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# WARNING: These are designed specifically for Ansible tests #
# and should not be used as examples of how to write Ansible roles #
# test code for the git_config module
- name: setup
import_tasks: setup.yml
- block:
# testing parameters exclusion: state and list_all
- import_tasks: exclusion_state_list-all.yml
# testing get/set option without state
- import_tasks: get_set_no_state.yml
# testing get/set option with state=present
- import_tasks: get_set_state_present.yml
# testing get/set option with state=present and scope=file
- import_tasks: get_set_state_present_file.yml
# testing state=absent without value to delete
- import_tasks: unset_no_value.yml
# testing state=absent with value to delete
- import_tasks: unset_value.yml
# testing state=absent with value to delete and a defined value parameter
- import_tasks: precedence_between_unset_and_value.yml
# testing state=absent with check mode
- import_tasks: unset_check_mode.yml
# testing for case in issue #1776
- import_tasks: set_value_with_tilde.yml
when: git_installed is succeeded and git_version.stdout is version(git_version_supporting_includes, ">=")