Philippe Gauthier 27fe14bfc1
Fix get_user_by_username in keycloak library (#6568)
* Fix get_user_by_username in keycloak library for keycloak_user_rolemapping module

* Add changelog fragment for bug fix
2023-05-29 15:32:15 +02:00
.keep Rename changelogs/fragments/.empty -> changelogs/fragments/.keep 2020-08-07 08:17:57 +02:00
6527-nmcli-bond-fix-xmit_hash_policy.yml nmcli: Fix bond option xmit_hash_policy (#6527) 2023-05-21 17:03:38 +02:00
6534-zypper-exitcode-102-handled.yaml added handling of zypper exitcode 102: ZYPPER_EXIT_INF_REBOOT_NEEDED (#6534) 2023-05-22 06:24:53 +02:00
6539-semantic-markup.yml Enable using semantic markup (#6539) 2023-05-20 13:05:44 +02:00
6548-portage-changed_use-newuse.yml portage: fix changed_use and newuse not triggering rebuilds (#6008) (#6548) 2023-05-21 21:36:46 +02:00
6554-proxmox-tasks-info-fix-required-password.yaml Don't require api_password when api_token_id is used in proxmox_tasks_info (#6554) 2023-05-22 06:32:26 +02:00
6568-fix-get-user-by-username-in-keycloak-module-utils.yml Fix get_user_by_username in keycloak library (#6568) 2023-05-29 15:32:15 +02:00