#!powershell # Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.CamelConversion #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.SID $params = Parse-Args -arguments $args $_remote_tmp = Get-AnsibleParam $params "_ansible_remote_tmp" -type "path" -default $env:TMP $path = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "path" -type "str" -default "\" $name = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "name" -type "str" $result = @{ changed = $false } $task_enums = @" public enum TASK_ACTION_TYPE { TASK_ACTION_EXEC = 0, // The below are not supported and are only kept for documentation purposes TASK_ACTION_COM_HANDLER = 5, TASK_ACTION_SEND_EMAIL = 6, TASK_ACTION_SHOW_MESSAGE = 7 } public enum TASK_LOGON_TYPE { TASK_LOGON_NONE = 0, TASK_LOGON_PASSWORD = 1, TASK_LOGON_S4U = 2, TASK_LOGON_INTERACTIVE_TOKEN = 3, TASK_LOGON_GROUP = 4, TASK_LOGON_SERVICE_ACCOUNT = 5, TASK_LOGON_INTERACTIVE_TOKEN_OR_PASSWORD = 6 } public enum TASK_RUN_LEVEL { TASK_RUNLEVEL_LUA = 0, TASK_RUNLEVEL_HIGHEST = 1 } public enum TASK_STATE { TASK_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0, TASK_STATE_DISABLED = 1, TASK_STATE_QUEUED = 2, TASK_STATE_READY = 3, TASK_STATE_RUNNING = 4 } public enum TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE2 { TASK_TRIGGER_EVENT = 0, TASK_TRIGGER_TIME = 1, TASK_TRIGGER_DAILY = 2, TASK_TRIGGER_WEEKLY = 3, TASK_TRIGGER_MONTHLY = 4, TASK_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDOW = 5, TASK_TRIGGER_IDLE = 6, TASK_TRIGGER_REGISTRATION = 7, TASK_TRIGGER_BOOT = 8, TASK_TRIGGER_LOGON = 9, TASK_TRIGGER_SESSION_STATE_CHANGE = 11 } "@ $original_tmp = $env:TMP $env:TMP = $_remote_tmp Add-Type -TypeDefinition $task_enums $env:TMP = $original_tmp Function Get-PropertyValue($task_property, $com, $property) { $raw_value = $com.$property if ($raw_value -eq $null) { return $null } elseif ($raw_value.GetType().Name -eq "__ComObject") { $com_values = @{} $properties = Get-Member -InputObject $raw_value -MemberType Property | % { $com_value = Get-PropertyValue -task_property $property -com $raw_value -property $_.Name $com_values.$($_.Name) = $com_value } return ,$com_values } switch ($property) { DaysOfWeek { $value_list = @() $map = @( @{ day = "sunday"; bitwise = 0x01 } @{ day = "monday"; bitwise = 0x02 } @{ day = "tuesday"; bitwise = 0x04 } @{ day = "wednesday"; bitwise = 0x08 } @{ day = "thursday"; bitwise = 0x10 } @{ day = "friday"; bitwise = 0x20 } @{ day = "saturday"; bitwise = 0x40 } ) foreach ($entry in $map) { $day = $entry.day $bitwise = $entry.bitwise if ($raw_value -band $bitwise) { $value_list += $day } } $value = $value_list -join "," break } DaysOfMonth { $value_list = @() $map = @( @{ day = "1"; bitwise = 0x01 } @{ day = "2"; bitwise = 0x02 } @{ day = "3"; bitwise = 0x04 } @{ day = "4"; bitwise = 0x08 } @{ day = "5"; bitwise = 0x10 } @{ day = "6"; bitwise = 0x20 } @{ day = "7"; bitwise = 0x40 } @{ day = "8"; bitwise = 0x80 } @{ day = "9"; bitwise = 0x100 } @{ day = "10"; bitwise = 0x200 } @{ day = "11"; bitwise = 0x400 } @{ day = "12"; bitwise = 0x800 } @{ day = "13"; bitwise = 0x1000 } @{ day = "14"; bitwise = 0x2000 } @{ day = "15"; bitwise = 0x4000 } @{ day = "16"; bitwise = 0x8000 } @{ day = "17"; bitwise = 0x10000 } @{ day = "18"; bitwise = 0x20000 } @{ day = "19"; bitwise = 0x40000 } @{ day = "20"; bitwise = 0x80000 } @{ day = "21"; bitwise = 0x100000 } @{ day = "22"; bitwise = 0x200000 } @{ day = "23"; bitwise = 0x400000 } @{ day = "24"; bitwise = 0x800000 } @{ day = "25"; bitwise = 0x1000000 } @{ day = "26"; bitwise = 0x2000000 } @{ day = "27"; bitwise = 0x4000000 } @{ day = "28"; bitwise = 0x8000000 } @{ day = "29"; bitwise = 0x10000000 } @{ day = "30"; bitwise = 0x20000000 } @{ day = "31"; bitwise = 0x40000000 } ) foreach ($entry in $map) { $day = $entry.day $bitwise = $entry.bitwise if ($raw_value -band $bitwise) { $value_list += $day } } $value = $value_list -join "," break } WeeksOfMonth { $value_list = @() $map = @( @{ week = "1"; bitwise = 0x01 } @{ week = "2"; bitwise = 0x02 } @{ week = "3"; bitwise = 0x04 } @{ week = "4"; bitwise = 0x04 } ) foreach ($entry in $map) { $week = $entry.week $bitwise = $entry.bitwise if ($raw_value -band $bitwise) { $value_list += $week } } $value = $value_list -join "," break } MonthsOfYear { $value_list = @() $map = @( @{ month = "january"; bitwise = 0x01 } @{ month = "february"; bitwise = 0x02 } @{ month = "march"; bitwise = 0x04 } @{ month = "april"; bitwise = 0x08 } @{ month = "may"; bitwise = 0x10 } @{ month = "june"; bitwise = 0x20 } @{ month = "july"; bitwise = 0x40 } @{ month = "august"; bitwise = 0x80 } @{ month = "september"; bitwise = 0x100 } @{ month = "october"; bitwise = 0x200 } @{ month = "november"; bitwise = 0x400 } @{ month = "december"; bitwise = 0x800 } ) foreach ($entry in $map) { $month = $entry.month $bitwise = $entry.bitwise if ($raw_value -band $bitwise) { $value_list += $month } } $value = $value_list -join "," break } Type { if ($task_property -eq "actions") { $value = [Enum]::ToObject([TASK_ACTION_TYPE], $raw_value).ToString() } elseif ($task_property -eq "triggers") { $value = [Enum]::ToObject([TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE2], $raw_value).ToString() } break } RunLevel { $value = [Enum]::ToObject([TASK_RUN_LEVEL], $raw_value).ToString() break } LogonType { $value = [Enum]::ToObject([TASK_LOGON_TYPE], $raw_value).ToString() break } UserId { $sid = Convert-ToSID -account_name $raw_value $value = Convert-FromSid -sid $sid } GroupId { $sid = Convert-ToSID -account_name $raw_value $value = Convert-FromSid -sid $sid } default { $value = $raw_value break } } return ,$value } $service = New-Object -ComObject Schedule.Service try { $service.Connect() } catch { Fail-Json -obj $result -message "failed to connect to the task scheduler service: $($_.Exception.Message)" } try { $task_folder = $service.GetFolder($path) $result.folder_exists = $true } catch { $result.folder_exists = $false if ($null -ne $name) { $result.task_exists = $false } Exit-Json -obj $result } $folder_tasks = $task_folder.GetTasks(1) $folder_task_names = @() $folder_task_count = 0 $task = $null for ($i = 1; $i -le $folder_tasks.Count; $i++) { $task_name = $folder_tasks.Item($i).Name $folder_task_names += $task_name $folder_task_count += 1 if ($name -ne $null -and $task_name -eq $name) { $task = $folder_tasks.Item($i) } } $result.folder_task_names = $folder_task_names $result.folder_task_count = $folder_task_count if ($name -ne $null) { if ($task -ne $null) { $result.task_exists = $true # task state $result.state = @{ last_run_time = (Get-Date $task.LastRunTime -Format s) last_task_result = $task.LastTaskResult next_run_time = (Get-Date $task.NextRunTime -Format s) number_of_missed_runs = $task.NumberOfMissedRuns status = [Enum]::ToObject([TASK_STATE], $task.State).ToString() } # task definition $task_definition = $task.Definition $ignored_properties = @("XmlText") $properties = @("principal", "registration_info", "settings") $collection_properties = @("actions", "triggers") foreach ($property in $properties) { $property_name = $property -replace "_" $result.$property = @{} $values = $task_definition.$property_name Get-Member -InputObject $values -MemberType Property | % { if ($_.Name -notin $ignored_properties) { $result.$property.$($_.Name) = (Get-PropertyValue -task_property $property -com $values -property $_.Name) } } } foreach ($property in $collection_properties) { $result.$property = @() $collection = $task_definition.$property $collection_count = $collection.Count for ($i = 1; $i -le $collection_count; $i++) { $item = $collection.Item($i) $item_info = @{} Get-Member -InputObject $item -MemberType Property | % { if ($_.Name -notin $ignored_properties) { $item_info.$($_.Name) = (Get-PropertyValue -task_property $property -com $item -property $_.Name) } } $result.$property += $item_info } } } else { $result.task_exists = $false } } $result = Convert-DictToSnakeCase -dict $result Exit-Json -obj $result