# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2019, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) import \ ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.proxmox as proxmox_utils from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.modules import proxmox_backup from ansible_collections.community.general.tests.unit.plugins.modules.utils import ( AnsibleExitJson, AnsibleFailJson, set_module_args, ModuleTestCase) from ansible_collections.community.general.tests.unit.compat.mock import patch __metaclass__ = type import pytest proxmoxer = pytest.importorskip('proxmoxer') MINIMAL_PERMISSIONS = { '/sdn/zones': {'Datastore.AllocateSpace': 1, 'Datastore.Audit': 1}, '/nodes': {'Datastore.AllocateSpace': 1, 'Datastore.Audit': 1}, '/sdn': {'Datastore.AllocateSpace': 1, 'Datastore.Audit': 1}, '/vms': {'VM.Audit': 1, 'Sys.Audit': 1, 'Mapping.Audit': 1, 'VM.Backup': 1, 'Datastore.Audit': 1, 'SDN.Audit': 1, 'Pool.Audit': 1}, '/': {'Datastore.Audit': 1, 'Datastore.AllocateSpace': 1}, '/storage/local-zfs': {'Datastore.AllocateSpace': 1, 'Datastore.Audit': 1}, '/storage': {'Datastore.AllocateSpace': 1, 'Datastore.Audit': 1}, '/access': {'Datastore.AllocateSpace': 1, 'Datastore.Audit': 1}, '/vms/101': {'VM.Backup': 1, 'Mapping.Audit': 1, 'Datastore.AllocateSpace': 0, 'Sys.Audit': 1, 'VM.Audit': 1, 'SDN.Audit': 1, 'Pool.Audit': 1, 'Datastore.Audit': 1}, '/vms/100': {'VM.Backup': 1, 'Mapping.Audit': 1, 'Datastore.AllocateSpace': 0, 'Sys.Audit': 1, 'VM.Audit': 1, 'SDN.Audit': 1, 'Pool.Audit': 1, 'Datastore.Audit': 1}, '/pool': {'Datastore.Audit': 1, 'Datastore.AllocateSpace': 1}, } STORAGE = [{'type': 'pbs', 'username': 'test@pbs', 'datastore': 'Backup-Pool', 'server': '', 'shared': 1, 'fingerprint': '94:fd:ac:e7:d5:36:0e:11:5b:23:05:40:d2:a4:e1:8a:c1:52:41:01:07:28:c0:4d:c5:ee:df:7f:7c:03:ab:41', 'prune-backups': 'keep-all=1', 'storage': 'backup', 'content': 'backup', 'digest': 'ca46a68d7699de061c139d714892682ea7c9d681'}, {'nodes': 'node1,node2,node3', 'sparse': 1, 'type': 'zfspool', 'content': 'rootdir,images', 'digest': 'ca46a68d7699de061c139d714892682ea7c9d681', 'pool': 'rpool/data', 'storage': 'local-zfs'}] VMS = [{"diskwrite": 0, "vmid": 100, "node": "node1", "id": "lxc/100", "maxdisk": 10000, "template": 0, "disk": 10000, "uptime": 10000, "maxmem": 10000, "maxcpu": 1, "netin": 10000, "type": "lxc", "netout": 10000, "mem": 10000, "diskread": 10000, "cpu": 0.01, "name": "test-lxc", "status": "running"}, {"diskwrite": 0, "vmid": 101, "node": "node2", "id": "kvm/101", "maxdisk": 10000, "template": 0, "disk": 10000, "uptime": 10000, "maxmem": 10000, "maxcpu": 1, "netin": 10000, "type": "lxc", "netout": 10000, "mem": 10000, "diskread": 10000, "cpu": 0.01, "name": "test-kvm", "status": "running"} ] NODES = [{'level': '', 'type': 'node', 'node': 'node1', 'status': 'online', 'id': 'node/node1', 'cgroup-mode': 2}, {'status': 'online', 'id': 'node/node2', 'cgroup-mode': 2, 'level': '', 'node': 'node2', 'type': 'node'}, {'status': 'online', 'id': 'node/node3', 'cgroup-mode': 2, 'level': '', 'node': 'node3', 'type': 'node'}, ] TASK_API_RETURN = { "node1": { 'starttime': 1732606253, 'status': 'stopped', 'type': 'vzdump', 'pstart': 517463911, 'upid': 'UPID:node1:003F8C63:1E7FB79C:67449780:vzdump:100:root@pam:', 'id': '100', 'node': 'hypervisor', 'pid': 541669, 'user': 'test@pve', 'exitstatus': 'OK'}, "node2": { 'starttime': 1732606253, 'status': 'stopped', 'type': 'vzdump', 'pstart': 517463911, 'upid': 'UPID:node2:000029DD:1599528B:6108F068:vzdump:101:root@pam:', 'id': '101', 'node': 'hypervisor', 'pid': 541669, 'user': 'test@pve', 'exitstatus': 'OK'}, } VZDUMP_API_RETURN = { "node1": "UPID:node1:003F8C63:1E7FB79C:67449780:vzdump:100:root@pam:", "node2": "UPID:node2:000029DD:1599528B:6108F068:vzdump:101:root@pam:", "node3": "OK", } TASKLOG_API_RETURN = {"node1": [{'n': 1, 't': "INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 100 --mode snapshot --node node1 " "--notes-template '{{guestname}}' --storage backup --notification-mode auto"}, {'t': 'INFO: Starting Backup of VM 100 (lxc)', 'n': 2}, {'n': 23, 't': 'INFO: adding notes to backup'}, {'n': 24, 't': 'INFO: Finished Backup of VM 100 (00:00:03)'}, {'n': 25, 't': 'INFO: Backup finished at 2024-11-25 16:28:03'}, {'t': 'INFO: Backup job finished successfully', 'n': 26}, {'n': 27, 't': 'TASK OK'}], "node2": [{'n': 1, 't': "INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 101 --mode snapshot --node node2 " "--notes-template '{{guestname}}' --storage backup --notification-mode auto"}, {'t': 'INFO: Starting Backup of VM 101 (kvm)', 'n': 2}, {'n': 24, 't': 'INFO: Finished Backup of VM 100 (00:00:03)'}, {'n': 25, 't': 'INFO: Backup finished at 2024-11-25 16:28:03'}, {'t': 'INFO: Backup job finished successfully', 'n': 26}, {'n': 27, 't': 'TASK OK'}], } def return_valid_resources(resource_type, *args, **kwargs): if resource_type == "vm": return VMS if resource_type == "node": return NODES def return_vzdump_api(node, *args, **kwargs): if node in ("node1", "node2", "node3"): return VZDUMP_API_RETURN[node] def return_logs_api(node, *args, **kwargs): if node in ("node1", "node2"): return TASKLOG_API_RETURN[node] def return_task_status_api(node, *args, **kwargs): if node in ("node1", "node2"): return TASK_API_RETURN[node] class TestProxmoxBackup(ModuleTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestProxmoxBackup, self).setUp() proxmox_utils.HAS_PROXMOXER = True self.module = proxmox_backup self.connect_mock = patch( "ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.proxmox.ProxmoxAnsible._connect", ).start() self.mock_get_permissions = patch.object( proxmox_backup.ProxmoxBackupAnsible, "_get_permissions").start() self.mock_get_storages = patch.object(proxmox_utils.ProxmoxAnsible, "get_storages").start() self.mock_get_resources = patch.object( proxmox_backup.ProxmoxBackupAnsible, "_get_resources").start() self.mock_get_tasklog = patch.object( proxmox_backup.ProxmoxBackupAnsible, "_get_tasklog").start() self.mock_post_vzdump = patch.object( proxmox_backup.ProxmoxBackupAnsible, "_post_vzdump").start() self.mock_get_taskok = patch.object( proxmox_backup.ProxmoxBackupAnsible, "_get_taskok").start() self.mock_get_permissions.return_value = MINIMAL_PERMISSIONS self.mock_get_storages.return_value = STORAGE self.mock_get_resources.side_effect = return_valid_resources self.mock_get_taskok.side_effect = return_task_status_api self.mock_get_tasklog.side_effect = return_logs_api self.mock_post_vzdump.side_effect = return_vzdump_api def tearDown(self): self.connect_mock.stop() self.mock_get_permissions.stop() self.mock_get_storages.stop() self.mock_get_resources.stop() super(TestProxmoxBackup, self).tearDown() def test_proxmox_backup_without_argument(self): set_module_args({}) with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson): proxmox_backup.main() def test_create_backup_check_mode(self): set_module_args({"api_user": "root@pam", "api_password": "secret", "api_host": "", "mode": "all", "storage": "backup", "_ansible_check_mode": True, }) with pytest.raises(AnsibleExitJson) as exc_info: proxmox_backup.main() result = exc_info.value.args[0] assert result["changed"] is True assert result["msg"] == "Backups would be created" assert len(result["backups"]) == 0 assert self.mock_get_taskok.call_count == 0 assert self.mock_get_tasklog.call_count == 0 assert self.mock_post_vzdump.call_count == 0 def test_create_backup_all_mode(self): set_module_args({"api_user": "root@pam", "api_password": "secret", "api_host": "", "mode": "all", "storage": "backup", }) with pytest.raises(AnsibleExitJson) as exc_info: proxmox_backup.main() result = exc_info.value.args[0] assert result["changed"] is True assert result["msg"] == "Backup tasks created" for backup_result in result["backups"]: assert backup_result["upid"] in { VZDUMP_API_RETURN[key] for key in VZDUMP_API_RETURN} assert self.mock_get_taskok.call_count == 0 assert self.mock_post_vzdump.call_count == 3 def test_create_backup_include_mode_with_wait(self): set_module_args({"api_user": "root@pam", "api_password": "secret", "api_host": "", "mode": "include", "node": "node1", "storage": "backup", "vmids": [100], "wait": True }) with pytest.raises(AnsibleExitJson) as exc_info: proxmox_backup.main() result = exc_info.value.args[0] assert result["changed"] is True assert result["msg"] == "Backups succeeded" for backup_result in result["backups"]: assert backup_result["upid"] in { VZDUMP_API_RETURN[key] for key in VZDUMP_API_RETURN} assert self.mock_get_taskok.call_count == 1 assert self.mock_post_vzdump.call_count == 1 def test_fail_insufficient_permissions(self): set_module_args({"api_user": "root@pam", "api_password": "secret", "api_host": "", "mode": "include", "storage": "backup", "performance_tweaks": "max-workers=2", "vmids": [100], "wait": True }) with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc_info: proxmox_backup.main() result = exc_info.value.args[0] assert result["msg"] == "Insufficient permission: Performance_tweaks and bandwidth require 'Sys.Modify' permission for '/'" assert self.mock_get_taskok.call_count == 0 assert self.mock_post_vzdump.call_count == 0 def test_fail_missing_node(self): set_module_args({"api_user": "root@pam", "api_password": "secret", "api_host": "", "mode": "include", "storage": "backup", "node": "nonexistingnode", "vmids": [100], "wait": True }) with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc_info: proxmox_backup.main() result = exc_info.value.args[0] assert result["msg"] == "Node nonexistingnode was specified, but does not exist on the cluster" assert self.mock_get_taskok.call_count == 0 assert self.mock_post_vzdump.call_count == 0 def test_fail_missing_storage(self): set_module_args({"api_user": "root@pam", "api_password": "secret", "api_host": "", "mode": "include", "storage": "nonexistingstorage", "vmids": [100], "wait": True }) with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc_info: proxmox_backup.main() result = exc_info.value.args[0] assert result["msg"] == "Storage nonexistingstorage does not exist in the cluster" assert self.mock_get_taskok.call_count == 0 assert self.mock_post_vzdump.call_count == 0