#!powershell # # (c) 2014, Timothy Vandenbrande # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # # WANT_JSON # POWERSHELL_COMMON # TODO: Reimplement this using Powershell cmdlets $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" function convertToNetmask($maskLength) { [IPAddress] $ip = 0 $ip.Address = ([UInt32]::MaxValue) -shl (32 - $maskLength) -shr (32 - $maskLength) return $ip.IPAddressToString } function ConvertTo-TitleCase($string) { return (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($string.ToLower()) } function ConvertTo-SortedKV($object, $unsupported = @()) { $output = "" foreach($item in $object.GetEnumerator() | Sort -Property Name) { if (($item.Name -notin $unsupported) -and ($item.Value -ne $null)) { $output += "$($item.Name): $($item.Value)`n" } } return $output } function preprocessAndCompare($key, $outputValue, $fwsettingValue) { if ($key -eq 'RemoteIP') { if ($outputValue -eq $fwsettingValue) { return $true } if ($outputValue -eq $fwsettingValue+'-'+$fwsettingValue) { return $true } if (($outputValue -eq $fwsettingValue+'/32') -or ($outputValue -eq $fwsettingValue+'/')) { return $true } if ($outputValue -match '^([\d\.]+)\/(\d+)$') { $netmask = convertToNetmask($Matches[2]) if ($fwsettingValue -eq $Matches[1]+"/"+$netmask) { return $true } } if ($fwsettingValue -match '^([\d\.]+)\/(\d+)$') { $netmask = convertToNetmask($Matches[2]) if ($outputValue -eq $Matches[1]+"/"+$netmask) { return $true } } } return $false } function getFirewallRule ($fwsettings) { $diff = $false $result = @{ changed = $false identical = $false exists = $false failed = $false msg = @() multiple = $false } try { $command = "netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=`"$($fwsettings.'Rule Name')`" verbose" #$output = Get-NetFirewallRule -name $($fwsettings.'Rule Name') $result.output = Invoke-Expression $command | Where { $_ } $rc = $LASTEXITCODE if ($rc -eq 1) { $result.msg += @("No rule '$name' could be found") } elseif ($rc -eq 0) { # Process command output $result.output | Where {$_ -match '^([^:]+):\s*(\S.*)$'} | ForEach -Begin { $FirstRun = $true $HashProps = @{} } -Process { if (($Matches[1] -eq 'Rule Name') -and (-not $FirstRun)) { $output = $HashProps $HashProps = @{} } $HashProps.$($Matches[1]) = $Matches[2] $FirstRun = $false } -End { $output = $HashProps } if ($($output|measure).count -gt 0) { $diff = $false $result.exists = $true #$result.msg += @("The rule '$($fwsettings.'Rule Name')' exists.") if ($($output|measure).count -gt 1) { $result.multiple = $true $result.msg += @("The rule '$($fwsettings.'Rule Name')' has multiple entries.") $result.diff = @{} $result.diff.after = ConvertTo-SortedKV $fwsettings $result.diff.before = ConvertTo-SortedKV $rule $unsupported if ($result.diff.after -ne $result.diff.before ) { $diff = $true } } else { if ($diff_support) { $result.diff = @{} $result.diff.after = ConvertTo-SortedKV $fwsettings $result.diff.before = ConvertTo-SortedKV $output $unsupported } ForEach($fwsetting in $fwsettings.GetEnumerator()) { if ($output.$($fwsetting.Key) -ne $fwsettings.$($fwsetting.Key)) { if ((preprocessAndCompare -key $fwsetting.Key -outputValue $output.$($fwsetting.Key) -fwsettingValue $fwsettings.$($fwsetting.Key))) { Continue } elseif (($fwsetting.Key -eq 'DisplayName') -and ($output."Rule Name" -eq $fwsettings.$($fwsetting.Key))) { Continue } elseif (($fwsetting.Key -eq 'Program') -and ($output.$($fwsetting.Key) -eq (Expand-Environment($fwsettings.$($fwsetting.Key))))) { # Ignore difference caused by expanded environment variables Continue } else { $diff = $true Break } } } } if (-not $diff) { $result.identical = $true } if ($result.identical) { $result.msg += @("The rule '$name' exists and is identical") } else { $result.msg += @("The rule '$name' exists but has different values") } } } else { $result.failed = $true } } catch [Exception] { $result.failed = $true $result.error = $_.Exception.Message } return $result } function createFireWallRule ($fwsettings) { $result = @{ changed = $false failed = $false msg = @() } $command = "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule" ForEach ($fwsetting in $fwsettings.GetEnumerator()) { if ($fwsetting.value -ne $null) { switch($fwsetting.key) { "Direction" { $option = "dir" } "Rule Name" { $option = "name" } "Enabled" { $option = "enable" } "Profiles" { $option = "profile" } "InterfaceTypes" { $option = "interfacetype" } "Security" { $option = "security" } "Edge traversal" { $option = "edge" } default { $option = $($fwsetting.key).ToLower() } } $command += " $option='$($fwsetting.value)'" } } try { $rc = 0 if (-not $check_mode) { $result.output = Invoke-Expression $command | Where { $_ } $rc = $LASTEXITCODE } if ($rc -eq 0) { if ($diff_support) { $result.diff = @{} $result.diff.after = ConvertTo-SortedKV $fwsettings $result.diff.before= "" } $result.changed = $true $result.msg += @("Created firewall rule '$name'") } else { $result.failed = $true $result.msg += @("Create command '$command' failed with rc=$rc") } } catch [Exception]{ $result.error = $_.Exception.Message $result.failed = $true $result.msg = @("Failed to create the rule '$name'") } return $result } function removeFireWallRule ($fwsettings) { $result = @{ changed = $false failed = $false msg = @() } $command = "netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name='$($fwsettings.'Rule Name')'" try { $rc = 0 if (-not $check_mode) { $result.output = Invoke-Expression $command | Where { $_ } $rc = $LASTEXITCODE $result.output | Where {$_ -match '^([^:]+):\s*(\S.*)$'} | Foreach -Begin { $FirstRun = $true $HashProps = @{} } -Process { if (($Matches[1] -eq 'Rule Name') -and (-not $FirstRun)) { $result.output = $HashProps $HashProps = @{} } $HashProps.$($Matches[1]) = $Matches[2] $FirstRun = $false } -End { $result.output = $HashProps } } if ($rc -eq 0 -or $rc -eq 1) { if ($diff_support) { $result.diff = @{} $result.diff.after = "" $result.diff.before = ConvertTo-SortedKV $fwsettings } $result.changed = $true $result.msg += @("Removed the rule '$name'") } else { $result.failed = $true $result.msg += @("Remove command '$command' failed with rc=$rc") } } catch [Exception]{ $result.error = $_.Exception.Message $result.failed = $true $result.msg += @("Failed to remove the rule '$name'") } return $result } # FIXME: Unsupported keys #$unsupported = @("Grouping", "Rule source") $unsupported = @("Rule source") $result = @{ changed = $false fwsettings = @{} msg = @() } $params = Parse-Args $args -supports_check_mode $true $check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_check_mode" -type "bool" -default $false $diff_support = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_diff" -type "bool" -default $false $name = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "name" -failifempty $true $description = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "description" -type "str" $direction = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "direction" -type "str" -failifempty $true -validateset "in","out" $action = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "action" -type "str" -failifempty $true -validateset "allow","block","bypass" $program = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "program" -type "str" $service = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "service" -type "str" $enabled = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "enabled" -type "bool" -default $true -aliases "enable" $profiles = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "profiles" -type "str" -default "domain,private,public" -aliases "profile" $localip = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "localip" -type "str" -default "any" $remoteip = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "remoteip" -type "str" -default "any" $localport = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "localport" -type "str" $remoteport = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "remoteport" -type "str" $protocol = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "protocol" -type "str" -default "any" $edge = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "edge" -type "str" -default "no" -validateset "no","yes","deferapp","deferuser" $interfacetypes = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "interfacetypes" -type "str" -default "any" $security = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "security" -type "str" -default "notrequired" $state = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "state" -type "str" -default "present" -validateset "present","absent" $force = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "force" -type "bool" -default $false # Check the arguments if ($enabled) { $result.fwsettings.Add("Enabled", "Yes") } else { $result.fwsettings.Add("Enabled", "No") } $result.fwsettings.Add("Rule Name", $name) #$result.fwsettings.Add("displayname", $name) if ($state -eq "present") { $result.fwsettings.Add("Direction", $(ConvertTo-TitleCase($direction))) $result.fwsettings.Add("Action", $(ConvertTo-TitleCase $action)) } if ($description -ne $null) { $result.fwsettings.Add("Description", $description) } if ($program -ne $null) { $result.fwsettings.Add("Program", $program) } $result.fwsettings.Add("LocalIP", $localip) $result.fwsettings.Add("RemoteIP", $remoteip) if ($localport -ne $null) { $result.fwsettings.Add("LocalPort", $localport) } if ($remoteport -ne $null) { $result.fwsettings.Add("RemotePort", $remoteport) } if ($service -ne $null) { $result.fwsettings.Add("Service", $(ConvertTo-TitleCase($service))) } if ($protocol -eq "Any") { $result.fwsettings.Add("Protocol", $protocol) } else { $result.fwsettings.Add("Protocol", $protocol.toupper()) } if ($profiles -eq "Any") { $result.fwsettings.Add("Profiles", "Domain,Private,Public") } else { $result.fwsettings.Add("Profiles", $(ConvertTo-TitleCase($profiles))) } $result.fwsettings.Add("Edge traversal", $(ConvertTo-TitleCase($edge))) if ($interfacetypes -ne $null) { $result.fwsettings.Add("InterfaceTypes", $(ConvertTo-TitleCase($interfacetypes))) } switch($security) { "Authenticate" { $security = "Authenticate" } "AuthDynEnc" { $security = "AuthDynEnc" } "AuthEnc" { $security = "AuthEnc" } "AuthNoEncap" { $security = "AuthNoEncap" } "NotRequired" { $security = "NotRequired" } } $result.fwsettings.Add("Security", $security) # FIXME: Define unsupported options #$result.fwsettings.Add("Grouping", "") #$result.fwsettings.Add("Rule source", "Local Setting") $get = getFirewallRule($result.fwsettings) $result.msg += $get.msg if ($get.failed) { $result.error = $get.error $result.output = $get.output Fail-Json $result $result.msg } $result.diff = $get.diff if ($state -eq "present") { if (-not $get.exists) { $create = createFireWallRule($result.fwsettings) $result.msg += $create.msg $result.diff = $create.diff if ($create.failed) { $result.error = $create.error $result.output = $create.output Fail-Json $result $result.msg } $result.changed = $true } elseif (-not $get.identical) { # FIXME: This ought to use netsh advfirewall firewall set instead ! if ($force) { $remove = removeFirewallRule($result.fwsettings) # NOTE: We retain the diff output from $get.diff here $result.msg += $remove.msg if ($remove.failed) { $result.error = $remove.error $result.output = $remove.output Fail-Json $result $result.msg } $create = createFireWallRule($result.fwsettings) # NOTE: We retain the diff output from $get.diff here $result.msg += $create.msg if ($create.failed) { $result.error = $create.error $result.output = $create.output Fail-Json $result $result.msg } $result.changed = $true } else { $result.msg += @("There was already a rule '$name' with different values, use the 'force' parameter to overwrite it") Fail-Json $result $result.msg } } else { $result.msg += @("Firewall rule '$name' was already created") } } elseif ($state -eq "absent") { if ($get.exists) { $remove = removeFirewallRule($result.fwsettings) $result.diff = $remove.diff $result.msg += $remove.msg if ($remove.failed) { $result.error = $remove.error $result.output = $remove.output Fail-Json $result $result.msg } $result.changed = $true } else { $result.msg += @("Firewall rule '$name' did not exist") } } Exit-Json $result