1253 lines
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1253 lines
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# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import cmd
import functools
import os
import pprint
import sys
import threading
import time
from collections import deque
from multiprocessing import Lock
from jinja2.exceptions import UndefinedError
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleFileNotFound, AnsibleParserError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable
from ansible.executor import action_write_locks
from ansible.executor.process.worker import WorkerProcess
from ansible.executor.task_result import TaskResult
from ansible.inventory.host import Host
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import queue as Queue
from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems, itervalues, string_types
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
from ansible.module_utils.connection import Connection, ConnectionError
from ansible.playbook.helpers import load_list_of_blocks
from ansible.playbook.included_file import IncludedFile
from ansible.playbook.task_include import TaskInclude
from ansible.playbook.role_include import IncludeRole
from ansible.plugins.loader import action_loader, connection_loader, filter_loader, lookup_loader, module_loader, test_loader
from ansible.template import Templar
from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars
from ansible.vars.clean import strip_internal_keys
from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
__all__ = ['StrategyBase']
class StrategySentinel:
# TODO: this should probably be in the plugins/__init__.py, with
# a smarter mechanism to set all of the attributes based on
# the loaders created there
class SharedPluginLoaderObj:
A simple object to make pass the various plugin loaders to
the forked processes over the queue easier
def __init__(self):
self.action_loader = action_loader
self.connection_loader = connection_loader
self.filter_loader = filter_loader
self.test_loader = test_loader
self.lookup_loader = lookup_loader
self.module_loader = module_loader
_sentinel = StrategySentinel()
def results_thread_main(strategy):
while True:
result = strategy._final_q.get()
if isinstance(result, StrategySentinel):
except (IOError, EOFError):
except Queue.Empty:
def debug_closure(func):
"""Closure to wrap ``StrategyBase._process_pending_results`` and invoke the task debugger"""
def inner(self, iterator, one_pass=False, max_passes=None):
status_to_stats_map = (
('is_failed', 'failures'),
('is_unreachable', 'dark'),
('is_changed', 'changed'),
('is_skipped', 'skipped'),
# We don't know the host yet, copy the previous states, for lookup after we process new results
prev_host_states = iterator._host_states.copy()
results = func(self, iterator, one_pass=one_pass, max_passes=max_passes)
_processed_results = []
for result in results:
task = result._task
host = result._host
_queued_task_args = self._queued_task_cache.pop((host.name, task._uuid), None)
task_vars = _queued_task_args['task_vars']
play_context = _queued_task_args['play_context']
# Try to grab the previous host state, if it doesn't exist use get_host_state to generate an empty state
prev_host_state = prev_host_states[host.name]
except KeyError:
prev_host_state = iterator.get_host_state(host)
while result.needs_debugger(globally_enabled=self.debugger_active):
next_action = NextAction()
dbg = Debugger(task, host, task_vars, play_context, result, next_action)
if next_action.result == NextAction.REDO:
# rollback host state
iterator._host_states[host.name] = prev_host_state
for method, what in status_to_stats_map:
if getattr(result, method)():
self._tqm._stats.decrement(what, host.name)
self._tqm._stats.decrement('ok', host.name)
# redo
self._queue_task(host, task, task_vars, play_context)
_processed_results.extend(debug_closure(func)(self, iterator, one_pass))
elif next_action.result == NextAction.CONTINUE:
elif next_action.result == NextAction.EXIT:
# Matches KeyboardInterrupt from bin/ansible
return _processed_results
return inner
class StrategyBase:
This is the base class for strategy plugins, which contains some common
code useful to all strategies like running handlers, cleanup actions, etc.
def __init__(self, tqm):
self._tqm = tqm
self._inventory = tqm.get_inventory()
self._workers = tqm.get_workers()
self._notified_handlers = tqm._notified_handlers
self._listening_handlers = tqm._listening_handlers
self._variable_manager = tqm.get_variable_manager()
self._loader = tqm.get_loader()
self._final_q = tqm._final_q
self._step = getattr(tqm._options, 'step', False)
self._diff = getattr(tqm._options, 'diff', False)
self.flush_cache = getattr(tqm._options, 'flush_cache', False)
# the task cache is a dictionary of tuples of (host.name, task._uuid)
# used to find the original task object of in-flight tasks and to store
# the task args/vars and play context info used to queue the task.
self._queued_task_cache = {}
# Backwards compat: self._display isn't really needed, just import the global display and use that.
self._display = display
# internal counters
self._pending_results = 0
self._cur_worker = 0
# this dictionary is used to keep track of hosts that have
# outstanding tasks still in queue
self._blocked_hosts = dict()
# this dictionary is used to keep track of hosts that have
# flushed handlers
self._flushed_hosts = dict()
self._results = deque()
self._results_lock = threading.Condition(threading.Lock())
# create the result processing thread for reading results in the background
self._results_thread = threading.Thread(target=results_thread_main, args=(self,))
self._results_thread.daemon = True
# holds the list of active (persistent) connections to be shutdown at
# play completion
self._active_connections = dict()
self.debugger_active = C.ENABLE_TASK_DEBUGGER
def cleanup(self):
# close active persistent connections
for sock in itervalues(self._active_connections):
conn = Connection(sock)
except ConnectionError as e:
# most likely socket is already closed
display.debug("got an error while closing persistent connection: %s" % e)
def run(self, iterator, play_context, result=0):
# execute one more pass through the iterator without peeking, to
# make sure that all of the hosts are advanced to their final task.
# This should be safe, as everything should be ITERATING_COMPLETE by
# this point, though the strategy may not advance the hosts itself.
[iterator.get_next_task_for_host(host) for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts) if host.name not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
# save the failed/unreachable hosts, as the run_handlers()
# method will clear that information during its execution
failed_hosts = iterator.get_failed_hosts()
unreachable_hosts = self._tqm._unreachable_hosts.keys()
display.debug("running handlers")
handler_result = self.run_handlers(iterator, play_context)
if isinstance(handler_result, bool) and not handler_result:
result |= self._tqm.RUN_ERROR
elif not handler_result:
result |= handler_result
# now update with the hosts (if any) that failed or were
# unreachable during the handler execution phase
failed_hosts = set(failed_hosts).union(iterator.get_failed_hosts())
unreachable_hosts = set(unreachable_hosts).union(self._tqm._unreachable_hosts.keys())
# return the appropriate code, depending on the status hosts after the run
if not isinstance(result, bool) and result != self._tqm.RUN_OK:
return result
elif len(unreachable_hosts) > 0:
return self._tqm.RUN_UNREACHABLE_HOSTS
elif len(failed_hosts) > 0:
return self._tqm.RUN_FAILED_HOSTS
return self._tqm.RUN_OK
def get_hosts_remaining(self, play):
return [host for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(play.hosts)
if host.name not in self._tqm._failed_hosts and host.name not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
def get_failed_hosts(self, play):
return [host for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(play.hosts) if host.name in self._tqm._failed_hosts]
def add_tqm_variables(self, vars, play):
Base class method to add extra variables/information to the list of task
vars sent through the executor engine regarding the task queue manager state.
vars['ansible_current_hosts'] = [h.name for h in self.get_hosts_remaining(play)]
vars['ansible_failed_hosts'] = [h.name for h in self.get_failed_hosts(play)]
def _queue_task(self, host, task, task_vars, play_context):
''' handles queueing the task up to be sent to a worker '''
display.debug("entering _queue_task() for %s/%s" % (host.name, task.action))
# Add a write lock for tasks.
# Maybe this should be added somewhere further up the call stack but
# this is the earliest in the code where we have task (1) extracted
# into its own variable and (2) there's only a single code path
# leading to the module being run. This is called by three
# functions: __init__.py::_do_handler_run(), linear.py::run(), and
# free.py::run() so we'd have to add to all three to do it there.
# The next common higher level is __init__.py::run() and that has
# tasks inside of play_iterator so we'd have to extract them to do it
# there.
if task.action not in action_write_locks.action_write_locks:
display.debug('Creating lock for %s' % task.action)
action_write_locks.action_write_locks[task.action] = Lock()
# and then queue the new task
# create a dummy object with plugin loaders set as an easier
# way to share them with the forked processes
shared_loader_obj = SharedPluginLoaderObj()
queued = False
starting_worker = self._cur_worker
while True:
worker_prc = self._workers[self._cur_worker]
if worker_prc is None or not worker_prc.is_alive():
self._queued_task_cache[(host.name, task._uuid)] = {
'host': host,
'task': task,
'task_vars': task_vars,
'play_context': play_context
worker_prc = WorkerProcess(self._final_q, task_vars, host, task, play_context, self._loader, self._variable_manager, shared_loader_obj)
self._workers[self._cur_worker] = worker_prc
display.debug("worker is %d (out of %d available)" % (self._cur_worker + 1, len(self._workers)))
queued = True
self._cur_worker += 1
if self._cur_worker >= len(self._workers):
self._cur_worker = 0
if queued:
elif self._cur_worker == starting_worker:
self._pending_results += 1
except (EOFError, IOError, AssertionError) as e:
# most likely an abort
display.debug("got an error while queuing: %s" % e)
display.debug("exiting _queue_task() for %s/%s" % (host.name, task.action))
def get_task_hosts(self, iterator, task_host, task):
if task.run_once:
host_list = [host for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts) if host.name not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
host_list = [task_host]
return host_list
def get_delegated_hosts(self, result, task):
host_name = result.get('_ansible_delegated_vars', {}).get('ansible_delegated_host', None)
if host_name is not None:
actual_host = self._inventory.get_host(host_name)
if actual_host is None:
actual_host = Host(name=host_name)
actual_host = Host(name=task.delegate_to)
return [actual_host]
def _process_pending_results(self, iterator, one_pass=False, max_passes=None):
Reads results off the final queue and takes appropriate action
based on the result (executing callbacks, updating state, etc.).
ret_results = []
def get_original_host(host_name):
# FIXME: this should not need x2 _inventory
host_name = to_text(host_name)
if host_name in self._inventory.hosts:
return self._inventory.hosts[host_name]
return self._inventory.get_host(host_name)
def search_handler_blocks_by_name(handler_name, handler_blocks):
for handler_block in handler_blocks:
for handler_task in handler_block.block:
if handler_task.name:
handler_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(play=iterator._play, task=handler_task)
templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=handler_vars)
# first we check with the full result of get_name(), which may
# include the role name (if the handler is from a role). If that
# is not found, we resort to the simple name field, which doesn't
# have anything extra added to it.
target_handler_name = templar.template(handler_task.name)
if target_handler_name == handler_name:
return handler_task
target_handler_name = templar.template(handler_task.get_name())
if target_handler_name == handler_name:
return handler_task
except (UndefinedError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable):
# We skip this handler due to the fact that it may be using
# a variable in the name that was conditionally included via
# set_fact or some other method, and we don't want to error
# out unnecessarily
return None
def search_handler_blocks_by_uuid(handler_uuid, handler_blocks):
for handler_block in handler_blocks:
for handler_task in handler_block.block:
if handler_uuid == handler_task._uuid:
return handler_task
return None
def parent_handler_match(target_handler, handler_name):
if target_handler:
if isinstance(target_handler, (TaskInclude, IncludeRole)):
handler_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(play=iterator._play, task=target_handler)
templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=handler_vars)
target_handler_name = templar.template(target_handler.name)
if target_handler_name == handler_name:
return True
target_handler_name = templar.template(target_handler.get_name())
if target_handler_name == handler_name:
return True
except (UndefinedError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable):
return parent_handler_match(target_handler._parent, handler_name)
return False
cur_pass = 0
while True:
task_result = self._results.popleft()
except IndexError:
# get the original host and task. We then assign them to the TaskResult for use in callbacks/etc.
original_host = get_original_host(task_result._host)
queue_cache_entry = (original_host.name, task_result._task)
found_task = self._queued_task_cache.get(queue_cache_entry)['task']
original_task = found_task.copy(exclude_parent=True, exclude_tasks=True)
original_task._parent = found_task._parent
task_result._host = original_host
task_result._task = original_task
# send callbacks for 'non final' results
if '_ansible_retry' in task_result._result:
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_retry', task_result)
elif '_ansible_item_result' in task_result._result:
if task_result.is_failed() or task_result.is_unreachable():
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_item_on_failed', task_result)
elif task_result.is_skipped():
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_item_on_skipped', task_result)
if 'diff' in task_result._result:
if self._diff or getattr(original_task, 'diff', False):
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_on_file_diff', task_result)
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_item_on_ok', task_result)
if original_task.register:
host_list = self.get_task_hosts(iterator, original_host, original_task)
clean_copy = strip_internal_keys(task_result._result)
if 'invocation' in clean_copy:
del clean_copy['invocation']
for target_host in host_list:
self._variable_manager.set_nonpersistent_facts(target_host, {original_task.register: clean_copy})
# all host status messages contain 2 entries: (msg, task_result)
role_ran = False
if task_result.is_failed():
role_ran = True
ignore_errors = original_task.ignore_errors
if not ignore_errors:
display.debug("marking %s as failed" % original_host.name)
if original_task.run_once:
# if we're using run_once, we have to fail every host here
for h in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts):
if h.name not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts:
state, _ = iterator.get_next_task_for_host(h, peek=True)
state, new_task = iterator.get_next_task_for_host(h, peek=True)
# increment the failed count for this host
self._tqm._stats.increment('failures', original_host.name)
# grab the current state and if we're iterating on the rescue portion
# of a block then we save the failed task in a special var for use
# within the rescue/always
state, _ = iterator.get_next_task_for_host(original_host, peek=True)
if iterator.is_failed(original_host) and state and state.run_state == iterator.ITERATING_COMPLETE:
self._tqm._failed_hosts[original_host.name] = True
if state and iterator.get_active_state(state).run_state == iterator.ITERATING_RESCUE:
self._tqm._stats.increment('ok', original_host.name)
if 'changed' in task_result._result and task_result._result['changed']:
self._tqm._stats.increment('changed', original_host.name)
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_failed', task_result, ignore_errors=ignore_errors)
elif task_result.is_unreachable():
ignore_unreachable = original_task.ignore_unreachable
if not ignore_unreachable:
self._tqm._unreachable_hosts[original_host.name] = True
self._tqm._stats.increment('skipped', original_host.name)
task_result._result['skip_reason'] = 'Host %s is unreachable' % original_host.name
self._tqm._stats.increment('dark', original_host.name)
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_unreachable', task_result)
elif task_result.is_skipped():
self._tqm._stats.increment('skipped', original_host.name)
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_skipped', task_result)
role_ran = True
if original_task.loop:
# this task had a loop, and has more than one result, so
# loop over all of them instead of a single result
result_items = task_result._result.get('results', [])
result_items = [task_result._result]
for result_item in result_items:
if '_ansible_notify' in result_item:
if task_result.is_changed():
# The shared dictionary for notified handlers is a proxy, which
# does not detect when sub-objects within the proxy are modified.
# So, per the docs, we reassign the list so the proxy picks up and
# notifies all other threads
for handler_name in result_item['_ansible_notify']:
found = False
# Find the handler using the above helper. First we look up the
# dependency chain of the current task (if it's from a role), otherwise
# we just look through the list of handlers in the current play/all
# roles and use the first one that matches the notify name
target_handler = search_handler_blocks_by_name(handler_name, iterator._play.handlers)
if target_handler is not None:
found = True
if target_handler._uuid not in self._notified_handlers:
self._notified_handlers[target_handler._uuid] = []
if original_host not in self._notified_handlers[target_handler._uuid]:
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_playbook_on_notify', target_handler, original_host)
# As there may be more than one handler with the notified name as the
# parent, so we just keep track of whether or not we found one at all
for target_handler_uuid in self._notified_handlers:
target_handler = search_handler_blocks_by_uuid(target_handler_uuid, iterator._play.handlers)
if target_handler and parent_handler_match(target_handler, handler_name):
found = True
if original_host not in self._notified_handlers[target_handler._uuid]:
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_playbook_on_notify', target_handler, original_host)
if handler_name in self._listening_handlers:
for listening_handler_uuid in self._listening_handlers[handler_name]:
listening_handler = search_handler_blocks_by_uuid(listening_handler_uuid, iterator._play.handlers)
if listening_handler is not None:
found = True
if original_host not in self._notified_handlers[listening_handler._uuid]:
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_playbook_on_notify', listening_handler, original_host)
# and if none were found, then we raise an error
if not found:
msg = ("The requested handler '%s' was not found in either the main handlers list nor in the listening "
"handlers list" % handler_name)
raise AnsibleError(msg)
if 'add_host' in result_item:
# this task added a new host (add_host module)
new_host_info = result_item.get('add_host', dict())
self._add_host(new_host_info, iterator)
elif 'add_group' in result_item:
# this task added a new group (group_by module)
self._add_group(original_host, result_item)
if 'ansible_facts' in result_item:
# if delegated fact and we are delegating facts, we need to change target host for them
if original_task.delegate_to is not None and original_task.delegate_facts:
host_list = self.get_delegated_hosts(result_item, original_task)
host_list = self.get_task_hosts(iterator, original_host, original_task)
if original_task.action == 'include_vars':
for (var_name, var_value) in iteritems(result_item['ansible_facts']):
# find the host we're actually referring too here, which may
# be a host that is not really in inventory at all
for target_host in host_list:
self._variable_manager.set_host_variable(target_host, var_name, var_value)
cacheable = result_item.pop('_ansible_facts_cacheable', False)
for target_host in host_list:
if not original_task.action == 'set_fact' or cacheable:
self._variable_manager.set_host_facts(target_host, result_item['ansible_facts'].copy())
if original_task.action == 'set_fact':
self._variable_manager.set_nonpersistent_facts(target_host, result_item['ansible_facts'].copy())
if 'ansible_stats' in result_item and 'data' in result_item['ansible_stats'] and result_item['ansible_stats']['data']:
if 'per_host' not in result_item['ansible_stats'] or result_item['ansible_stats']['per_host']:
host_list = self.get_task_hosts(iterator, original_host, original_task)
host_list = [None]
data = result_item['ansible_stats']['data']
aggregate = 'aggregate' in result_item['ansible_stats'] and result_item['ansible_stats']['aggregate']
for myhost in host_list:
for k in data.keys():
if aggregate:
self._tqm._stats.update_custom_stats(k, data[k], myhost)
self._tqm._stats.set_custom_stats(k, data[k], myhost)
if 'diff' in task_result._result:
if self._diff or getattr(original_task, 'diff', False):
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_on_file_diff', task_result)
if not isinstance(original_task, TaskInclude):
self._tqm._stats.increment('ok', original_host.name)
if 'changed' in task_result._result and task_result._result['changed']:
self._tqm._stats.increment('changed', original_host.name)
# finally, send the ok for this task
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_ok', task_result)
self._pending_results -= 1
if original_host.name in self._blocked_hosts:
del self._blocked_hosts[original_host.name]
# If this is a role task, mark the parent role as being run (if
# the task was ok or failed, but not skipped or unreachable)
if original_task._role is not None and role_ran: # TODO: and original_task.action != 'include_role':?
# lookup the role in the ROLE_CACHE to make sure we're dealing
# with the correct object and mark it as executed
for (entry, role_obj) in iteritems(iterator._play.ROLE_CACHE[original_task._role._role_name]):
if role_obj._uuid == original_task._role._uuid:
role_obj._had_task_run[original_host.name] = True
if one_pass or max_passes is not None and (cur_pass + 1) >= max_passes:
cur_pass += 1
return ret_results
def _wait_on_handler_results(self, iterator, handler, notified_hosts):
Wait for the handler tasks to complete, using a short sleep
between checks to ensure we don't spin lock
ret_results = []
handler_results = 0
display.debug("waiting for handler results...")
while (self._pending_results > 0 and
handler_results < len(notified_hosts) and
not self._tqm._terminated):
if self._tqm.has_dead_workers():
raise AnsibleError("A worker was found in a dead state")
results = self._process_pending_results(iterator)
handler_results += len([
r._host for r in results if r._host in notified_hosts and
r.task_name == handler.name])
if self._pending_results > 0:
display.debug("no more pending handlers, returning what we have")
return ret_results
def _wait_on_pending_results(self, iterator):
Wait for the shared counter to drop to zero, using a short sleep
between checks to ensure we don't spin lock
ret_results = []
display.debug("waiting for pending results...")
while self._pending_results > 0 and not self._tqm._terminated:
if self._tqm.has_dead_workers():
raise AnsibleError("A worker was found in a dead state")
results = self._process_pending_results(iterator)
if self._pending_results > 0:
display.debug("no more pending results, returning what we have")
return ret_results
def _add_host(self, host_info, iterator):
Helper function to add a new host to inventory based on a task result.
if host_info:
host_name = host_info.get('host_name')
# Check if host in inventory, add if not
if host_name not in self._inventory.hosts:
self._inventory.add_host(host_name, 'all')
new_host = self._inventory.hosts.get(host_name)
# Set/update the vars for this host
new_host.vars = combine_vars(new_host.get_vars(), host_info.get('host_vars', dict()))
new_groups = host_info.get('groups', [])
for group_name in new_groups:
if group_name not in self._inventory.groups:
new_group = self._inventory.groups[group_name]
# reconcile inventory, ensures inventory rules are followed
def _add_group(self, host, result_item):
Helper function to add a group (if it does not exist), and to assign the
specified host to that group.
changed = False
# the host here is from the executor side, which means it was a
# serialized/cloned copy and we'll need to look up the proper
# host object from the master inventory
real_host = self._inventory.hosts.get(host.name)
if real_host is None:
if host.name == self._inventory.localhost.name:
real_host = self._inventory.localhost
raise AnsibleError('%s cannot be matched in inventory' % host.name)
group_name = result_item.get('add_group')
parent_group_names = result_item.get('parent_groups', [])
for name in [group_name] + parent_group_names:
if name not in self._inventory.groups:
# create the new group and add it to inventory
changed = True
group = self._inventory.groups[group_name]
for parent_group_name in parent_group_names:
parent_group = self._inventory.groups[parent_group_name]
if real_host.name not in group.get_hosts():
changed = True
if group_name not in host.get_groups():
changed = True
if changed:
return changed
def _copy_included_file(self, included_file):
A proven safe and performant way to create a copy of an included file
ti_copy = included_file._task.copy(exclude_parent=True)
ti_copy._parent = included_file._task._parent
temp_vars = ti_copy.vars.copy()
ti_copy.vars = temp_vars
return ti_copy
def _load_included_file(self, included_file, iterator, is_handler=False):
Loads an included YAML file of tasks, applying the optional set of variables.
display.debug("loading included file: %s" % included_file._filename)
data = self._loader.load_from_file(included_file._filename)
if data is None:
return []
elif not isinstance(data, list):
raise AnsibleError("included task files must contain a list of tasks")
ti_copy = self._copy_included_file(included_file)
# pop tags out of the include args, if they were specified there, and assign
# them to the include. If the include already had tags specified, we raise an
# error so that users know not to specify them both ways
tags = included_file._task.vars.pop('tags', [])
if isinstance(tags, string_types):
tags = tags.split(',')
if len(tags) > 0:
if len(included_file._task.tags) > 0:
raise AnsibleParserError("Include tasks should not specify tags in more than one way (both via args and directly on the task). "
"Mixing tag specify styles is prohibited for whole import hierarchy, not only for single import statement",
display.deprecated("You should not specify tags in the include parameters. All tags should be specified using the task-level option",
included_file._task.tags = tags
block_list = load_list_of_blocks(
# since we skip incrementing the stats when the task result is
# first processed, we do so now for each host in the list
for host in included_file._hosts:
self._tqm._stats.increment('ok', host.name)
except AnsibleError as e:
if isinstance(e, AnsibleFileNotFound):
reason = "Could not find or access '%s' on the Ansible Controller." % to_text(included_file._filename)
reason = to_text(e)
# mark all of the hosts including this file as failed, send callbacks,
# and increment the stats for this host
for host in included_file._hosts:
tr = TaskResult(host=host, task=included_file._task, return_data=dict(failed=True, reason=reason))
self._tqm._failed_hosts[host.name] = True
self._tqm._stats.increment('failures', host.name)
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_failed', tr)
return []
# finally, send the callback and return the list of blocks loaded
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_playbook_on_include', included_file)
display.debug("done processing included file")
return block_list
def run_handlers(self, iterator, play_context):
Runs handlers on those hosts which have been notified.
result = self._tqm.RUN_OK
for handler_block in iterator._play.handlers:
# FIXME: handlers need to support the rescue/always portions of blocks too,
# but this may take some work in the iterator and gets tricky when
# we consider the ability of meta tasks to flush handlers
for handler in handler_block.block:
if handler._uuid in self._notified_handlers and len(self._notified_handlers[handler._uuid]):
handler_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(play=iterator._play, task=handler)
templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=handler_vars)
handler_name = handler.get_name()
handler_name = templar.template(handler_name)
except (UndefinedError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable):
result = self._do_handler_run(handler, handler_name, iterator=iterator, play_context=play_context)
if not result:
return result
def _do_handler_run(self, handler, handler_name, iterator, play_context, notified_hosts=None):
# FIXME: need to use iterator.get_failed_hosts() instead?
# if not len(self.get_hosts_remaining(iterator._play)):
# self._tqm.send_callback('v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining')
# result = False
# break
if notified_hosts is None:
notified_hosts = self._notified_handlers[handler._uuid]
notified_hosts = self._filter_notified_hosts(notified_hosts)
if len(notified_hosts) > 0:
saved_name = handler.name
handler.name = handler_name
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_playbook_on_handler_task_start', handler)
handler.name = saved_name
run_once = False
action = action_loader.get(handler.action, class_only=True)
if handler.run_once or getattr(action, 'BYPASS_HOST_LOOP', False):
run_once = True
except KeyError:
# we don't care here, because the action may simply not have a
# corresponding action plugin
host_results = []
for host in notified_hosts:
if not handler.has_triggered(host) and (not iterator.is_failed(host) or play_context.force_handlers):
task_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(play=iterator._play, host=host, task=handler)
self.add_tqm_variables(task_vars, play=iterator._play)
self._queue_task(host, handler, task_vars, play_context)
if run_once:
# collect the results from the handler run
host_results = self._wait_on_handler_results(iterator, handler, notified_hosts)
included_files = IncludedFile.process_include_results(
except AnsibleError as e:
return False
result = True
if len(included_files) > 0:
for included_file in included_files:
new_blocks = self._load_included_file(included_file, iterator=iterator, is_handler=True)
# for every task in each block brought in by the include, add the list
# of hosts which included the file to the notified_handlers dict
for block in new_blocks:
for task in block.block:
task_name = task.get_name()
display.debug("adding task '%s' included in handler '%s'" % (task_name, handler_name))
self._notified_handlers[task._uuid] = included_file._hosts[:]
result = self._do_handler_run(
if not result:
except AnsibleError as e:
for host in included_file._hosts:
self._tqm._failed_hosts[host.name] = True
# remove hosts from notification list
self._notified_handlers[handler._uuid] = [
h for h in self._notified_handlers[handler._uuid]
if h not in notified_hosts]
display.debug("done running handlers, result is: %s" % result)
return result
def _filter_notified_hosts(self, notified_hosts):
Filter notified hosts accordingly to strategy
# As main strategy is linear, we do not filter hosts
# We return a copy to avoid race conditions
return notified_hosts[:]
def _take_step(self, task, host=None):
ret = False
msg = u'Perform task: %s ' % task
if host:
msg += u'on %s ' % host
msg += u'(N)o/(y)es/(c)ontinue: '
resp = display.prompt(msg)
if resp.lower() in ['y', 'yes']:
display.debug("User ran task")
ret = True
elif resp.lower() in ['c', 'continue']:
display.debug("User ran task and canceled step mode")
self._step = False
ret = True
display.debug("User skipped task")
return ret
def _cond_not_supported_warn(self, task_name):
display.warning("%s task does not support when conditional" % task_name)
def _execute_meta(self, task, play_context, iterator, target_host):
# meta tasks store their args in the _raw_params field of args,
# since they do not use k=v pairs, so get that
meta_action = task.args.get('_raw_params')
def _evaluate_conditional(h):
all_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(play=iterator._play, host=h, task=task)
templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=all_vars)
return task.evaluate_conditional(templar, all_vars)
skipped = False
msg = ''
if meta_action == 'noop':
# FIXME: issue a callback for the noop here?
if task.when:
msg = "noop"
elif meta_action == 'flush_handlers':
if task.when:
self._flushed_hosts[target_host] = True
self.run_handlers(iterator, play_context)
self._flushed_hosts[target_host] = False
msg = "ran handlers"
elif meta_action == 'refresh_inventory' or self.flush_cache:
if task.when:
msg = "inventory successfully refreshed"
elif meta_action == 'clear_facts':
if _evaluate_conditional(target_host):
for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts):
hostname = host.get_name()
msg = "facts cleared"
skipped = True
elif meta_action == 'clear_host_errors':
if _evaluate_conditional(target_host):
for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts):
self._tqm._failed_hosts.pop(host.name, False)
self._tqm._unreachable_hosts.pop(host.name, False)
iterator._host_states[host.name].fail_state = iterator.FAILED_NONE
msg = "cleared host errors"
skipped = True
elif meta_action == 'end_play':
if _evaluate_conditional(target_host):
for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts):
if host.name not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts:
iterator._host_states[host.name].run_state = iterator.ITERATING_COMPLETE
msg = "ending play"
elif meta_action == 'reset_connection':
all_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(play=iterator._play, host=target_host, task=task)
templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=all_vars)
# apply the given task's information to the connection info,
# which may override some fields already set by the play or
# the options specified on the command line
play_context = play_context.set_task_and_variable_override(task=task, variables=all_vars, templar=templar)
# fields set from the play/task may be based on variables, so we have to
# do the same kind of post validation step on it here before we use it.
# now that the play context is finalized, if the remote_addr is not set
# default to using the host's address field as the remote address
if not play_context.remote_addr:
play_context.remote_addr = target_host.address
# We also add "magic" variables back into the variables dict to make sure
# a certain subset of variables exist.
if task.when:
if target_host in self._active_connections:
connection = Connection(self._active_connections[target_host])
del self._active_connections[target_host]
connection = connection_loader.get(play_context.connection, play_context, os.devnull)
if connection:
msg = 'reset connection'
except ConnectionError as e:
# most likely socket is already closed
display.debug("got an error while closing persistent connection: %s" % e)
msg = 'no connection, nothing to reset'
raise AnsibleError("invalid meta action requested: %s" % meta_action, obj=task._ds)
result = {'msg': msg}
if skipped:
result['skipped'] = True
result['changed'] = False
display.vv("META: %s" % msg)
return [TaskResult(target_host, task, result)]
def get_hosts_left(self, iterator):
''' returns list of available hosts for this iterator by filtering out unreachables '''
hosts_left = []
for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts, order=iterator._play.order):
if host.name not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts:
return hosts_left
def update_active_connections(self, results):
''' updates the current active persistent connections '''
for r in results:
if 'args' in r._task_fields:
socket_path = r._task_fields['args'].get('_ansible_socket')
if socket_path:
if r._host not in self._active_connections:
self._active_connections[r._host] = socket_path
class NextAction(object):
""" The next action after an interpreter's exit. """
REDO = 1
EXIT = 3
def __init__(self, result=EXIT):
self.result = result
class Debugger(cmd.Cmd):
prompt_continuous = '> ' # multiple lines
def __init__(self, task, host, task_vars, play_context, result, next_action):
# cmd.Cmd is old-style class
self.prompt = '[%s] %s (debug)> ' % (host, task)
self.intro = None
self.scope = {}
self.scope['task'] = task
self.scope['task_vars'] = task_vars
self.scope['host'] = host
self.scope['play_context'] = play_context
self.scope['result'] = result
self.next_action = next_action
def cmdloop(self):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
do_h = cmd.Cmd.do_help
def do_EOF(self, args):
return self.do_quit(args)
def do_quit(self, args):
display.display('User interrupted execution')
self.next_action.result = NextAction.EXIT
return True
do_q = do_quit
def do_continue(self, args):
"""Continue to next result"""
self.next_action.result = NextAction.CONTINUE
return True
do_c = do_continue
def do_redo(self, args):
"""Schedule task for re-execution. The re-execution may not be the next result"""
self.next_action.result = NextAction.REDO
return True
do_r = do_redo
def do_update_task(self, args):
"""Recreate the task from ``task._ds``, and template with updated ``task_vars``"""
templar = Templar(None, shared_loader_obj=None, variables=self.scope['task_vars'])
task = self.scope['task']
task = task.load_data(task._ds)
self.scope['task'] = task
do_u = do_update_task
def evaluate(self, args):
return eval(args, globals(), self.scope)
except Exception:
t, v = sys.exc_info()[:2]
if isinstance(t, str):
exc_type_name = t
exc_type_name = t.__name__
display.display('***%s:%s' % (exc_type_name, repr(v)))
def do_pprint(self, args):
"""Pretty Print"""
result = self.evaluate(args)
except Exception:
do_p = do_pprint
def execute(self, args):
code = compile(args + '\n', '<stdin>', 'single')
exec(code, globals(), self.scope)
except Exception:
t, v = sys.exc_info()[:2]
if isinstance(t, str):
exc_type_name = t
exc_type_name = t.__name__
display.display('***%s:%s' % (exc_type_name, repr(v)))
def default(self, line):
except Exception: