# (c) 2016 Matt Clay # (c) 2017 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' callback: junit type: aggregate short_description: write playbook output to a JUnit file. version_added: historical description: - This callback writes playbook output to a JUnit formatted XML file. - "Tasks show up in the report as follows: 'ok': pass 'failed' with 'EXPECTED FAILURE' in the task name: pass 'failed' with 'TOGGLE RESULT' in the task name: pass 'ok' with 'TOGGLE RESULT' in the task name: failure 'failed' due to an exception: error 'failed' for other reasons: failure 'skipped': skipped" options: output_dir: name: JUnit output dir default: ~/.ansible.log description: Directory to write XML files to. env: - name: JUNIT_OUTPUT_DIR task_class: name: JUnit Task class default: False description: Configure the output to be one class per yaml file env: - name: JUNIT_TASK_CLASS task_relative_path: name: JUnit Task relative path default: none description: Configure the output to use relative paths to given directory version_added: "2.8" env: - name: JUNIT_TASK_RELATIVE_PATH fail_on_change: name: JUnit fail on change default: False description: Consider any tasks reporting "changed" as a junit test failure env: - name: JUNIT_FAIL_ON_CHANGE fail_on_ignore: name: JUnit fail on ignore default: False description: Consider failed tasks as a junit test failure even if ignore_on_error is set env: - name: JUNIT_FAIL_ON_IGNORE include_setup_tasks_in_report: name: JUnit include setup tasks in report default: True description: Should the setup tasks be included in the final report env: - name: JUNIT_INCLUDE_SETUP_TASKS_IN_REPORT hide_task_arguments: name: Hide the arguments for a task default: False description: Hide the arguments for a task version_added: "2.8" env: - name: JUNIT_HIDE_TASK_ARGUMENTS test_case_prefix: name: Prefix to find actual test cases default: description: Consider a task only as test case if it has this value as prefix. Additionaly failing tasks are recorded as failed test cases. version_added: "2.8" env: - name: JUNIT_TEST_CASE_PREFIX requirements: - whitelist in configuration - junit_xml (python lib) ''' import os import time import re from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_text from ansible.plugins.callback import CallbackBase try: from junit_xml import TestSuite, TestCase HAS_JUNIT_XML = True except ImportError: HAS_JUNIT_XML = False try: from collections import OrderedDict HAS_ORDERED_DICT = True except ImportError: try: from ordereddict import OrderedDict HAS_ORDERED_DICT = True except ImportError: HAS_ORDERED_DICT = False class CallbackModule(CallbackBase): """ This callback writes playbook output to a JUnit formatted XML file. Tasks show up in the report as follows: 'ok': pass 'failed' with 'EXPECTED FAILURE' in the task name: pass 'failed' with 'TOGGLE RESULT' in the task name: pass 'ok' with 'TOGGLE RESULT' in the task name: failure 'failed' due to an exception: error 'failed' for other reasons: failure 'skipped': skipped This plugin makes use of the following environment variables: JUNIT_OUTPUT_DIR (optional): Directory to write XML files to. Default: ~/.ansible.log JUNIT_TASK_CLASS (optional): Configure the output to be one class per yaml file Default: False JUNIT_TASK_RELATIVE_PATH (optional): Configure the output to use relative paths to given directory Default: none JUNIT_FAIL_ON_CHANGE (optional): Consider any tasks reporting "changed" as a junit test failure Default: False JUNIT_FAIL_ON_IGNORE (optional): Consider failed tasks as a junit test failure even if ignore_on_error is set Default: False JUNIT_INCLUDE_SETUP_TASKS_IN_REPORT (optional): Should the setup tasks be included in the final report Default: True JUNIT_HIDE_TASK_ARGUMENTS (optional): Hide the arguments for a task Default: False JUNIT_TEST_CASE_PREFIX (optional): Consider a task only as test case if it has this value as prefix. Additionaly failing tasks are recorded as failed test cases. Default: Requires: junit_xml """ CALLBACK_VERSION = 2.0 CALLBACK_TYPE = 'aggregate' CALLBACK_NAME = 'junit' CALLBACK_NEEDS_WHITELIST = True def __init__(self): super(CallbackModule, self).__init__() self._output_dir = os.getenv('JUNIT_OUTPUT_DIR', os.path.expanduser('~/.ansible.log')) self._task_class = os.getenv('JUNIT_TASK_CLASS', 'False').lower() self._task_relative_path = os.getenv('JUNIT_TASK_RELATIVE_PATH', '') self._fail_on_change = os.getenv('JUNIT_FAIL_ON_CHANGE', 'False').lower() self._fail_on_ignore = os.getenv('JUNIT_FAIL_ON_IGNORE', 'False').lower() self._include_setup_tasks_in_report = os.getenv('JUNIT_INCLUDE_SETUP_TASKS_IN_REPORT', 'True').lower() self._hide_task_arguments = os.getenv('JUNIT_HIDE_TASK_ARGUMENTS', 'False').lower() self._test_case_prefix = os.getenv('JUNIT_TEST_CASE_PREFIX', '') self._playbook_path = None self._playbook_name = None self._play_name = None self._task_data = None self.disabled = False if not HAS_JUNIT_XML: self.disabled = True self._display.warning('The `junit_xml` python module is not installed. ' 'Disabling the `junit` callback plugin.') if HAS_ORDERED_DICT: self._task_data = OrderedDict() else: self.disabled = True self._display.warning('The `ordereddict` python module is not installed. ' 'Disabling the `junit` callback plugin.') if not os.path.exists(self._output_dir): os.makedirs(self._output_dir) def _start_task(self, task): """ record the start of a task for one or more hosts """ uuid = task._uuid if uuid in self._task_data: return play = self._play_name name = task.get_name().strip() path = task.get_path() action = task.action if not task.no_log and self._hide_task_arguments == 'false': args = ', '.join(('%s=%s' % a for a in task.args.items())) if args: name += ' ' + args self._task_data[uuid] = TaskData(uuid, name, path, play, action) def _finish_task(self, status, result): """ record the results of a task for a single host """ task_uuid = result._task._uuid if hasattr(result, '_host'): host_uuid = result._host._uuid host_name = result._host.name else: host_uuid = 'include' host_name = 'include' task_data = self._task_data[task_uuid] if self._fail_on_change == 'true' and status == 'ok' and result._result.get('changed', False): status = 'failed' # ignore failure if expected and toggle result if asked for if status == 'failed' and 'EXPECTED FAILURE' in task_data.name: status = 'ok' elif 'TOGGLE RESULT' in task_data.name: if status == 'failed': status = 'ok' elif status == 'ok': status = 'failed' if task_data.name.startswith(self._test_case_prefix) or status == 'failed': task_data.add_host(HostData(host_uuid, host_name, status, result)) def _build_test_case(self, task_data, host_data): """ build a TestCase from the given TaskData and HostData """ name = '[%s] %s: %s' % (host_data.name, task_data.play, task_data.name) duration = host_data.finish - task_data.start if self._task_relative_path: junit_classname = os.path.relpath(task_data.path, self._task_relative_path) else: junit_classname = task_data.path if self._task_class == 'true': junit_classname = re.sub(r'\.yml:[0-9]+$', '', junit_classname) if host_data.status == 'included': return TestCase(name, junit_classname, duration, host_data.result) res = host_data.result._result rc = res.get('rc', 0) dump = self._dump_results(res, indent=0) dump = self._cleanse_string(dump) if host_data.status == 'ok': return TestCase(name, junit_classname, duration, dump) test_case = TestCase(name, junit_classname, duration) if host_data.status == 'failed': if 'exception' in res: message = res['exception'].strip().split('\n')[-1] output = res['exception'] test_case.add_error_info(message, output) elif 'msg' in res: message = res['msg'] test_case.add_failure_info(message, dump) else: test_case.add_failure_info('rc=%s' % rc, dump) elif host_data.status == 'skipped': if 'skip_reason' in res: message = res['skip_reason'] else: message = 'skipped' test_case.add_skipped_info(message) return test_case def _cleanse_string(self, value): """ convert surrogate escapes to the unicode replacement character to avoid XML encoding errors """ return to_text(to_bytes(value, errors='surrogateescape'), errors='replace') def _generate_report(self): """ generate a TestSuite report from the collected TaskData and HostData """ test_cases = [] for task_uuid, task_data in self._task_data.items(): if task_data.action == 'setup' and self._include_setup_tasks_in_report == 'false': continue for host_uuid, host_data in task_data.host_data.items(): test_cases.append(self._build_test_case(task_data, host_data)) test_suite = TestSuite(self._playbook_name, test_cases) report = TestSuite.to_xml_string([test_suite]) output_file = os.path.join(self._output_dir, '%s-%s.xml' % (self._playbook_name, time.time())) with open(output_file, 'wb') as xml: xml.write(to_bytes(report, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) def v2_playbook_on_start(self, playbook): self._playbook_path = playbook._file_name self._playbook_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self._playbook_path))[0] def v2_playbook_on_play_start(self, play): self._play_name = play.get_name() def v2_runner_on_no_hosts(self, task): self._start_task(task) def v2_playbook_on_task_start(self, task, is_conditional): self._start_task(task) def v2_playbook_on_cleanup_task_start(self, task): self._start_task(task) def v2_playbook_on_handler_task_start(self, task): self._start_task(task) def v2_runner_on_failed(self, result, ignore_errors=False): if ignore_errors and self._fail_on_ignore != 'true': self._finish_task('ok', result) else: self._finish_task('failed', result) def v2_runner_on_ok(self, result): self._finish_task('ok', result) def v2_runner_on_skipped(self, result): self._finish_task('skipped', result) def v2_playbook_on_include(self, included_file): self._finish_task('included', included_file) def v2_playbook_on_stats(self, stats): self._generate_report() class TaskData: """ Data about an individual task. """ def __init__(self, uuid, name, path, play, action): self.uuid = uuid self.name = name self.path = path self.play = play self.start = None self.host_data = OrderedDict() self.start = time.time() self.action = action def add_host(self, host): if host.uuid in self.host_data: if host.status == 'included': # concatenate task include output from multiple items host.result = '%s\n%s' % (self.host_data[host.uuid].result, host.result) else: raise Exception('%s: %s: %s: duplicate host callback: %s' % (self.path, self.play, self.name, host.name)) self.host_data[host.uuid] = host class HostData: """ Data about an individual host. """ def __init__(self, uuid, name, status, result): self.uuid = uuid self.name = name self.status = status self.result = result self.finish = time.time()