint SearchPath( string lpPath, string lpFileName, string lpExtension, int nBufferLength, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] StringBuilder lpBuffer, out IntPtr lpFilePart); [DllImport("shell32.dll", SetLastError = true)] static extern IntPtr CommandLineToArgvW( [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string lpCmdLine, out int pNumArgs); public static string[] ParseCommandLine(string lpCommandLine) { int numArgs; IntPtr ret = CommandLineToArgvW(lpCommandLine, out numArgs); if (ret == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Win32Exception("Error parsing command line"); IntPtr[] strptrs = new IntPtr[numArgs]; Marshal.Copy(ret, strptrs, 0, numArgs); string[] cmdlineParts = strptrs.Select(s => Marshal.PtrToStringUni(s)).ToArray(); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ret); return cmdlineParts; } public static string SearchPath(string lpFileName) { StringBuilder sbOut = new StringBuilder(1024); IntPtr filePartOut; if (SearchPath(null, lpFileName, null, sbOut.Capacity, sbOut, out filePartOut) == 0) throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("Could not locate the following executable {0}", lpFileName)); return sbOut.ToString(); } public class CommandResult { public string StandardOut { get; internal set; } public string StandardError { get; internal set; } public uint ExitCode { get; internal set; } } public static CommandResult RunCommand(string lpApplicationName, string lpCommandLine, string lpCurrentDirectory, string stdinInput, IDictionary environment) { UInt32 startup_flags = CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT | EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT; STARTUPINFOEX si = new STARTUPINFOEX(); si.startupInfo.dwFlags = (int)StartupInfoFlags.USESTDHANDLES; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pipesec = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(); pipesec.bInheritHandle = true; // Create the stdout, stderr and stdin pipes used in the process and add to the startupInfo SafeFileHandle stdout_read, stdout_write, stderr_read, stderr_write, stdin_read, stdin_write; if (!CreatePipe(out stdout_read, out stdout_write, pipesec, 0)) throw new Win32Exception("STDOUT pipe setup failed"); if (!SetHandleInformation(stdout_read, HandleFlags.INHERIT, 0)) throw new Win32Exception("STDOUT pipe handle setup failed"); if (!CreatePipe(out stderr_read, out stderr_write, pipesec, 0)) throw new Win32Exception("STDERR pipe setup failed"); if (!SetHandleInformation(stderr_read, HandleFlags.INHERIT, 0)) throw new Win32Exception("STDERR pipe handle setup failed"); if (!CreatePipe(out stdin_read, out stdin_write, pipesec, 0)) throw new Win32Exception("STDIN pipe setup failed"); if (!SetHandleInformation(stdin_write, HandleFlags.INHERIT, 0)) throw new Win32Exception("STDIN pipe handle setup failed"); si.startupInfo.hStdOutput = stdout_write; si.startupInfo.hStdError = stderr_write; si.startupInfo.hStdInput = stdin_read; // Setup the stdin buffer UTF8Encoding utf8_encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false); FileStream stdin_fs = new FileStream(stdin_write, FileAccess.Write, 32768); StreamWriter stdin = new StreamWriter(stdin_fs, utf8_encoding, 32768); // If lpCurrentDirectory is set to null in PS it will be an empty // string here, we need to convert it if (lpCurrentDirectory == "") lpCurrentDirectory = null; StringBuilder environmentString = null; if (environment != null && environment.Count > 0) { environmentString = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DictionaryEntry kv in environment) environmentString.AppendFormat("{0}={1}\0", kv.Key, kv.Value); environmentString.Append('\0'); } // Create the environment block if set IntPtr lpEnvironment = IntPtr.Zero; if (environmentString != null) lpEnvironment = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(environmentString.ToString()); // Create new process and run StringBuilder argument_string = new StringBuilder(lpCommandLine); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = new PROCESS_INFORMATION(); if (!CreateProcess( lpApplicationName, argument_string, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, true, startup_flags, lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory, si, out pi)) { throw new Win32Exception("Failed to create new process"); } // Setup the output buffers and get stdout/stderr FileStream stdout_fs = new FileStream(stdout_read, FileAccess.Read, 4096); StreamReader stdout = new StreamReader(stdout_fs, utf8_encoding, true, 4096); stdout_write.Close(); FileStream stderr_fs = new FileStream(stderr_read, FileAccess.Read, 4096); StreamReader stderr = new StreamReader(stderr_fs, utf8_encoding, true, 4096); stderr_write.Close(); stdin.WriteLine(stdinInput); stdin.Close(); string stdout_str, stderr_str = null; GetProcessOutput(stdout, stderr, out stdout_str, out stderr_str); uint rc = GetProcessExitCode(pi.hProcess); return new CommandResult { StandardOut = stdout_str, StandardError = stderr_str, ExitCode = rc }; } private static void GetProcessOutput(StreamReader stdoutStream, StreamReader stderrStream, out string stdout, out string stderr) { var sowait = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset); var sewait = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset); string so = null, se = null; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((s) => { so = stdoutStream.ReadToEnd(); sowait.Set(); }); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((s) => { se = stderrStream.ReadToEnd(); sewait.Set(); }); foreach (var wh in new WaitHandle[] { sowait, sewait }) wh.WaitOne(); stdout = so; stderr = se; } private static uint GetProcessExitCode(IntPtr processHandle) { new NativeWaitHandle(processHandle).WaitOne(); uint exitCode; if (!GetExitCodeProcess(processHandle, out exitCode)) throw new Win32Exception("Error getting process exit code"); return exitCode; } } } "@ $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Function Load-CommandUtils { # makes the following static functions available # [Ansible.CommandUtil]::ParseCommandLine(string lpCommandLine) # [Ansible.CommandUtil]::SearchPath(string lpFileName) # [Ansible.CommandUtil]::RunCommand(string lpApplicationName, string lpCommandLine, string lpCurrentDirectory, string stdinInput, string environmentBlock) # # there are also numerous P/Invoke methods that can be called if you are feeling adventurous # FUTURE: find a better way to get the _ansible_remote_tmp variable $original_tmp = $env:TMP $remote_tmp = $original_tmp $module_params = Get-Variable -Name complex_args -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($module_params) { if ($module_params.Value.ContainsKey("_ansible_remote_tmp") ) { $remote_tmp = $module_params.Value["_ansible_remote_tmp"] $remote_tmp = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($remote_tmp) } } $env:TMP = $remote_tmp Add-Type -TypeDefinition $process_util $env:TMP = $original_tmp } Function Get-ExecutablePath($executable, $directory) { # lpApplicationName requires the full path to a file, we need to find it # ourselves. # we need to add .exe if it doesn't have an extension already if (-not [System.IO.Path]::HasExtension($executable)) { $executable = "$($executable).exe" } $full_path = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($executable) if ($full_path -ne $executable -and $directory -ne $null) { $file = Get-Item -Path "$directory\$executable" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { $file = Get-Item -Path $executable -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if ($file -ne $null) { $executable_path = $file.FullName } else { $executable_path = [Ansible.CommandUtil]::SearchPath($executable) } return $executable_path } Function Run-Command { Param( [string]$command, # the full command to run including the executable [string]$working_directory = $null, # the working directory to run under, will default to the current dir [string]$stdin = $null, # a string to send to the stdin pipe when executing the command [hashtable]$environment = @{} # a hashtable of environment values to run the command under, this will replace all the other environment variables with these ) # load the C# code we call in this function Load-CommandUtils # need to validate the working directory if it is set if ($working_directory) { # validate working directory is a valid path if (-not (Test-Path -Path $working_directory)) { throw "invalid working directory path '$working_directory'" } } # lpApplicationName needs to be the full path to an executable, we do this # by getting the executable as the first arg and then getting the full path $arguments = [Ansible.CommandUtil]::ParseCommandLine($command) $executable = Get-ExecutablePath -executable $arguments[0] -directory $working_directory # run the command and get the results $command_result = [Ansible.CommandUtil]::RunCommand($executable, $command, $working_directory, $stdin, $environment) return ,@{ executable = $executable stdout = $command_result.StandardOut stderr = $command_result.StandardError rc = $command_result.ExitCode } } # this line must stay at the bottom to ensure all defined module parts are exported Export-ModuleMember -Alias * -Function * -Cmdlet *