#!/usr/bin/python #coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2013, Benno Joy # (c) 2013, John Dewey # # This module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this software. If not, see . import operator import os try: from novaclient.v1_1 import client as nova_client from novaclient.v1_1 import floating_ips from novaclient import exceptions from novaclient import utils import time except ImportError: print("failed=True msg='novaclient is required for this module'") DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: nova_compute version_added: "1.2" deprecated: Deprecated in 1.10. Use os_server instead short_description: Create/Delete VMs from OpenStack description: - Create or Remove virtual machines from Openstack. options: login_username: description: - login username to authenticate to keystone required: true default: admin login_password: description: - Password of login user required: true default: 'yes' login_tenant_name: description: - The tenant name of the login user required: true default: 'yes' auth_url: description: - The keystone url for authentication required: false default: '' region_name: description: - Name of the region required: false default: None state: description: - Indicate desired state of the resource choices: ['present', 'absent'] default: present name: description: - Name that has to be given to the instance required: true default: None image_id: description: - The id of the base image to boot. Mutually exclusive with image_name required: true default: None image_name: description: - The name of the base image to boot. Mutually exclusive with image_id required: true default: None version_added: "1.8" image_exclude: description: - Text to use to filter image names, for the case, such as HP, where there are multiple image names matching the common identifying portions. image_exclude is a negative match filter - it is text that may not exist in the image name. Defaults to "(deprecated)" version_added: "1.8" flavor_id: description: - The id of the flavor in which the new VM has to be created. Mutually exclusive with flavor_ram required: false default: 1 flavor_ram: description: - The minimum amount of ram in MB that the flavor in which the new VM has to be created must have. Mutually exclusive with flavor_id required: false default: 1 version_added: "1.8" flavor_include: description: - Text to use to filter flavor names, for the case, such as Rackspace, where there are multiple flavors that have the same ram count. flavor_include is a positive match filter - it must exist in the flavor name. version_added: "1.8" key_name: description: - The key pair name to be used when creating a VM required: false default: None security_groups: description: - The name of the security group to which the VM should be added required: false default: None nics: description: - A list of network id's to which the VM's interface should be attached required: false default: None auto_floating_ip: description: - Should a floating ip be auto created and assigned required: false default: 'no' version_added: "1.8" floating_ips: description: - list of valid floating IPs that pre-exist to assign to this node required: false default: None version_added: "1.8" floating_ip_pools: description: - list of floating IP pools from which to choose a floating IP required: false default: None version_added: "1.8" availability_zone: description: - Name of the availability zone required: false default: None version_added: "1.8" meta: description: - A list of key value pairs that should be provided as a metadata to the new VM required: false default: None wait: description: - If the module should wait for the VM to be created. required: false default: 'yes' wait_for: description: - The amount of time the module should wait for the VM to get into active state required: false default: 180 config_drive: description: - Whether to boot the server with config drive enabled required: false default: 'no' version_added: "1.8" user_data: description: - Opaque blob of data which is made available to the instance required: false default: None version_added: "1.6" scheduler_hints: description: - Arbitrary key/value pairs to the scheduler for custom use required: false default: None version_added: "1.9" requirements: ["novaclient"] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Creates a new VM and attaches to a network and passes metadata to the instance - nova_compute: state: present login_username: admin login_password: admin login_tenant_name: admin name: vm1 image_id: 4f905f38-e52a-43d2-b6ec-754a13ffb529 key_name: ansible_key wait_for: 200 flavor_id: 4 nics: - net-id: 34605f38-e52a-25d2-b6ec-754a13ffb723 meta: hostname: test1 group: uge_master # Creates a new VM in HP Cloud AE1 region availability zone az2 and automatically assigns a floating IP - name: launch a nova instance hosts: localhost tasks: - name: launch an instance nova_compute: state: present login_username: username login_password: Equality7-2521 login_tenant_name: username-project1 name: vm1 auth_url: https://region-b.geo-1.identity.hpcloudsvc.com:35357/v2.0/ region_name: region-b.geo-1 availability_zone: az2 image_id: 9302692b-b787-4b52-a3a6-daebb79cb498 key_name: test wait_for: 200 flavor_id: 101 security_groups: default auto_floating_ip: yes # Creates a new VM in HP Cloud AE1 region availability zone az2 and assigns a pre-known floating IP - name: launch a nova instance hosts: localhost tasks: - name: launch an instance nova_compute: state: present login_username: username login_password: Equality7-2521 login_tenant_name: username-project1 name: vm1 auth_url: https://region-b.geo-1.identity.hpcloudsvc.com:35357/v2.0/ region_name: region-b.geo-1 availability_zone: az2 image_id: 9302692b-b787-4b52-a3a6-daebb79cb498 key_name: test wait_for: 200 flavor_id: 101 floating_ips: - # Creates a new VM with 4G of RAM on Ubuntu Trusty, ignoring deprecated images - name: launch a nova instance hosts: localhost tasks: - name: launch an instance nova_compute: name: vm1 state: present login_username: username login_password: Equality7-2521 login_tenant_name: username-project1 auth_url: https://region-b.geo-1.identity.hpcloudsvc.com:35357/v2.0/ region_name: region-b.geo-1 image_name: Ubuntu Server 14.04 image_exclude: deprecated flavor_ram: 4096 # Creates a new VM with 4G of RAM on Ubuntu Trusty on a Rackspace Performance node in DFW - name: launch a nova instance hosts: localhost tasks: - name: launch an instance nova_compute: name: vm1 state: present login_username: username login_password: Equality7-2521 login_tenant_name: username-project1 auth_url: https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/ region_name: DFW image_name: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM) flavor_ram: 4096 flavor_include: Performance ''' def _delete_server(module, nova): name = None server_list = None try: server_list = nova.servers.list(True, {'name': module.params['name']}) if server_list: server = [x for x in server_list if x.name == module.params['name']] nova.servers.delete(server.pop()) except Exception as e: module.fail_json( msg = "Error in deleting vm: %s" % e.message) if module.params['wait'] == 'no': module.exit_json(changed = True, result = "deleted") expire = time.time() + int(module.params['wait_for']) while time.time() < expire: name = nova.servers.list(True, {'name': module.params['name']}) if not name: module.exit_json(changed = True, result = "deleted") time.sleep(5) module.fail_json(msg = "Timed out waiting for server to get deleted, please check manually") def _add_floating_ip_from_pool(module, nova, server): # instantiate FloatingIPManager object floating_ip_obj = floating_ips.FloatingIPManager(nova) # empty dict and list usable_floating_ips = {} pools = [] # user specified pools = module.params['floating_ip_pools'] # get the list of all floating IPs. Mileage may # vary according to Nova Compute configuration # per cloud provider all_floating_ips = floating_ip_obj.list() # iterate through all pools of IP address. Empty # string means all and is the default value for pool in pools: # temporary list per pool pool_ips = [] # loop through all floating IPs for f_ip in all_floating_ips: # if not reserved and the correct pool, add if f_ip.fixed_ip is None and (f_ip.pool == pool): pool_ips.append(f_ip.ip) # only need one break # if the list is empty, add for this pool if not pool_ips: try: new_ip = nova.floating_ips.create(pool) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg = "Unable to create floating ip: %s" % (e.message)) pool_ips.append(new_ip.ip) # Add to the main list usable_floating_ips[pool] = pool_ips # finally, add ip(s) to instance for each pool for pool in usable_floating_ips: for ip in usable_floating_ips[pool]: try: server.add_floating_ip(ip) # We only need to assign one ip - but there is an inherent # race condition and some other cloud operation may have # stolen an available floating ip break except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg = "Error attaching IP %s to instance %s: %s " % (ip, server.id, e.message)) def _add_floating_ip_list(module, server, ips): # add ip(s) to instance for ip in ips: try: server.add_floating_ip(ip) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg = "Error attaching IP %s to instance %s: %s " % (ip, server.id, e.message)) def _add_auto_floating_ip(module, nova, server): try: new_ip = nova.floating_ips.create() except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg = "Unable to create floating ip: %s" % (e)) try: server.add_floating_ip(new_ip) except Exception as e: # Clean up - we auto-created this ip, and it's not attached # to the server, so the cloud will not know what to do with it server.floating_ips.delete(new_ip) module.fail_json(msg = "Error attaching IP %s to instance %s: %s " % (ip, server.id, e.message)) def _add_floating_ip(module, nova, server): if module.params['floating_ip_pools']: _add_floating_ip_from_pool(module, nova, server) elif module.params['floating_ips']: _add_floating_ip_list(module, server, module.params['floating_ips']) elif module.params['auto_floating_ip']: _add_auto_floating_ip(module, nova, server) else: return server # this may look redundant, but if there is now a # floating IP, then it needs to be obtained from # a recent server object if the above code path exec'd try: server = nova.servers.get(server.id) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg = "Error in getting info from instance: %s " % e.message) return server def _get_image_id(module, nova): if module.params['image_name']: for image in nova.images.list(): if (module.params['image_name'] in image.name and ( not module.params['image_exclude'] or module.params['image_exclude'] not in image.name)): return image.id module.fail_json(msg = "Error finding image id from name(%s)" % module.params['image_name']) return module.params['image_id'] def _get_flavor_id(module, nova): if module.params['flavor_ram']: for flavor in sorted(nova.flavors.list(), key=operator.attrgetter('ram')): if (flavor.ram >= module.params['flavor_ram'] and (not module.params['flavor_include'] or module.params['flavor_include'] in flavor.name)): return flavor.id module.fail_json(msg = "Error finding flavor with %sMB of RAM" % module.params['flavor_ram']) return module.params['flavor_id'] def _create_server(module, nova): image_id = _get_image_id(module, nova) flavor_id = _get_flavor_id(module, nova) bootargs = [module.params['name'], image_id, flavor_id] bootkwargs = { 'nics' : module.params['nics'], 'meta' : module.params['meta'], 'security_groups': module.params['security_groups'].split(','), #userdata is unhyphenated in novaclient, but hyphenated here for consistency with the ec2 module: 'userdata': module.params['user_data'], 'config_drive': module.params['config_drive'], } for optional_param in ('region_name', 'key_name', 'availability_zone', 'scheduler_hints'): if module.params[optional_param]: bootkwargs[optional_param] = module.params[optional_param] try: server = nova.servers.create(*bootargs, **bootkwargs) server = nova.servers.get(server.id) except Exception as e: module.fail_json( msg = "Error in creating instance: %s " % e.message) if module.params['wait'] == 'yes': expire = time.time() + int(module.params['wait_for']) while time.time() < expire: try: server = nova.servers.get(server.id) except Exception as e: module.fail_json( msg = "Error in getting info from instance: %s" % e.message) if server.status == 'ACTIVE': server = _add_floating_ip(module, nova, server) private = openstack_find_nova_addresses(getattr(server, 'addresses'), 'fixed', 'private') public = openstack_find_nova_addresses(getattr(server, 'addresses'), 'floating', 'public') # now exit with info module.exit_json(changed = True, id = server.id, private_ip=''.join(private), public_ip=''.join(public), status = server.status, info = server._info) if server.status == 'ERROR': module.fail_json(msg = "Error in creating the server, please check logs") time.sleep(2) module.fail_json(msg = "Timeout waiting for the server to come up.. Please check manually") if server.status == 'ERROR': module.fail_json(msg = "Error in creating the server.. Please check manually") private = openstack_find_nova_addresses(getattr(server, 'addresses'), 'fixed', 'private') public = openstack_find_nova_addresses(getattr(server, 'addresses'), 'floating', 'public') module.exit_json(changed = True, id = info['id'], private_ip=''.join(private), public_ip=''.join(public), status = server.status, info = server._info) def _delete_floating_ip_list(module, nova, server, extra_ips): for ip in extra_ips: nova.servers.remove_floating_ip(server=server.id, address=ip) def _check_floating_ips(module, nova, server): changed = False if module.params['floating_ip_pools'] or module.params['floating_ips'] or module.params['auto_floating_ip']: ips = openstack_find_nova_addresses(server.addresses, 'floating') if not ips: # If we're configured to have a floating but we don't have one, # let's add one server = _add_floating_ip(module, nova, server) changed = True elif module.params['floating_ips']: # we were configured to have specific ips, let's make sure we have # those missing_ips = [] for ip in module.params['floating_ips']: if ip not in ips: missing_ips.append(ip) if missing_ips: server = _add_floating_ip_list(module, server, missing_ips) changed = True extra_ips = [] for ip in ips: if ip not in module.params['floating_ips']: extra_ips.append(ip) if extra_ips: _delete_floating_ip_list(module, server, extra_ips) changed = True return (changed, server) def _get_server_state(module, nova): server = None try: servers = nova.servers.list(True, {'name': module.params['name']}) if servers: # the {'name': module.params['name']} will also return servers # with names that partially match the server name, so we have to # strictly filter here servers = [x for x in servers if x.name == module.params['name']] if servers: server = servers[0] except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg = "Error in getting the server list: %s" % e.message) if server and module.params['state'] == 'present': if server.status != 'ACTIVE': module.fail_json( msg="The VM is available but not Active. state:" + server.status) (ip_changed, server) = _check_floating_ips(module, nova, server) private = openstack_find_nova_addresses(getattr(server, 'addresses'), 'fixed', 'private') public = openstack_find_nova_addresses(getattr(server, 'addresses'), 'floating', 'public') module.exit_json(changed = ip_changed, id = server.id, public_ip = public, private_ip = private, info = server._info) if server and module.params['state'] == 'absent': return True if module.params['state'] == 'absent': module.exit_json(changed = False, result = "not present") return True def main(): argument_spec = openstack_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( name = dict(required=True), image_id = dict(default=None), image_name = dict(default=None), image_exclude = dict(default='(deprecated)'), flavor_id = dict(default=1), flavor_ram = dict(default=None, type='int'), flavor_include = dict(default=None), key_name = dict(default=None), security_groups = dict(default='default'), nics = dict(default=None), meta = dict(default=None), wait = dict(default='yes', choices=['yes', 'no']), wait_for = dict(default=180), state = dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']), user_data = dict(default=None), config_drive = dict(default=False, type='bool'), auto_floating_ip = dict(default=False, type='bool'), floating_ips = dict(default=None), floating_ip_pools = dict(default=None), scheduler_hints = dict(default=None), )) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, mutually_exclusive=[ ['auto_floating_ip','floating_ips'], ['auto_floating_ip','floating_ip_pools'], ['floating_ips','floating_ip_pools'], ['image_id','image_name'], ['flavor_id','flavor_ram'], ], ) nova = nova_client.Client(module.params['login_username'], module.params['login_password'], module.params['login_tenant_name'], module.params['auth_url'], region_name=module.params['region_name'], service_type='compute') try: nova.authenticate() except exceptions.Unauthorized as e: module.fail_json(msg = "Invalid OpenStack Nova credentials.: %s" % e.message) except exceptions.AuthorizationFailure as e: module.fail_json(msg = "Unable to authorize user: %s" % e.message) if module.params['state'] == 'present': if not module.params['image_id'] and not module.params['image_name']: module.fail_json( msg = "Parameter 'image_id' or `image_name` is required if state == 'present'") else: _get_server_state(module, nova) _create_server(module, nova) if module.params['state'] == 'absent': _get_server_state(module, nova) _delete_server(module, nova) # this is magic, see lib/ansible/module_common.py from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.openstack import * main()