# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This code is part of Ansible, but is an independent component # This particular file snippet, and this file snippet only, is BSD licensed. # Modules you write using this snippet, which is embedded dynamically by Ansible # still belong to the author of the module, and may assign their own license # to the complete work. # Copyright 2017 Dag Wieers # Copyright 2017 Swetha Chunduri (@schunduri) # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE # USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import json from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes # Optional, only used for XML payload try: import lxml.etree HAS_LXML_ETREE = True except ImportError: HAS_LXML_ETREE = False # Optional, only used for XML payload try: from xmljson import cobra HAS_XMLJSON_COBRA = True except ImportError: HAS_XMLJSON_COBRA = False aci_argument_spec = dict( hostname=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['host']), username=dict(type='str', default='admin', aliases=['user']), password=dict(type='str', required=True, no_log=True), protocol=dict(type='str', removed_in_version='2.6'), # Deprecated in v2.6 timeout=dict(type='int', default=30), use_proxy=dict(type='bool', default=True), use_ssl=dict(type='bool', default=True), validate_certs=dict(type='bool', default=True), ) URL_MAPPING = dict( action_rule=dict(aci_class='rtctrlAttrP', mo='attr-', key='name'), aep=dict(aci_class='infraAttEntityP', mo='infra/attentp-', key='name'), ap=dict(aci_class='fvAp', mo='ap-', key='name'), bd=dict(aci_class='fvBD', mo='BD-', key='name'), bd_l3out=dict(aci_class='fvRsBDToOut', mo='rsBDToOut-', key='tnL3extOutName'), contract=dict(aci_class='vzBrCP', mo='brc-', key='name'), entry=dict(aci_class='vzEntry', mo='e-', key='name'), epg=dict(aci_class='fvAEPg', mo='epg-', key='name'), epg_consumer=dict(aci_class='fvRsCons', mo='rscons-', key='tnVzBrCPName'), epg_domain=dict(aci_class='fvRsDomAtt', mo='rsdomAtt-', key='tDn'), epg_provider=dict(aci_class='fvRsProv', mo='rsprov-', key='tnVzBrCPName'), epr_policy=dict(aci_class='fvEpRetPol', mo='epRPol-', key='name'), export_policy=dict(aci_class='configExportP', mo='fabric/configexp-', key='name'), fc_policy=dict(aci_class='fcIfPol', mo='infra/fcIfPol-', key='name'), filter=dict(aci_class='vzFilter', mo='flt-', key='name'), gateway_addr=dict(aci_class='fvSubnet', mo='subnet-', key='ip'), import_policy=dict(aci_class='configImportP', mo='fabric/configimp-', key='name'), l2_policy=dict(aci_class='l2IfPol', mo='infra/l2IfP-', key='name'), lldp_policy=dict(aci_class='lldpIfPol', mo='infra/lldpIfP-', key='name'), mcp=dict(aci_class='mcpIfPol', mo='infra/mcpIfP-', key='name'), monitoring_policy=dict(aci_class='monEPGPol', mo='monepg-', key='name'), port_channel=dict(aci_class='lacpLagPol', mo='infra/lacplagp-', key='name'), port_security=dict(aci_class='l2PortSecurityPol', mo='infra/portsecurityP-', key='name'), rtp=dict(aci_class='l3extRouteTagPol', mo='rttag-', key='name'), snapshot=dict(aci_class='configSnapshot', mo='snapshot-', key='name'), snapshot_container=dict(aci_class='configSnapshotCont', mo='backupst/snapshots-', key='name'), subject=dict(aci_class='vzSubj', mo='subj-', key='name'), subject_filter=dict(aci_class='vzRsSubjFiltAtt', mo='rssubjFiltAtt-', key='tnVzFilterName'), taboo_contract=dict(aci_class='vzTaboo', mo='taboo-', key='name'), tenant=dict(aci_class='fvTenant', mo='tn-', key='name'), tenant_span_dst_grp=dict(aci_class='spanDestGrp', mo='destgrp-', key='name'), tenant_span_src_grp=dict(aci_class='spanSrcGrp', mo='srcgrp-', key='name'), tenant_span_src_grp_dst_grp=dict(aci_class='spanSpanLbl', mo='spanlbl-', key='name'), vrf=dict(aci_class='fvCtx', mo='ctx-', key='name'), ) def aci_response_error(result): ''' Set error information when found ''' result['error_code'] = 0 result['error_text'] = 'Success' # Handle possible APIC error information if result['totalCount'] != '0': try: result['error_code'] = result['imdata'][0]['error']['attributes']['code'] result['error_text'] = result['imdata'][0]['error']['attributes']['text'] except (KeyError, IndexError): pass def aci_response_json(result, rawoutput): ''' Handle APIC JSON response output ''' try: result.update(json.loads(rawoutput)) except Exception as e: # Expose RAW output for troubleshooting result.update(raw=rawoutput, error_code=-1, error_text="Unable to parse output as JSON, see 'raw' output. %s" % e) return # Handle possible APIC error information aci_response_error(result) def aci_response_xml(result, rawoutput): ''' Handle APIC XML response output ''' # NOTE: The XML-to-JSON conversion is using the "Cobra" convention try: xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(to_bytes(rawoutput)) xmldata = cobra.data(xml) except Exception as e: # Expose RAW output for troubleshooting result.update(raw=rawoutput, error_code=-1, error_text="Unable to parse output as XML, see 'raw' output. %s" % e) return # Reformat as ACI does for JSON API output try: result.update(imdata=xmldata['imdata']['children']) except KeyError: result['imdata'] = dict() result['totalCount'] = xmldata['imdata']['attributes']['totalCount'] # Handle possible APIC error information aci_response_error(result) class ACIModule(object): def __init__(self, module): self.module = module self.params = module.params self.result = dict(changed=False) self.headers = None self.login() def define_protocol(self): ''' Set protocol based on use_ssl parameter ''' # Set protocol for further use if self.params['protocol'] in ('http', 'https'): self.module.deprecate("Parameter 'protocol' is deprecated, please use 'use_ssl' instead.", '2.6') elif self.params['protocol'] is None: self.params['protocol'] = 'https' if self.params.get('use_ssl', True) else 'http' else: self.module.fail_json(msg="Parameter 'protocol' needs to be one of ( http, https )") def define_method(self): ''' Set method based on state parameter ''' # Handle deprecated method/action parameter if self.params['method']: # Deprecate only if state was a valid option (not for aci_rest) if 'state' in self.module.argument_spec: self.module.deprecate("Parameter 'method' or 'action' is deprecated, please use 'state' instead", '2.6') method_map = dict(delete='absent', get='query', post='present') self.params['state'] = method_map[self.params['method']] else: state_map = dict(absent='delete', present='post', query='get') self.params['method'] = state_map[self.params['state']] def login(self): ''' Log in to APIC ''' # Ensure protocol is set (only do this once) self.define_protocol() # Perform login request url = '%(protocol)s://%(hostname)s/api/aaaLogin.json' % self.params payload = {'aaaUser': {'attributes': {'name': self.params['username'], 'pwd': self.params['password']}}} resp, auth = fetch_url(self.module, url, data=json.dumps(payload), method='POST', timeout=self.params['timeout'], use_proxy=self.params['use_proxy']) # Handle APIC response if auth['status'] != 200: self.result['response'] = auth['msg'] self.result['status'] = auth['status'] try: # APIC error aci_response_json(self.result, auth['body']) self.module.fail_json(msg='Authentication failed: %(error_code)s %(error_text)s' % self.result, **self.result) except KeyError: # Connection error self.module.fail_json(msg='Authentication failed for %(url)s. %(msg)s' % auth) # Retain cookie for later use self.headers = dict(Cookie=resp.headers['Set-Cookie']) def request(self, path, payload=None): ''' Perform a REST request ''' # Ensure method is set (only do this once) self.define_method() # Perform request self.result['url'] = '%(protocol)s://%(hostname)s/' % self.params + path.lstrip('/') resp, info = fetch_url(self.module, self.result['url'], data=payload, headers=self.headers, method=self.params['method'].upper(), timeout=self.params['timeout'], use_proxy=self.params['use_proxy']) self.result['response'] = info['msg'] self.result['status'] = info['status'] # Handle APIC response if info['status'] != 200: try: # APIC error aci_response_json(self.result, info['body']) self.module.fail_json(msg='Request failed: %(error_code)s %(error_text)s' % self.result, **self.result) except KeyError: # Connection error self.module.fail_json(msg='Request failed for %(url)s. %(msg)s' % info) aci_response_json(self.result, resp.read()) def query(self, path): ''' Perform a query with no payload ''' url = '%(protocol)s://%(hostname)s/' % self.params + path.lstrip('/') resp, query = fetch_url(self.module, url, data=None, headers=self.headers, method='GET', timeout=self.params['timeout'], use_proxy=self.params['use_proxy']) # Handle APIC response if query['status'] != 200: self.result['response'] = query['msg'] self.result['status'] = query['status'] try: # APIC error aci_response_json(self.result, query['body']) self.module.fail_json(msg='Query failed: %(error_code)s %(error_text)s' % self.result, **self.result) except KeyError: # Connection error self.module.fail_json(msg='Query failed for %(url)s. %(msg)s' % query) query = json.loads(resp.read()) return json.dumps(query['imdata'], sort_keys=True, indent=2) + '\n' def request_diff(self, path, payload=None): ''' Perform a request, including a proper diff output ''' self.result['diff'] = dict() self.result['diff']['before'] = self.query(path) self.request(path, payload=payload) # TODO: Check if we can use the request output for the 'after' diff self.result['diff']['after'] = self.query(path) if self.result['diff']['before'] != self.result['diff']['after']: self.result['changed'] = True def construct_url(self, root_class, subclass_1=None, subclass_2=None, subclass_3=None, child_classes=None): """ This method is used to retrieve the appropriate URL path and filter_string to make the request to the APIC. :param root_class: Type str. The top-level class naming parameter per the modules (EX: tenant). :param sublass_1: Type str. The second-level class naming parameter per the modules (EX: bd). :param sublass_2: Type str. The third-level class naming parameter per the modules (EX: gateway). :param sublass_3: Type str. The fourth-level class naming parameter per the modules. :param child_classes: Type tuple. The list of child classes that the module supports along with the object. :return: The path and filter_string needed to build the full URL. """ if child_classes is None: child_includes = '' else: child_includes = ','.join(child_classes) child_includes = '&rsp-subtree=full&rsp-subtree-class=' + child_includes if subclass_3 is not None: path, filter_string = self._construct_url_4(root_class, subclass_1, subclass_2, subclass_3, child_includes) elif subclass_2 is not None: path, filter_string = self._construct_url_3(root_class, subclass_1, subclass_2, child_includes) elif subclass_1 is not None: path, filter_string = self._construct_url_2(root_class, subclass_1, child_includes) else: path, filter_string = self._construct_url_1(root_class, child_includes) self.result['url'] = '{}://{}/{}'.format(self.module.params['protocol'], self.module.params['hostname'], path) self.result['filter_string'] = filter_string def _construct_url_1(self, obj_class, child_includes): """ This method is used by get_url when the object is the top-level class. """ obj = self.module.params.get(obj_class) obj_dict = URL_MAPPING[obj_class] obj_class = obj_dict['aci_class'] obj_mo = obj_dict['mo'] # State is present or absent if self.module.params['state'] != 'query': path = 'api/mo/uni/{}[{}].json'.format(obj_mo, obj) filter_string = '?rsp-prop-include=config-only' + child_includes # Query for all objects of the module's class elif obj is None: path = 'api/class/{}.json'.format(obj_class) filter_string = '' # Query for a specific object in the module's class else: path = 'api/mo/uni/{}[{}].json'.format(obj_mo, obj) filter_string = '' # Append child_includes to filter_string if filter string is empty if child_includes is not None and filter_string == '': filter_string = child_includes.replace('&', '?', 1) return path, filter_string def _construct_url_2(self, parent_class, obj_class, child_includes): """ This method is used by get_url when the object is the second-level class. """ parent = self.module.params.get(parent_class) parent_dict = URL_MAPPING[parent_class] parent_class = parent_dict['aci_class'] parent_mo = parent_dict['mo'] obj = self.module.params.get(obj_class) obj_dict = URL_MAPPING[obj_class] obj_class = obj_dict['aci_class'] obj_mo = obj_dict['mo'] obj_key = obj_dict['key'] if not child_includes: self_child_includes = '?rsp-subtree=full&rsp-subtree-class=' + obj_class else: self_child_includes = child_includes.replace('&', '?', 1) + ',' + obj_class # State is present or absent if self.module.params['state'] != 'query': path = 'api/mo/uni/{}[{}]/{}[{}].json'.format(parent_mo, parent, obj_mo, obj) filter_string = '?rsp-prop-include=config-only' + child_includes # Query for all objects of the module's class elif obj is None and parent is None: path = 'api/class/{}.json'.format(obj_class) filter_string = '' # Queries when parent object is provided elif parent is not None: # Query for specific object in the module's class if obj is not None: path = 'api/mo/uni/{}[{}]/{}[{}].json'.format(parent_mo, parent, obj_mo, obj) filter_string = '' # Query for all object's of the module's class that belong to a specific parent object else: path = 'api/mo/uni/{}[{}].json'.format(parent_mo, parent) filter_string = self_child_includes # Query for all objects of the module's class that match the provided ID value else: path = 'api/class/{}.json'.format(obj_class) filter_string = '?query-target-filter=eq({}.{}, \"{}\")'.format(obj_class, obj_key, obj) + child_includes # Append child_includes to filter_string if filter string is empty if child_includes is not None and filter_string == '': filter_string = child_includes.replace('&', '?', 1) return path, filter_string def _construct_url_3(self, root_class, parent_class, obj_class, child_includes): """ This method is used by get_url when the object is the third-level class. """ root = self.module.params.get(root_class) root_dict = URL_MAPPING[root_class] root_class = root_dict['aci_class'] root_mo = root_dict['mo'] parent = self.module.params.get(parent_class) parent_dict = URL_MAPPING[parent_class] parent_class = parent_dict['aci_class'] parent_mo = parent_dict['mo'] parent_key = parent_dict['key'] obj = self.module.params.get(obj_class) obj_dict = URL_MAPPING[obj_class] obj_class = obj_dict['aci_class'] obj_mo = obj_dict['mo'] obj_key = obj_dict['key'] if not child_includes: self_child_includes = '&rsp-subtree=full&rsp-subtree-class=' + obj_class else: self_child_includes = '{},{}'.format(child_includes, obj_class) if not child_includes: parent_self_child_includes = '&rsp-subtree=full&rsp-subtree-class={},{}'.format(parent_class, obj_class) else: parent_self_child_includes = '{},{},{}'.format(child_includes, parent_class, obj_class) # State is ablsent or present if self.module.params['state'] != 'query': path = 'api/mo/uni/{}[{}]/{}[{}]/{}[{}].json'.format(root_mo, root, parent_mo, parent, obj_mo, obj) filter_string = '?rsp-prop-include=config-only' + child_includes # Query for all objects of the module's class elif obj is None and parent is None and root is None: path = 'api/class/{}.json'.format(obj_class) filter_string = '' # Queries when root object is provided elif root is not None: # Queries when parent object is provided if parent is not None: # Query for a specific object of the module's class if obj is not None: path = 'api/mo/uni/{}[{}]/{}[{}]/{}[{}].json'.format(root_mo, root, parent_mo, parent, obj_mo, obj) filter_string = '' # Query for all objects of the module's class that belong to a specific parent object else: path = 'api/mo/uni/{}[{}]/{}[{}].json'.format(root_mo, root, parent_mo, parent) filter_string = self_child_includes.replace('&', '?', 1) # Query for all objects of the module's class that match the provided ID value and belong to a specefic root object elif obj is not None: path = 'api/mo/uni/{}[{}].json'.format(root_mo, root) filter_string = '?rsp-subtree-filter=eq({}.{}, \"{}\"){}'.format(obj_class, obj_key, obj, self_child_includes) # Query for all objects of the module's class that belong to a specific root object else: path = 'api/mo/uni/{}[{}].json'.format(root_mo, root) filter_string = '?' + parent_self_child_includes # Queries when parent object is provided but root object is not provided elif parent is not None: # Query for all objects of the module's class that belong to any parent class # matching the provided ID values for both object and parent object if obj is not None: path = 'api/class/{}.json'.format(parent_class) filter_string = '?query-target-filter=eq({}.{}, \"{}\"){}&rsp-subtree-filter=eq({}.{}, \"{}\")'.format( parent_class, parent_key, parent, self_child_includes, obj_class, obj_key, obj) # Query for all objects of the module's class that belong to any parent class # matching the provided ID value for the parent object else: path = 'api/class/{}.json'.format(parent_class) filter_string = '?query-target-filter=eq({}.{}, \"{}\"){}'.format(parent_class, parent_key, parent, self_child_includes) # Query for all objects of the module's class matching the provided ID value of the object else: path = 'api/class/{}.json'.format(obj_class) filter_string = '?query-target-filter=eq({}.{}, \"{}\")'.format(obj_class, obj_key, obj) + child_includes # append child_includes to filter_string if filter string is empty if child_includes is not None and filter_string == '': filter_string = child_includes.replace('&', '?', 1) return path, filter_string def _construct_url_4(self, root_class, sec_class, parent_class, obj_class, child_includes): """ This method is used by get_url when the object is the third-level class. """ root = self.module.params.get(root_class) root_dict = URL_MAPPING[root_class] root_class = root_dict['aci_class'] root_mo = root_dict['mo'] sec = self.module.params.get(sec_class) sec_dict = URL_MAPPING[sec_class] sec_class = sec_dict['aci_class'] sec_mo = sec_dict['mo'] # sec_key = sec_dict['key'] parent = self.module.params.get(parent_class) parent_dict = URL_MAPPING[parent_class] parent_class = parent_dict['aci_class'] parent_mo = parent_dict['mo'] # parent_key = parent_dict['key'] obj = self.module.params.get(obj_class) obj_dict = URL_MAPPING[obj_class] obj_class = obj_dict['aci_class'] obj_mo = obj_dict['mo'] # obj_key = obj_dict['key'] # State is ablsent or present if self.module.params['state'] != 'query': path = 'api/mo/uni/{}[{}]/{}[{}]/{}[{}]/{}[{}].json'.format(root_mo, root, sec_mo, sec, parent_mo, parent, obj_mo, obj) filter_string = '?rsp-prop-include=config-only' + child_includes else: path = 'api/class/{}.json'.format(obj_class) filter_string = child_includes return path, filter_string def delete_config(self): """ This method is used to handle the logic when the modules state is equal to absent. The method only pushes a change if the object exists, and if check_mode is False. A successful change will mark the module as changed. """ self.result['proposed'] = {} if not self.result['existing']: return elif not self.module.check_mode: resp, info = fetch_url(self.module, self.result['url'], headers=self.headers, method='DELETE', timeout=self.params['timeout'], use_proxy=self.params['use_proxy']) self.result['response'] = info['msg'] self.result['status'] = info['status'] self.result['method'] = 'DELETE' # Handle APIC response if info['status'] == 200: self.result['changed'] = True aci_response_json(self.result, resp.read()) else: try: # APIC error aci_response_json(self.result, info['body']) self.module.fail_json(msg='Request failed: %(error_code)s %(error_text)s' % self.result, **self.result) except KeyError: # Connection error self.module.fail_json(msg='Request failed for %(url)s. %(msg)s' % info) else: self.result['changed'] = True self.result['method'] = 'DELETE' def get_diff(self, aci_class): """ This method is used to get the difference between the proposed and existing configurations. Each module should call the get_existing method before this method, and add the proposed config to the module results using the module's config parameters. The new config will added to the self.result dictionary. :param aci_class: Type str. This is the root dictionary key for the MO's configuration body, or the ACI class of the MO. """ proposed_config = self.result['proposed'][aci_class]['attributes'] if self.result['existing']: existing_config = self.result['existing'][0][aci_class]['attributes'] config = {} # values are strings, so any diff between proposed and existing can be a straight replace for key, value in proposed_config.items(): existing_field = existing_config.get(key) if value != existing_field: config[key] = value # add name back to config only if the configs do not match if config: # TODO: If URLs are built with the object's name, then we should be able to leave off adding the name back # config["name"] = proposed_config["name"] config = {aci_class: {'attributes': config}} # check for updates to child configs and update new config dictionary children = self.get_diff_children(aci_class) if children and config: config[aci_class].update({'children': children}) elif children: config = {aci_class: {'attributes': {}, 'children': children}} else: config = self.result['proposed'] self.result['config'] = config @staticmethod def get_diff_child(child_class, proposed_child, existing_child): """ This method is used to get the difference between a proposed and existing child configs. The get_nested_config() method should be used to return the proposed and existing config portions of child. :param child_class: Type str. The root class (dict key) for the child dictionary. :param proposed_child: Type dict. The config portion of the proposed child dictionary. :param existing_child: Type dict. The config portion of the existing child dictionary. :return: The child config with only values that are updated. If the proposed dictionary has no updates to make to what exists on the APIC, then None is returned. """ update_config = {child_class: {'attributes': {}}} for key, value in proposed_child.items(): if value != existing_child[key]: update_config[child_class]['attributes'][key] = value if not update_config[child_class]['attributes']: return None return update_config def get_diff_children(self, aci_class): """ This method is used to retrieve the updated child configs by comparing the proposed children configs agains the objects existing children configs. :param aci_class: Type str. This is the root dictionary key for the MO's configuration body, or the ACI class of the MO. :return: The list of updated child config dictionaries. None is returned if there are no changes to the child configurations. """ proposed_children = self.result['proposed'][aci_class].get('children') if proposed_children: child_updates = [] existing_children = self.result['existing'][0][aci_class].get('children', []) # Loop through proposed child configs and compare against existing child configuration for child in proposed_children: child_class, proposed_child, existing_child = self.get_nested_config(child, existing_children) if existing_child is None: child_update = child else: child_update = self.get_diff_child(child_class, proposed_child, existing_child) # Update list of updated child configs only if the child config is different than what exists if child_update: child_updates.append(child_update) else: return None return child_updates def get_existing(self): """ This method is used to get the existing object(s) based on the path specified in the module. Each module should build the URL so that if the object's name is supplied, then it will retrieve the configuration for that particular object, but if no name is supplied, then it will retrieve all MOs for the class. Following this method will ensure that this method can be used to supply the existing configuration when using the get_diff method. The response, status, and existing configuration will be added to the self.result dictionary. """ uri = self.result['url'] + self.result['filter_string'] resp, info = fetch_url(self.module, uri, headers=self.headers, method='GET', timeout=self.params['timeout'], use_proxy=self.params['use_proxy']) self.result['response'] = info['msg'] self.result['status'] = info['status'] self.result['method'] = 'GET' # Handle APIC response if info['status'] == 200: self.result['existing'] = json.loads(resp.read())['imdata'] else: try: # APIC error aci_response_json(self.result, info['body']) self.module.fail_json(msg='Request failed: %(error_code)s %(error_text)s' % self.result, **self.result) except KeyError: # Connection error self.module.fail_json(msg='Request failed for %(url)s. %(msg)s' % info) @staticmethod def get_nested_config(proposed_child, existing_children): """ This method is used for stiping off the outer layers of the child dictionaries so only the configuration key, value pairs are returned. :param proposed_child: Type dict. The dictionary that represents the child config. :param existing_children: Type list. The list of existing child config dictionaries. :return: The child's class as str (root config dict key), the child's proposed config dict, and the child's existing configuration dict. """ for key in proposed_child.keys(): child_class = key proposed_config = proposed_child[key]['attributes'] existing_config = None # get existing dictionary from the list of existing to use for comparison for child in existing_children: if child.get(child_class): existing_config = child[key]['attributes'] break return child_class, proposed_config, existing_config def payload(self, aci_class, class_config, child_configs=None): """ This method is used to dynamically build the proposed configuration dictionary from the config related parameters passed into the module. All values that were not passed values from the playbook task will be removed so as to not inadvertently change configurations. :param aci_class: Type str This is the root dictionary key for the MO's configuration body, or the ACI class of the MO. :param class_config: Type dict This is the configuration of the MO using the dictionary keys expected by the API :param child_configs: Type list This is a list of child dictionaries associated with the MOs config. The list should only include child objects that are used to associate two MOs together. Children that represent MOs should have their own module. """ proposed = dict((k, str(v)) for k, v in class_config.items() if v is not None) self.result['proposed'] = {aci_class: {'attributes': proposed}} # add child objects to proposed if child_configs: children = [] for child in child_configs: has_value = False for root_key in child.keys(): for final_keys, values in child[root_key]['attributes'].items(): if values is None: child[root_key]['attributes'].pop(final_keys) else: child[root_key]['attributes'][final_keys] = str(values) has_value = True if has_value: children.append(child) if children: self.result['proposed'][aci_class].update(dict(children=children)) def post_config(self): """ This method is used to handle the logic when the modules state is equal to present. The method only pushes a change if the object has differences than what exists on the APIC, and if check_mode is False. A successful change will mark the module as changed. """ if not self.result['config']: return elif not self.module.check_mode: resp, info = fetch_url(self.module, self.result['url'], data=json.dumps(self.result['config']), headers=self.headers, method='POST', timeout=self.params['timeout'], use_proxy=self.params['use_proxy']) self.result['response'] = info['msg'] self.result['status'] = info['status'] self.result['method'] = 'POST' # Handle APIC response if info['status'] == 200: self.result['changed'] = True aci_response_json(self.result, resp.read()) else: try: # APIC error aci_response_json(self.result, info['body']) self.module.fail_json(msg='Request failed: %(error_code)s %(error_text)s' % self.result, **self.result) except KeyError: # Connection error self.module.fail_json(msg='Request failed for %(url)s. %(msg)s' % info) else: self.result['changed'] = True self.result['method'] = 'POST'