#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2016, techbizdev # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: panos_security_rule short_description: Create security rule policy on PAN-OS devices or Panorama management console. description: - Security policies allow you to enforce rules and take action, and can be as general or specific as needed. The policy rules are compared against the incoming traffic in sequence, and because the first rule that matches the traffic is applied, the more specific rules must precede the more general ones. author: "Ivan Bojer (@ivanbojer), Robert Hagen (@rnh556)" version_added: "2.4" requirements: - pan-python can be obtained from PyPI U(https://pypi.org/project/pan-python/) - pandevice can be obtained from PyPI U(https://pypi.org/project/pandevice/) - xmltodict can be obtained from PyPI U(https://pypi.org/project/xmltodict/) notes: - Checkmode is not supported. - Panorama is supported. options: ip_address: description: - IP address (or hostname) of PAN-OS device being configured. required: true username: description: - Username credentials to use for auth unless I(api_key) is set. default: "admin" password: description: - Password credentials to use for auth unless I(api_key) is set. required: true api_key: description: - API key that can be used instead of I(username)/I(password) credentials. operation: description: - The action to be taken. Supported values are I(add)/I(update)/I(find)/I(delete). default: 'add' rule_name: description: - Name of the security rule. required: true rule_type: description: - Type of security rule (version 6.1 of PanOS and above). default: "universal" description: description: - Description for the security rule. tag_name: description: - Administrative tags that can be added to the rule. Note, tags must be already defined. source_zone: description: - List of source zones. default: "any" destination_zone: description: - List of destination zones. default: "any" source_ip: description: - List of source addresses. default: "any" source_user: description: - Use users to enforce policy for individual users or a group of users. default: "any" hip_profiles: description: > - If you are using GlobalProtect with host information profile (HIP) enabled, you can also base the policy on information collected by GlobalProtect. For example, the user access level can be determined HIP that notifies the firewall about the user's local configuration. default: "any" destination_ip: description: - List of destination addresses. default: "any" application: description: - List of applications. default: "any" service: description: - List of services. default: "application-default" log_start: description: - Whether to log at session start. type: bool log_end: description: - Whether to log at session end. default: true type: bool action: description: - Action to apply once rules maches. default: "allow" group_profile: description: > - Security profile group that is already defined in the system. This property supersedes antivirus, vulnerability, spyware, url_filtering, file_blocking, data_filtering, and wildfire_analysis properties. antivirus: description: - Name of the already defined antivirus profile. vulnerability: description: - Name of the already defined vulnerability profile. spyware: description: - Name of the already defined spyware profile. url_filtering: description: - Name of the already defined url_filtering profile. file_blocking: description: - Name of the already defined file_blocking profile. data_filtering: description: - Name of the already defined data_filtering profile. wildfire_analysis: description: - Name of the already defined wildfire_analysis profile. devicegroup: description: > - Device groups are used for the Panorama interaction with Firewall(s). The group must exists on Panorama. If device group is not define we assume that we are contacting Firewall. commit: description: - Commit configuration if changed. type: bool default: 'yes' ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: add an SSH inbound rule to devicegroup panos_security_rule: ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}' username: '{{ username }}' password: '{{ password }}' operation: 'add' rule_name: 'SSH permit' description: 'SSH rule test' tag_name: ['ProjectX'] source_zone: ['public'] destination_zone: ['private'] source_ip: ['any'] source_user: ['any'] destination_ip: [''] category: ['any'] application: ['ssh'] service: ['application-default'] hip_profiles: ['any'] action: 'allow' devicegroup: 'Cloud Edge' - name: add a rule to allow HTTP multimedia only from CDNs panos_security_rule: ip_address: '' username: 'admin' password: 'paloalto' operation: 'add' rule_name: 'HTTP Multimedia' description: 'Allow HTTP multimedia only to host at' source_zone: ['public'] destination_zone: ['private'] source_ip: ['any'] source_user: ['any'] destination_ip: [''] category: ['content-delivery-networks'] application: ['http-video', 'http-audio'] service: ['service-http', 'service-https'] hip_profiles: ['any'] action: 'allow' - name: add a more complex rule that uses security profiles panos_security_rule: ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}' username: '{{ username }}' password: '{{ password }}' operation: 'add' rule_name: 'Allow HTTP w profile' log_start: false log_end: true action: 'allow' antivirus: 'default' vulnerability: 'default' spyware: 'default' url_filtering: 'default' wildfire_analysis: 'default' - name: delete a devicegroup security rule panos_security_rule: ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}' api_key: '{{ api_key }}' operation: 'delete' rule_name: 'Allow telnet' devicegroup: 'DC Firewalls' - name: find a specific security rule panos_security_rule: ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}' password: '{{ password }}' operation: 'find' rule_name: 'Allow RDP to DCs' register: result - debug: msg='{{result.stdout_lines}}' ''' RETURN = ''' # Default return values ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native try: import pan.xapi from pan.xapi import PanXapiError import pandevice from pandevice import base from pandevice import firewall from pandevice import panorama from pandevice import objects from pandevice import policies import xmltodict import json HAS_LIB = True except ImportError: HAS_LIB = False def get_devicegroup(device, devicegroup): dg_list = device.refresh_devices() for group in dg_list: if isinstance(group, pandevice.panorama.DeviceGroup): if group.name == devicegroup: return group return False def get_rulebase(device, devicegroup): # Build the rulebase if isinstance(device, pandevice.firewall.Firewall): rulebase = pandevice.policies.Rulebase() device.add(rulebase) elif isinstance(device, pandevice.panorama.Panorama): dg = panorama.DeviceGroup(devicegroup) device.add(dg) rulebase = policies.PreRulebase() dg.add(rulebase) else: return False policies.SecurityRule.refreshall(rulebase) return rulebase def find_rule(rulebase, rule_name): # Search for the rule name rule = rulebase.find(rule_name) if rule: return rule else: return False def rule_is_match(propose_rule, current_rule): match_check = ['name', 'description', 'group_profile', 'antivirus', 'vulnerability', 'spyware', 'url_filtering', 'file_blocking', 'data_filtering', 'wildfire_analysis', 'type', 'action', 'tag', 'log_start', 'log_end'] list_check = ['tozone', 'fromzone', 'source', 'source_user', 'destination', 'category', 'application', 'service', 'hip_profiles'] for check in match_check: propose_check = getattr(propose_rule, check, None) current_check = getattr(current_rule, check, None) if propose_check != current_check: return False for check in list_check: propose_check = getattr(propose_rule, check, []) current_check = getattr(current_rule, check, []) if set(propose_check) != set(current_check): return False return True def create_security_rule(**kwargs): security_rule = policies.SecurityRule( name=kwargs['rule_name'], description=kwargs['description'], fromzone=kwargs['source_zone'], source=kwargs['source_ip'], source_user=kwargs['source_user'], hip_profiles=kwargs['hip_profiles'], tozone=kwargs['destination_zone'], destination=kwargs['destination_ip'], application=kwargs['application'], service=kwargs['service'], category=kwargs['category'], log_start=kwargs['log_start'], log_end=kwargs['log_end'], action=kwargs['action'], type=kwargs['rule_type'] ) if 'tag_name' in kwargs: security_rule.tag = kwargs['tag_name'] # profile settings if 'group_profile' in kwargs: security_rule.group = kwargs['group_profile'] else: if 'antivirus' in kwargs: security_rule.virus = kwargs['antivirus'] if 'vulnerability' in kwargs: security_rule.vulnerability = kwargs['vulnerability'] if 'spyware' in kwargs: security_rule.spyware = kwargs['spyware'] if 'url_filtering' in kwargs: security_rule.url_filtering = kwargs['url_filtering'] if 'file_blocking' in kwargs: security_rule.file_blocking = kwargs['file_blocking'] if 'data_filtering' in kwargs: security_rule.data_filtering = kwargs['data_filtering'] if 'wildfire_analysis' in kwargs: security_rule.wildfire_analysis = kwargs['wildfire_analysis'] return security_rule def add_rule(rulebase, sec_rule): if rulebase: rulebase.add(sec_rule) sec_rule.create() return True else: return False def update_rule(rulebase, nat_rule): if rulebase: rulebase.add(nat_rule) nat_rule.apply() return True else: return False def main(): argument_spec = dict( ip_address=dict(required=True), password=dict(no_log=True), username=dict(default='admin'), api_key=dict(no_log=True), operation=dict(default='add', choices=['add', 'update', 'delete', 'find']), rule_name=dict(required=True), description=dict(default=''), tag_name=dict(type='list'), destination_zone=dict(type='list', default=['any']), source_zone=dict(type='list', default=['any']), source_ip=dict(type='list', default=["any"]), source_user=dict(type='list', default=['any']), destination_ip=dict(type='list', default=["any"]), category=dict(type='list', default=['any']), application=dict(type='list', default=['any']), service=dict(type='list', default=['application-default']), hip_profiles=dict(type='list', default=['any']), group_profile=dict(), antivirus=dict(), vulnerability=dict(), spyware=dict(), url_filtering=dict(), file_blocking=dict(), data_filtering=dict(), wildfire_analysis=dict(), log_start=dict(type='bool', default=False), log_end=dict(type='bool', default=True), rule_type=dict(default='universal'), action=dict(default='allow'), devicegroup=dict(), commit=dict(type='bool', default=True) ) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=False, required_one_of=[['api_key', 'password']]) if not HAS_LIB: module.fail_json(msg='Missing required libraries.') ip_address = module.params["ip_address"] password = module.params["password"] username = module.params['username'] api_key = module.params['api_key'] operation = module.params['operation'] rule_name = module.params['rule_name'] description = module.params['description'] tag_name = module.params['tag_name'] source_zone = module.params['source_zone'] source_ip = module.params['source_ip'] source_user = module.params['source_user'] hip_profiles = module.params['hip_profiles'] destination_zone = module.params['destination_zone'] destination_ip = module.params['destination_ip'] application = module.params['application'] service = module.params['service'] category = module.params['category'] log_start = module.params['log_start'] log_end = module.params['log_end'] action = module.params['action'] group_profile = module.params['group_profile'] antivirus = module.params['antivirus'] vulnerability = module.params['vulnerability'] spyware = module.params['spyware'] url_filtering = module.params['url_filtering'] file_blocking = module.params['file_blocking'] data_filtering = module.params['data_filtering'] wildfire_analysis = module.params['wildfire_analysis'] rule_type = module.params['rule_type'] devicegroup = module.params['devicegroup'] commit = module.params['commit'] # Create the device with the appropriate pandevice type device = base.PanDevice.create_from_device(ip_address, username, password, api_key=api_key) # If Panorama, validate the devicegroup dev_group = None if devicegroup and isinstance(device, panorama.Panorama): dev_group = get_devicegroup(device, devicegroup) if dev_group: device.add(dev_group) else: module.fail_json(msg='\'%s\' device group not found in Panorama. Is the name correct?' % devicegroup) # Get the rulebase rulebase = get_rulebase(device, dev_group) # Which action shall we take on the object? if operation == "find": # Search for the object match = find_rule(rulebase, rule_name) # If found, format and return the result if match: match_dict = xmltodict.parse(match.element_str()) module.exit_json( stdout_lines=json.dumps(match_dict, indent=2), msg='Rule matched' ) else: module.fail_json(msg='Rule \'%s\' not found. Is the name correct?' % rule_name) elif operation == "delete": # Search for the object match = find_rule(rulebase, rule_name) # If found, delete it if match: try: if commit: match.delete() except PanXapiError as exc: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc)) module.exit_json(changed=True, msg='Rule \'%s\' successfully deleted' % rule_name) else: module.fail_json(msg='Rule \'%s\' not found. Is the name correct?' % rule_name) elif operation == "add": new_rule = create_security_rule( rule_name=rule_name, description=description, tag_name=tag_name, source_zone=source_zone, destination_zone=destination_zone, source_ip=source_ip, source_user=source_user, destination_ip=destination_ip, category=category, application=application, service=service, hip_profiles=hip_profiles, group_profile=group_profile, antivirus=antivirus, vulnerability=vulnerability, spyware=spyware, url_filtering=url_filtering, file_blocking=file_blocking, data_filtering=data_filtering, wildfire_analysis=wildfire_analysis, log_start=log_start, log_end=log_end, rule_type=rule_type, action=action ) # Search for the rule. Fail if found. match = find_rule(rulebase, rule_name) if match: if rule_is_match(match, new_rule): module.exit_json(changed=False, msg='Rule \'%s\' is already in place' % rule_name) else: module.fail_json(msg='Rule \'%s\' already exists. Use operation: \'update\' to change it.' % rule_name) else: try: changed = add_rule(rulebase, new_rule) if changed and commit: device.commit(sync=True) except PanXapiError as exc: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc)) module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg='Rule \'%s\' successfully added' % rule_name) elif operation == 'update': # Search for the rule. Update if found. match = find_rule(rulebase, rule_name) if match: try: new_rule = create_security_rule( rule_name=rule_name, description=description, tag_name=tag_name, source_zone=source_zone, destination_zone=destination_zone, source_ip=source_ip, source_user=source_user, destination_ip=destination_ip, category=category, application=application, service=service, hip_profiles=hip_profiles, group_profile=group_profile, antivirus=antivirus, vulnerability=vulnerability, spyware=spyware, url_filtering=url_filtering, file_blocking=file_blocking, data_filtering=data_filtering, wildfire_analysis=wildfire_analysis, log_start=log_start, log_end=log_end, rule_type=rule_type, action=action ) changed = update_rule(rulebase, new_rule) if changed and commit: device.commit(sync=True) except PanXapiError as exc: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc)) module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg='Rule \'%s\' successfully updated' % rule_name) else: module.fail_json(msg='Rule \'%s\' does not exist. Use operation: \'add\' to add it.' % rule_name) if __name__ == '__main__': main()