
76 lines
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Ansible plugin for timing individual tasks and overall execution time.
Mashup of 2 excellent original works:
Add ``profile_tasks`` to the ``callback_whitelist`` in ``ansible.cfg``.
Run playbooks as normal.
Certain options are configurable using environment variables. You can specify ``ascending`` or ``none`` for
the environment variable ``PROFILE_TASKS_SORT_ORDER`` to adjust sorting output. If you want to see more than
20 tasks in the output you can set ``PROFILE_TASKS_TASK_OUTPUT_LIMIT`` to any number, or the special value
``all`` to get a list of all tasks.
Ongoing timing of each task as it happens.
| Format:
| ``<task start timestamp> (<length of previous task>) <current elapsed playbook execution time>``
Task output example:
.. code:: shell
TASK: [ensure messaging security group exists] ********************************
Thursday 11 June 2017 22:50:53 +0100 (0:00:00.721) 0:00:05.322 *********
ok: [localhost]
TASK: [ensure db security group exists] ***************************************
Thursday 11 June 2017 22:50:54 +0100 (0:00:00.558) 0:00:05.880 *********
changed: [localhost]
Play Recap
Recap includes ending timestamp, total playbook execution time and a
sorted list of the top longest running tasks.
No more wondering how old the results in a terminal window are.
.. code:: shell
ansible <args here>
<normal output here>
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
Thursday 11 June 2016 22:51:00 +0100 (0:00:01.011) 0:00:43.247 *********
old_and_slow : install tons of packages -------------------------------- 20.03s
/home/bob/ansible/roles/old_and_slow/tasks/main.yml:4 -------------------------
db : second task to run ------------------------------------------------- 2.03s
/home/bob/ansible/roles/db/tasks/main.yml:4 -----------------------------------
setup ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.42s
None --------------------------------------------------------------------------
www : first task to run ------------------------------------------------- 0.03s
/home/bob/ansible/roles/www/tasks/main.yml:1 ----------------------------------
fast_task : first task to run ------------------------------------------- 0.01s
/home/bob/ansible/roles/fast_task.yml:1 ---------------------------------------
Ansible 2.0+