# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2018, KubeVirt Team <@kubevirt> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from collections import defaultdict from distutils.version import Version from ansible.module_utils.common._collections_compat import Sequence from ansible.module_utils.k8s.common import list_dict_str from ansible.module_utils.k8s.raw import KubernetesRawModule import copy import re MAX_SUPPORTED_API_VERSION = 'v1alpha3' API_GROUP = 'kubevirt.io' # Put all args that (can) modify 'spec:' here: VM_SPEC_DEF_ARG_SPEC = { 'resource_definition': { 'type': 'dict', 'aliases': ['definition', 'inline'] }, 'memory': {'type': 'str'}, 'memory_limit': {'type': 'str'}, 'cpu_cores': {'type': 'int'}, 'disks': {'type': 'list'}, 'labels': {'type': 'dict'}, 'interfaces': {'type': 'list'}, 'machine_type': {'type': 'str'}, 'cloud_init_nocloud': {'type': 'dict'}, 'bootloader': {'type': 'str'}, 'smbios_uuid': {'type': 'str'}, 'cpu_model': {'type': 'str'}, 'headless': {'type': 'str'}, 'hugepage_size': {'type': 'str'}, 'tablets': {'type': 'list'}, 'cpu_limit': {'type': 'int'}, 'cpu_shares': {'type': 'int'}, 'cpu_features': {'type': 'list'}, } # And other common args go here: VM_COMMON_ARG_SPEC = { 'name': {'required': True}, 'namespace': {'required': True}, 'state': { 'default': 'present', 'choices': ['present', 'absent'], }, 'force': { 'type': 'bool', 'default': False, }, 'merge_type': {'type': 'list', 'choices': ['json', 'merge', 'strategic-merge']}, 'wait': {'type': 'bool', 'default': True}, 'wait_timeout': {'type': 'int', 'default': 120}, } VM_COMMON_ARG_SPEC.update(VM_SPEC_DEF_ARG_SPEC) def virtdict(): """ This function create dictionary, with defaults to dictionary. """ return defaultdict(virtdict) class KubeAPIVersion(Version): component_re = re.compile(r'(\d+ | [a-z]+)', re.VERBOSE) def __init__(self, vstring=None): if vstring: self.parse(vstring) def parse(self, vstring): self.vstring = vstring components = [x for x in self.component_re.split(vstring) if x] for i, obj in enumerate(components): try: components[i] = int(obj) except ValueError: pass errmsg = "version '{0}' does not conform to kubernetes api versioning guidelines".format(vstring) c = components if len(c) not in (2, 4) or c[0] != 'v' or not isinstance(c[1], int): raise ValueError(errmsg) if len(c) == 4 and (c[2] not in ('alpha', 'beta') or not isinstance(c[3], int)): raise ValueError(errmsg) self.version = components def __str__(self): return self.vstring def __repr__(self): return "KubeAPIVersion ('{0}')".format(str(self)) def _cmp(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): other = KubeAPIVersion(other) myver = self.version otherver = other.version for ver in myver, otherver: if len(ver) == 2: ver.extend(['zeta', 9999]) if myver == otherver: return 0 if myver < otherver: return -1 if myver > otherver: return 1 # python2 compatibility def __cmp__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) class KubeVirtRawModule(KubernetesRawModule): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(KubeVirtRawModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def merge_dicts(base_dict, merging_dicts): """This function merges a base dictionary with one or more other dictionaries. The base dictionary takes precedence when there is a key collision. merging_dicts can be a dict or a list or tuple of dicts. In the latter case, the dictionaries at the front of the list have higher precedence over the ones at the end. """ if not merging_dicts: merging_dicts = ({},) if not isinstance(merging_dicts, Sequence): merging_dicts = (merging_dicts,) new_dict = {} for d in reversed(merging_dicts): new_dict.update(d) new_dict.update(base_dict) return new_dict def get_resource(self, resource): try: existing = resource.get(name=self.name, namespace=self.namespace) except Exception: existing = None return existing def _define_datavolumes(self, datavolumes, spec): """ Takes datavoulmes parameter of Ansible and create kubevirt API datavolumesTemplateSpec structure from it """ if not datavolumes: return spec['dataVolumeTemplates'] = [] for dv in datavolumes: # Add datavolume to datavolumetemplates spec: dvt = virtdict() dvt['metadata']['name'] = dv.get('name') dvt['spec']['pvc'] = { 'accessModes': dv.get('pvc').get('accessModes'), 'resources': { 'requests': { 'storage': dv.get('pvc').get('storage'), } } } dvt['spec']['source'] = dv.get('source') spec['dataVolumeTemplates'].append(dvt) # Add datavolume to disks spec: if not spec['template']['spec']['domain']['devices']['disks']: spec['template']['spec']['domain']['devices']['disks'] = [] spec['template']['spec']['domain']['devices']['disks'].append( { 'name': dv.get('name'), 'disk': dv.get('disk', {'bus': 'virtio'}), } ) # Add datavolume to volumes spec: if not spec['template']['spec']['volumes']: spec['template']['spec']['volumes'] = [] spec['template']['spec']['volumes'].append( { 'dataVolume': { 'name': dv.get('name') }, 'name': dv.get('name'), } ) def _define_cloud_init(self, cloud_init_nocloud, template_spec): """ Takes the user's cloud_init_nocloud parameter and fill it in kubevirt API strucuture. The name for disk is hardcoded to ansiblecloudinitdisk. """ if cloud_init_nocloud: if not template_spec['volumes']: template_spec['volumes'] = [] if not template_spec['domain']['devices']['disks']: template_spec['domain']['devices']['disks'] = [] template_spec['volumes'].append({'name': 'ansiblecloudinitdisk', 'cloudInitNoCloud': cloud_init_nocloud}) template_spec['domain']['devices']['disks'].append({ 'name': 'ansiblecloudinitdisk', 'disk': {'bus': 'virtio'}, }) def _define_interfaces(self, interfaces, template_spec, defaults): """ Takes interfaces parameter of Ansible and create kubevirt API interfaces and networks strucutre out from it. """ if not interfaces and defaults and 'interfaces' in defaults: interfaces = copy.deepcopy(defaults['interfaces']) for d in interfaces: d['network'] = defaults['networks'][0] if interfaces: # Extract interfaces k8s specification from interfaces list passed to Ansible: spec_interfaces = [] for i in interfaces: spec_interfaces.append( self.merge_dicts(dict((k, v) for k, v in i.items() if k != 'network'), defaults['interfaces']) ) if 'interfaces' not in template_spec['domain']['devices']: template_spec['domain']['devices']['interfaces'] = [] template_spec['domain']['devices']['interfaces'].extend(spec_interfaces) # Extract networks k8s specification from interfaces list passed to Ansible: spec_networks = [] for i in interfaces: net = i['network'] net['name'] = i['name'] spec_networks.append(self.merge_dicts(net, defaults['networks'])) if 'networks' not in template_spec: template_spec['networks'] = [] template_spec['networks'].extend(spec_networks) def _define_disks(self, disks, template_spec, defaults): """ Takes disks parameter of Ansible and create kubevirt API disks and volumes strucutre out from it. """ if not disks and defaults and 'disks' in defaults: disks = copy.deepcopy(defaults['disks']) for d in disks: d['volume'] = defaults['volumes'][0] if disks: # Extract k8s specification from disks list passed to Ansible: spec_disks = [] for d in disks: spec_disks.append( self.merge_dicts(dict((k, v) for k, v in d.items() if k != 'volume'), defaults['disks']) ) if 'disks' not in template_spec['domain']['devices']: template_spec['domain']['devices']['disks'] = [] template_spec['domain']['devices']['disks'].extend(spec_disks) # Extract volumes k8s specification from disks list passed to Ansible: spec_volumes = [] for d in disks: volume = d['volume'] volume['name'] = d['name'] spec_volumes.append(self.merge_dicts(volume, defaults['volumes'])) if 'volumes' not in template_spec: template_spec['volumes'] = [] template_spec['volumes'].extend(spec_volumes) def find_supported_resource(self, kind): results = self.client.resources.search(kind=kind, group=API_GROUP) if not results: self.fail('Failed to find resource {0} in {1}'.format(kind, API_GROUP)) sr = sorted(results, key=lambda r: KubeAPIVersion(r.api_version), reverse=True) for r in sr: if KubeAPIVersion(r.api_version) <= KubeAPIVersion(MAX_SUPPORTED_API_VERSION): return r self.fail("API versions {0} are too recent. Max supported is {1}/{2}.".format( str([r.api_version for r in sr]), API_GROUP, MAX_SUPPORTED_API_VERSION)) def _construct_vm_definition(self, kind, definition, template, params, defaults=None): self.client = self.get_api_client() disks = params.get('disks', []) memory = params.get('memory') memory_limit = params.get('memory_limit') cpu_cores = params.get('cpu_cores') cpu_model = params.get('cpu_model') cpu_features = params.get('cpu_features') labels = params.get('labels') datavolumes = params.get('datavolumes') interfaces = params.get('interfaces') bootloader = params.get('bootloader') cloud_init_nocloud = params.get('cloud_init_nocloud') machine_type = params.get('machine_type') headless = params.get('headless') smbios_uuid = params.get('smbios_uuid') hugepage_size = params.get('hugepage_size') tablets = params.get('tablets') cpu_shares = params.get('cpu_shares') cpu_limit = params.get('cpu_limit') template_spec = template['spec'] # Merge additional flat parameters: if memory: template_spec['domain']['resources']['requests']['memory'] = memory if cpu_shares: template_spec['domain']['resources']['requests']['cpu'] = cpu_shares if cpu_limit: template_spec['domain']['resources']['limits']['cpu'] = cpu_limit if tablets: for tablet in tablets: tablet['type'] = 'tablet' template_spec['domain']['devices']['inputs'] = tablets if memory_limit: template_spec['domain']['resources']['limits']['memory'] = memory_limit if hugepage_size is not None: template_spec['domain']['memory']['hugepages']['pageSize'] = hugepage_size if cpu_features is not None: template_spec['domain']['cpu']['features'] = cpu_features if cpu_cores is not None: template_spec['domain']['cpu']['cores'] = cpu_cores if cpu_model: template_spec['domain']['cpu']['model'] = cpu_model if labels: template['metadata']['labels'] = self.merge_dicts(labels, template['metadata']['labels']) if machine_type: template_spec['domain']['machine']['type'] = machine_type if bootloader: template_spec['domain']['firmware']['bootloader'] = {bootloader: {}} if smbios_uuid: template_spec['domain']['firmware']['uuid'] = smbios_uuid if headless is not None: template_spec['domain']['devices']['autoattachGraphicsDevice'] = not headless # Define disks self._define_disks(disks, template_spec, defaults) # Define cloud init disk if defined: # Note, that this must be called after _define_disks, so the cloud_init # is not first in order and it's not used as boot disk: self._define_cloud_init(cloud_init_nocloud, template_spec) # Define interfaces: self._define_interfaces(interfaces, template_spec, defaults) # Define datavolumes: self._define_datavolumes(datavolumes, definition['spec']) return self.merge_dicts(definition, self.resource_definitions[0]) def construct_vm_definition(self, kind, definition, template, defaults=None): definition = self._construct_vm_definition(kind, definition, template, self.params, defaults) resource = self.find_supported_resource(kind) definition = self.set_defaults(resource, definition) return resource, definition def construct_vm_template_definition(self, kind, definition, template, params): definition = self._construct_vm_definition(kind, definition, template, params) resource = self.find_resource(kind, definition['apiVersion'], fail=True) # Set defaults: definition['kind'] = kind definition['metadata']['name'] = params.get('name') definition['metadata']['namespace'] = params.get('namespace') return resource, definition def execute_crud(self, kind, definition): """ Module execution """ resource = self.find_supported_resource(kind) definition = self.set_defaults(resource, definition) return self.perform_action(resource, definition)