# # Copyright (c) 2016 Matt Davis, # Chris Houseknecht, # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # import ConfigParser import json import os import re import sys import copy from os.path import expanduser from ansible.module_utils.basic import * AZURE_COMMON_ARGS = dict( profile=dict(type='str'), subscription_id=dict(type='str', no_log=True), client_id=dict(type='str', no_log=True), secret=dict(type='str', no_log=True), tenant=dict(type='str', no_log=True), ad_user=dict(type='str', no_log=True), password=dict(type='str', no_log=True), # debug=dict(type='bool', default=False), ) AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING = dict( profile='AZURE_PROFILE', subscription_id='AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID', client_id='AZURE_CLIENT_ID', secret='AZURE_SECRET', tenant='AZURE_TENANT', ad_user='AZURE_AD_USER', password='AZURE_PASSWORD' ) AZURE_TAG_ARGS = dict( tags=dict(type='dict'), append_tags=dict(type='bool', default=True), ) AZURE_COMMON_REQUIRED_IF = [ ('log_mode', 'file', ['log_path']) ] ANSIBLE_USER_AGENT = 'Ansible-Deploy' CIDR_PATTERN = re.compile("(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1" "[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))") AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE = "Succeeded" AZURE_FAILED_STATE = "Failed" AZURE_MIN_VERSION = "2016-03-30" HAS_AZURE = True HAS_AZURE_EXC = None try: from enum import Enum from msrest.serialization import Serializer from msrestazure.azure_exceptions import CloudError from azure.mgmt.compute import __version__ as azure_compute_version from azure.mgmt.network.models import PublicIPAddress, NetworkSecurityGroup, SecurityRule, NetworkInterface, \ NetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration, Subnet from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials, UserPassCredentials from azure.mgmt.network.network_management_client import NetworkManagementClient,\ NetworkManagementClientConfiguration from azure.mgmt.resource.resources.resource_management_client import ResourceManagementClient,\ ResourceManagementClientConfiguration from azure.mgmt.storage.storage_management_client import StorageManagementClient,\ StorageManagementClientConfiguration from azure.mgmt.compute.compute_management_client import ComputeManagementClient,\ ComputeManagementClientConfiguration from azure.storage.cloudstorageaccount import CloudStorageAccount except ImportError, exc: HAS_AZURE_EXC = exc HAS_AZURE = False def azure_id_to_dict(id): pieces = re.sub(r'^\/', '', id).split('/') result = {} index = 0 while index < len(pieces) - 1: result[pieces[index]] = pieces[index + 1] index += 1 return result class AzureRMModuleBase(object): def __init__(self, derived_arg_spec, bypass_checks=False, no_log=False, check_invalid_arguments=True, mutually_exclusive=None, required_together=None, required_one_of=None, add_file_common_args=False, supports_check_mode=False, required_if=None, supports_tags=True, facts_module=False): merged_arg_spec = dict() merged_arg_spec.update(AZURE_COMMON_ARGS) if supports_tags: merged_arg_spec.update(AZURE_TAG_ARGS) if derived_arg_spec: merged_arg_spec.update(derived_arg_spec) merged_required_if = list(AZURE_COMMON_REQUIRED_IF) if required_if: merged_required_if += required_if self.module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=merged_arg_spec, bypass_checks=bypass_checks, no_log=no_log, check_invalid_arguments=check_invalid_arguments, mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive, required_together=required_together, required_one_of=required_one_of, add_file_common_args=add_file_common_args, supports_check_mode=supports_check_mode, required_if=merged_required_if) if not HAS_AZURE: self.fail("The Azure Python SDK is not installed (try 'pip install azure') - {0}".format(HAS_AZURE_EXC)) if azure_compute_version < AZURE_MIN_VERSION: self.fail("Expecting azure.mgmt.compute.__version__ to be >= {0}. Found version {1} " "Do you have Azure >= 2.0.0rc2 installed?".format(AZURE_MIN_VERSION, azure_compute_version)) self._network_client = None self._storage_client = None self._resource_client = None self._compute_client = None self.check_mode = self.module.check_mode self.facts_module = facts_module self.debug = self.module.params.get('debug') # authenticate self.credentials = self._get_credentials(self.module.params) if not self.credentials: self.fail("Failed to get credentials. Either pass as parameters, set environment variables, " "or define a profile in ~/.azure/credentials.") if self.credentials.get('subscription_id', None) is None: self.fail("Credentials did not include a subscription_id value.") self.log("setting subscription_id") self.subscription_id = self.credentials['subscription_id'] if self.credentials.get('client_id') is not None and \ self.credentials.get('secret') is not None and \ self.credentials.get('tenant') is not None: self.azure_credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(client_id=self.credentials['client_id'], secret=self.credentials['secret'], tenant=self.credentials['tenant']) elif self.credentials.get('ad_user') is not None and self.credentials.get('password') is not None: self.azure_credentials = UserPassCredentials(self.credentials['ad_user'], self.credentials['password']) else: self.fail("Failed to authenticate with provided credentials. Some attributes were missing. " "Credentials must include client_id, secret and tenant or ad_user and password.") # common parameter validation if self.module.params.get('tags'): self.validate_tags(self.module.params['tags']) res = self.exec_module(**self.module.params) self.module.exit_json(**res) def exec_module(self, **kwargs): self.fail("Error: {0} failed to implement exec_module method.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) def fail(self, msg, **kwargs): ''' Shortcut for calling module.fail() :param msg: Error message text. :param kwargs: Any key=value pairs :return: None ''' self.module.fail_json(msg=msg, **kwargs) def log(self, msg, pretty_print=False): pass # Use only during module development # if self.debug: # log_file = open('azure_rm.log', 'a') # if pretty_print: # log_file.write(json.dumps(msg, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) # else: # log_file.write(msg + u'\n') def validate_tags(self, tags): ''' Check if tags dictionary contains string:string pairs. :param tags: dictionary of string:string pairs :return: None ''' if not self.facts_module: if not isinstance(tags, dict): self.fail("Tags must be a dictionary of string:string values.") for key, value in tags.items(): if not isinstance(value, str): self.fail("Tags values must be strings. Found {0}:{1}".format(str(key), str(value))) def _tag_purge(self, tags): ''' Remove metadata tags not found in user provided tags parameter. Returns tuple with bool indicating something changed and dict of new tags to be assigned to the object. :param tags: object metadata tags :return: bool, dict of tags ''' if not self.module.params.get('tags'): # purge all tags return True, dict() new_tags = copy.copy(tags) changed = False for key in tags: if not self.module.params['tags'].get(key): # key not found in user provided parameters new_tags.pop(key) changed = True if changed: self.log('CHANGED: purged tags') return changed, new_tags def _tag_update(self, tags): ''' Update metadata tags with values in user provided tags parameter. Returns tuple with bool indicating something changed and dict of new tags to be assigned to the object. :param tags: object metadata tags :return: bool, dict of tags ''' if isinstance(tags, dict): new_tags = copy.copy(tags) else: new_tags = dict() changed = False if self.module.params.get('tags'): for key, value in self.module.params['tags'].items(): if not (new_tags.get(key) and new_tags[key] == value): changed = True new_tags[key] = value if changed: self.log('CHANGED: updated tags') return changed, new_tags def update_tags(self, tags): ''' Call from the module to update metadata tags. Returns tuple with bool indicating if there was a change and dict of new tags to assign to the object. :param tags: metadata tags from the object :return: bool, dict ''' changed = False updated, new_tags = self._tag_update(tags) if updated: changed = True if not self.module.params['append_tags']: purged, new_tags = self._tag_purge(new_tags) if purged: changed = True return changed, new_tags def has_tags(self, obj_tags, tag_list): ''' Used in fact modules to compare object tags to list of parameter tags. Return true if list of parameter tags exists in object tags. :param obj_tags: dictionary of tags from an Azure object. :param tag_list: list of tag keys or tag key:value pairs :return: bool ''' if not obj_tags and tag_list: return False if not tag_list: return True matches = 0 result = False for tag in tag_list: tag_key = tag tag_value = None if ':' in tag: tag_key, tag_value = tag.split(':') if tag_value and obj_tags.get(tag_key) == tag_value: matches += 1 elif not tag_value and obj_tags.get(tag_key): matches += 1 if matches == len(tag_list): result = True return result def get_resource_group(self, resource_group): ''' Fetch a resource group. :param resource_group: name of a resource group :return: resource group object ''' try: return self.rm_client.resource_groups.get(resource_group) except CloudError: self.fail("Parameter error: resource group {0} not found".format(resource_group)) except Exception, exc: self.fail("Error retrieving resource group {0} - {1}".format(resource_group, str(exc))) def _get_profile(self, profile="default"): path = expanduser("~/.azure/credentials") try: config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read(path) except Exception, exc: self.fail("Failed to access {0}. Check that the file exists and you have read " "access. {1}".format(path, str(exc))) credentials = dict() for key in AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING: try: credentials[key] = config.get(profile, key, raw=True) except: pass if credentials.get('client_id') is not None or credentials.get('ad_user') is not None: return credentials return None def _get_env_credentials(self): env_credentials = dict() for attribute, env_variable in AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING.items(): env_credentials[attribute] = os.environ.get(env_variable, None) if env_credentials['profile'] is not None: credentials = self._get_profile(env_credentials['profile']) return credentials if env_credentials['client_id'] is not None: return env_credentials return None def _get_credentials(self, params): # Get authentication credentials. # Precedence: module parameters-> environment variables-> default profile in ~/.azure/credentials. self.log('Getting credentials') arg_credentials = dict() for attribute, env_variable in AZURE_CREDENTIAL_ENV_MAPPING.items(): arg_credentials[attribute] = params.get(attribute, None) # try module params if arg_credentials['profile'] is not None: self.log('Retrieving credentials with profile parameter.') credentials = self._get_profile(arg_credentials['profile']) return credentials if arg_credentials['client_id'] is not None: self.log('Received credentials from parameters.') return arg_credentials # try environment env_credentials = self._get_env_credentials() if env_credentials: self.log('Received credentials from env.') return env_credentials # try default profile from ~./azure/credentials default_credentials = self._get_profile() if default_credentials: self.log('Retrieved default profile credentials from ~/.azure/credentials.') return default_credentials return None def serialize_obj(self, obj, class_name): ''' Return a JSON representation of an Azure object. :param obj: Azure object :param class_name: Name of the object's class :return: serialized result ''' serializer = Serializer() return serializer.body(obj, class_name) def get_poller_result(self, poller, wait=20): ''' Consistent method of waiting on and retrieving results from Azure's long poller :param poller Azure poller object :return object resulting from the original request ''' try: delay = wait while not poller.done(): self.log("Waiting for {0} sec".format(delay)) poller.wait(timeout=delay) return poller.result() except Exception, exc: self.log(str(exc)) raise def check_provisioning_state(self, azure_object, requested_state='present'): ''' Check an Azure object's provisioning state. If something did not complete the provisioning process, then we cannot operate on it. :param azure_object An object such as a subnet, storageaccount, etc. Must have provisioning_state and name attributes. :return None ''' if hasattr(azure_object, 'properties') and hasattr(azure_object.properties, 'provisioning_state') and \ hasattr(azure_object, 'name'): # resource group object fits this model if isinstance(azure_object.properties.provisioning_state, Enum): if azure_object.properties.provisioning_state.value != AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE and \ requested_state != 'absent': self.fail("Error {0} has a provisioning state of {1}. Expecting state to be {2}.".format( azure_object.name, azure_object.properties.provisioning_state, AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE)) return if azure_object.properties.provisioning_state != AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE and \ requested_state != 'absent': self.fail("Error {0} has a provisioning state of {1}. Expecting state to be {2}.".format( azure_object.name, azure_object.properties.provisioning_state, AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE)) return if hasattr(azure_object, 'provisioning_state') or not hasattr(azure_object, 'name'): if isinstance(azure_object.provisioning_state, Enum): if azure_object.provisioning_state.value != AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE and requested_state != 'absent': self.fail("Error {0} has a provisioning state of {1}. Expecting state to be {2}.".format( azure_object.name, azure_object.provisioning_state, AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE)) return if azure_object.provisioning_state != AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE and requested_state != 'absent': self.fail("Error {0} has a provisioning state of {1}. Expecting state to be {2}.".format( azure_object.name, azure_object.provisioning_state, AZURE_SUCCESS_STATE)) def get_blob_client(self, resource_group_name, storage_account_name): keys = dict() try: # Get keys from the storage account self.log('Getting keys') account_keys = self.storage_client.storage_accounts.list_keys(resource_group_name, storage_account_name) keys['key1'] = account_keys.key1 keys['key2'] = account_keys.key2 except Exception, exc: self.fail("Error getting keys for account {0} - {1}".format(storage_account_name, str(exc))) try: self.log('Create blob service') return CloudStorageAccount(storage_account_name, keys['key1']).create_block_blob_service() except Exception, exc: self.fail("Error creating blob service client for storage account {0} - {1}".format(storage_account_name, str(exc))) def create_default_pip(self, resource_group, location, name, allocation_method='Dynamic'): ''' Create a default public IP address 01 to associate with a network interface. If a PIP address matching 01 exists, return it. Otherwise, create one. :param resource_group: name of an existing resource group :param location: a valid azure location :param name: base name to assign the public IP address :param allocation_method: one of 'Static' or 'Dynamic' :return: PIP object ''' public_ip_name = name + '01' pip = None self.log("Starting create_default_pip {0}".format(public_ip_name)) self.log("Check to see if public IP {0} exists".format(public_ip_name)) try: pip = self.network_client.public_ip_addresses.get(resource_group, public_ip_name) except CloudError: pass if pip: self.log("Public ip {0} found.".format(public_ip_name)) self.check_provisioning_state(pip) return pip params = PublicIPAddress( location=location, public_ip_allocation_method=allocation_method, ) self.log('Creating default public IP {0}'.format(public_ip_name)) try: poller = self.network_client.public_ip_addresses.create_or_update(resource_group, public_ip_name, params) except Exception, exc: self.fail("Error creating {0} - {1}".format(public_ip_name, str(exc))) return self.get_poller_result(poller) def create_default_securitygroup(self, resource_group, location, name, os_type, open_ports): ''' Create a default security group 01 to associate with a network interface. If a security group matching 01 exists, return it. Otherwise, create one. :param resource_group: Resource group name :param location: azure location name :param name: base name to use for the security group :param os_type: one of 'Windows' or 'Linux'. Determins any default rules added to the security group. :param ssh_port: for os_type 'Linux' port used in rule allowing SSH access. :param rdp_port: for os_type 'Windows' port used in rule allowing RDP access. :return: security_group object ''' security_group_name = name + '01' group = None self.log("Create security group {0}".format(security_group_name)) self.log("Check to see if security group {0} exists".format(security_group_name)) try: group = self.network_client.network_security_groups.get(resource_group, security_group_name) except CloudError: pass if group: self.log("Security group {0} found.".format(security_group_name)) self.check_provisioning_state(group) return group parameters = NetworkSecurityGroup() parameters.location = location if not open_ports: # Open default ports based on OS type if os_type == 'Linux': # add an inbound SSH rule parameters.security_rules = [ SecurityRule('Tcp', '*', '*', 'Allow', 'Inbound', description='Allow SSH Access', source_port_range='*', destination_port_range='22', priority=100, name='SSH') ] parameters.location = location else: # for windows add inbound RDP rules parameters.security_rules = [ SecurityRule('Tcp', '*', '*', 'Allow', 'Inbound', description='Allow RDP port 3389', source_port_range='*', destination_port_range='3389', priority=100, name='RDP01'), SecurityRule('Tcp', '*', '*', 'Allow', 'Inbound', description='Allow RDP port 5986', source_port_range='*', destination_port_range='5986', priority=101, name='RDP01'), ] else: # Open custom ports parameters.security_rules = [] priority = 100 for port in open_ports: priority += 1 rule_name = "Rule_{0}".format(priority) parameters.security_rules.append( SecurityRule('Tcp', '*', '*', 'Allow', 'Inbound', source_port_range='*', destination_port_range=str(port), priority=priority, name=rule_name) ) self.log('Creating default security group {0}'.format(security_group_name)) try: poller = self.network_client.network_security_groups.create_or_update(resource_group, security_group_name, parameters) except Exception, exc: self.fail("Error creating default security rule {0} - {1}".format(security_group_name, str(exc))) return self.get_poller_result(poller) def _register(self, key): try: # We have to perform the one-time registration here. Otherwise, we receive an error the first # time we attempt to use the requested client. resource_client = self.rm_client resource_client.providers.register(key) except Exception, exc: self.fail("One-time registration of {0} failed - {1}".format(key, str(exc))) @property def storage_client(self): self.log('Getting storage client...') if not self._storage_client: config = StorageManagementClientConfiguration(self.azure_credentials, self.subscription_id) config.add_user_agent(ANSIBLE_USER_AGENT) self._storage_client = StorageManagementClient(config) self._register('Microsoft.Storage') return self._storage_client @property def network_client(self): self.log('Getting network client') if not self._network_client: config = NetworkManagementClientConfiguration(self.azure_credentials, self.subscription_id) config.add_user_agent(ANSIBLE_USER_AGENT) self._network_client = NetworkManagementClient(config) self._register('Microsoft.Network') return self._network_client @property def rm_client(self): self.log('Getting resource manager client') if not self._resource_client: config = ResourceManagementClientConfiguration(self.azure_credentials, self.subscription_id) config.add_user_agent(ANSIBLE_USER_AGENT) self._resource_client = ResourceManagementClient(config) return self._resource_client @property def compute_client(self): self.log('Getting compute client') if not self._compute_client: config = ComputeManagementClientConfiguration(self.azure_credentials, self.subscription_id) config.add_user_agent(ANSIBLE_USER_AGENT) self._compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(config) self._register('Microsoft.Compute') return self._compute_client