
442 lines
12 KiB

# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
# Parse the parameters file dropped by the Ansible machinery
$params = Parse-Args $args;
# Initialize defaults for input parameters.
$path= Get-Attr $params "path" $FALSE;
$regexp = Get-Attr $params "regexp" $FALSE;
$state = Get-Attr $params "state" "present";
$line = Get-Attr $params "line" $FALSE;
$backrefs = Get-Attr $params "backrefs" "no";
$insertafter = Get-Attr $params "insertafter" $FALSE;
$insertbefore = Get-Attr $params "insertbefore" $FALSE;
$create = Get-Attr $params "create" "no";
$backup = Get-Attr $params "backup" "no";
$validate = Get-Attr $params "validate" $FALSE;
$encoding = Get-Attr $params "encoding" "auto";
$newline = Get-Attr $params "newline" "windows";
# Parse path / dest / destfile / name param aliases for compatibility with lineinfile
# and fail if at least one spelling of the parameter is not provided.
If ($path -eq $FALSE) {
$path = Get-Attr $params "dest" $FALSE;
If ($path -eq $FALSE) {
$path = Get-Attr $params "destfile" $FALSE;
If ($path -eq $FALSE) {
$path = Get-Attr $params "name" $FALSE;
If ($path -eq $FALSE) {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "missing required argument: path";
# Fail if the path is not a file
If (Test-Path $path -pathType container) {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "Path $path is a directory";
# Write lines to a file using the specified line separator and encoding,
# performing validation if a validation command was specified.
function WriteLines($outlines, $path, $linesep, $encodingobj, $validate) {
$temppath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName();
$joined = $outlines -join $linesep;
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($temppath, $joined, $encodingobj);
If ($validate -ne $FALSE) {
If (!($validate -like "*%s*")) {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "validate must contain %s: $validate";
$validate = $validate.Replace("%s", $temppath);
$parts = [System.Collections.ArrayList] $validate.Split(" ");
$cmdname = $parts[0];
$cmdargs = $validate.Substring($cmdname.Length + 1);
$process = [Diagnostics.Process]::Start($cmdname, $cmdargs);
If ($process.ExitCode -ne 0) {
[string] $output = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
[string] $error = $process.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
Remove-Item $temppath -force;
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "failed to validate $cmdname $cmdargs with error: $output $error";
# Commit changes to the path
$cleanpath = $path.Replace("/", "\");
Copy-Item $temppath $cleanpath -force;
Remove-Item $temppath -force;
# Backup the file specified with a date/time filename
function BackupFile($path) {
$backuppath = $path + "." + [DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");
Copy-Item $path $backuppath;
return $backuppath;
# Implement the functionality for state == 'present'
function Present($path, $regexp, $line, $insertafter, $insertbefore, $create, $backup, $backrefs, $validate, $encodingobj, $linesep) {
# Note that we have to clean up the path because ansible wants to treat / and \ as
# interchangeable in windows pathnames, but .NET framework internals do not support that.
$cleanpath = $path.Replace("/", "\");
# Check if path exists. If it does not exist, either create it if create == "yes"
# was specified or fail with a reasonable error message.
If (!(Test-Path $path)) {
If ($create -eq "no") {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "Path $path does not exist !";
# Create new empty file, using the specified encoding to write correct BOM
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($cleanpath, "", $encodingobj);
# Read the dest file lines using the indicated encoding into a mutable ArrayList.
$content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($cleanpath, $encodingobj);
If ($content -eq $null) {
$lines = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
Else {
$lines = [System.Collections.ArrayList] $content;
# Compile the regex specified, if provided
$mre = $FALSE;
If ($regexp -ne $FALSE) {
$mre = New-Object Regex $regexp, 'Compiled';
# Compile the regex for insertafter or insertbefore, if provided
$insre = $FALSE;
If ($insertafter -ne $FALSE -and $insertafter -ne "BOF" -and $insertafter -ne "EOF") {
$insre = New-Object Regex $insertafter, 'Compiled';
ElseIf ($insertbefore -ne $FALSE -and $insertbefore -ne "BOF") {
$insre = New-Object Regex $insertbefore, 'Compiled';
# index[0] is the line num where regexp has been found
# index[1] is the line num where insertafter/inserbefore has been found
$index = -1, -1;
$lineno = 0;
# The latest match object and matched line
$matched_line = "";
$m = $FALSE;
# Iterate through the lines in the file looking for matches
Foreach ($cur_line in $lines) {
If ($regexp -ne $FALSE) {
$m = $mre.Match($cur_line);
$match_found = $m.Success;
If ($match_found) {
$matched_line = $cur_line;
Else {
$match_found = $line -ceq $cur_line;
If ($match_found) {
$index[0] = $lineno;
ElseIf ($insre -ne $FALSE -and $insre.Match($cur_line).Success) {
If ($insertafter -ne $FALSE) {
$index[1] = $lineno + 1;
If ($insertbefore -ne $FALSE) {
$index[1] = $lineno;
$lineno = $lineno + 1;
$changed = $FALSE;
$msg = "";
If ($index[0] -ne -1) {
If ($backrefs -ne "no") {
$new_line = [regex]::Replace($matched_line, $regexp, $line);
Else {
$new_line = $line;
If ($lines[$index[0]] -cne $new_line) {
$lines[$index[0]] = $new_line;
$msg = "line replaced";
$changed = $TRUE;
ElseIf ($backrefs -ne "no") {
# No matches - no-op
ElseIf ($insertbefore -eq "BOF" -or $insertafter -eq "BOF") {
$lines.Insert(0, $line);
$msg = "line added";
$changed = $TRUE;
ElseIf ($insertafter -eq "EOF" -or $index[1] -eq -1) {
$msg = "line added";
$changed = $TRUE;
Else {
$lines.Insert($index[1], $line);
$msg = "line added";
$changed = $TRUE;
# Write backup file if backup == "yes"
$backuppath = "";
If ($changed -eq $TRUE -and $backup -eq "yes") {
$backuppath = BackupFile $path;
# Write changes to the path if changes were made
If ($changed) {
WriteLines $lines $path $linesep $encodingobj $validate;
$encodingstr = $encodingobj.WebName;
# Return result information
$result = New-Object psobject @{
changed = $changed
msg = $msg
backup = $backuppath
encoding = $encodingstr
Exit-Json $result;
# Implement the functionality for state == 'absent'
function Absent($path, $regexp, $line, $backup, $validate, $encodingobj, $linesep) {
# Check if path exists. If it does not exist, fail with a reasonable error message.
If (!(Test-Path $path)) {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "Path $path does not exist !";
# Read the dest file lines using the indicated encoding into a mutable ArrayList. Note
# that we have to clean up the path because ansible wants to treat / and \ as
# interchangeable in windows pathnames, but .NET framework internals do not support that.
$cleanpath = $path.Replace("/", "\");
$content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($cleanpath, $encodingobj);
If ($content -eq $null) {
$lines = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
Else {
$lines = [System.Collections.ArrayList] $content;
# Initialize message to be returned on success
$msg = "";
# Compile the regex specified, if provided
$cre = $FALSE;
If ($regexp -ne $FALSE) {
$cre = New-Object Regex $regexp, 'Compiled';
$found = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
$left = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
$changed = $FALSE;
Foreach ($cur_line in $lines) {
If ($cre -ne $FALSE) {
$m = $cre.Match($cur_line);
$match_found = $m.Success;
Else {
$match_found = $line -ceq $cur_line;
If ($match_found) {
$changed = $TRUE;
Else {
# Write backup file if backup == "yes"
$backuppath = "";
If ($changed -eq $TRUE -and $backup -eq "yes") {
$backuppath = BackupFile $path;
# Write changes to the path if changes were made
If ($changed) {
WriteLines $left $path $linesep $encodingobj $validate;
# Return result information
$fcount = $found.Count;
$msg = "$fcount line(s) removed";
$encodingstr = $encodingobj.WebName;
$result = New-Object psobject @{
changed = $changed
msg = $msg
backup = $backuppath
found = $fcount
encoding = $encodingstr
Exit-Json $result;
# Default to windows line separator - probably most common
$linesep = "`r`n";
If ($newline -ne "windows") {
$linesep = "`n";
# Fix any CR/LF literals in the line argument. PS will not recognize either backslash
# or backtick literals in the incoming string argument without this bit of black magic.
If ($line -ne $FALSE) {
$line = $line.Replace("\r", "`r");
$line = $line.Replace("\n", "`n");
# Figure out the proper encoding to use for reading / writing the target file.
# The default encoding is UTF-8 without BOM
$encodingobj = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding] $FALSE;
# If an explicit encoding is specified, use that instead
If ($encoding -ne "auto") {
$encodingobj = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding($encoding);
# Otherwise see if we can determine the current encoding of the target file.
# If the file doesn't exist yet (create == 'yes') we use the default or
# explicitly specified encoding set above.
Elseif (Test-Path $path) {
# Get a sorted list of encodings with preambles, longest first
$max_preamble_len = 0;
$sortedlist = New-Object System.Collections.SortedList;
Foreach ($encodinginfo in [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncodings()) {
$encoding = $encodinginfo.GetEncoding();
$plen = $encoding.GetPreamble().Length;
If ($plen -gt $max_preamble_len) {
$max_preamble_len = $plen;
If ($plen -gt 0) {
$sortedlist.Add(-($plen * 1000000 + $encoding.CodePage), $encoding);
# Get the first N bytes from the file, where N is the max preamble length we saw
[Byte[]]$bom = Get-Content -Encoding Byte -ReadCount $max_preamble_len -TotalCount $max_preamble_len -Path $path;
# Iterate through the sorted encodings, looking for a full match.
$found = $FALSE;
Foreach ($encoding in $sortedlist.GetValueList()) {
$preamble = $encoding.GetPreamble();
If ($preamble -and $bom) {
Foreach ($i in 0..($preamble.Length - 1)) {
If ($i -ge $bom.Length) {
If ($preamble[$i] -ne $bom[$i]) {
Elseif ($i + 1 -eq $preamble.Length) {
$encodingobj = $encoding;
$found = $TRUE;
If ($found) {
# Main dispatch - based on the value of 'state', perform argument validation and
# call the appropriate handler function.
If ($state -eq "present") {
If ( $backrefs -ne "no" -and $regexp -eq $FALSE ) {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "regexp= is required with backrefs=true";
If ($line -eq $FALSE) {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "line= is required with state=present";
If ($insertbefore -eq $FALSE -and $insertafter -eq $FALSE) {
$insertafter = "EOF";
Present $path $regexp $line $insertafter $insertbefore $create $backup $backrefs $validate $encodingobj $linesep;
Else {
If ($regexp -eq $FALSE -and $line -eq $FALSE) {
Fail-Json (New-Object psobject) "one of line= or regexp= is required with state=absent";
Absent $path $regexp $line $backup $validate $encodingobj $linesep;