#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2016 Matt Davis, # Chris Houseknecht, # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.0', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'curated'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: azure_rm_virtualmachine version_added: "2.1" short_description: Manage Azure virtual machines. description: - Create, update, stop and start a virtual machine. Provide an existing storage account and network interface or allow the module to create these for you. If you choose not to provide a network interface, the resource group must contain a virtual network with at least one subnet. - Currently requires an image found in the Azure Marketplace. Use azure_rm_virtualmachineimage_facts module to discover the publisher, offer, sku and version of a particular image. options: resource_group: description: - Name of the resource group containing the virtual machine. required: true name: description: - Name of the virtual machine. required: true state: description: - Assert the state of the virtual machine. - State 'present' will check that the machine exists with the requested configuration. If the configuration of the existing machine does not match, the machine will be updated. Use options started, allocated and restarted to change the machine's power state. - State 'absent' will remove the virtual machine. default: present required: false choices: - absent - present started: description: - Use with state 'present' to start the machine. Set to false to have the machine be 'stopped'. default: true required: false allocated: description: - Toggle that controls if the machine is allocated/deallocated, only useful with state='present'. default: True required: false restarted: description: - Use with state 'present' to restart a running VM. default: false required: false location: description: - Valid Azure location. Defaults to location of the resource group. default: null required: false short_hostname: description: - Name assigned internally to the host. On a linux VM this is the name returned by the `hostname` command. When creating a virtual machine, short_hostname defaults to name. default: null required: false vm_size: description: - A valid Azure VM size value. For example, 'Standard_D4'. The list of choices varies depending on the subscription and location. Check your subscription for available choices. default: Standard_D1 required: false admin_username: description: - Admin username used to access the host after it is created. Required when creating a VM. default: null required: false admin_password: description: - Password for the admin username. Not required if the os_type is Linux and SSH password authentication is disabled by setting ssh_password_enabled to false. default: null required: false ssh_password_enabled: description: - When the os_type is Linux, setting ssh_password_enabled to false will disable SSH password authentication and require use of SSH keys. default: true required: false ssh_public_keys: description: - "For os_type Linux provide a list of SSH keys. Each item in the list should be a dictionary where the dictionary contains two keys: path and key_data. Set the path to the default location of the authorized_keys files. On an Enterprise Linux host, for example, the path will be /home//.ssh/authorized_keys. Set key_data to the actual value of the public key." default: null required: false image: description: - "A dictionary describing the Marketplace image used to build the VM. Will contain keys: publisher, offer, sku and version. NOTE: set image.version to 'latest' to get the most recent version of a given image." required: true storage_account_name: description: - Name of an existing storage account that supports creation of VHD blobs. If not specified for a new VM, a new storage account named 01 will be created using storage type 'Standard_LRS'. default: null required: false storage_container_name: description: - Name of the container to use within the storage account to store VHD blobs. If no name is specified a default container will created. default: vhds required: false storage_blob_name: description: - Name fo the storage blob used to hold the VM's OS disk image. If no name is provided, defaults to the VM name + '.vhd'. If you provide a name, it must end with '.vhd' aliases: - storage_blob default: null required: false os_disk_caching: description: - Type of OS disk caching. choices: - ReadOnly - ReadWrite default: ReadOnly aliases: - disk_caching required: false os_type: description: - Base type of operating system. choices: - Windows - Linux default: - Linux required: false public_ip_allocation_method: description: - If a public IP address is created when creating the VM (because a Network Interface was not provided), determines if the public IP address remains permanently associated with the Network Interface. If set to 'Dynamic' the public IP address may change any time the VM is rebooted or power cycled. choices: - Dynamic - Static default: - Static aliases: - public_ip_allocation required: false open_ports: description: - If a network interface is created when creating the VM, a security group will be created as well. For Linux hosts a rule will be added to the security group allowing inbound TCP connections to the default SSH port 22, and for Windows hosts ports 3389 and 5986 will be opened. Override the default open ports by providing a list of ports. default: null required: false network_interface_names: description: - List of existing network interface names to add to the VM. If a network interface name is not provided when the VM is created, a default network interface will be created. In order for the module to create a network interface, at least one Virtual Network with one Subnet must exist. default: null required: false virtual_network_name: description: - When creating a virtual machine, if a network interface name is not provided, one will be created. The new network interface will be assigned to the first virtual network found in the resource group. Use this parameter to provide a specific virtual network instead. aliases: - virtual_network default: null required: false subnet_name: description: - When creating a virtual machine, if a network interface name is not provided, one will be created. The new network interface will be assigned to the first subnet found in the virtual network. Use this parameter to provide a specific subnet instead. aliases: - virtual_network default: null required: false remove_on_absent: description: - When removing a VM using state 'absent', also remove associated resources - "It can be 'all' or a list with any of the following: ['network_interfaces', 'virtual_storage', 'public_ips']" - Any other input will be ignored default: ['all'] required: false extends_documentation_fragment: - azure - azure_tags author: - "Chris Houseknecht (@chouseknecht)" - "Matt Davis (@nitzmahone)" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Create VM with defaults azure_rm_virtualmachine: resource_group: Testing name: testvm10 admin_username: chouseknecht admin_password: image: offer: CentOS publisher: OpenLogic sku: '7.1' version: latest - name: Create a VM with exiting storage account and NIC azure_rm_virtualmachine: resource_group: Testing name: testvm002 vm_size: Standard_D4 storage_account: testaccount001 admin_username: adminUser ssh_public_keys: - path: /home/adminUser/.ssh/authorized_keys key_data: < insert yor ssh public key here... > network_interfaces: testvm001 image: offer: CentOS publisher: OpenLogic sku: '7.1' version: latest - name: Power Off azure_rm_virtualmachine: resource_group: Testing name: testvm002 started: no - name: Deallocate azure_rm_virtualmachine: resource_group: Testing name: testvm002 allocated: no - name: Power On azure_rm_virtualmachine: resource_group: name: testvm002 - name: Restart azure_rm_virtualmachine: resource_group: name: testvm002 restarted: yes - name: remove vm and all resources except public ips azure_rm_virtualmachine: resource_group: Testing name: testvm002 state: absent remove_on_absent: - network_interfaces - virtual_storage ''' RETURN = ''' powerstate: description: Indicates if the state is running, stopped, deallocated returned: always type: string example: running deleted_vhd_uris: description: List of deleted Virtual Hard Disk URIs. returned: 'on delete' type: list example: ["https://testvm104519.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/testvm10.vhd"] deleted_network_interfaces: description: List of deleted NICs. returned: 'on delete' type: list example: ["testvm1001"] deleted_public_ips: description: List of deleted public IP address names. returned: 'on delete' type: list example: ["testvm1001"] azure_vm: description: Facts about the current state of the object. Note that facts are not part of the registered output but available directly. returned: always type: complex example: { "properties": { "hardwareProfile": { "vmSize": "Standard_D1" }, "instanceView": { "disks": [ { "name": "testvm10.vhd", "statuses": [ { "code": "ProvisioningState/succeeded", "displayStatus": "Provisioning succeeded", "level": "Info", "time": "2016-03-30T07:11:16.187272Z" } ] } ], "statuses": [ { "code": "ProvisioningState/succeeded", "displayStatus": "Provisioning succeeded", "level": "Info", "time": "2016-03-30T20:33:38.946916Z" }, { "code": "PowerState/running", "displayStatus": "VM running", "level": "Info" } ], "vmAgent": { "extensionHandlers": [], "statuses": [ { "code": "ProvisioningState/succeeded", "displayStatus": "Ready", "level": "Info", "message": "GuestAgent is running and accepting new configurations.", "time": "2016-03-30T20:31:16.000Z" } ], "vmAgentVersion": "WALinuxAgent-2.0.16" } }, "networkProfile": { "networkInterfaces": [ { "id": "/subscriptions/XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/Testing/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/testvm10_NIC01", "name": "testvm10_NIC01", "properties": { "dnsSettings": { "appliedDnsServers": [], "dnsServers": [] }, "enableIPForwarding": false, "ipConfigurations": [ { "etag": 'W/"041c8c2a-d5dd-4cd7-8465-9125cfbe2cf8"', "id": "/subscriptions/XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/Testing/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/testvm10_NIC01/ipConfigurations/default", "name": "default", "properties": { "privateIPAddress": "", "privateIPAllocationMethod": "Dynamic", "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "publicIPAddress": { "id": "/subscriptions/XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/Testing/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/testvm10_PIP01", "name": "testvm10_PIP01", "properties": { "idleTimeoutInMinutes": 4, "ipAddress": "", "ipConfiguration": { "id": "/subscriptions/XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/Testing/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/testvm10_NIC01/ipConfigurations/default" }, "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "publicIPAllocationMethod": "Static", "resourceGuid": "3447d987-ca0d-4eca-818b-5dddc0625b42" } } } } ], "macAddress": "00-0D-3A-12-AA-14", "primary": true, "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "resourceGuid": "10979e12-ccf9-42ee-9f6d-ff2cc63b3844", "virtualMachine": { "id": "/subscriptions/XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/Testing/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/testvm10" } } } ] }, "osProfile": { "adminUsername": "chouseknecht", "computerName": "test10", "linuxConfiguration": { "disablePasswordAuthentication": false }, "secrets": [] }, "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "storageProfile": { "dataDisks": [], "imageReference": { "offer": "CentOS", "publisher": "OpenLogic", "sku": "7.1", "version": "7.1.20160308" }, "osDisk": { "caching": "ReadOnly", "createOption": "fromImage", "name": "testvm10.vhd", "osType": "Linux", "vhd": { "uri": "https://testvm10sa1.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/testvm10.vhd" } } } }, "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" } ''' import random from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.azure_rm_common import * try: from msrestazure.azure_exceptions import CloudError from azure.mgmt.compute.models import NetworkInterfaceReference, \ VirtualMachine, HardwareProfile, \ StorageProfile, OSProfile, OSDisk, \ VirtualHardDisk, ImageReference,\ NetworkProfile, LinuxConfiguration, \ SshConfiguration, SshPublicKey from azure.mgmt.network.models import PublicIPAddress, NetworkSecurityGroup, NetworkInterface, \ NetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration, Subnet from azure.mgmt.storage.models import StorageAccountCreateParameters, Sku from azure.mgmt.storage.models.storage_management_client_enums import Kind, SkuTier, SkuName from azure.mgmt.compute.models.compute_management_client_enums import VirtualMachineSizeTypes, DiskCreateOptionTypes except ImportError: # This is handled in azure_rm_common pass AZURE_OBJECT_CLASS = 'VirtualMachine' AZURE_ENUM_MODULES = ['azure.mgmt.compute.models.compute_management_client_enums'] def extract_names_from_blob_uri(blob_uri): # HACK: ditch this once python SDK supports get by URI m = re.match('^https://(?P[^\.]+)\.blob\.core\.windows\.net/' '(?P[^/]+)/(?P.+)$', blob_uri) if not m: raise Exception("unable to parse blob uri '%s'" % blob_uri) extracted_names = m.groupdict() return extracted_names class AzureRMVirtualMachine(AzureRMModuleBase): def __init__(self): self.module_arg_spec = dict( resource_group=dict(type='str', required=True), name=dict(type='str', required=True), state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present', type='str'), location=dict(type='str'), short_hostname=dict(type='str'), vm_size=dict(type='str', choices=[], default='Standard_D1'), admin_username=dict(type='str'), admin_password=dict(type='str', no_log=True), ssh_password_enabled=dict(type='bool', default=True), ssh_public_keys=dict(type='list'), image=dict(type='dict'), storage_account_name=dict(type='str', aliases=['storage_account']), storage_container_name=dict(type='str', aliases=['storage_container'], default='vhds'), storage_blob_name=dict(type='str', aliases=['storage_blob']), os_disk_caching=dict(type='str', aliases=['disk_caching'], choices=['ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite'], default='ReadOnly'), os_type=dict(type='str', choices=['Linux', 'Windows'], default='Linux'), public_ip_allocation_method=dict(type='str', choices=['Dynamic', 'Static'], default='Static', aliases=['public_ip_allocation']), open_ports=dict(type='list'), network_interface_names=dict(type='list', aliases=['network_interfaces']), remove_on_absent=dict(type='list', default=['all']), virtual_network_name=dict(type='str', aliases=['virtual_network']), subnet_name=dict(type='str', aliases=['subnet']), allocated=dict(type='bool', default=True), restarted=dict(type='bool', default=False), started=dict(type='bool', default=True), ) for key in VirtualMachineSizeTypes: self.module_arg_spec['vm_size']['choices'].append(getattr(key, 'value')) self.resource_group = None self.name = None self.state = None self.location = None self.short_hostname = None self.vm_size = None self.admin_username = None self.admin_password = None self.ssh_password_enabled = None self.ssh_public_keys = None self.image = None self.storage_account_name = None self.storage_container_name = None self.storage_blob_name = None self.os_type = None self.os_disk_caching = None self.network_interface_names = None self.remove_on_absent = set() self.tags = None self.force = None self.public_ip_allocation_method = None self.open_ports = None self.virtual_network_name = None self.subnet_name = None self.allocated = None self.restarted = None self.started = None self.differences = None self.results = dict( changed=False, actions=[], powerstate_change=None, ansible_facts=dict(azure_vm=None) ) super(AzureRMVirtualMachine, self).__init__(derived_arg_spec=self.module_arg_spec, supports_check_mode=True) def exec_module(self, **kwargs): for key in self.module_arg_spec.keys() + ['tags']: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) # make sure options are lower case self.remove_on_absent = set([resource.lower() for resource in self.remove_on_absent]) changed = False powerstate_change = None results = dict() vm = None network_interfaces = [] requested_vhd_uri = None disable_ssh_password = None vm_dict = None resource_group = self.get_resource_group(self.resource_group) if not self.location: # Set default location self.location = resource_group.location if self.state == 'present': # Verify parameters and resolve any defaults if self.vm_size and not self.vm_size_is_valid(): self.fail("Parameter error: vm_size {0} is not valid for your subscription and location.".format( self.vm_size )) if self.network_interface_names: for name in self.network_interface_names: nic = self.get_network_interface(name) network_interfaces.append(nic.id) if self.ssh_public_keys: msg = "Parameter error: expecting ssh_public_keys to be a list of type dict where " \ "each dict contains keys: path, key_data." for key in self.ssh_public_keys: if not isinstance(key, dict): self.fail(msg) if not key.get('path') or not key.get('key_data'): self.fail(msg) if self.image: if not self.image.get('publisher') or not self.image.get('offer') or not self.image.get('sku') \ or not self.image.get('version'): self.error("parameter error: expecting image to contain publisher, offer, sku and version keys.") image_version = self.get_image_version() if self.image['version'] == 'latest': self.image['version'] = image_version.name self.log("Using image version {0}".format(self.image['version'])) if not self.storage_blob_name: self.storage_blob_name = self.name + '.vhd' if self.storage_account_name: self.get_storage_account(self.storage_account_name) requested_vhd_uri = 'https://{0}.blob.core.windows.net/{1}/{2}'.format(self.storage_account_name, self.storage_container_name, self.storage_blob_name) disable_ssh_password = not self.ssh_password_enabled try: self.log("Fetching virtual machine {0}".format(self.name)) vm = self.compute_client.virtual_machines.get(self.resource_group, self.name, expand='instanceview') self.check_provisioning_state(vm, self.state) vm_dict = self.serialize_vm(vm) if self.state == 'present': differences = [] current_nics = [] results = vm_dict # Try to determine if the VM needs to be updated if self.network_interface_names: for nic in vm_dict['properties']['networkProfile']['networkInterfaces']: current_nics.append(nic['id']) if set(current_nics) != set(network_interfaces): self.log('CHANGED: virtual machine {0} - network interfaces are different.'.format(self.name)) differences.append('Network Interfaces') updated_nics = [dict(id=id) for id in network_interfaces] vm_dict['properties']['networkProfile']['networkInterfaces'] = updated_nics changed = True if self.os_disk_caching and \ self.os_disk_caching != vm_dict['properties']['storageProfile']['osDisk']['caching']: self.log('CHANGED: virtual machine {0} - OS disk caching'.format(self.name)) differences.append('OS Disk caching') changed = True vm_dict['properties']['storageProfile']['osDisk']['caching'] = self.os_disk_caching update_tags, vm_dict['tags'] = self.update_tags(vm_dict.get('tags', dict())) if update_tags: differences.append('Tags') changed = True if self.short_hostname and self.short_hostname != vm_dict['properties']['osProfile']['computerName']: self.log('CHANGED: virtual machine {0} - short hostname'.format(self.name)) differences.append('Short Hostname') changed = True vm_dict['properties']['osProfile']['computerName'] = self.short_hostname if self.started and vm_dict['powerstate'] != 'running': self.log("CHANGED: virtual machine {0} not running and requested state 'running'".format(self.name)) changed = True powerstate_change = 'poweron' elif self.state == 'present' and vm_dict['powerstate'] == 'running' and self.restarted: self.log("CHANGED: virtual machine {0} {1} and requested state 'restarted'" .format(self.name, vm_dict['powerstate'])) changed = True powerstate_change = 'restarted' elif self.state == 'present' and not self.allocated and vm_dict['powerstate'] != 'deallocated': self.log("CHANGED: virtual machine {0} {1} and requested state 'deallocated'" .format(self.name, vm_dict['powerstate'])) changed = True powerstate_change = 'deallocated' elif not self.started and vm_dict['powerstate'] == 'running': self.log("CHANGED: virtual machine {0} running and requested state 'stopped'".format(self.name)) changed = True powerstate_change = 'poweroff' self.differences = differences elif self.state == 'absent': self.log("CHANGED: virtual machine {0} exists and requested state is 'absent'".format(self.name)) results = dict() changed = True except CloudError: self.log('Virtual machine {0} does not exist'.format(self.name)) if self.state == 'present': self.log("CHANGED: virtual machine does not exist but state is present." \ .format(self.name)) changed = True self.results['changed'] = changed self.results['ansible_facts']['azure_vm'] = results self.results['powerstate_change'] = powerstate_change if self.check_mode: return self.results if changed: if self.state == 'present': if not vm: # Create the VM self.log("Create virtual machine {0}".format(self.name)) self.results['actions'].append('Created VM {0}'.format(self.name)) # Validate parameters if not self.admin_username: self.fail("Parameter error: admin_username required when creating a virtual machine.") if self.os_type == 'Linux': if disable_ssh_password and not self.ssh_public_keys: self.fail("Parameter error: ssh_public_keys required when disabling SSH password.") if not self.image: self.fail("Parameter error: an image is required when creating a virtual machine.") # Get defaults if not self.network_interface_names: default_nic = self.create_default_nic() self.log("network interface:") self.log(self.serialize_obj(default_nic, 'NetworkInterface'), pretty_print=True) network_interfaces = [default_nic.id] if not self.storage_account_name: storage_account = self.create_default_storage_account() self.log("storage account:") self.log(self.serialize_obj(storage_account, 'StorageAccount'), pretty_print=True) requested_vhd_uri = 'https://{0}.blob.core.windows.net/{1}/{2}'.format( storage_account.name, self.storage_container_name, self.storage_blob_name) if not self.short_hostname: self.short_hostname = self.name nics = [NetworkInterfaceReference(id=id) for id in network_interfaces] vhd = VirtualHardDisk(uri=requested_vhd_uri) vm_resource = VirtualMachine( self.location, tags=self.tags, os_profile=OSProfile( admin_username=self.admin_username, computer_name=self.short_hostname, ), hardware_profile=HardwareProfile( vm_size=self.vm_size ), storage_profile=StorageProfile( os_disk=OSDisk( self.storage_blob_name, vhd, DiskCreateOptionTypes.from_image, caching=self.os_disk_caching, ), image_reference=ImageReference( publisher=self.image['publisher'], offer=self.image['offer'], sku=self.image['sku'], version=self.image['version'], ), ), network_profile=NetworkProfile( network_interfaces=nics ), ) if self.admin_password: vm_resource.os_profile.admin_password = self.admin_password if self.os_type == 'Linux': vm_resource.os_profile.linux_configuration = LinuxConfiguration( disable_password_authentication=disable_ssh_password ) if self.ssh_public_keys: ssh_config = SshConfiguration() ssh_config.public_keys = \ [SshPublicKey(path=key['path'], key_data=key['key_data']) for key in self.ssh_public_keys] vm_resource.os_profile.linux_configuration.ssh = ssh_config self.log("Create virtual machine with parameters:") self.create_or_update_vm(vm_resource) elif self.differences and len(self.differences) > 0: # Update the VM based on detected config differences self.log("Update virtual machine {0}".format(self.name)) self.results['actions'].append('Updated VM {0}'.format(self.name)) nics = [NetworkInterfaceReference(id=interface['id']) for interface in vm_dict['properties']['networkProfile']['networkInterfaces']] vhd = VirtualHardDisk(uri=vm_dict['properties']['storageProfile']['osDisk']['vhd']['uri']) vm_resource = VirtualMachine( vm_dict['location'], vm_id=vm_dict['properties']['vmId'], os_profile=OSProfile( admin_username=vm_dict['properties']['osProfile']['adminUsername'], computer_name=vm_dict['properties']['osProfile']['computerName'] ), hardware_profile=HardwareProfile( vm_size=vm_dict['properties']['hardwareProfile']['vmSize'] ), storage_profile=StorageProfile( os_disk=OSDisk( vm_dict['properties']['storageProfile']['osDisk']['name'], vhd, vm_dict['properties']['storageProfile']['osDisk']['createOption'], os_type=vm_dict['properties']['storageProfile']['osDisk']['osType'], caching=vm_dict['properties']['storageProfile']['osDisk']['caching'] ), image_reference=ImageReference( publisher=vm_dict['properties']['storageProfile']['imageReference']['publisher'], offer=vm_dict['properties']['storageProfile']['imageReference']['offer'], sku=vm_dict['properties']['storageProfile']['imageReference']['sku'], version=vm_dict['properties']['storageProfile']['imageReference']['version'] ), ), network_profile=NetworkProfile( network_interfaces=nics ), ) if vm_dict.get('tags'): vm_resource.tags = vm_dict['tags'] # Add admin password, if one provided if vm_dict['properties']['osProfile'].get('adminPassword'): vm_resource.os_profile.admin_password = vm_dict['properties']['osProfile']['adminPassword'] # Add linux configuration, if applicable linux_config = vm_dict['properties']['osProfile'].get('linuxConfiguration') if linux_config: ssh_config = linux_config.get('ssh', None) vm_resource.os_profile.linux_configuration = LinuxConfiguration( disable_password_authentication=linux_config.get('disablePasswordAuthentication', False) ) if ssh_config: public_keys = ssh_config.get('publicKeys') if public_keys: vm_resource.os_profile.linux_configuration.ssh = SshConfiguration(public_keys=[]) for key in public_keys: vm_resource.os_profile.linux_configuration.ssh.public_keys.append( SshPublicKey(path=key['path'], key_data=key['keyData']) ) self.log("Update virtual machine with parameters:") self.create_or_update_vm(vm_resource) # Make sure we leave the machine in requested power state if powerstate_change == 'poweron' and \ self.results['ansible_facts']['azure_vm']['powerstate'] != 'running': # Attempt to power on the machine self.power_on_vm() elif powerstate_change == 'poweroff' and \ self.results['ansible_facts']['azure_vm']['powerstate'] == 'running': # Attempt to power off the machine self.power_off_vm() elif powerstate_change == 'restarted': self.restart_vm() elif powerstate_change == 'deallocated': self.deallocate_vm() self.results['ansible_facts']['azure_vm'] = self.serialize_vm(self.get_vm()) elif self.state == 'absent': # delete the VM self.log("Delete virtual machine {0}".format(self.name)) self.results['ansible_facts']['azure_vm'] = None self.delete_vm(vm) # until we sort out how we want to do this globally del self.results['actions'] return self.results def get_vm(self): ''' Get the VM with expanded instanceView :return: VirtualMachine object ''' try: vm = self.compute_client.virtual_machines.get(self.resource_group, self.name, expand='instanceview') return vm except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error getting virtual machine (0) - {1}".format(self.name, str(exc))) def serialize_vm(self, vm): ''' Convert a VirtualMachine object to dict. :param vm: VirtualMachine object :return: dict ''' result = self.serialize_obj(vm, AZURE_OBJECT_CLASS, enum_modules=AZURE_ENUM_MODULES) result['id'] = vm.id result['name'] = vm.name result['type'] = vm.type result['location'] = vm.location result['tags'] = vm.tags result['powerstate'] = dict() if vm.instance_view: result['powerstate'] = next((s.code.replace('PowerState/', '') for s in vm.instance_view.statuses if s.code.startswith('PowerState')), None) # Expand network interfaces to include config properties for interface in vm.network_profile.network_interfaces: int_dict = azure_id_to_dict(interface.id) nic = self.get_network_interface(int_dict['networkInterfaces']) for interface_dict in result['properties']['networkProfile']['networkInterfaces']: if interface_dict['id'] == interface.id: nic_dict = self.serialize_obj(nic, 'NetworkInterface') interface_dict['name'] = int_dict['networkInterfaces'] interface_dict['properties'] = nic_dict['properties'] # Expand public IPs to include config properties for interface in result['properties']['networkProfile']['networkInterfaces']: for config in interface['properties']['ipConfigurations']: if config['properties'].get('publicIPAddress'): pipid_dict = azure_id_to_dict(config['properties']['publicIPAddress']['id']) try: pip = self.network_client.public_ip_addresses.get(self.resource_group, pipid_dict['publicIPAddresses']) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error fetching public ip {0} - {1}".format(pipid_dict['publicIPAddresses'], str(exc))) pip_dict = self.serialize_obj(pip, 'PublicIPAddress') config['properties']['publicIPAddress']['name'] = pipid_dict['publicIPAddresses'] config['properties']['publicIPAddress']['properties'] = pip_dict['properties'] self.log(result, pretty_print=True) if self.state != 'absent' and not result['powerstate']: self.fail("Failed to determine PowerState of virtual machine {0}".format(self.name)) return result def power_off_vm(self): self.log("Powered off virtual machine {0}".format(self.name)) self.results['actions'].append("Powered off virtual machine {0}".format(self.name)) try: poller = self.compute_client.virtual_machines.power_off(self.resource_group, self.name) self.get_poller_result(poller) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error powering off virtual machine {0} - {1}".format(self.name, str(exc))) return True def power_on_vm(self): self.results['actions'].append("Powered on virtual machine {0}".format(self.name)) self.log("Power on virtual machine {0}".format(self.name)) try: poller = self.compute_client.virtual_machines.start(self.resource_group, self.name) self.get_poller_result(poller) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error powering on virtual machine {0} - {1}".format(self.name, str(exc))) return True def restart_vm(self): self.results['actions'].append("Restarted virtual machine {0}".format(self.name)) self.log("Restart virtual machine {0}".format(self.name)) try: poller = self.compute_client.virtual_machines.restart(self.resource_group, self.name) self.get_poller_result(poller) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error restarting virtual machine {0} - {1}".format(self.name, str(exc))) return True def deallocate_vm(self): self.results['actions'].append("Deallocated virtual machine {0}".format(self.name)) self.log("Deallocate virtual machine {0}".format(self.name)) try: poller = self.compute_client.virtual_machines.deallocate(self.resource_group, self.name) self.get_poller_result(poller) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error deallocating virtual machine {0} - {1}".format(self.name, str(exc))) return True def delete_vm(self, vm): vhd_uris = [] nic_names = [] pip_names = [] if self.remove_on_absent.intersection(set(['all','virtual_storage'])): # store the attached vhd info so we can nuke it after the VM is gone self.log('Storing VHD URI for deletion') vhd_uris.append(vm.storage_profile.os_disk.vhd.uri) self.log("VHD URIs to delete: {0}".format(', '.join(vhd_uris))) self.results['deleted_vhd_uris'] = vhd_uris if self.remove_on_absent.intersection(set(['all','network_interfaces'])): # store the attached nic info so we can nuke them after the VM is gone self.log('Storing NIC names for deletion.') for interface in vm.network_profile.network_interfaces: id_dict = azure_id_to_dict(interface.id) nic_names.append(id_dict['networkInterfaces']) self.log('NIC names to delete {0}'.format(', '.join(nic_names))) self.results['deleted_network_interfaces'] = nic_names if self.remove_on_absent.intersection(set(['all','public_ips'])): # also store each nic's attached public IPs and delete after the NIC is gone for name in nic_names: nic = self.get_network_interface(name) for ipc in nic.ip_configurations: if ipc.public_ip_address: pip_dict = azure_id_to_dict(ipc.public_ip_address.id) pip_names.append(pip_dict['publicIPAddresses']) self.log('Public IPs to delete are {0}'.format(', '.join(pip_names))) self.results['deleted_public_ips'] = pip_names self.log("Deleting virtual machine {0}".format(self.name)) self.results['actions'].append("Deleted virtual machine {0}".format(self.name)) try: poller = self.compute_client.virtual_machines.delete(self.resource_group, self.name) # wait for the poller to finish self.get_poller_result(poller) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error deleting virtual machine {0} - {1}".format(self.name, str(exc))) # TODO: parallelize nic, vhd, and public ip deletions with begin_deleting # TODO: best-effort to keep deleting other linked resources if we encounter an error if self.remove_on_absent.intersection(set(['all','virtual_storage'])): self.log('Deleting virtual storage') self.delete_vm_storage(vhd_uris) if self.remove_on_absent.intersection(set(['all','network_interfaces'])): self.log('Deleting network interfaces') for name in nic_names: self.delete_nic(name) if self.remove_on_absent.intersection(set(['all','public_ips'])): self.log('Deleting public IPs') for name in pip_names: self.delete_pip(name) return True def get_network_interface(self, name): try: nic = self.network_client.network_interfaces.get(self.resource_group, name) return nic except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error fetching network interface {0} - {1}".format(name, str(exc))) def delete_nic(self, name): self.log("Deleting network interface {0}".format(name)) self.results['actions'].append("Deleted network interface {0}".format(name)) try: poller = self.network_client.network_interfaces.delete(self.resource_group, name) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error deleting network interface {0} - {1}".format(name, str(exc))) self.get_poller_result(poller) # Delete doesn't return anything. If we get this far, assume success return True def delete_pip(self, name): self.results['actions'].append("Deleted public IP {0}".format(name)) try: poller = self.network_client.public_ip_addresses.delete(self.resource_group, name) self.get_poller_result(poller) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error deleting {0} - {1}".format(name, str(exc))) # Delete returns nada. If we get here, assume that all is well. return True def delete_vm_storage(self, vhd_uris): for uri in vhd_uris: self.log("Extracting info from blob uri '{0}'".format(uri)) try: blob_parts = extract_names_from_blob_uri(uri) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error parsing blob URI {0}".format(str(exc))) storage_account_name = blob_parts['accountname'] container_name = blob_parts['containername'] blob_name = blob_parts['blobname'] blob_client = self.get_blob_client(self.resource_group, storage_account_name) self.log("Delete blob {0}:{1}".format(container_name, blob_name)) self.results['actions'].append("Deleted blob {0}:{1}".format(container_name, blob_name)) try: blob_client.delete_blob(container_name, blob_name) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error deleting blob {0}:{1} - {2}".format(container_name, blob_name, str(exc))) def get_image_version(self): try: versions = self.compute_client.virtual_machine_images.list(self.location, self.image['publisher'], self.image['offer'], self.image['sku']) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error fetching image {0} {1} {2} - {4}".format(self.image['publisher'], self.image['offer'], self.image['sku'], str(exc))) if versions and len(versions) > 0: if self.image['version'] == 'latest': return versions[len(versions) - 1] for version in versions: if version.name == self.image['version']: return version self.fail("Error could not find image {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(self.image['publisher'], self.image['offer'], self.image['sku'], self.image['version'])) def get_storage_account(self, name): try: account = self.storage_client.storage_accounts.get_properties(self.resource_group, name) return account except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error fetching storage account {0} - {1}".format(self.storage_account_name, str(exc))) def create_or_update_vm(self, params): try: poller = self.compute_client.virtual_machines.create_or_update(self.resource_group, self.name, params) self.get_poller_result(poller) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error creating or updating virtual machine {0} - {1}".format(self.name, str(exc))) def vm_size_is_valid(self): ''' Validate self.vm_size against the list of virtual machine sizes available for the account and location. :return: boolean ''' try: sizes = self.compute_client.virtual_machine_sizes.list(self.location) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error retrieving available machine sizes - {0}".format(str(exc))) for size in sizes: if size.name == self.vm_size: return True return False def create_default_storage_account(self): ''' Create a default storage account XXXX, where XXXX is a random number. If XXXX exists, use it. Otherwise, create one. :return: storage account object ''' account = None valid_name = False # Attempt to find a valid storage account name storage_account_name_base = self.name[:20].lower() for i in range(0, 5): rand = random.randrange(1000, 9999) storage_account_name = storage_account_name_base + str(rand) if self.check_storage_account_name(storage_account_name): valid_name = True break if not valid_name: self.fail("Failed to create a unique storage account name for {0}. Try using a different VM name." .format(self.name)) try: account = self.storage_client.storage_accounts.get_properties(self.resource_group, storage_account_name) except CloudError: pass if account: self.log("Storage account {0} found.".format(storage_account_name)) self.check_provisioning_state(account) return account sku = Sku(SkuName.standard_lrs) Sku.tier = SkuTier.standard kind = Kind.storage parameters = StorageAccountCreateParameters(sku, kind, self.location) self.log("Creating storage account {0} in location {1}".format(storage_account_name, self.location)) self.results['actions'].append("Created storage account {0}".format(storage_account_name)) try: poller = self.storage_client.storage_accounts.create(self.resource_group, storage_account_name, parameters) self.get_poller_result(poller) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Failed to create storage account: {0} - {1}".format(storage_account_name, str(exc))) return self.get_storage_account(storage_account_name) def check_storage_account_name(self, name): self.log("Checking storage account name availability for {0}".format(name)) try: response = self.storage_client.storage_accounts.check_name_availability(name) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error checking storage account name availability for {0} - {1}".format(name, str(exc))) return response.name_available def create_default_nic(self): ''' Create a default Network Interface 01. Requires an existing virtual network with one subnet. If NIC 01 exists, use it. Otherwise, create one. :return: NIC object ''' network_interface_name = self.name + '01' nic = None self.log("Create default NIC {0}".format(network_interface_name)) self.log("Check to see if NIC {0} exists".format(network_interface_name)) try: nic = self.network_client.network_interfaces.get(self.resource_group, network_interface_name) except CloudError: pass if nic: self.log("NIC {0} found.".format(network_interface_name)) self.check_provisioning_state(nic) return nic self.log("NIC {0} does not exist.".format(network_interface_name)) if self.virtual_network_name: try: self.network_client.virtual_networks.list(self.resource_group, self.virtual_network_name) virtual_network_name = self.virtual_network_name except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error: fetching virtual network {0} - {1}".format(self.virtual_network_name, str(exc))) else: # Find a virtual network no_vnets_msg = "Error: unable to find virtual network in resource group {0}. A virtual network " \ "with at least one subnet must exist in order to create a NIC for the virtual " \ "machine.".format(self.resource_group) virtual_network_name = None try: vnets = self.network_client.virtual_networks.list(self.resource_group) except CloudError: self.log('cloud error!') self.fail(no_vnets_msg) for vnet in vnets: virtual_network_name = vnet.name self.log('vnet name: {0}'.format(vnet.name)) break if not virtual_network_name: self.fail(no_vnets_msg) if self.subnet_name: try: subnet = self.network_client.subnets.get(self.resource_group, virtual_network_name) subnet_id = subnet.id except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error: fetching subnet {0} - {1}".format(self.subnet_name, str(exc))) else: no_subnets_msg = "Error: unable to find a subnet in virtual network {0}. A virtual network " \ "with at least one subnet must exist in order to create a NIC for the virtual " \ "machine.".format(virtual_network_name) subnet_id = None try: subnets = self.network_client.subnets.list(self.resource_group, virtual_network_name) except CloudError: self.fail(no_subnets_msg) for subnet in subnets: subnet_id = subnet.id self.log('subnet id: {0}'.format(subnet_id)) break if not subnet_id: self.fail(no_subnets_msg) self.results['actions'].append('Created default public IP {0}'.format(self.name + '01')) pip = self.create_default_pip(self.resource_group, self.location, self.name, self.public_ip_allocation_method) self.results['actions'].append('Created default security group {0}'.format(self.name + '01')) group = self.create_default_securitygroup(self.resource_group, self.location, self.name, self.os_type, self.open_ports) parameters = NetworkInterface( location=self.location, ip_configurations=[ NetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration( private_ip_allocation_method='Dynamic', ) ] ) parameters.ip_configurations[0].subnet = Subnet(id=subnet_id) parameters.ip_configurations[0].name = 'default' parameters.network_security_group = NetworkSecurityGroup(id=group.id, location=group.location, resource_guid=group.resource_guid) parameters.ip_configurations[0].public_ip_address = PublicIPAddress(id=pip.id, location=pip.location, resource_guid=pip.resource_guid) self.log("Creating NIC {0}".format(network_interface_name)) self.log(self.serialize_obj(parameters, 'NetworkInterface'), pretty_print=True) self.results['actions'].append("Created NIC {0}".format(network_interface_name)) try: poller = self.network_client.network_interfaces.create_or_update(self.resource_group, network_interface_name, parameters) new_nic = self.get_poller_result(poller) except Exception as exc: self.fail("Error creating network interface {0} - {1}".format(network_interface_name, str(exc))) return new_nic def main(): AzureRMVirtualMachine() if __name__ == '__main__': main()