mklassen 0243eabd30
Fix xml reports changed when node is not deleted (#1007)
* Fix xml reports changed when node is not deleted

* Added changelog fragment

* Added tests for xml no change remove

* Added PR to changeling fragment

Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <>

Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <>
2020-09-30 14:11:28 +03:00
.keep Rename changelogs/fragments/.empty -> changelogs/fragments/.keep 2020-08-07 08:17:57 +02:00
296-ansible-2.9.yml Run tests with Ansible 2.9 as well (#296) 2020-07-02 13:40:16 +02:00
303-consul_kv-fix-env-variables-handling.yaml Fix for lookup/consul_kv environment varibles handling (#303) 2020-06-23 14:08:38 +02:00
311-jira-error-handling.yaml jira: log error messages in "errors" key (#311) 2020-07-28 08:59:33 +03:00
442-log_plays-add_playbook_task_name_and_action.yml [log_plays] Add playbook, task name and action (#442) 2020-06-29 11:31:07 +03:00
474-yarn_fix-outdated-fix-list.yml yarn: Fix handling of empty outdated & scoped packages (#474) 2020-07-23 10:19:32 +03:00
522-parted_change_label.yml parted: proper fix for change of partition label case (#594) 2020-09-28 22:05:15 +02:00
547-start-service-condition.yaml docker_compose: dont start the service if parameter stopped is true (#547) 2020-06-26 08:30:40 +02:00
548_apk.yml apk: Add no-cache option (#548) 2020-06-23 14:10:05 +02:00
560-pkgng-add-stdout-and-stderr.yaml pkgng: Add stdout and stderr to response object (#560) 2020-06-23 19:55:40 +02:00
562-nmcli-fix-idempotency.yaml nmcli: add idempotent support for any kinds of connections (#562) 2020-06-30 05:43:39 +02:00
563-update-terraform-status-test.yaml Fix terraform changed status detection test (#561) (#563) 2020-08-21 21:44:15 +02:00
564-docker_container_use_config_macaddress_by_default.yaml use Config MacAddress by default instead of Networks (#564) 2020-06-30 05:40:43 +02:00
568_packaging.yml Reduce ignored packaging sanity tests (#568) 2020-06-26 15:17:11 +02:00
569-pkgng-add-upgrade-action.yaml pkgng: Add support for upgrading all installed packages (#569) 2020-07-07 23:04:35 +02:00
596-splunk-add-option-to-not-validate-cert.yaml [splunk] Add an option to not fail when the certificate is not valid (#596) 2020-06-29 16:14:44 +02:00
610_logstash_callback_add_ini_config.yml add ini config to logstash callback (#610) 2020-07-31 10:56:12 +02:00
611-gitlab-runners-env-vars-intput-and-default-item-limit.yaml gitlab_runners inventory plugin: runtime en var and list default behavior (#611) 2020-07-16 10:41:09 +03:00
613-snmp_facts-EndOfMibView.yml Handle 'No more variables left in this MIB View ' in snmp_facts (#613) 2020-07-21 12:40:26 +05:30
615-digital-ocean-tag-info-bugfix.yml Fix bug in digital_ocean_tag_info module (#615) 2020-07-05 11:31:52 +05:30
642-docker_container-python-2.yml docker_container: make sure to_text() and to_native() are used instead of str() (#642) 2020-07-13 20:59:29 +02:00
646-docker_swarm-remove-advertise_addr-from-join-requirement.yaml removes advertise_addr from required parameters when state is "join" (#646) 2020-07-20 18:14:16 +02:00
650_pacman_support_zst_package_files.yaml pacman: Treat .zst package names as files (#650) 2020-07-19 12:07:38 +02:00
651-fix-postgresql_set-warning.yaml Update: only "warn" when restart is required (#651) 2020-07-15 16:22:06 +03:00
653-postgresql_query_add_search_path_param.yml postgresql_query: add search_path parameter (#653) 2020-07-20 10:08:02 +03:00
656-name-with-hyphen.yml modules: fix names with hyphens (#656) (#659) 2020-07-16 17:44:19 +03:00
676-osx_defaults_fix_handling_negative_ints.yml osx_defaults: fix handling negative integers (#676) 2020-07-21 16:12:21 +02:00
677-jenkins_plugins_sha1.yaml Shameless recommit of changes in jesstruck/ansible:jenkins_plugins_sha1 (#677) 2020-07-27 11:33:08 +02:00
687-fix-redfish-payload-decode-python35.yml Fix decoding of response payloads for python 3.5 (#687) 2020-07-24 23:35:33 +02:00
689-haproxy_agent_and_health.yml haproxy: Enable/disable health and agent checks (#689) 2020-07-29 23:39:48 +02:00
693-big-revamp-on-xfconf-adding-array-values.yml big revamp on xfconf, adding array values (#693) 2020-07-25 13:58:14 +03:00
699-django_manage-createcachetable-fix-idempotence.yml Fix changes detection for createcachetable (#699) 2020-09-29 06:18:34 +02:00
702-slack-support-for-blocks.yaml slack: support for blocks (#702) 2020-07-29 22:11:32 +02:00
704-doas-set-correct-default-values.yml Fix more become plugins (#708) 2020-07-29 20:27:16 +02:00
707-jira-error-handling.yaml jira: cast error messages to strings (#707) 2020-07-29 23:38:51 +02:00
708-set-correct-default-values.yml Fix more become plugins (#708) 2020-07-29 20:27:16 +02:00
711-lxd-target.yml module lxd_container - added target parameter for cluster deployments (#711) 2020-07-30 12:30:25 +03:00
722-plugins.yml Fix plugins (names, constants, FQCNs in examples) (#722) 2020-08-08 22:04:34 +02:00
738-ipa-python3.yml ipa module utils: BUGFIX ipa modules Cookie problem with Loadbalanced IPA and Python3 (… (#738) 2020-08-07 08:26:38 +02:00
744-xfconf_make_locale-independent.yml Update make locale-independent (#744) 2020-08-11 12:27:33 +02:00
750-jc-new-filter.yaml JC plugin (#750) 2020-08-11 09:12:17 +03:00
776-postgresql_set_allow_empty_string.yaml postgresql_set: allow to pass an empty string as a value (#776) 2020-08-14 22:46:45 +03:00
777-interfaces_file-re-escape.yml interfaces_file: re.escape() old value (#873) 2020-09-08 14:48:20 +02:00
783-fix-gem-installed-versions.yaml gem: Fix get_installed_versions: correctly parse "default" version. (#783) 2020-09-03 07:47:34 +02:00
789-pkg5-wrap-to-modify-package-list.yaml pkg5: wrap 'to modify' package list (#789) 2020-08-25 21:21:51 +02:00
796-postgresql_privs-grant-option-bug.yaml postgresql_privs: Fix bug with grant_option (#796) 2020-08-21 13:57:26 +03:00
802-pushover-device-parameter.yml Specify device for Pushover notification (#802) 2020-09-03 08:01:52 +02:00
811-proxmox-kvm-state-absent.yml proxmox_kvm: fix idempotency issue with state=absent (#811) 2020-09-05 00:51:54 +02:00
820_nagios_added_acknowledge_and_servicecheck.yml Nagios: added 'acknowledge' and 'schedule_forced_svc_check' action (#820) 2020-09-29 06:17:09 +02:00
825-bootsource-override-option.yaml redfish_command: allow setting the BootSourceOverrideEnabled property (#825) 2020-09-10 17:25:48 +02:00
831-proxmox-kvm-wait.yml proxmox_kvm: new function wait_for_task() (#831) 2020-09-08 13:11:37 +02:00
843-update-slack-messages.yml add message_id (ts) option to slack module to allow editing messages (#843) 2020-09-08 13:09:25 +02:00
849-proxmox-kvm-state-absent-force.yml proxmox_kvm: allow force to be use with state=absent (#849) 2020-09-07 22:07:40 +02:00
858-postgresql_privs_should_allow_public_role_lowercased.yml postgresql_privs: allow lowercased PUBLIC role (#858) 2020-09-10 16:08:57 +03:00
887-rollback-if-nothing-changed.yml Rollback if nothing changed (#887) 2020-09-15 16:21:34 +03:00
892-slack-token-validation.yml Slack: moves to \S+ check instead of \w+-\w+ (#863) 2020-09-07 22:09:31 +02:00
897-lookup-plugin-hashivault-add-approle-mount-point.yaml [lookup_plugin/hashi_vault] add missing 'mount_point' param for approle (#897) 2020-09-17 10:19:12 +02:00
899_launchd_user_service.yml launchd: fix for user-level services (#899) 2020-09-27 22:30:22 +02:00
900-aerospike-migration-handle-unstable-cluster.yaml [aerospike_migrations] - handle exception for unstable-cluster (#900) 2020-09-25 07:38:48 +02:00
902-hashi_vault-token-path.yml hashi_vault - Change token_path env var loading precedence (#902) 2020-09-18 21:59:25 +02:00
903-enhance-redfish-manager-reset-actions.yml Support same reset actions on Managers as on Systems (#903) 2020-09-23 08:42:56 +02:00
929-vault-namespace-support.yml Support use of VAULT_NAMESPACE env var (#929) 2020-09-18 21:21:41 +02:00
939-zypper_repository_proper_failure_on_missing_python-xml.yml zypper_repository: Proper failure when python-xml is missing (#939) 2020-09-20 14:09:02 +02:00
941-postgresql_privs_usage_on_types_option.yml postgresql_privs: add usage_on_types option (#941) 2020-09-24 10:08:34 +03:00
943-proxmox-kvm-code-cleanup.yml proxmox_kvm: code cleanup (#934) 2020-09-23 16:39:46 +03:00
945-darwin-timezone-py3.yaml Use platform.system for Darwin comparisons (#945) 2020-09-28 08:12:38 +02:00
951-ipa_user-add-userauthtype-param.yaml ipa_user: Add userauthtype param (#951) 2020-09-29 17:02:40 +02:00
967-use-fqcn-when-calling-a-module-from-action-plugin.yml use FQCN when calling a module from action plugin (#967) 2020-09-28 22:06:08 +02:00
979-docker_container-published_ports-empty-idempotency.yml docker_container: fix idempotency problem with empty published_ports list (#979) 2020-09-28 20:40:57 +02:00
992-nmcli-locale.yml nmcli: set C locale when executing nmcli (#992) 2020-09-29 22:57:07 +02:00
996-postgresql_privs_fix_function_handling.yml postgresql_privs: fix the module mistakes a procedure for a function (#996) 2020-09-29 21:27:30 +03:00
998-nagios-added_forced_check_for_all_services_or_host.yml nagios: force an active service check for all services of a particular host or for the host itself (#998) 2020-09-29 13:49:27 +02:00
33979-xfs_growfs.yml fix xfs growfs (#137) 2020-06-23 14:04:55 +01:00
55903_kubevirt.yml kubevirt: Add aliases 'interface_name' for 'network_name' (#536) 2020-06-29 07:37:41 +02:00
63767_selective.yml selective: mark task failed correctly (#629) 2020-07-12 00:26:58 +02:00
66813_gitlab_project.yml gitlab_project: add support for merge_method on projects (#636) 2020-07-14 20:17:46 +05:30
add_argument_check_for_rundeck.yaml Add check for rundeck_acl_policy name (#612) 2020-07-16 23:17:18 +02:00
airbrake_deployment_add_version.yml airbrake_deployment: Add version param (#583) 2020-06-26 23:05:55 +02:00
aix_filesystem-module_util-routing-issue.yml aix_filesystem - fix module_util pathing issue for ansible 2.9 (#567) 2020-06-23 13:42:32 +02:00
cyberarkconjur-removal.yml conjur_variable: redirecting to correct collection (#570) 2020-06-30 07:36:08 +02:00
digital-ocean.yml Remove DigitalOcean modules (moved to community.digitalocean) (#622) 2020-07-07 16:41:16 +02:00
dsv_fix.yml dsv: Use correct dict usage (#743) 2020-08-10 10:22:24 +05:30
firewalld_migration.yml migrate firewalld to ansible.posix (#623) 2020-07-16 22:21:22 +02:00
galaxy-yml.yml Fix galaxy.yml (#774) 2020-08-16 17:09:34 +01:00
google-modules.yml Restore removed google modules (#675) 2020-07-21 07:45:32 +01:00
homebrew-cask-at-symbol-fix.yaml Fix for error trying to install cask with '@' in the name (#763) 2020-09-02 07:52:23 +03:00
infinidat-removal.yml Remove old infini modules to prepare for collection implementation (#607) 2020-07-10 21:08:09 +02:00
logicmonitor-removal.yml Deprecate logicmonitor and logicmonitor_facts (#541) 2020-06-23 15:55:59 +02:00
mysql.yml Migrating MySQL to community.mysql (#633) 2020-07-10 18:54:04 +02:00
parted_negative_numbers.yml parted: Allow passing negative numbers to specify partition boundary relative to disk end (#129) 2020-06-23 14:02:35 +02:00
pkgutil-check-mode-etc.yaml pkgutil: add update all, check-mode, squashing and examples (#799) 2020-09-30 06:19:36 +02:00
porting-guide-2.yml Add porting guide entries from Ansible-base porting guide (#703) 2020-07-29 08:02:12 +02:00
proxysql.yml migrating ProxySQL to community.proxysql (#624) 2020-07-07 13:38:54 +01:00
xfconf_add_uint_type.yml Added uint type to xfconf module (#696) 2020-07-28 10:40:40 +03:00
xml-remove-changed.yml Fix xml reports changed when node is not deleted (#1007) 2020-09-30 14:11:28 +03:00
zfs-root-snapshot.yml Fix zfs snapshot handling on root zvols (#936) 2020-09-28 22:04:24 +02:00