# (c) 2018 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][System.Collections.IDictionary]$Payload ) # help with debugging errors as we don't have visibility of this running process trap { $watchdog_path = "$($env:TEMP)\ansible-async-watchdog-error-$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm-ss.ffffZ").txt" $error_msg = "Error while running the async exec wrapper`r`n$(Format-AnsibleException -ErrorRecord $_)" Set-Content -Path $watchdog_path -Value $error_msg break } $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - starting async_watchdog" "async_watchdog" # pop 0th action as entrypoint $payload.actions = $payload.actions[1..99] $actions = $Payload.actions $entrypoint = $payload.($actions[0]) $entrypoint = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($entrypoint)) $resultfile_path = $payload.async_results_path $max_exec_time_sec = $payload.async_timeout_sec Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - deserializing existing result file args at: '$resultfile_path'" "async_watchdog" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $resultfile_path)) { $msg = "result file at '$resultfile_path' does not exist" Write-AnsibleLog "ERROR - $msg" "async_watchdog" throw $msg } $result_json = Get-Content -Path $resultfile_path -Raw Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - result file json is: $result_json" "async_watchdog" $result = ConvertFrom-AnsibleJson -InputObject $result_json Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - creating async runspace" "async_watchdog" $rs = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace() $rs.Open() Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - creating async PowerShell pipeline" "async_watchdog" $ps = [PowerShell]::Create() $ps.Runspace = $rs # these functions are set in exec_wrapper Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - adding global functions to PowerShell pipeline script" "async_watchdog" $ps.AddScript($script:common_functions).AddStatement() > $null $ps.AddScript($script:wrapper_functions).AddStatement() > $null $ps.AddCommand("Set-Variable").AddParameters(@{Name="common_functions"; Value=$script:common_functions; Scope="script"}).AddStatement() > $null Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - adding $($actions[0]) to PowerShell pipeline script" "async_watchdog" $ps.AddScript($entrypoint).AddArgument($payload) > $null Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - async job start, calling BeginInvoke()" "async_watchdog" $job_async_result = $ps.BeginInvoke() Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - waiting '$max_exec_time_sec' seconds for async job to complete" "async_watchdog" $job_async_result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($max_exec_time_sec * 1000) > $null $result.finished = 1 if ($job_async_result.IsCompleted) { Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - async job completed, calling EndInvoke()" "async_watchdog" $job_output = $ps.EndInvoke($job_async_result) $job_error = $ps.Streams.Error Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - raw module stdout:`r`n$($job_output | Out-String)" "async_watchdog" if ($job_error) { Write-AnsibleLog "WARN - raw module stderr:`r`n$($job_error | Out-String)" "async_watchdog" } # write success/output/error to result object # TODO: cleanse leading/trailing junk try { Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - deserializing Ansible stdout" "async_watchdog" $module_result = ConvertFrom-AnsibleJson -InputObject $job_output # TODO: check for conflicting keys $result = $result + $module_result } catch { $result.failed = $true $result.msg = "failed to parse module output: $($_.Exception.Message)" # return output back to Ansible to help with debugging errors $result.stdout = $job_output | Out-String $result.stderr = $job_error | Out-String } $result_json = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $result -Depth 99 -Compress Set-Content -Path $resultfile_path -Value $result_json Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - wrote output to $resultfile_path" "async_watchdog" } else { Write-AnsibleLog "ERROR - reached timeout on async job, stopping job" "async_watchdog" $ps.BeginStop($null, $null) > $null # best effort stop # write timeout to result object $result.failed = $true $result.msg = "timed out waiting for module completion" $result_json = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $result -Depth 99 -Compress Set-Content -Path $resultfile_path -Value $result_json Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - wrote timeout to '$resultfile_path'" "async_watchdog" } # in the case of a hung pipeline, this will cause the process to stay alive until it's un-hung... #$rs.Close() | Out-Null Write-AnsibleLog "INFO - ending async_watchdog" "async_watchdog"