195 lines
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195 lines
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# (c) 2016 RedHat
# This file is part of Ansible.
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import os.path
import random
import re
import time
from ansible.module_utils.six import text_type
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import shlex_quote
from ansible.plugins import AnsiblePlugin
_USER_HOME_PATH_RE = re.compile(r'^~[_.A-Za-z0-9][-_.A-Za-z0-9]*$')
class ShellBase(AnsiblePlugin):
def __init__(self):
super(ShellBase, self).__init__()
self.env = {}
self.tempdir = None
def set_options(self, task_keys=None, var_options=None, direct=None):
super(ShellBase, self).set_options(task_keys=task_keys, var_options=var_options, direct=direct)
# not all shell modules have this option
if self.get_option('set_module_language'):
# set env
def env_prefix(self, **kwargs):
return ' '.join(['%s=%s' % (k, shlex_quote(text_type(v))) for k, v in kwargs.items()])
def join_path(self, *args):
return os.path.join(*args)
# some shells (eg, powershell) are snooty about filenames/extensions, this lets the shell plugin have a say
def get_remote_filename(self, pathname):
base_name = os.path.basename(pathname.strip())
return base_name.strip()
def path_has_trailing_slash(self, path):
return path.endswith('/')
def chmod(self, paths, mode):
cmd = ['chmod', mode]
cmd = [shlex_quote(c) for c in cmd]
return ' '.join(cmd)
def chown(self, paths, user):
cmd = ['chown', user]
cmd = [shlex_quote(c) for c in cmd]
return ' '.join(cmd)
def set_user_facl(self, paths, user, mode):
"""Only sets acls for users as that's really all we need"""
cmd = ['setfacl', '-m', 'u:%s:%s' % (user, mode)]
cmd = [shlex_quote(c) for c in cmd]
return ' '.join(cmd)
def remove(self, path, recurse=False):
path = shlex_quote(path)
cmd = 'rm -f '
if recurse:
cmd += '-r '
return cmd + "%s %s" % (path, self._SHELL_REDIRECT_ALLNULL)
def exists(self, path):
cmd = ['test', '-e', shlex_quote(path)]
return ' '.join(cmd)
def mkdtemp(self, basefile=None, system=False, mode=0o700, tmpdir=None):
if not basefile:
basefile = 'ansible-tmp-%s-%s' % (time.time(), random.randint(0, 2**48))
# When system is specified we have to create this in a directory where
# other users can read and access the temp directory.
# This is because we use system to create tmp dirs for unprivileged users who are
# sudo'ing to a second unprivileged user.
# The 'system_temps' setting defines dirctories we can use for this purpose
# the default are, /tmp and /var/tmp.
# So we only allow one of those locations if system=True, using the
# passed in tmpdir if it is valid or the first one from the setting if not.
if system:
if tmpdir.startswith(tuple(self.get_option('system_temps'))):
basetmpdir = tmpdir
basetmpdir = self.get_option('system_temps')[0]
if tmpdir is None:
basetmpdir = self.get_option('remote_temp')
basetmpdir = tmpdir
basetmp = self.join_path(basetmpdir, basefile)
cmd = 'mkdir -p %s echo %s %s' % (self._SHELL_SUB_LEFT, basetmp, self._SHELL_SUB_RIGHT)
cmd += ' %s echo %s=%s echo %s %s' % (self._SHELL_AND, basefile, self._SHELL_SUB_LEFT, basetmp, self._SHELL_SUB_RIGHT)
# change the umask in a subshell to achieve the desired mode
# also for directories created with `mkdir -p`
if mode:
tmp_umask = 0o777 & ~mode
cmd = '%s umask %o %s %s %s' % (self._SHELL_GROUP_LEFT, tmp_umask, self._SHELL_AND, cmd, self._SHELL_GROUP_RIGHT)
return cmd
def expand_user(self, user_home_path, username=''):
''' Return a command to expand tildes in a path
It can be either "~" or "~username". We just ignore $HOME
We use the POSIX definition of a username:
Falls back to 'current workind directory' as we assume 'home is where the remote user ends up'
# Check that the user_path to expand is safe
if user_home_path != '~':
if not _USER_HOME_PATH_RE.match(user_home_path):
# shlex_quote will make the shell return the string verbatim
user_home_path = shlex_quote(user_home_path)
elif username:
# if present the user name is appended to resolve "that user's home"
user_home_path += username
return 'echo %s' % user_home_path
def pwd(self):
"""Return the working directory after connecting"""
return 'echo %spwd%s' % (self._SHELL_SUB_LEFT, self._SHELL_SUB_RIGHT)
def build_module_command(self, env_string, shebang, cmd, arg_path=None):
# don't quote the cmd if it's an empty string, because this will break pipelining mode
if cmd.strip() != '':
cmd = shlex_quote(cmd)
cmd_parts = []
if shebang:
shebang = shebang.replace("#!", "").strip()
shebang = ""
cmd_parts.extend([env_string.strip(), shebang, cmd])
if arg_path is not None:
new_cmd = " ".join(cmd_parts)
return new_cmd
def append_command(self, cmd, cmd_to_append):
"""Append an additional command if supported by the shell"""
if self._SHELL_AND:
cmd += ' %s %s' % (self._SHELL_AND, cmd_to_append)
return cmd
def wrap_for_exec(self, cmd):
"""wrap script execution with any necessary decoration (eg '&' for quoted powershell script paths)"""
return cmd