n0p90 5ad703ac64
nsupdate: fix zone lookup (#5818)
The SOA record for an existing zone is returned as an answer RR and not
as an authority RR. It can be returned as an authority RR for subdomains
of a zone.

$ dig -t SOA
;; ANSWER SECTION:	3530	IN	SOA 2022091184 7200 3600 1209600 3600

$ dig -t SOA
;; AUTHORITY SECTION:	3600	IN	SOA 2022091184 7200 3600 1209600 3600
2023-01-17 21:03:38 +01:00
.keep Rename changelogs/fragments/.empty -> changelogs/fragments/.keep 2020-08-07 08:17:57 +02:00
3910-redfish-add-operation-apply-time-to-simple-update.yml Redfish: Expanded SimpleUpdate command to allow for users to monitor the progress of an update and perform follow-up operations (#5580) 2022-11-23 07:46:39 +01:00
4276-redfish-command-updates-for-full-simple-update-workflow.yml Redfish: Expanded SimpleUpdate command to allow for users to monitor the progress of an update and perform follow-up operations (#5580) 2022-11-23 07:46:39 +01:00
5486-snap-alias-cmd-runner.yml snap_alias: using CmdRunner (#5486) 2023-01-08 21:37:29 +01:00
5489-nonetype-in-get-vm-by-label.yml one_vm: fix for 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split' in get_vm_labels_and_attributes_dict (#5489) 2022-11-08 23:00:05 +01:00
5490-adding-put-functionality.yml Adding PUT functionality to redfish_utils (Updated) (#5507) 2022-12-05 18:31:50 +01:00
5493-proxmox.yml Add changelog fragment. 2022-11-13 21:06:11 +01:00
5502-xfconf-facts-deprecation.yml xfconf: prune deprecated facts-generation code (#5502) 2022-11-10 21:18:52 +01:00
5506-onepassword_raw-missing-param.yml onepassword_raw - Add missing parameter to doc string (#5511) 2022-11-09 07:28:49 +01:00
5514-fix-logical-flaw-when-deleting-jenkins-build.yml Fix a logical flaw when deleting a build in the jenkins_build module (#5514) 2022-11-10 21:18:01 +01:00
5538-cmd-runner-as-fixed.yml cmd_runner module utils: fix case for as_fixed() format (#5538) 2022-11-16 06:44:40 +01:00
5543-dependent-template.yml dependent lookup: prevent deprecation warning with ansible-core 2.14 (#5543) 2022-11-15 08:12:09 +01:00
5545-gconftool-cmd-runner.yml gconftool2: refactored to use ModuleHelper + CmdRunner (#5545) 2022-11-15 21:02:45 +01:00
5549-lxd-project-sanity.yml lxd_project: refactored os.path.expanduser() to module utils (#5549) 2022-11-15 21:04:29 +01:00
5550-java_certs-not-enough-info-on-error.yml java_certs : Not enough info on error (#5550) 2022-11-28 22:44:24 +01:00
5553-spotinst-aws-elasticgroup-sanity.yml spotinst_aws_elasticgroup: sanity checks (#5553) 2022-11-15 22:37:48 +01:00
5557-udm-share-sanity.yml udm_share: fix sanity checks (#5557) 2022-11-26 18:41:45 +01:00
5559-udm-user-sanity.yml udm_user: sanity (#5559) 2022-11-23 18:43:58 +01:00
5563-rax-scaling-group-sanity.yml rax_scaling_group: fix sanity check (#5563) 2022-11-16 21:58:55 +01:00
5565-jenkins-plugin-sanity.yml jenkins_plugin: fix sanity checks (#5565) 2022-11-17 06:55:46 +01:00
5566-additional-flags-nmap.yml Add additional flags to (#5566) 2022-11-17 06:56:21 +01:00
5570-chroot-plugin-fix-default-inventory_hostname.yml chroot plugin fix inventory_hostname var for remote_addr (#5570) 2022-11-17 06:53:46 +01:00
5583-redhat_subscription-subscribe-parameters.yaml redhat_subscription: drop unneeded args to Rhsm.register() (#5583) 2022-11-29 13:07:08 +01:00
5592-redirect-remove-sap-modules.yml Redirect and Remove sap modules (#5592) 2022-11-27 13:59:29 +01:00
5601-unixy-callback-use-config-manager.yml unixy Callback: Use Ansible's config manager (#5601) 2022-11-28 21:51:23 +00:00
5602-proxmox-tags.yml Updated tags delimiter (#5602) 2022-12-04 12:42:46 +01:00
5605-ssh-config-add-host-key-algorithms.yaml feat(ssh_config): host_key_algorithms option (#5605) 2022-12-04 12:57:54 +01:00
5612-puppet-cmd-runner.yml puppet: refactored to use CmdRunner (#5612) 2022-12-14 21:30:03 +01:00
5619-keycloak-improvements.yml Fix keycloak_client_rolemapping role removal and diff (#5619) 2022-12-05 06:23:00 +01:00
5627-redhat_subscription-subscribe-parameters-2.yaml redhat_subscription: don't discard vars with key (#5627) 2022-11-30 22:15:55 +01:00
5628-fix-vmadm-off-by-one.yml Fix for vmadm get_vm_uuid out of range (#5628) 2022-11-30 22:41:35 +01:00
5629-add-prepend-hash-option-for-channel-id.yml Remove automatically adding # symbol to channel names (#5629) 2022-12-01 22:17:09 +01:00
5632-vdo-Use-yaml-safe-load-instead-of-yaml-load.yml vdo: Use yaml.safe_load() instead of yaml.load() (#5632) 2022-11-30 22:48:32 +01:00
5640-fix-typo-proxmox-inventory.yml fix typo disable_looups in inventory/proxmox (#5640) 2022-12-02 06:43:22 +01:00
5647-cmd-runner-as-bool-false.yml cmd_runner: allow bool format to pass alternate (false) value (#5647) 2022-12-04 12:18:33 +01:00
5659-fix-lxc_container-command.yml lxc_container: fix lxc argument when executing lxc command (#5659) 2022-12-17 12:10:23 +01:00
5662-redhat_subscription-server_proxy_scheme.yaml redhat_subscription: add `server_proxy_scheme` parameter (#5662) 2022-12-08 22:40:37 +01:00
5666-gitlab-variables.yml respect new variable property in gitlab_group_variable and gitlab_project_variable (#5667) 2022-12-10 21:40:36 +01:00
5672-proxmox.yml Bugfix: Remove redundant VMID parameters (#5672) 2022-12-19 20:22:23 +01:00
5680-ansible_galaxy_install-fx-locale.yaml ansible_galaxy_install: use locale C tentatively, else en_US (#5680) 2022-12-22 06:45:07 +01:00
5688-opkg-module-install-certain-version.yml opkg module: allow installing a package in a certain version (#5688) 2022-12-22 19:31:33 +01:00
5694-add-custom-fields-to-bitwarden.yml Add Support to Bitwarden Lookup for Custom Fields (#5694) 2023-01-07 10:28:05 +01:00
5703-sudoers-host-support.yml Add support for host restriction in sudoers module (#5703) 2022-12-20 12:49:11 +01:00
5705-opkg-fix-force-reinstall.yml opkg: fix issue that force=reinstall would not reinstall an existing package (#5705) 2022-12-19 20:23:44 +01:00
5706-add-builds-forks-container-registry.yml Fixes #5691. Support gitlab forking_access_level, builds_access_level and container_registry_access_level fields (#5706) 2023-01-12 21:06:52 +01:00
5714-proxmox-lxc-tag-support.yml feat: add tags to proxmox containers (#5714) 2022-12-30 22:09:00 +01:00
5718-opkg-refactor.yaml opkg: refactor module to use StateModuleHelper and CmdRunner (#5718) 2023-01-12 20:42:38 +01:00
5719-xfconf-facts-deprecation.yml xfconf: prune deprecated facts-generating code (more of it) (#5719) 2022-12-22 06:54:02 +01:00
5720-ssh_config-plugin-sanity.yml ssh_config: fixed sanity (#5720) 2022-12-22 21:34:21 +01:00
5721-manageiq-policies-deprecate-list-state.yaml manageiq_policies: deprecate list state (#5721) 2022-12-22 06:57:23 +01:00
5725-redhat_subscription-add-red-hat-api-token.yml redhat_subscription: Add support for Red Hat API token (#5725) 2023-01-05 21:36:07 +01:00
5727-manageiq-tags-deprecate-list-state.yaml manageiq_tags: deprecate list state (#5727) 2022-12-23 07:13:56 +01:00
5735-terraform-init-fix-when-default-workspace-doesnt-exists.yaml terraform: bugfix: init command when default workspace doesn't exists (#5735) 2023-01-07 10:24:32 +01:00
5744-unixy-callback-fix-config-manager-typo.yml unixy Callback: Fix typo using ansibles config manager (#5744) 2022-12-30 22:35:03 +01:00
5751-gem-fix-uninstall-hang.yml Fix, hang on uninstall specific gem version (#5751) 2023-01-07 10:31:50 +01:00
5752-rax-deprecation.yml rax modules: deprecation (#5752) 2023-01-14 18:39:05 +01:00
5755-mh-fix-output-conflict.yml ModuleHelper - fix bug when adjusting conflicting output (#5755) 2023-01-04 11:59:06 +01:00
5761-callback-types.yml Fix callback plugin types (#5761) 2023-01-04 22:06:57 +01:00
5765-mh-lax-output-conflict.yml ModuleHelper - lax handling of conflicting output (#5765) 2023-01-07 10:21:13 +01:00
5772-consul-deprecate-params-when-absent.yml consul: deprecate params incompatible with state=absent (#5772) 2023-01-13 20:47:56 +01:00
5773-snap-mh-execute.yml snap: use MH execute() static method (#5773) 2023-01-07 10:20:19 +01:00
5793-apache2-module-npm-warnings.yml apache2_module generates false/misleading warning (#5793) 2023-01-14 18:37:33 +01:00
5794-alternatives-fedora37.yml alternatives: make work with Fedora 37 (#5794) 2023-01-07 16:44:27 +01:00
5808-xml-children-parameter-does-not-exist.yml xml children module parameter does not exist (#5808) 2023-01-14 18:22:00 +01:00
5818-nsupdate-fix-zone-lookup.yml nsupdate: fix zone lookup (#5818) 2023-01-17 21:03:38 +01:00
5843-terraform-validate-no-color.yml Add -no-color argument to terraform validation (#5843) 2023-01-16 22:54:07 +01:00