# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import base64 import json import os import random import re import stat import tempfile import time from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from ansible import constants as C from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleConnectionFailure, AnsibleActionSkip, AnsibleActionFail from ansible.executor.module_common import modify_module from ansible.module_utils.json_utils import _filter_non_json_lines from ansible.module_utils.six import binary_type, string_types, text_type, iteritems, with_metaclass from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import shlex_quote from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native, to_text from ansible.parsing.utils.jsonify import jsonify from ansible.release import __version__ from ansible.utils.unsafe_proxy import wrap_var from ansible.vars.clean import remove_internal_keys try: from __main__ import display except ImportError: from ansible.utils.display import Display display = Display() class ActionBase(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): ''' This class is the base class for all action plugins, and defines code common to all actions. The base class handles the connection by putting/getting files and executing commands based on the current action in use. ''' def __init__(self, task, connection, play_context, loader, templar, shared_loader_obj): self._task = task self._connection = connection self._play_context = play_context self._loader = loader self._templar = templar self._shared_loader_obj = shared_loader_obj # Backwards compat: self._display isn't really needed, just import the global display and use that. self._display = display self._cleanup_remote_tmp = False self._supports_check_mode = True self._supports_async = False @abstractmethod def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None): """ Action Plugins should implement this method to perform their tasks. Everything else in this base class is a helper method for the action plugin to do that. :kwarg tmp: Temporary directory. Sometimes an action plugin sets up a temporary directory and then calls another module. This parameter allows us to reuse the same directory for both. :kwarg task_vars: The variables (host vars, group vars, config vars, etc) associated with this task. :returns: dictionary of results from the module Implementors of action modules may find the following variables especially useful: * Module parameters. These are stored in self._task.args """ result = {} if self._task.async_val and not self._supports_async: raise AnsibleActionFail('async is not supported for this task.') elif self._play_context.check_mode and not self._supports_check_mode: raise AnsibleActionSkip('check mode is not supported for this task.') elif self._task.async_val and self._play_context.check_mode: raise AnsibleActionFail('check mode and async cannot be used on same task.') return result def _remote_file_exists(self, path): cmd = self._connection._shell.exists(path) result = self._low_level_execute_command(cmd=cmd, sudoable=True) if result['rc'] == 0: return True return False def _configure_module(self, module_name, module_args, task_vars=None): ''' Handles the loading and templating of the module code through the modify_module() function. ''' if task_vars is None: task_vars = dict() # Search module path(s) for named module. for mod_type in self._connection.module_implementation_preferences: # Check to determine if PowerShell modules are supported, and apply # some fixes (hacks) to module name + args. if mod_type == '.ps1': # win_stat, win_file, and win_copy are not just like their # python counterparts but they are compatible enough for our # internal usage if module_name in ('stat', 'file', 'copy') and self._task.action != module_name: module_name = 'win_%s' % module_name # Remove extra quotes surrounding path parameters before sending to module. if module_name in ('win_stat', 'win_file', 'win_copy', 'slurp') and module_args and hasattr(self._connection._shell, '_unquote'): for key in ('src', 'dest', 'path'): if key in module_args: module_args[key] = self._connection._shell._unquote(module_args[key]) module_path = self._shared_loader_obj.module_loader.find_plugin(module_name, mod_type) if module_path: break else: # This is a for-else: http://bit.ly/1ElPkyg # Use Windows version of ping module to check module paths when # using a connection that supports .ps1 suffixes. We check specifically # for win_ping here, otherwise the code would look for ping.ps1 if '.ps1' in self._connection.module_implementation_preferences: ping_module = 'win_ping' else: ping_module = 'ping' module_path2 = self._shared_loader_obj.module_loader.find_plugin(ping_module, self._connection.module_implementation_preferences) if module_path2 is not None: raise AnsibleError("The module %s was not found in configured module paths" % (module_name)) else: raise AnsibleError("The module %s was not found in configured module paths. " "Additionally, core modules are missing. If this is a checkout, " "run 'git pull --rebase' to correct this problem." % (module_name)) # insert shared code and arguments into the module final_environment = dict() self._compute_environment_string(final_environment) (module_data, module_style, module_shebang) = modify_module(module_name, module_path, module_args, task_vars=task_vars, templar=self._templar, module_compression=self._play_context.module_compression, async_timeout=self._task.async_val, become=self._play_context.become, become_method=self._play_context.become_method, become_user=self._play_context.become_user, become_password=self._play_context.become_pass, environment=final_environment) return (module_style, module_shebang, module_data, module_path) def _compute_environment_string(self, raw_environment_out=None): ''' Builds the environment string to be used when executing the remote task. ''' final_environment = dict() if self._task.environment is not None: environments = self._task.environment if not isinstance(environments, list): environments = [environments] # The order of environments matters to make sure we merge # in the parent's values first so those in the block then # task 'win' in precedence for environment in environments: if environment is None or len(environment) == 0: continue temp_environment = self._templar.template(environment) if not isinstance(temp_environment, dict): raise AnsibleError("environment must be a dictionary, received %s (%s)" % (temp_environment, type(temp_environment))) # very deliberately using update here instead of combine_vars, as # these environment settings should not need to merge sub-dicts final_environment.update(temp_environment) if len(final_environment) > 0: final_environment = self._templar.template(final_environment) if isinstance(raw_environment_out, dict): raw_environment_out.clear() raw_environment_out.update(final_environment) return self._connection._shell.env_prefix(**final_environment) def _early_needs_tmp_path(self): ''' Determines if a temp path should be created before the action is executed. ''' return getattr(self, 'TRANSFERS_FILES', False) def _is_pipelining_enabled(self, module_style, wrap_async=False): ''' Determines if we are required and can do pipelining ''' # any of these require a true for condition in [ self._connection.has_pipelining, self._play_context.pipelining or self._connection.always_pipeline_modules, # pipelining enabled for play or connection requires it (eg winrm) module_style == "new", # old style modules do not support pipelining not C.DEFAULT_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES, # user wants remote files not wrap_async or self._connection.always_pipeline_modules, # async does not normally support pipelining unless it does (eg winrm) self._play_context.become_method != 'su', # su does not work with pipelining, # FIXME: we might need to make become_method exclusion a configurable list ]: if not condition: return False return True def _make_tmp_path(self, remote_user=None): ''' Create and return a temporary path on a remote box. ''' if remote_user is None: remote_user = self._play_context.remote_user basefile = 'ansible-tmp-%s-%s' % (time.time(), random.randint(0, 2**48)) use_system_tmp = False if self._play_context.become and self._play_context.become_user not in ('root', remote_user): use_system_tmp = True tmp_mode = 0o700 tmpdir = self._remote_expand_user(self._play_context.remote_tmp_dir, sudoable=False) cmd = self._connection._shell.mkdtemp(basefile, use_system_tmp, tmp_mode, tmpdir) result = self._low_level_execute_command(cmd, sudoable=False) # error handling on this seems a little aggressive? if result['rc'] != 0: if result['rc'] == 5: output = 'Authentication failure.' elif result['rc'] == 255 and self._connection.transport in ('ssh',): if self._play_context.verbosity > 3: output = u'SSH encountered an unknown error. The output was:\n%s%s' % (result['stdout'], result['stderr']) else: output = (u'SSH encountered an unknown error during the connection. ' 'We recommend you re-run the command using -vvvv, which will enable SSH debugging output to help diagnose the issue') elif u'No space left on device' in result['stderr']: output = result['stderr'] else: output = ('Authentication or permission failure. ' 'In some cases, you may have been able to authenticate and did not have permissions on the target directory. ' 'Consider changing the remote temp path in ansible.cfg to a path rooted in "/tmp". ' 'Failed command was: %s, exited with result %d' % (cmd, result['rc'])) if 'stdout' in result and result['stdout'] != u'': output = output + u", stdout output: %s" % result['stdout'] if self._play_context.verbosity > 3 and 'stderr' in result and result['stderr'] != u'': output += u", stderr output: %s" % result['stderr'] raise AnsibleConnectionFailure(output) else: self._cleanup_remote_tmp = True try: stdout_parts = result['stdout'].strip().split('%s=' % basefile, 1) rc = self._connection._shell.join_path(stdout_parts[-1], u'').splitlines()[-1] except IndexError: # stdout was empty or just space, set to / to trigger error in next if rc = '/' # Catch failure conditions, files should never be # written to locations in /. if rc == '/': raise AnsibleError('failed to resolve remote temporary directory from %s: `%s` returned empty string' % (basefile, cmd)) return rc def _should_remove_tmp_path(self, tmp_path): '''Determine if temporary path should be deleted or kept by user request/config''' return tmp_path and self._cleanup_remote_tmp and not C.DEFAULT_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES and "-tmp-" in tmp_path def _remove_tmp_path(self, tmp_path): '''Remove a temporary path we created. ''' if self._should_remove_tmp_path(tmp_path): cmd = self._connection._shell.remove(tmp_path, recurse=True) # If we have gotten here we have a working ssh configuration. # If ssh breaks we could leave tmp directories out on the remote system. tmp_rm_res = self._low_level_execute_command(cmd, sudoable=False) tmp_rm_data = self._parse_returned_data(tmp_rm_res) if tmp_rm_data.get('rc', 0) != 0: display.warning('Error deleting remote temporary files (rc: %s, stderr: %s})' % (tmp_rm_res.get('rc'), tmp_rm_res.get('stderr', 'No error string available.'))) def _transfer_file(self, local_path, remote_path): self._connection.put_file(local_path, remote_path) return remote_path def _transfer_data(self, remote_path, data): ''' Copies the module data out to the temporary module path. ''' if isinstance(data, dict): data = jsonify(data) afd, afile = tempfile.mkstemp() afo = os.fdopen(afd, 'wb') try: data = to_bytes(data, errors='surrogate_or_strict') afo.write(data) except Exception as e: raise AnsibleError("failure writing module data to temporary file for transfer: %s" % to_native(e)) afo.flush() afo.close() try: self._transfer_file(afile, remote_path) finally: os.unlink(afile) return remote_path def _fixup_perms(self, remote_path, remote_user=None, execute=True, recursive=True): """ We need the files we upload to be readable (and sometimes executable) by the user being sudo'd to but we want to limit other people's access (because the files could contain passwords or other private information. Deprecated in favor of _fixup_perms2. Ansible code has been updated to use _fixup_perms2. This code is maintained to provide partial support for custom actions (non-recursive mode only). """ if remote_user is None: remote_user = self._play_context.remote_user display.deprecated('_fixup_perms is deprecated. Use _fixup_perms2 instead.', version='2.4', removed=False) if recursive: raise AnsibleError('_fixup_perms with recursive=True (the default) is no longer supported. ' + 'Use _fixup_perms2 if support for previous releases is not required. ' 'Otherwise use fixup_perms with recursive=False.') return self._fixup_perms2([remote_path], remote_user, execute) def _fixup_perms2(self, remote_paths, remote_user=None, execute=True): """ We need the files we upload to be readable (and sometimes executable) by the user being sudo'd to but we want to limit other people's access (because the files could contain passwords or other private information. We achieve this in one of these ways: * If no sudo is performed or the remote_user is sudo'ing to themselves, we don't have to change permissions. * If the remote_user sudo's to a privileged user (for instance, root), we don't have to change permissions * If the remote_user sudo's to an unprivileged user then we attempt to grant the unprivileged user access via file system acls. * If granting file system acls fails we try to change the owner of the file with chown which only works in case the remote_user is privileged or the remote systems allows chown calls by unprivileged users (e.g. HP-UX) * If the chown fails we can set the file to be world readable so that the second unprivileged user can read the file. Since this could allow other users to get access to private information we only do this ansible is configured with "allow_world_readable_tmpfiles" in the ansible.cfg """ if remote_user is None: remote_user = self._play_context.remote_user if self._connection._shell.SHELL_FAMILY == 'powershell': # This won't work on Powershell as-is, so we'll just completely skip until # we have a need for it, at which point we'll have to do something different. return remote_paths if self._play_context.become and self._play_context.become_user and self._play_context.become_user not in ('root', remote_user): # Unprivileged user that's different than the ssh user. Let's get # to work! # Try to use file system acls to make the files readable for sudo'd # user if execute: chmod_mode = 'rx' setfacl_mode = 'r-x' else: chmod_mode = 'rX' # NOTE: this form fails silently on freebsd. We currently # never call _fixup_perms2() with execute=False but if we # start to we'll have to fix this. setfacl_mode = 'r-X' res = self._remote_set_user_facl(remote_paths, self._play_context.become_user, setfacl_mode) if res['rc'] != 0: # File system acls failed; let's try to use chown next # Set executable bit first as on some systems an # unprivileged user can use chown if execute: res = self._remote_chmod(remote_paths, 'u+x') if res['rc'] != 0: raise AnsibleError('Failed to set file mode on remote temporary files (rc: {0}, err: {1})'.format(res['rc'], to_native(res['stderr']))) res = self._remote_chown(remote_paths, self._play_context.become_user) if res['rc'] != 0 and remote_user == 'root': # chown failed even if remove_user is root raise AnsibleError('Failed to change ownership of the temporary files Ansible needs to create despite connecting as root. ' 'Unprivileged become user would be unable to read the file.') elif res['rc'] != 0: if C.ALLOW_WORLD_READABLE_TMPFILES: # chown and fs acls failed -- do things this insecure # way only if the user opted in in the config file display.warning('Using world-readable permissions for temporary files Ansible needs to create when becoming an unprivileged user. ' 'This may be insecure. For information on securing this, see ' 'https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/become.html#becoming-an-unprivileged-user') res = self._remote_chmod(remote_paths, 'a+%s' % chmod_mode) if res['rc'] != 0: raise AnsibleError('Failed to set file mode on remote files (rc: {0}, err: {1})'.format(res['rc'], to_native(res['stderr']))) else: raise AnsibleError('Failed to set permissions on the temporary files Ansible needs to create when becoming an unprivileged user ' '(rc: %s, err: %s}). For information on working around this, see ' 'https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/become.html#becoming-an-unprivileged-user' % (res['rc'], to_native(res['stderr']))) elif execute: # Can't depend on the file being transferred with execute permissions. # Only need user perms because no become was used here res = self._remote_chmod(remote_paths, 'u+x') if res['rc'] != 0: raise AnsibleError('Failed to set execute bit on remote files (rc: {0}, err: {1})'.format(res['rc'], to_native(res['stderr']))) return remote_paths def _remote_chmod(self, paths, mode, sudoable=False): ''' Issue a remote chmod command ''' cmd = self._connection._shell.chmod(paths, mode) res = self._low_level_execute_command(cmd, sudoable=sudoable) return res def _remote_chown(self, paths, user, sudoable=False): ''' Issue a remote chown command ''' cmd = self._connection._shell.chown(paths, user) res = self._low_level_execute_command(cmd, sudoable=sudoable) return res def _remote_set_user_facl(self, paths, user, mode, sudoable=False): ''' Issue a remote call to setfacl ''' cmd = self._connection._shell.set_user_facl(paths, user, mode) res = self._low_level_execute_command(cmd, sudoable=sudoable) return res def _execute_remote_stat(self, path, all_vars, follow, tmp=None, checksum=True): ''' Get information from remote file. ''' module_args = dict( path=path, follow=follow, get_checksum=checksum, checksum_algo='sha1', ) mystat = self._execute_module(module_name='stat', module_args=module_args, task_vars=all_vars, tmp=tmp, delete_remote_tmp=(tmp is None), wrap_async=False) if mystat.get('failed'): msg = mystat.get('module_stderr') if not msg: msg = mystat.get('module_stdout') if not msg: msg = mystat.get('msg') raise AnsibleError('Failed to get information on remote file (%s): %s' % (path, msg)) if not mystat['stat']['exists']: # empty might be matched, 1 should never match, also backwards compatible mystat['stat']['checksum'] = '1' # happens sometimes when it is a dir and not on bsd if 'checksum' not in mystat['stat']: mystat['stat']['checksum'] = '' elif not isinstance(mystat['stat']['checksum'], string_types): raise AnsibleError("Invalid checksum returned by stat: expected a string type but got %s" % type(mystat['stat']['checksum'])) return mystat['stat'] def _remote_checksum(self, path, all_vars, follow=False): ''' Produces a remote checksum given a path, Returns a number 0-4 for specific errors instead of checksum, also ensures it is different 0 = unknown error 1 = file does not exist, this might not be an error 2 = permissions issue 3 = its a directory, not a file 4 = stat module failed, likely due to not finding python 5 = appropriate json module not found ''' x = "0" # unknown error has occurred try: remote_stat = self._execute_remote_stat(path, all_vars, follow=follow) if remote_stat['exists'] and remote_stat['isdir']: x = "3" # its a directory not a file else: x = remote_stat['checksum'] # if 1, file is missing except AnsibleError as e: errormsg = to_text(e) if errormsg.endswith(u'Permission denied'): x = "2" # cannot read file elif errormsg.endswith(u'MODULE FAILURE'): x = "4" # python not found or module uncaught exception elif 'json' in errormsg or 'simplejson' in errormsg: x = "5" # json or simplejson modules needed finally: return x # pylint: disable=lost-exception def _remote_expand_user(self, path, sudoable=True): ''' takes a remote path and performs tilde expansion on the remote host ''' if not path.startswith('~'): # FIXME: Windows paths may start with "~ instead of just ~ return path # FIXME: Can't use os.path.sep for Windows paths. split_path = path.split(os.path.sep, 1) expand_path = split_path[0] if sudoable and expand_path == '~' and self._play_context.become and self._play_context.become_user: expand_path = '~%s' % self._play_context.become_user cmd = self._connection._shell.expand_user(expand_path) data = self._low_level_execute_command(cmd, sudoable=False) try: initial_fragment = data['stdout'].strip().splitlines()[-1] except IndexError: initial_fragment = None if not initial_fragment: # Something went wrong trying to expand the path remotely. Return # the original string return path if len(split_path) > 1: return self._connection._shell.join_path(initial_fragment, *split_path[1:]) else: return initial_fragment def _strip_success_message(self, data): ''' Removes the BECOME-SUCCESS message from the data. ''' if data.strip().startswith('BECOME-SUCCESS-'): data = re.sub(r'^((\r)?\n)?BECOME-SUCCESS.*(\r)?\n', '', data) return data def _update_module_args(self, module_name, module_args, task_vars): # set check mode in the module arguments, if required if self._play_context.check_mode: if not self._supports_check_mode: raise AnsibleError("check mode is not supported for this operation") module_args['_ansible_check_mode'] = True else: module_args['_ansible_check_mode'] = False # set no log in the module arguments, if required module_args['_ansible_no_log'] = self._play_context.no_log or C.DEFAULT_NO_TARGET_SYSLOG # set debug in the module arguments, if required module_args['_ansible_debug'] = C.DEFAULT_DEBUG # let module know we are in diff mode module_args['_ansible_diff'] = self._play_context.diff # let module know our verbosity module_args['_ansible_verbosity'] = display.verbosity # give the module information about the ansible version module_args['_ansible_version'] = __version__ # give the module information about its name module_args['_ansible_module_name'] = module_name # set the syslog facility to be used in the module module_args['_ansible_syslog_facility'] = task_vars.get('ansible_syslog_facility', C.DEFAULT_SYSLOG_FACILITY) # let module know about filesystems that selinux treats specially module_args['_ansible_selinux_special_fs'] = C.DEFAULT_SELINUX_SPECIAL_FS # give the module the socket for persistent connections module_args['_ansible_socket'] = getattr(self._connection, 'socket_path') if not module_args['_ansible_socket']: module_args['_ansible_socket'] = task_vars.get('ansible_socket') # make sure all commands use the designated shell executable module_args['_ansible_shell_executable'] = self._play_context.executable def _update_connection_options(self, options, variables=None): ''' ensures connections have the appropriate information ''' update = {} if getattr(self.connection, 'glob_option_vars', False): # if the connection allows for it, pass any variables matching it. if variables is not None: for varname in variables: if varname.match('ansible_%s_' % self.connection._load_name): update[varname] = variables[varname] # always override existing with options update.update(options) self.connection.set_options(update) def _execute_module(self, module_name=None, module_args=None, tmp=None, task_vars=None, persist_files=False, delete_remote_tmp=True, wrap_async=False): ''' Transfer and run a module along with its arguments. ''' if task_vars is None: task_vars = dict() remote_module_path = None args_file_path = None remote_files = [] # if a module name was not specified for this execution, use the action from the task if module_name is None: module_name = self._task.action if module_args is None: module_args = self._task.args self._update_module_args(module_name, module_args, task_vars) # FUTURE: refactor this along with module build process to better encapsulate "smart wrapper" functionality (module_style, shebang, module_data, module_path) = self._configure_module(module_name=module_name, module_args=module_args, task_vars=task_vars) display.vvv("Using module file %s" % module_path) if not shebang and module_style != 'binary': raise AnsibleError("module (%s) is missing interpreter line" % module_name) if not self._is_pipelining_enabled(module_style, wrap_async): # we might need remote tmp dir if not tmp or 'tmp' not in tmp: tmp = self._make_tmp_path() remote_module_filename = self._connection._shell.get_remote_filename(module_path) remote_module_path = self._connection._shell.join_path(tmp, remote_module_filename) if module_style in ('old', 'non_native_want_json', 'binary'): # we'll also need a temp file to hold our module arguments args_file_path = self._connection._shell.join_path(tmp, 'args') if remote_module_path or module_style != 'new': display.debug("transferring module to remote %s" % remote_module_path) if module_style == 'binary': self._transfer_file(module_path, remote_module_path) else: self._transfer_data(remote_module_path, module_data) if module_style == 'old': # we need to dump the module args to a k=v string in a file on # the remote system, which can be read and parsed by the module args_data = "" for k, v in iteritems(module_args): args_data += '%s=%s ' % (k, shlex_quote(text_type(v))) self._transfer_data(args_file_path, args_data) elif module_style in ('non_native_want_json', 'binary'): self._transfer_data(args_file_path, json.dumps(module_args)) display.debug("done transferring module to remote") environment_string = self._compute_environment_string() if tmp and remote_module_path: remote_files = [tmp, remote_module_path] if args_file_path: remote_files.append(args_file_path) sudoable = True in_data = None cmd = "" if wrap_async and not self._connection.always_pipeline_modules: # configure, upload, and chmod the async_wrapper module (async_module_style, shebang, async_module_data, async_module_path) = self._configure_module(module_name='async_wrapper', module_args=dict(), task_vars=task_vars) async_module_remote_filename = self._connection._shell.get_remote_filename(async_module_path) remote_async_module_path = self._connection._shell.join_path(tmp, async_module_remote_filename) self._transfer_data(remote_async_module_path, async_module_data) remote_files.append(remote_async_module_path) async_limit = self._task.async_val async_jid = str(random.randint(0, 999999999999)) # call the interpreter for async_wrapper directly # this permits use of a script for an interpreter on non-Linux platforms # TODO: re-implement async_wrapper as a regular module to avoid this special case interpreter = shebang.replace('#!', '').strip() async_cmd = [interpreter, remote_async_module_path, async_jid, async_limit, remote_module_path] if environment_string: async_cmd.insert(0, environment_string) if args_file_path: async_cmd.append(args_file_path) else: # maintain a fixed number of positional parameters for async_wrapper async_cmd.append('_') if not self._should_remove_tmp_path(tmp): async_cmd.append("-preserve_tmp") cmd = " ".join(to_text(x) for x in async_cmd) else: if self._is_pipelining_enabled(module_style): in_data = module_data else: cmd = remote_module_path rm_tmp = None if self._should_remove_tmp_path(tmp) and not persist_files and delete_remote_tmp: if not self._play_context.become or self._play_context.become_user == 'root': # not sudoing or sudoing to root, so can cleanup files in the same step rm_tmp = tmp cmd = self._connection._shell.build_module_command(environment_string, shebang, cmd, arg_path=args_file_path, rm_tmp=rm_tmp).strip() # Fix permissions of the tmp path and tmp files. This should be called after all files have been transferred. if remote_files: # remove none/empty remote_files = [x for x in remote_files if x] self._fixup_perms2(remote_files, self._play_context.remote_user) # actually execute res = self._low_level_execute_command(cmd, sudoable=sudoable, in_data=in_data) # parse the main result data = self._parse_returned_data(res) # NOTE: INTERNAL KEYS ONLY ACCESSIBLE HERE # get internal info before cleaning tmpdir_delete = (not data.pop("_ansible_suppress_tmpdir_delete", False) and wrap_async) # remove internal keys remove_internal_keys(data) # cleanup tmp? if (self._play_context.become and self._play_context.become_user != 'root') and not persist_files and delete_remote_tmp or tmpdir_delete: self._remove_tmp_path(tmp) # FIXME: for backwards compat, figure out if still makes sense if wrap_async: data['changed'] = True # pre-split stdout/stderr into lines if needed if 'stdout' in data and 'stdout_lines' not in data: # if the value is 'False', a default won't catch it. txt = data.get('stdout', None) or u'' data['stdout_lines'] = txt.splitlines() if 'stderr' in data and 'stderr_lines' not in data: # if the value is 'False', a default won't catch it. txt = data.get('stderr', None) or u'' data['stderr_lines'] = txt.splitlines() display.debug("done with _execute_module (%s, %s)" % (module_name, module_args)) return data def _parse_returned_data(self, res): try: filtered_output, warnings = _filter_non_json_lines(res.get('stdout', u'')) for w in warnings: display.warning(w) data = json.loads(filtered_output) if 'ansible_facts' in data and isinstance(data['ansible_facts'], dict): data['ansible_facts'] = wrap_var(data['ansible_facts']) data['_ansible_parsed'] = True except ValueError: # not valid json, lets try to capture error data = dict(failed=True, _ansible_parsed=False) data['msg'] = "MODULE FAILURE" data['module_stdout'] = res.get('stdout', u'') if 'stderr' in res: data['module_stderr'] = res['stderr'] if res['stderr'].startswith(u'Traceback'): data['exception'] = res['stderr'] if 'rc' in res: data['rc'] = res['rc'] return data def _low_level_execute_command(self, cmd, sudoable=True, in_data=None, executable=None, encoding_errors='surrogate_then_replace', chdir=None): ''' This is the function which executes the low level shell command, which may be commands to create/remove directories for temporary files, or to run the module code or python directly when pipelining. :kwarg encoding_errors: If the value returned by the command isn't utf-8 then we have to figure out how to transform it to unicode. If the value is just going to be displayed to the user (or discarded) then the default of 'replace' is fine. If the data is used as a key or is going to be written back out to a file verbatim, then this won't work. May have to use some sort of replacement strategy (python3 could use surrogateescape) :kwarg chdir: cd into this directory before executing the command. ''' display.debug("_low_level_execute_command(): starting") # if not cmd: # # this can happen with powershell modules when there is no analog to a Windows command (like chmod) # display.debug("_low_level_execute_command(): no command, exiting") # return dict(stdout='', stderr='', rc=254) if chdir: display.debug("_low_level_execute_command(): changing cwd to %s for this command" % chdir) cmd = self._connection._shell.append_command('cd %s' % chdir, cmd) allow_same_user = C.BECOME_ALLOW_SAME_USER same_user = self._play_context.become_user == self._play_context.remote_user if sudoable and self._play_context.become and (allow_same_user or not same_user): display.debug("_low_level_execute_command(): using become for this command") if self._connection.transport != 'network_cli' and self._play_context.become_method != 'enable': cmd = self._play_context.make_become_cmd(cmd, executable=executable) if self._connection.allow_executable: if executable is None: executable = self._play_context.executable # mitigation for SSH race which can drop stdout (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/13876) # only applied for the default executable to avoid interfering with the raw action cmd = self._connection._shell.append_command(cmd, 'sleep 0') if executable: cmd = executable + ' -c ' + shlex_quote(cmd) display.debug("_low_level_execute_command(): executing: %s" % (cmd,)) # Change directory to basedir of task for command execution when connection is local if self._connection.transport == 'local': cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self._loader.get_basedir()) try: rc, stdout, stderr = self._connection.exec_command(cmd, in_data=in_data, sudoable=sudoable) finally: if self._connection.transport == 'local': os.chdir(cwd) # stdout and stderr may be either a file-like or a bytes object. # Convert either one to a text type if isinstance(stdout, binary_type): out = to_text(stdout, errors=encoding_errors) elif not isinstance(stdout, text_type): out = to_text(b''.join(stdout.readlines()), errors=encoding_errors) else: out = stdout if isinstance(stderr, binary_type): err = to_text(stderr, errors=encoding_errors) elif not isinstance(stderr, text_type): err = to_text(b''.join(stderr.readlines()), errors=encoding_errors) else: err = stderr if rc is None: rc = 0 # be sure to remove the BECOME-SUCCESS message now out = self._strip_success_message(out) display.debug(u"_low_level_execute_command() done: rc=%d, stdout=%s, stderr=%s" % (rc, out, err)) return dict(rc=rc, stdout=out, stdout_lines=out.splitlines(), stderr=err) def _get_diff_data(self, destination, source, task_vars, source_file=True): diff = {} display.debug("Going to peek to see if file has changed permissions") peek_result = self._execute_module(module_name='file', module_args=dict(path=destination, diff_peek=True), task_vars=task_vars, persist_files=True) if not peek_result.get('failed', False) or peek_result.get('rc', 0) == 0: if peek_result.get('state') == 'absent': diff['before'] = '' elif peek_result.get('appears_binary'): diff['dst_binary'] = 1 elif peek_result.get('size') and C.MAX_FILE_SIZE_FOR_DIFF > 0 and peek_result['size'] > C.MAX_FILE_SIZE_FOR_DIFF: diff['dst_larger'] = C.MAX_FILE_SIZE_FOR_DIFF else: display.debug("Slurping the file %s" % source) dest_result = self._execute_module(module_name='slurp', module_args=dict(path=destination), task_vars=task_vars, persist_files=True) if 'content' in dest_result: dest_contents = dest_result['content'] if dest_result['encoding'] == 'base64': dest_contents = base64.b64decode(dest_contents) else: raise AnsibleError("unknown encoding in content option, failed: %s" % dest_result) diff['before_header'] = destination diff['before'] = dest_contents if source_file: st = os.stat(source) if C.MAX_FILE_SIZE_FOR_DIFF > 0 and st[stat.ST_SIZE] > C.MAX_FILE_SIZE_FOR_DIFF: diff['src_larger'] = C.MAX_FILE_SIZE_FOR_DIFF else: display.debug("Reading local copy of the file %s" % source) try: with open(source, 'rb') as src: src_contents = src.read() except Exception as e: raise AnsibleError("Unexpected error while reading source (%s) for diff: %s " % (source, str(e))) if b"\x00" in src_contents: diff['src_binary'] = 1 else: diff['after_header'] = source diff['after'] = src_contents else: display.debug("source of file passed in") diff['after_header'] = 'dynamically generated' diff['after'] = source if self._play_context.no_log: if 'before' in diff: diff["before"] = "" if 'after' in diff: diff["after"] = " [[ Diff output has been hidden because 'no_log: true' was specified for this result ]]\n" return diff def _find_needle(self, dirname, needle): ''' find a needle in haystack of paths, optionally using 'dirname' as a subdir. This will build the ordered list of paths to search and pass them to dwim to get back the first existing file found. ''' # dwim already deals with playbook basedirs path_stack = self._task.get_search_path() # if missing it will return a file not found exception return self._loader.path_dwim_relative_stack(path_stack, dirname, needle)