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# Copyright (c) 2018 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
name: aws_rds
plugin_type: inventory
short_description: rds instance source
- Get instances and clusters from Amazon Web Services RDS.
- Uses a YAML configuration file that ends with aws_rds.(yml|yaml).
description: A list of regions in which to describe RDS instances and clusters. Available regions are listed here
default: []
description: A dictionary of filter value pairs. Available filters are listed here
U( If you filter by
db-cluster-id and I(include_clusters) is True it will apply to clusters as well.
default: {}
description: By default if an AccessDenied exception is encountered this plugin will fail. You can set strict_permissions to
False in the inventory config file which will allow the restrictions to be gracefully skipped.
type: bool
default: True
description: Whether or not to query for Aurora clusters as well as instances
type: bool
default: False
description: A list of desired states for instances/clusters to be added to inventory. Set to ['all'] as a shorthand to find everything.
type: list
- creating
- available
- inventory_cache
- constructed
- aws_credentials
- boto3
- botocore
author: Sloane Hertel (@s-hertel)
plugin: aws_rds
- us-east-1
- ca-central-1
- key: 'db_parameter_groups|json_query("[].db_parameter_group_name")'
prefix: rds_parameter_group
- key: engine
prefix: rds
- key: tags
- key: region
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
from import is_boto3_error_code
from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list, boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict
from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import camel_dict_to_snake_dict
from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin, Constructable, Cacheable
import boto3
import botocore
except ImportError:
raise AnsibleError('The RDS dynamic inventory plugin requires boto3 and botocore.')
class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin, Constructable, Cacheable):
NAME = 'aws_rds'
def __init__(self):
super(InventoryModule, self).__init__()
self.credentials = {}
self.boto_profile = None
def _boto3_conn(self, regions):
:param regions: A list of regions to create a boto3 client
Generator that yields a boto3 client and the region
for region in regions:
connection = boto3.session.Session(profile_name=self.boto_profile).client('rds', region, **self.credentials)
except (botocore.exceptions.ProfileNotFound, botocore.exceptions.PartialCredentialsError) as e:
if self.boto_profile:
connection = boto3.session.Session(profile_name=self.boto_profile).client('rds', region)
except (botocore.exceptions.ProfileNotFound, botocore.exceptions.PartialCredentialsError) as e:
raise AnsibleError("Insufficient credentials found: %s" % to_native(e))
raise AnsibleError("Insufficient credentials found: %s" % to_native(e))
yield connection, region
def _get_hosts_by_region(self, connection, filters, strict):
def _add_tags_for_hosts(connection, hosts, strict):
for host in hosts:
if 'DBInstanceArn' in host:
resource_arn = host['DBInstanceArn']
resource_arn = host['DBClusterArn']
tags = connection.list_tags_for_resource(ResourceName=resource_arn)['TagList']
except is_boto3_error_code('AccessDenied') as e:
if not strict:
tags = []
raise e
host['Tags'] = tags
def wrapper(f, *args, **kwargs):
results = f(*args, **kwargs)
if 'DBInstances' in results:
results = results['DBInstances']
results = results['DBClusters']
_add_tags_for_hosts(connection, results, strict)
except is_boto3_error_code('AccessDenied') as e: # pylint: disable=duplicate-except
if not strict:
results = []
raise AnsibleError("Failed to query RDS: {0}".format(to_native(e)))
except (botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError, botocore.exceptions.ClientError) as e: # pylint: disable=duplicate-except
raise AnsibleError("Failed to query RDS: {0}".format(to_native(e)))
return results
return wrapper
def _get_all_hosts(self, regions, instance_filters, cluster_filters, strict, statuses, gather_clusters=False):
:param regions: a list of regions in which to describe hosts
:param instance_filters: a list of boto3 filter dictionaries
:param cluster_filters: a list of boto3 filter dictionaries
:param strict: a boolean determining whether to fail or ignore 403 error codes
:param statuses: a list of statuses that the returned hosts should match
:return A list of host dictionaries
all_instances = []
all_clusters = []
for connection, region in self._boto3_conn(regions):
paginator = connection.get_paginator('describe_db_instances')
self._get_hosts_by_region(connection, instance_filters, strict)
if gather_clusters:
self._get_hosts_by_region(connection, cluster_filters, strict)
(connection.describe_db_clusters, **{'Filters': cluster_filters})
sorted_hosts = list(
sorted(all_instances, key=lambda x: x['DBInstanceIdentifier']) +
sorted(all_clusters, key=lambda x: x['DBClusterIdentifier'])
return self.find_hosts_with_valid_statuses(sorted_hosts, statuses)
def find_hosts_with_valid_statuses(self, hosts, statuses):
if 'all' in statuses:
return hosts
valid_hosts = []
for host in hosts:
if host.get('DBInstanceStatus') in statuses:
elif host.get('Status') in statuses:
return valid_hosts
def _populate(self, hosts):
group = 'aws_rds'
if hosts:
self._add_hosts(hosts=hosts, group=group)
self.inventory.add_child('all', group)
def _populate_from_source(self, source_data):
hostvars = source_data.pop('_meta', {}).get('hostvars', {})
for group in source_data:
if group == 'all':
hosts = source_data[group].get('hosts', [])
for host in hosts:
self._populate_host_vars([host], hostvars.get(host, {}), group)
self.inventory.add_child('all', group)
def _get_hostname(self, host):
if host.get('DBInstanceIdentifier'):
return host['DBInstanceIdentifier']
return host['DBClusterIdentifier']
def _format_inventory(self, hosts):
results = {'_meta': {'hostvars': {}}}
group = 'aws_rds'
results[group] = {'hosts': []}
for host in hosts:
hostname = self._get_hostname(host)
h = self.inventory.get_host(hostname)
results['_meta']['hostvars'][] = h.vars
return results
def _add_hosts(self, hosts, group):
:param hosts: a list of hosts to be added to a group
:param group: the name of the group to which the hosts belong
for host in hosts:
hostname = self._get_hostname(host)
host = camel_dict_to_snake_dict(host, ignore_list=['Tags'])
host['tags'] = boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(host.get('tags', []))
# Allow easier grouping by region
if 'availability_zone' in host:
host['region'] = host['availability_zone'][:-1]
elif 'availability_zones' in host:
host['region'] = host['availability_zones'][0][:-1]
self.inventory.add_host(hostname, group=group)
for hostvar, hostval in host.items():
self.inventory.set_variable(hostname, hostvar, hostval)
# Use constructed if applicable
strict = self.get_option('strict')
# Composed variables
self._set_composite_vars(self.get_option('compose'), host, hostname, strict=strict)
# Complex groups based on jinja2 conditionals, hosts that meet the conditional are added to group
self._add_host_to_composed_groups(self.get_option('groups'), host, hostname, strict=strict)
# Create groups based on variable values and add the corresponding hosts to it
self._add_host_to_keyed_groups(self.get_option('keyed_groups'), host, hostname, strict=strict)
def _set_credentials(self):
:param config_data: contents of the inventory config file
self.boto_profile = self.get_option('aws_profile')
aws_access_key_id = self.get_option('aws_access_key')
aws_secret_access_key = self.get_option('aws_secret_key')
aws_security_token = self.get_option('aws_security_token')
if not self.boto_profile and not (aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key):
session = botocore.session.get_session()
if session.get_credentials() is not None:
aws_access_key_id = session.get_credentials().access_key
aws_secret_access_key = session.get_credentials().secret_key
aws_security_token = session.get_credentials().token
if not self.boto_profile and not (aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key):
raise AnsibleError("Insufficient boto credentials found. Please provide them in your "
"inventory configuration file or set them as environment variables.")
if aws_access_key_id:
self.credentials['aws_access_key_id'] = aws_access_key_id
if aws_secret_access_key:
self.credentials['aws_secret_access_key'] = aws_secret_access_key
if aws_security_token:
self.credentials['aws_session_token'] = aws_security_token
def verify_file(self, path):
:param loader: an ansible.parsing.dataloader.DataLoader object
:param path: the path to the inventory config file
:return the contents of the config file
if super(InventoryModule, self).verify_file(path):
if path.endswith(('aws_rds.yml', 'aws_rds.yaml')):
return True
return False
def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache=True):
super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, path)
config_data = self._read_config_data(path)
# get user specifications
regions = self.get_option('regions')
filters = self.get_option('filters')
strict_permissions = self.get_option('strict_permissions')
statuses = self.get_option('statuses')
include_clusters = self.get_option('include_clusters')
instance_filters = ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list(filters)
cluster_filters = []
if 'db-cluster-id' in filters and include_clusters:
cluster_filters = ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list({'db-cluster-id': filters['db-cluster-id']})
cache_key = self.get_cache_key(path)
# false when refresh_cache or --flush-cache is used
if cache:
# get the user-specified directive
cache = self.get_option('cache')
# Generate inventory
formatted_inventory = {}
cache_needs_update = False
if cache:
results = self._cache[cache_key]
except KeyError:
# if cache expires or cache file doesn't exist
cache_needs_update = True
if not cache or cache_needs_update:
results = self._get_all_hosts(regions, instance_filters, cluster_filters, strict_permissions, statuses, include_clusters)
formatted_inventory = self._format_inventory(results)
# If the cache has expired/doesn't exist or if refresh_inventory/flush cache is used
# when the user is using caching, update the cached inventory
if cache_needs_update or (not cache and self.get_option('cache')):
self._cache[cache_key] = formatted_inventory