# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2016 Guido Günther , Daniel Lobato Garcia # Copyright (c) 2018 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' name: foreman plugin_type: inventory short_description: foreman inventory source version_added: "2.6" requirements: - requests >= 1.1 description: - Get inventory hosts from the foreman service. - "Uses a configuration file as an inventory source, it must end in foreman.yml or foreman.yaml and has a ``plugin: foreman`` entry." extends_documentation_fragment: - inventory_cache options: plugin: description: the name of this plugin, it should alwys be set to 'foreman' for this plugin to recognize it as it's own. required: True choices: ['foreman'] url: description: url to foreman default: 'http://localhost:300' user: description: foreman authentication user required: True password: description: forman authentication password required: True validate_certs: description: verify SSL certificate if using https type: boolean default: False group_prefix: description: prefix to apply to foreman groups default: foreman_ vars_prefix: description: prefix to apply to host variables, does not include facts nor params default: foreman_ want_facts: description: Toggle, if True the plugin will retrieve host facts from the server type: boolean default: False want_params: description: Toggle, if true the inventory will retrieve 'all_parameters' information as host vars type: boolean default: False ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # my.foreman.yml plugin: foreman url: http://localhost:2222 user: ansible-tester password: secure validate_certs: False ''' import re from distutils.version import LooseVersion from ansible.errors import AnsibleError from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native from ansible.module_utils.common._collections_compat import MutableMapping from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin, Cacheable # 3rd party imports try: import requests if LooseVersion(requests.__version__) < LooseVersion('1.1.0'): raise ImportError except ImportError: raise AnsibleError('This script requires python-requests 1.1 as a minimum version') from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin, Cacheable): ''' Host inventory parser for ansible using foreman as source. ''' NAME = 'foreman' def __init__(self): super(InventoryModule, self).__init__() # from config self.foreman_url = None self.session = None self.cache_key = None self.use_cache = None def verify_file(self, path): valid = False if super(InventoryModule, self).verify_file(path): if path.endswith('.foreman.yaml') or path.endswith('.foreman.yml'): valid = True return valid def _get_session(self): if not self.session: self.session = requests.session() self.session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self.get_option('user'), to_bytes(self.get_option('password'))) self.session.verify = self.get_option('validate_certs') return self.session def _get_json(self, url, ignore_errors=None): if not self.use_cache or url not in self._cache.get(self.cache_key, {}): if self.cache_key not in self._cache: self._cache[self.cache_key] = {'url': ''} results = [] s = self._get_session() params = {'page': 1, 'per_page': 250} while True: ret = s.get(url, params=params) if ignore_errors and ret.status_code in ignore_errors: break ret.raise_for_status() json = ret.json() # process results # FIXME: This assumes 'return type' matches a specific query, # it will break if we expand the queries and they dont have different types if 'results' not in json: # /hosts/:id dos not have a 'results' key results = json break elif isinstance(json['results'], MutableMapping): # /facts are returned as dict in 'results' results = json['results'] break else: # /hosts 's 'results' is a list of all hosts, returned is paginated results = results + json['results'] # check for end of paging if len(results) >= json['subtotal']: break if len(json['results']) == 0: self.display.warning("Did not make any progress during loop. expected %d got %d" % (json['subtotal'], len(results))) break # get next page params['page'] += 1 self._cache[self.cache_key][url] = results return self._cache[self.cache_key][url] def _get_hosts(self): return self._get_json("%s/api/v2/hosts" % self.foreman_url) def _get_all_params_by_id(self, hid): url = "%s/api/v2/hosts/%s" % (self.foreman_url, hid) ret = self._get_json(url, [404]) if not ret or not isinstance(ret, MutableMapping) or not ret.get('all_parameters', False): ret = {'all_parameters': [{}]} return ret.get('all_parameters')[0] def _get_facts_by_id(self, hid): url = "%s/api/v2/hosts/%s/facts" % (self.foreman_url, hid) return self._get_json(url) def _get_facts(self, host): """Fetch all host facts of the host""" ret = self._get_facts_by_id(host['id']) if len(ret.values()) == 0: facts = {} elif len(ret.values()) == 1: facts = list(ret.values())[0] else: raise ValueError("More than one set of facts returned for '%s'" % host) return facts def to_safe(self, word): '''Converts 'bad' characters in a string to underscores so they can be used as Ansible groups #> ForemanInventory.to_safe("foo-bar baz") 'foo_barbaz' ''' regex = r"[^A-Za-z0-9\_]" return re.sub(regex, "_", word.replace(" ", "")) def _populate(self): for host in self._get_hosts(): if host.get('name'): self.inventory.add_host(host['name']) # create directly mapped groups group_name = host.get('hostgroup_title', host.get('hostgroup_name')) if group_name: group_name = self.to_safe('%s%s' % (self.get_option('group_prefix'), group_name.lower())) self.inventory.add_group(group_name) self.inventory.add_child(group_name, host['name']) # set host vars from host info try: for k, v in host.items(): if k not in ('name', 'hostgroup_title', 'hostgroup_name'): try: self.inventory.set_variable(host['name'], self.get_option('vars_prefix') + k, v) except ValueError as e: self.display.warning("Could not set host info hostvar for %s, skipping %s: %s" % (host, k, to_native(e))) except ValueError as e: self.display.warning("Could not get host info for %s, skipping: %s" % (host['name'], to_native(e))) # set host vars from params if self.get_option('want_params'): for k, v in self._get_all_params_by_id(host['id']).items(): try: self.inventory.set_variable(host['name'], k, v) except ValueError as e: self.display.warning("Could not set parameter hostvar for %s, skipping %s: %s" % (host, k, to_native(e))) # set host vars from facts if self.get_option('want_facts'): self.inventory.set_variable(host['name'], 'ansible_facts', self._get_facts(host)) def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache=True): super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, path) # read config from file, this sets 'options' self._read_config_data(path) # get connection host self.foreman_url = self.get_option('url') self.cache_key = self.get_cache_key(path) self.use_cache = cache and self.get_option('cache') # actually populate inventory self._populate()