#!powershell # This file is part of Ansible # Copyright: (c) 2017, Red Hat, Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy Set-StrictMode -Version 2 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $ConfirmPreference = "None" $log_path = $null Function Write-DebugLog { Param( [string]$msg ) $DebugPreference = "Continue" $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" $date_str = Get-Date -Format u $msg = "$date_str $msg" Write-Debug $msg if($log_path) { Add-Content $log_path $msg } } $required_features = @("AD-Domain-Services","RSAT-ADDS") Function Get-MissingFeatures { Write-DebugLog "Checking for missing Windows features..." $features = @(Get-WindowsFeature $required_features) If($features.Count -ne $required_features.Count) { Throw "One or more Windows features required for a domain controller are unavailable" } $missing_features = @($features | Where-Object InstallState -ne Installed) return ,$missing_features # no, the comma's not a typo- allows us to return an empty array } Function Ensure-FeatureInstallation { # ensure RSAT-ADDS and AD-Domain-Services features are installed Write-DebugLog "Ensuring required Windows features are installed..." $feature_result = Install-WindowsFeature $required_features If(-not $feature_result.Success) { Exit-Json -message ("Error installing AD-Domain-Services and RSAT-ADDS features: {0}" -f ($feature_result | Out-String)) } } # return the domain we're a DC for, or null if not a DC Function Get-DomainControllerDomain { Write-DebugLog "Checking for domain controller role and domain name" $sys_cim = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem $is_dc = $sys_cim.DomainRole -in (4,5) # backup/primary DC # this will be our workgroup or joined-domain if we're not a DC $domain = $sys_cim.Domain Switch($is_dc) { $true { return $domain } Default { return $null } } } Function Create-Credential { Param( [string] $cred_user, [string] $cred_password ) $cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($cred_user, $($cred_password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)) Return $cred } Function Get-OperationMasterRoles { $assigned_roles = @((Get-ADDomainController -Server localhost).OperationMasterRoles) Return ,$assigned_roles # no, the comma's not a typo- allows us to return an empty array } $result = @{ changed = $false reboot_required = $false } $param = Parse-Args -arguments $args -supports_check_mode $true $dns_domain_name = Get-AnsibleParam $param "dns_domain_name" $safe_mode_password= Get-AnsibleParam $param "safe_mode_password" $domain_admin_user = Get-AnsibleParam $param "domain_admin_user" -failifempty $result $domain_admin_password= Get-AnsibleParam $param "domain_admin_password" -failifempty $result $local_admin_password= Get-AnsibleParam $param "local_admin_password" $database_path = Get-AnsibleParam $param "database_path" -type "path" $sysvol_path = Get-AnsibleParam $param "sysvol_path" -type "path" $read_only = Get-AnsibleParam $param "read_only" -type "bool" -default $false $site_name = Get-AnsibleParam $param "site_name" -type "str" -failifempty $read_only $state = Get-AnsibleParam $param "state" -validateset ("domain_controller", "member_server") -failifempty $result $log_path = Get-AnsibleParam $param "log_path" $_ansible_check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam $param "_ansible_check_mode" -default $false $global:log_path = $log_path Try { # ensure target OS support; < 2012 doesn't have cmdlet support for DC promotion If(-not (Get-Command Install-WindowsFeature -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Fail-Json -message "win_domain_controller requires at least Windows Server 2012" } # validate args If($state -eq "domain_controller") { If(-not $dns_domain_name) { Fail-Json -message "dns_domain_name is required when desired state is 'domain_controller'" } If(-not $safe_mode_password) { Fail-Json -message "safe_mode_password is required when desired state is 'domain_controller'" } # ensure that domain admin user is in UPN or down-level domain format (prevent hang from https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2737935) If(-not $domain_admin_user.Contains("\") -and -not $domain_admin_user.Contains("@")) { Fail-Json -message "domain_admin_user must be in domain\user or user@domain.com format" } } Else { # member_server If(-not $local_admin_password) { Fail-Json -message "local_admin_password is required when desired state is 'member_server'" } } # short-circuit "member server" check, since we don't need feature checks for this... $current_dc_domain = Get-DomainControllerDomain If($state -eq "member_server" -and -not $current_dc_domain) { Exit-Json $result } # all other operations will require the AD-DS and RSAT-ADDS features... $missing_features = Get-MissingFeatures If($missing_features.Count -gt 0) { Write-DebugLog ("Missing Windows features ({0}), need to install" -f ($missing_features -join ", ")) $result.changed = $true # we need to install features If($_ansible_check_mode) { # bail out here- we can't proceed without knowing the features are installed Write-DebugLog "check-mode, exiting early" Exit-Json $result } Ensure-FeatureInstallation | Out-Null } $domain_admin_cred = Create-Credential -cred_user $domain_admin_user -cred_password $domain_admin_password switch($state) { domain_controller { If(-not $safe_mode_password) { Fail-Json -message "safe_mode_password is required for state=domain_controller" } If($current_dc_domain) { # FUTURE: implement managed Remove/Add to change domains? If($current_dc_domain -ne $dns_domain_name) { Fail-Json "$(hostname) is a domain controller for domain $current_dc_domain; changing DC domains is not implemented" } } # need to promote to DC If(-not $current_dc_domain) { Write-DebugLog "Not currently a domain controller; needs promotion" $result.changed = $true If($_ansible_check_mode) { Write-DebugLog "check-mode, exiting early" Fail-Json -message $result } $result.reboot_required = $true $safe_mode_secure = $safe_mode_password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force Write-DebugLog "Installing domain controller..." $install_params = @{ DomainName = $dns_domain_name Credential = $domain_admin_cred SafeModeAdministratorPassword = $safe_mode_secure } if ($database_path) { $install_params.DatabasePath = $database_path } if ($sysvol_path) { $install_params.SysvolPath = $sysvol_path } if ($read_only) { # while this is a switch value, if we set on $false site_name is required # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/35858 $install_params.ReadOnlyReplica = $true } if ($site_name) { $install_params.SiteName = $site_name } $install_result = Install-ADDSDomainController -NoRebootOnCompletion -Force @install_params Write-DebugLog "Installation completed, needs reboot..." } } member_server { If(-not $local_admin_password) { Fail-Json -message "local_admin_password is required for state=domain_controller" } # at this point we already know we're a DC and shouldn't be... Write-DebugLog "Need to uninstall domain controller..." $result.changed = $true Write-DebugLog "Checking for operation master roles assigned to this DC..." $assigned_roles = Get-OperationMasterRoles # FUTURE: figure out a sane way to hand off roles automatically (designated recipient server, randomly look one up?) If($assigned_roles.Count -gt 0) { Fail-Json -message ("This domain controller has operation master role(s) ({0}) assigned; they must be moved to other DCs before demotion (see Move-ADDirectoryServerOperationMasterRole)" -f ($assigned_roles -join ", ")) } If($_ansible_check_mode) { Write-DebugLog "check-mode, exiting early" Exit-Json $result } $result.reboot_required = $true $local_admin_secure = $local_admin_password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force Write-DebugLog "Uninstalling domain controller..." $uninstall_result = Uninstall-ADDSDomainController -NoRebootOnCompletion -LocalAdministratorPassword $local_admin_secure -Credential $domain_admin_cred Write-DebugLog "Uninstallation complete, needs reboot..." } default { throw ("invalid state {0}" -f $state) } } Exit-Json $result } Catch { $excep = $_ Write-DebugLog "Exception: $($excep | out-string)" Throw }