3952 lines
163 KiB
3952 lines
163 KiB
# (c) 2012, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import sys
import stat
import time
import shlex
import errno
import fnmatch
import glob
import platform
import re
import signal
import socket
import struct
import datetime
import getpass
import pwd
from ansible.module_utils.basic import get_all_subclasses
from ansible.module_utils.six import PY3, iteritems
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser, StringIO, reduce
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text
import selinux
except ImportError:
# Check if we have SSLContext support
from ssl import create_default_context, SSLContext
del create_default_context
del SSLContext
except ImportError:
import json
# Detect python-json which is incompatible and fallback to simplejson in
# that case
except AttributeError:
raise ImportError
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
# The distutils module is not shipped with SUNWPython on Solaris.
# It's in the SUNWPython-devel package which also contains development files
# that don't belong on production boxes. Since our Solaris code doesn't
# depend on LooseVersion, do not import it on Solaris.
if platform.system() != 'SunOS':
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# timeout function to make sure some fact gathering
# steps do not exceed a time limit
class TimeoutError(Exception):
def timeout(seconds=None, error_message="Timer expired"):
if seconds is None:
seconds = globals().get('GATHER_TIMEOUT') or 10
def decorator(func):
def _handle_timeout(signum, frame):
raise TimeoutError(error_message)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _handle_timeout)
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
return result
return wrapper
# If we were called as @timeout, then the first parameter will be the
# function we are to wrap instead of the number of seconds. Detect this
# and correct it by setting seconds to our default value and return the
# inner decorator function manually wrapped around the function
if callable(seconds):
func = seconds
seconds = 10
return decorator(func)
# If we were called as @timeout([...]) then python itself will take
# care of wrapping the inner decorator around the function
return decorator
# --------------------------------------------------------------
class Facts(object):
This class should only attempt to populate those facts that
are mostly generic to all systems. This includes platform facts,
service facts (e.g. ssh keys or selinux), and distribution facts.
Anything that requires extensive code or may have more than one
possible implementation to establish facts for a given topic should
subclass Facts.
# i86pc is a Solaris and derivatives-ism
_I386RE = re.compile(r'i([3456]86|86pc)')
# For the most part, we assume that platform.dist() will tell the truth.
# This is the fallback to handle unknowns or exceptions
SELINUX_MODE_DICT = { 1: 'enforcing', 0: 'permissive', -1: 'disabled' }
# A list of dicts. If there is a platform with more than one
# package manager, put the preferred one last. If there is an
# ansible module, use that as the value for the 'name' key.
PKG_MGRS = [ { 'path' : '/usr/bin/yum', 'name' : 'yum' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/bin/dnf', 'name' : 'dnf' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/bin/apt-get', 'name' : 'apt' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/bin/zypper', 'name' : 'zypper' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/sbin/urpmi', 'name' : 'urpmi' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/bin/pacman', 'name' : 'pacman' },
{ 'path' : '/bin/opkg', 'name' : 'opkg' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/pkg/bin/pkgin', 'name' : 'pkgin' },
{ 'path' : '/opt/local/bin/pkgin', 'name' : 'pkgin' },
{ 'path' : '/opt/tools/bin/pkgin', 'name' : 'pkgin' },
{ 'path' : '/opt/local/bin/port', 'name' : 'macports' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/local/bin/brew', 'name' : 'homebrew' },
{ 'path' : '/sbin/apk', 'name' : 'apk' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/sbin/pkg', 'name' : 'pkgng' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/sbin/swlist', 'name' : 'SD-UX' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/bin/emerge', 'name' : 'portage' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/sbin/pkgadd', 'name' : 'svr4pkg' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/bin/pkg', 'name' : 'pkg5' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/bin/xbps-install','name' : 'xbps' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/local/sbin/pkg', 'name' : 'pkgng' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/bin/swupd', 'name' : 'swupd' },
{ 'path' : '/usr/sbin/sorcery', 'name' : 'sorcery' },
def __init__(self, module, load_on_init=True, cached_facts=None):
self.module = module
if not cached_facts:
self.facts = {}
self.facts = cached_facts
### TODO: Eventually, these should all get moved to populate(). But
# some of the values are currently being used by other subclasses (for
# instance, os_family and distribution). Have to sort out what to do
# about those first.
if load_on_init:
def populate(self):
return self.facts
# Platform
# platform.system() can be Linux, Darwin, Java, or Windows
def get_platform_facts(self):
self.facts['system'] = platform.system()
self.facts['kernel'] = platform.release()
self.facts['machine'] = platform.machine()
self.facts['python_version'] = platform.python_version()
self.facts['fqdn'] = socket.getfqdn()
self.facts['hostname'] = platform.node().split('.')[0]
self.facts['nodename'] = platform.node()
self.facts['domain'] = '.'.join(self.facts['fqdn'].split('.')[1:])
arch_bits = platform.architecture()[0]
self.facts['userspace_bits'] = arch_bits.replace('bit', '')
if self.facts['machine'] == 'x86_64':
self.facts['architecture'] = self.facts['machine']
if self.facts['userspace_bits'] == '64':
self.facts['userspace_architecture'] = 'x86_64'
elif self.facts['userspace_bits'] == '32':
self.facts['userspace_architecture'] = 'i386'
elif Facts._I386RE.search(self.facts['machine']):
self.facts['architecture'] = 'i386'
if self.facts['userspace_bits'] == '64':
self.facts['userspace_architecture'] = 'x86_64'
elif self.facts['userspace_bits'] == '32':
self.facts['userspace_architecture'] = 'i386'
self.facts['architecture'] = self.facts['machine']
if self.facts['system'] == 'AIX':
# Attempt to use getconf to figure out architecture
# fall back to bootinfo if needed
getconf_bin = self.module.get_bin_path('getconf')
if getconf_bin:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([getconf_bin, 'MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE'])
data = out.splitlines()
self.facts['architecture'] = data[0]
bootinfo_bin = self.module.get_bin_path('bootinfo')
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([bootinfo_bin, '-p'])
data = out.splitlines()
self.facts['architecture'] = data[0]
elif self.facts['system'] == 'OpenBSD':
self.facts['architecture'] = platform.uname()[5]
machine_id = get_file_content("/var/lib/dbus/machine-id") or get_file_content("/etc/machine-id")
if machine_id:
machine_id = machine_id.splitlines()[0]
self.facts["machine_id"] = machine_id
def get_local_facts(self):
fact_path = self.module.params.get('fact_path', None)
if not fact_path or not os.path.exists(fact_path):
local = {}
for fn in sorted(glob.glob(fact_path + '/*.fact')):
# where it will sit under local facts
fact_base = os.path.basename(fn).replace('.fact','')
if stat.S_IXUSR & os.stat(fn)[stat.ST_MODE]:
# run it
# try to read it as json first
# if that fails read it with ConfigParser
# if that fails, skip it
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(fn)
except UnicodeError:
fact = 'error loading fact - output of running %s was not utf-8' % fn
local[fact_base] = fact
self.facts['local'] = local
out = get_file_content(fn, default='')
# load raw json
fact = 'loading %s' % fact_base
fact = json.loads(out)
except ValueError:
# load raw ini
cp = configparser.ConfigParser()
except configparser.Error:
fact = "error loading fact - please check content"
fact = {}
for sect in cp.sections():
if sect not in fact:
fact[sect] = {}
for opt in cp.options(sect):
val = cp.get(sect, opt)
local[fact_base] = fact
if not local:
self.facts['local'] = local
def get_cmdline(self):
data = get_file_content('/proc/cmdline')
if data:
self.facts['cmdline'] = {}
for piece in shlex.split(data):
item = piece.split('=', 1)
if len(item) == 1:
self.facts['cmdline'][item[0]] = True
self.facts['cmdline'][item[0]] = item[1]
except ValueError:
def get_public_ssh_host_keys(self):
keytypes = ('dsa', 'rsa', 'ecdsa', 'ed25519')
# list of directories to check for ssh keys
# used in the order listed here, the first one with keys is used
keydirs = ['/etc/ssh', '/etc/openssh', '/etc']
for keydir in keydirs:
for type_ in keytypes:
factname = 'ssh_host_key_%s_public' % type_
if factname in self.facts:
# a previous keydir was already successful, stop looking
# for keys
key_filename = '%s/ssh_host_%s_key.pub' % (keydir, type_)
keydata = get_file_content(key_filename)
if keydata is not None:
self.facts[factname] = keydata.split()[1]
def get_pkg_mgr_facts(self):
if self.facts['system'] == 'OpenBSD':
self.facts['pkg_mgr'] = 'openbsd_pkg'
self.facts['pkg_mgr'] = 'unknown'
for pkg in Facts.PKG_MGRS:
if os.path.exists(pkg['path']):
self.facts['pkg_mgr'] = pkg['name']
def get_service_mgr_facts(self):
#TODO: detect more custom init setups like bootscripts, dmd, s6, Epoch, etc
# also other OSs other than linux might need to check across several possible candidates
# Mapping of proc_1 values to more useful names
proc_1_map = {
'procd': 'openwrt_init',
'runit-init': 'runit',
'svscan': 'svc',
'openrc-init': 'openrc',
# try various forms of querying pid 1
proc_1 = get_file_content('/proc/1/comm')
if proc_1 is None:
rc, proc_1, err = self.module.run_command("ps -p 1 -o comm|tail -n 1", use_unsafe_shell=True)
# If the output of the command starts with what looks like a PID, then the 'ps' command
# probably didn't work the way we wanted, probably because it's busybox
if re.match(r' *[0-9]+ ', proc_1):
proc_1 = None
# The ps command above may return "COMMAND" if the user cannot read /proc, e.g. with grsecurity
if proc_1 == "COMMAND\n":
proc_1 = None
if proc_1 is not None:
proc_1 = os.path.basename(proc_1)
proc_1 = to_native(proc_1)
proc_1 = proc_1.strip()
if proc_1 is not None and (proc_1 == 'init' or proc_1.endswith('sh')):
# many systems return init, so this cannot be trusted, if it ends in 'sh' it probalby is a shell in a container
proc_1 = None
# if not init/None it should be an identifiable or custom init, so we are done!
if proc_1 is not None:
# Lookup proc_1 value in map and use proc_1 value itself if no match
self.facts['service_mgr'] = proc_1_map.get(proc_1, proc_1)
# start with the easy ones
elif self.facts['distribution'] == 'MacOSX':
#FIXME: find way to query executable, version matching is not ideal
if LooseVersion(platform.mac_ver()[0]) >= LooseVersion('10.4'):
self.facts['service_mgr'] = 'launchd'
self.facts['service_mgr'] = 'systemstarter'
elif 'BSD' in self.facts['system'] or self.facts['system'] in ['Bitrig', 'DragonFly']:
#FIXME: we might want to break out to individual BSDs or 'rc'
self.facts['service_mgr'] = 'bsdinit'
elif self.facts['system'] == 'AIX':
self.facts['service_mgr'] = 'src'
elif self.facts['system'] == 'SunOS':
#FIXME: smf?
self.facts['service_mgr'] = 'svcs'
elif self.facts['distribution'] == 'OpenWrt':
self.facts['service_mgr'] = 'openwrt_init'
elif self.facts['system'] == 'Linux':
if self.is_systemd_managed():
self.facts['service_mgr'] = 'systemd'
elif self.module.get_bin_path('initctl') and os.path.exists("/etc/init/"):
self.facts['service_mgr'] = 'upstart'
elif os.path.exists('/sbin/openrc'):
self.facts['service_mgr'] = 'openrc'
elif os.path.exists('/etc/init.d/'):
self.facts['service_mgr'] = 'sysvinit'
if not self.facts.get('service_mgr', False):
# if we cannot detect, fallback to generic 'service'
self.facts['service_mgr'] = 'service'
def get_lsb_facts(self):
lsb_path = self.module.get_bin_path('lsb_release')
if lsb_path:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([lsb_path, "-a"], errors='surrogate_then_replace')
if rc == 0:
self.facts['lsb'] = {}
for line in out.splitlines():
if len(line) < 1 or ':' not in line:
value = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip()
if 'LSB Version:' in line:
self.facts['lsb']['release'] = value
elif 'Distributor ID:' in line:
self.facts['lsb']['id'] = value
elif 'Description:' in line:
self.facts['lsb']['description'] = value
elif 'Release:' in line:
self.facts['lsb']['release'] = value
elif 'Codename:' in line:
self.facts['lsb']['codename'] = value
elif lsb_path is None and os.path.exists('/etc/lsb-release'):
self.facts['lsb'] = {}
for line in get_file_lines('/etc/lsb-release'):
value = line.split('=',1)[1].strip()
if 'DISTRIB_ID' in line:
self.facts['lsb']['id'] = value
elif 'DISTRIB_RELEASE' in line:
self.facts['lsb']['release'] = value
self.facts['lsb']['description'] = value
elif 'DISTRIB_CODENAME' in line:
self.facts['lsb']['codename'] = value
if 'lsb' in self.facts and 'release' in self.facts['lsb']:
self.facts['lsb']['major_release'] = self.facts['lsb']['release'].split('.')[0]
def get_selinux_facts(self):
self.facts['selinux'] = False
self.facts['selinux'] = {}
if not selinux.is_selinux_enabled():
self.facts['selinux']['status'] = 'disabled'
self.facts['selinux']['status'] = 'enabled'
self.facts['selinux']['policyvers'] = selinux.security_policyvers()
except (AttributeError,OSError):
self.facts['selinux']['policyvers'] = 'unknown'
(rc, configmode) = selinux.selinux_getenforcemode()
if rc == 0:
self.facts['selinux']['config_mode'] = Facts.SELINUX_MODE_DICT.get(configmode, 'unknown')
self.facts['selinux']['config_mode'] = 'unknown'
except (AttributeError,OSError):
self.facts['selinux']['config_mode'] = 'unknown'
mode = selinux.security_getenforce()
self.facts['selinux']['mode'] = Facts.SELINUX_MODE_DICT.get(mode, 'unknown')
except (AttributeError,OSError):
self.facts['selinux']['mode'] = 'unknown'
(rc, policytype) = selinux.selinux_getpolicytype()
if rc == 0:
self.facts['selinux']['type'] = policytype
self.facts['selinux']['type'] = 'unknown'
except (AttributeError,OSError):
self.facts['selinux']['type'] = 'unknown'
def get_apparmor_facts(self):
self.facts['apparmor'] = {}
if os.path.exists('/sys/kernel/security/apparmor'):
self.facts['apparmor']['status'] = 'enabled'
self.facts['apparmor']['status'] = 'disabled'
def get_caps_facts(self):
capsh_path = self.module.get_bin_path('capsh')
if capsh_path:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([capsh_path, "--print"], errors='surrogate_then_replace')
enforced_caps = []
enforced = 'NA'
for line in out.splitlines():
if len(line) < 1:
if line.startswith('Current:'):
if line.split(':')[1].strip() == '=ep':
enforced = 'False'
enforced = 'True'
enforced_caps = [i.strip() for i in line.split('=')[1].split(',')]
self.facts['system_capabilities_enforced'] = enforced
self.facts['system_capabilities'] = enforced_caps
def get_fips_facts(self):
self.facts['fips'] = False
data = get_file_content('/proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled')
if data and data == '1':
self.facts['fips'] = True
def get_date_time_facts(self):
self.facts['date_time'] = {}
now = datetime.datetime.now()
self.facts['date_time']['year'] = now.strftime('%Y')
self.facts['date_time']['month'] = now.strftime('%m')
self.facts['date_time']['weekday'] = now.strftime('%A')
self.facts['date_time']['weekday_number'] = now.strftime('%w')
self.facts['date_time']['weeknumber'] = now.strftime('%W')
self.facts['date_time']['day'] = now.strftime('%d')
self.facts['date_time']['hour'] = now.strftime('%H')
self.facts['date_time']['minute'] = now.strftime('%M')
self.facts['date_time']['second'] = now.strftime('%S')
self.facts['date_time']['epoch'] = now.strftime('%s')
if self.facts['date_time']['epoch'] == '' or self.facts['date_time']['epoch'][0] == '%':
self.facts['date_time']['epoch'] = str(int(time.time()))
self.facts['date_time']['date'] = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
self.facts['date_time']['time'] = now.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
self.facts['date_time']['iso8601_micro'] = now.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
self.facts['date_time']['iso8601'] = now.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
self.facts['date_time']['iso8601_basic'] = now.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%f")
self.facts['date_time']['iso8601_basic_short'] = now.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S")
self.facts['date_time']['tz'] = time.strftime("%Z")
self.facts['date_time']['tz_offset'] = time.strftime("%z")
def is_systemd_managed(self):
# tools must be installed
if self.module.get_bin_path('systemctl'):
# this should show if systemd is the boot init system, if checking init faild to mark as systemd
# these mirror systemd's own sd_boot test http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/sd_booted.html
for canary in ["/run/systemd/system/", "/dev/.run/systemd/", "/dev/.systemd/"]:
if os.path.exists(canary):
return True
return False
# User
def get_user_facts(self):
self.facts['user_id'] = getpass.getuser()
pwent = pwd.getpwnam(getpass.getuser())
self.facts['user_uid'] = pwent.pw_uid
self.facts['user_gid'] = pwent.pw_gid
self.facts['user_gecos'] = pwent.pw_gecos
self.facts['user_dir'] = pwent.pw_dir
self.facts['user_shell'] = pwent.pw_shell
def get_env_facts(self):
self.facts['env'] = {}
for k,v in iteritems(os.environ):
self.facts['env'][k] = v
def get_dns_facts(self):
self.facts['dns'] = {}
for line in get_file_content('/etc/resolv.conf', '').splitlines():
if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith(';') or line.strip() == '':
tokens = line.split()
if len(tokens) == 0:
if tokens[0] == 'nameserver':
if not 'nameservers' in self.facts['dns']:
self.facts['dns']['nameservers'] = []
for nameserver in tokens[1:]:
elif tokens[0] == 'domain':
if len(tokens) > 1:
self.facts['dns']['domain'] = tokens[1]
elif tokens[0] == 'search':
self.facts['dns']['search'] = []
for suffix in tokens[1:]:
elif tokens[0] == 'sortlist':
self.facts['dns']['sortlist'] = []
for address in tokens[1:]:
elif tokens[0] == 'options':
self.facts['dns']['options'] = {}
if len(tokens) > 1:
for option in tokens[1:]:
option_tokens = option.split(':', 1)
if len(option_tokens) == 0:
val = len(option_tokens) == 2 and option_tokens[1] or True
self.facts['dns']['options'][option_tokens[0]] = val
def _get_mount_size_facts(self, mountpoint):
size_total = None
size_available = None
statvfs_result = os.statvfs(mountpoint)
size_total = statvfs_result.f_frsize * statvfs_result.f_blocks
size_available = statvfs_result.f_frsize * (statvfs_result.f_bavail)
except OSError:
return size_total, size_available
def get_python_facts(self):
self.facts['python'] = {
'version': {
'major': sys.version_info[0],
'minor': sys.version_info[1],
'micro': sys.version_info[2],
'releaselevel': sys.version_info[3],
'serial': sys.version_info[4]
'version_info': list(sys.version_info),
'executable': sys.executable,
'has_sslcontext': HAS_SSLCONTEXT
self.facts['python']['type'] = sys.subversion[0]
except AttributeError:
self.facts['python']['type'] = sys.implementation.name
except AttributeError:
self.facts['python']['type'] = None
class Distribution(object):
This subclass of Facts fills the distribution, distribution_version and distribution_release variables
To do so it checks the existence and content of typical files in /etc containing distribution information
This is unit tested. Please extend the tests to cover all distributions if you have them available.
# every distribution name mentioned here, must have one of
# - allowempty == True
# - be listed in SEARCH_STRING
# - have a function get_distribution_DISTNAME implemented
{'path': '/etc/oracle-release', 'name': 'OracleLinux'},
{'path': '/etc/slackware-version', 'name': 'Slackware'},
{'path': '/etc/redhat-release', 'name': 'RedHat'},
{'path': '/etc/vmware-release', 'name': 'VMwareESX', 'allowempty': True},
{'path': '/etc/openwrt_release', 'name': 'OpenWrt'},
{'path': '/etc/system-release', 'name': 'Amazon'},
{'path': '/etc/alpine-release', 'name': 'Alpine'},
{'path': '/etc/arch-release', 'name': 'Archlinux', 'allowempty': True},
{'path': '/etc/os-release', 'name': 'SuSE'},
{'path': '/etc/SuSE-release', 'name': 'SuSE'},
{'path': '/etc/gentoo-release', 'name': 'Gentoo'},
{'path': '/etc/os-release', 'name': 'Debian'},
{'path': '/etc/lsb-release', 'name': 'Mandriva'},
{'path': '/etc/altlinux-release', 'name': 'Altlinux'},
{'path': '/etc/sourcemage-release', 'name': 'SMGL'},
{'path': '/etc/os-release', 'name': 'NA'},
{'path': '/etc/coreos/update.conf', 'name': 'Coreos'},
{'path': '/usr/lib/os-release', 'name': 'ClearLinux'},
'OracleLinux': 'Oracle Linux',
'RedHat': 'Red Hat',
'Altlinux': 'ALT Linux',
'ClearLinux': 'Clear Linux Software for Intel Architecture',
'SMGL': 'Source Mage GNU/Linux',
# A list with OS Family members
OS_FAMILY = dict(
RedHat = 'RedHat', Fedora = 'RedHat', CentOS = 'RedHat', Scientific = 'RedHat',
SLC = 'RedHat', Ascendos = 'RedHat', CloudLinux = 'RedHat', PSBM = 'RedHat',
OracleLinux = 'RedHat', OVS = 'RedHat', OEL = 'RedHat', Amazon = 'RedHat',
XenServer = 'RedHat', Ubuntu = 'Debian', Debian = 'Debian', Raspbian = 'Debian', Slackware = 'Slackware', SLES = 'Suse',
SLED = 'Suse', openSUSE = 'Suse', openSUSE_Tumbleweed = 'Suse', SuSE = 'Suse', SLES_SAP = 'Suse', SUSE_LINUX = 'Suse', Gentoo = 'Gentoo', Funtoo = 'Gentoo',
Archlinux = 'Archlinux', Manjaro = 'Archlinux', Mandriva = 'Mandrake', Mandrake = 'Mandrake', Altlinux = 'Altlinux', SMGL = 'SMGL',
Solaris = 'Solaris', Nexenta = 'Solaris', OmniOS = 'Solaris', OpenIndiana = 'Solaris',
SmartOS = 'Solaris', AIX = 'AIX', Alpine = 'Alpine', MacOSX = 'Darwin',
FreeBSD = 'FreeBSD', HPUX = 'HP-UX', openSUSE_Leap = 'Suse', Neon = 'Debian'
def __init__(self, module):
self.system = platform.system()
self.facts = {}
self.module = module
def populate(self):
return self.facts
def get_distribution_facts(self):
# The platform module provides information about the running
# system/distribution. Use this as a baseline and fix buggy systems
# afterwards
self.facts['distribution'] = self.system
self.facts['distribution_release'] = platform.release()
self.facts['distribution_version'] = platform.version()
systems_implemented = ('AIX', 'HP-UX', 'Darwin', 'FreeBSD', 'OpenBSD', 'SunOS', 'DragonFly', 'NetBSD')
self.facts['distribution'] = self.system
if self.system in systems_implemented:
cleanedname = self.system.replace('-','')
distfunc = getattr(self, 'get_distribution_'+cleanedname)
elif self.system == 'Linux':
# try to find out which linux distribution this is
dist = platform.dist()
self.facts['distribution'] = dist[0].capitalize() or 'NA'
self.facts['distribution_version'] = dist[1] or 'NA'
self.facts['distribution_major_version'] = dist[1].split('.')[0] or 'NA'
self.facts['distribution_release'] = dist[2] or 'NA'
# Try to handle the exceptions now ...
# self.facts['distribution_debug'] = []
for ddict in self.OSDIST_LIST:
name = ddict['name']
path = ddict['path']
if not os.path.exists(path):
# if allowempty is set, we only check for file existance but not content
if 'allowempty' in ddict and ddict['allowempty']:
self.facts['distribution'] = name
if os.path.getsize(path) == 0:
data = get_file_content(path)
if name in self.SEARCH_STRING:
# look for the distribution string in the data and replace according to RELEASE_NAME_MAP
# only the distribution name is set, the version is assumed to be correct from platform.dist()
if self.SEARCH_STRING[name] in data:
# this sets distribution=RedHat if 'Red Hat' shows up in data
self.facts['distribution'] = name
# this sets distribution to what's in the data, e.g. CentOS, Scientific, ...
self.facts['distribution'] = data.split()[0]
# call a dedicated function for parsing the file content
distfunc = getattr(self, 'get_distribution_' + name)
parsed = distfunc(name, data, path)
if parsed is None or parsed:
# distfunc return False if parsing failed
# break only if parsing was succesful
# otherwise continue with other distributions
except AttributeError:
# this should never happen, but if it does fail quitely and not with a traceback
# to debug multiple matching release files, one can use:
# self.facts['distribution_debug'].append({path + ' ' + name:
# (parsed,
# self.facts['distribution'],
# self.facts['distribution_version'],
# self.facts['distribution_release'],
# )})
self.facts['os_family'] = self.facts['distribution']
distro = self.facts['distribution'].replace(' ', '_')
if distro in self.OS_FAMILY:
self.facts['os_family'] = self.OS_FAMILY[distro]
def get_distribution_AIX(self):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/bin/oslevel")
data = out.split('.')
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data[0]
self.facts['distribution_release'] = data[1]
def get_distribution_HPUX(self):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/swlist |egrep 'HPUX.*OE.*[AB].[0-9]+\.[0-9]+'", use_unsafe_shell=True)
data = re.search('HPUX.*OE.*([AB].[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*', out)
if data:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data.groups()[0]
self.facts['distribution_release'] = data.groups()[1]
def get_distribution_Darwin(self):
self.facts['distribution'] = 'MacOSX'
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion")
data = out.split()[-1]
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data
def get_distribution_FreeBSD(self):
self.facts['distribution_release'] = platform.release()
data = re.search('(\d+)\.(\d+)-RELEASE.*', self.facts['distribution_release'])
if data:
self.facts['distribution_major_version'] = data.group(1)
self.facts['distribution_version'] = '%s.%s' % (data.group(1), data.group(2))
def get_distribution_OpenBSD(self):
self.facts['distribution_version'] = platform.release()
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/sbin/sysctl -n kern.version")
match = re.match('OpenBSD\s[0-9]+.[0-9]+-(\S+)\s.*', out)
if match:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = match.groups()[0]
self.facts['distribution_release'] = 'release'
def get_distribution_DragonFly(self):
def get_distribution_NetBSD(self):
self.facts['distribution_major_version'] = self.facts['distribution_release'].split('.')[0]
def get_distribution_Slackware(self, name, data, path):
if 'Slackware' not in data:
return False # TODO: remove
self.facts['distribution'] = name
version = re.findall('\w+[.]\w+', data)
if version:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = version[0]
def get_distribution_Amazon(self, name, data, path):
if 'Amazon' not in data:
return False # TODO: remove
self.facts['distribution'] = 'Amazon'
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data.split()[-1]
def get_distribution_OpenWrt(self, name, data, path):
if 'OpenWrt' not in data:
return False # TODO: remove
self.facts['distribution'] = name
version = re.search('DISTRIB_RELEASE="(.*)"', data)
if version:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = version.groups()[0]
release = re.search('DISTRIB_CODENAME="(.*)"', data)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0]
def get_distribution_Alpine(self, name, data, path):
self.facts['distribution'] = 'Alpine'
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data
def get_distribution_SMGL(self):
self.facts['distribution'] = 'Source Mage GNU/Linux'
def get_distribution_SunOS(self):
data = get_file_content('/etc/release').splitlines()[0]
if 'Solaris' in data:
ora_prefix = ''
if 'Oracle Solaris' in data:
data = data.replace('Oracle ','')
ora_prefix = 'Oracle '
self.facts['distribution'] = data.split()[0]
self.facts['distribution_version'] = data.split()[1]
self.facts['distribution_release'] = ora_prefix + data
uname_v = get_uname_version(self.module)
distribution_version = None
if 'SmartOS' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'SmartOS'
if os.path.exists('/etc/product'):
product_data = dict([l.split(': ', 1) for l in get_file_content('/etc/product').splitlines() if ': ' in l])
if 'Image' in product_data:
distribution_version = product_data.get('Image').split()[-1]
elif 'OpenIndiana' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'OpenIndiana'
elif 'OmniOS' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'OmniOS'
distribution_version = data.split()[-1]
elif uname_v is not None and 'NexentaOS_' in uname_v:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'Nexenta'
distribution_version = data.split()[-1].lstrip('v')
if self.facts['distribution'] in ('SmartOS', 'OpenIndiana', 'OmniOS', 'Nexenta'):
self.facts['distribution_release'] = data.strip()
if distribution_version is not None:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = distribution_version
elif uname_v is not None:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = uname_v.splitlines()[0].strip()
return False # TODO: remove if tested without this
def get_distribution_SuSE(self, name, data, path):
if 'suse' not in data.lower():
return False # TODO: remove if tested without this
if path == '/etc/os-release':
for line in data.splitlines():
distribution = re.search("^NAME=(.*)", line)
if distribution:
self.facts['distribution'] = distribution.group(1).strip('"')
# example pattern are 13.04 13.0 13
distribution_version = re.search('^VERSION_ID="?([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)"?', line)
if distribution_version:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = distribution_version.group(1)
if 'open' in data.lower():
release = re.search("^PRETTY_NAME=[^(]+ \(?([^)]+?)\)", line)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0]
elif 'enterprise' in data.lower() and 'VERSION_ID' in line:
# SLES doesn't got funny release names
release = re.search('^VERSION_ID="?[0-9]+\.?([0-9]*)"?', line)
if release.group(1):
release = release.group(1)
release = "0" # no minor number, so it is the first release
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release
elif path == '/etc/SuSE-release':
if 'open' in data.lower():
data = data.splitlines()
distdata = get_file_content(path).splitlines()[0]
self.facts['distribution'] = distdata.split()[0]
for line in data:
release = re.search('CODENAME *= *([^\n]+)', line)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0].strip()
elif 'enterprise' in data.lower():
lines = data.splitlines()
distribution = lines[0].split()[0]
if "Server" in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = "SLES"
elif "Desktop" in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = "SLED"
for line in lines:
release = re.search('PATCHLEVEL = ([0-9]+)', line) # SLES doesn't got funny release names
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.group(1)
self.facts['distribution_version'] = self.facts['distribution_version'] + '.' + release.group(1)
def get_distribution_Debian(self, name, data, path):
if 'Debian' in data or 'Raspbian' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'Debian'
release = re.search("PRETTY_NAME=[^(]+ \(?([^)]+?)\)", data)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0]
# Last resort: try to find release from tzdata as either lsb is missing or this is very old debian
if self.facts['distribution_release'] == 'NA' and 'Debian' in data:
dpkg_cmd = self.module.get_bin_path('dpkg')
if dpkg_cmd:
cmd = "%s --status tzdata|grep Provides|cut -f2 -d'-'" % dpkg_cmd
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd)
if rc == 0:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = out.strip()
elif 'Ubuntu' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'Ubuntu'
# nothing else to do, Ubuntu gets correct info from python functions
return False
def get_distribution_Mandriva(self, name, data, path):
if 'Mandriva' in data:
self.facts['distribution'] = 'Mandriva'
version = re.search('DISTRIB_RELEASE="(.*)"', data)
if version:
self.facts['distribution_version'] = version.groups()[0]
release = re.search('DISTRIB_CODENAME="(.*)"', data)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0]
self.facts['distribution'] = name
return False
def get_distribution_NA(self, name, data, path):
for line in data.splitlines():
distribution = re.search("^NAME=(.*)", line)
if distribution and self.facts['distribution'] == 'NA':
self.facts['distribution'] = distribution.group(1).strip('"')
version = re.search("^VERSION=(.*)", line)
if version and self.facts['distribution_version'] == 'NA':
self.facts['distribution_version'] = version.group(1).strip('"')
def get_distribution_Coreos(self, name, data, path):
if self.facts['distribution'].lower() == 'coreos':
if not data:
# include fix from #15230, #15228
release = re.search("^GROUP=(.*)", data)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.group(1).strip('"')
return False # TODO: remove if tested without this
class Hardware(Facts):
This is a generic Hardware subclass of Facts. This should be further
subclassed to implement per platform. If you subclass this, it
should define:
- memfree_mb
- memtotal_mb
- swapfree_mb
- swaptotal_mb
- processor (a list)
- processor_cores
- processor_count
All subclasses MUST define platform.
platform = 'Generic'
def __new__(cls, *arguments, **keyword):
# When Hardware is created, it chooses a subclass to create instead.
# This check prevents the subclass from then trying to find a subclass
# and create that.
if cls is not Hardware:
return super(Hardware, cls).__new__(cls)
subclass = cls
for sc in get_all_subclasses(Hardware):
if sc.platform == platform.system():
subclass = sc
if PY3:
return super(cls, subclass).__new__(subclass)
return super(cls, subclass).__new__(subclass, *arguments, **keyword)
def populate(self):
return self.facts
def get_sysctl(self, prefixes):
sysctl_cmd = self.module.get_bin_path('sysctl')
cmd = [sysctl_cmd]
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd)
if rc != 0:
return dict()
sysctl = dict()
for line in out.splitlines():
if not line:
(key, value) = re.split('\s?=\s?|: ', line, maxsplit=1)
sysctl[key] = value.strip()
return sysctl
class LinuxHardware(Hardware):
Linux-specific subclass of Hardware. Defines memory and CPU facts:
- memfree_mb
- memtotal_mb
- swapfree_mb
- swaptotal_mb
- processor (a list)
- processor_cores
- processor_count
In addition, it also defines number of DMI facts and device facts.
platform = 'Linux'
# Originally only had these four as toplevelfacts
ORIGINAL_MEMORY_FACTS = frozenset(('MemTotal', 'SwapTotal', 'MemFree', 'SwapFree'))
# Now we have all of these in a dict structure
MEMORY_FACTS = ORIGINAL_MEMORY_FACTS.union(('Buffers', 'Cached', 'SwapCached'))
# regex used against findmnt output to detect bind mounts
BIND_MOUNT_RE = re.compile(r'.*\]')
# regex used against mtab content to find entries that are bind mounts
MTAB_BIND_MOUNT_RE = re.compile(r'.*bind.*"')
def populate(self):
except TimeoutError:
return self.facts
def get_memory_facts(self):
if not os.access("/proc/meminfo", os.R_OK):
memstats = {}
for line in get_file_lines("/proc/meminfo"):
data = line.split(":", 1)
key = data[0]
val = data[1].strip().split(' ')[0]
self.facts["%s_mb" % key.lower()] = int(val) // 1024
if key in self.MEMORY_FACTS:
val = data[1].strip().split(' ')[0]
memstats[key.lower()] = int(val) // 1024
if None not in (memstats.get('memtotal'), memstats.get('memfree')):
memstats['real:used'] = memstats['memtotal'] - memstats['memfree']
if None not in (memstats.get('cached'), memstats.get('memfree'), memstats.get('buffers')):
memstats['nocache:free'] = memstats['cached'] + memstats['memfree'] + memstats['buffers']
if None not in (memstats.get('memtotal'), memstats.get('nocache:free')):
memstats['nocache:used'] = memstats['memtotal'] - memstats['nocache:free']
if None not in (memstats.get('swaptotal'), memstats.get('swapfree')):
memstats['swap:used'] = memstats['swaptotal'] - memstats['swapfree']
self.facts['memory_mb'] = {
'real' : {
'total': memstats.get('memtotal'),
'used': memstats.get('real:used'),
'free': memstats.get('memfree'),
'nocache' : {
'free': memstats.get('nocache:free'),
'used': memstats.get('nocache:used'),
'swap' : {
'total': memstats.get('swaptotal'),
'free': memstats.get('swapfree'),
'used': memstats.get('swap:used'),
'cached': memstats.get('swapcached'),
def get_cpu_facts(self):
i = 0
vendor_id_occurrence = 0
model_name_occurrence = 0
physid = 0
coreid = 0
sockets = {}
cores = {}
xen = False
xen_paravirt = False
if os.path.exists('/proc/xen'):
xen = True
for line in get_file_lines('/sys/hypervisor/type'):
if line.strip() == 'xen':
xen = True
# Only interested in the first line
except IOError:
if not os.access("/proc/cpuinfo", os.R_OK):
self.facts['processor'] = []
for line in get_file_lines('/proc/cpuinfo'):
data = line.split(":", 1)
key = data[0].strip()
if xen:
if key == 'flags':
# Check for vme cpu flag, Xen paravirt does not expose this.
# Need to detect Xen paravirt because it exposes cpuinfo
# differently than Xen HVM or KVM and causes reporting of
# only a single cpu core.
if 'vme' not in data:
xen_paravirt = True
# model name is for Intel arch, Processor (mind the uppercase P)
# works for some ARM devices, like the Sheevaplug.
if key in ['model name', 'Processor', 'vendor_id', 'cpu', 'Vendor']:
if 'processor' not in self.facts:
self.facts['processor'] = []
if key == 'vendor_id':
vendor_id_occurrence += 1
if key == 'model name':
model_name_occurrence += 1
i += 1
elif key == 'physical id':
physid = data[1].strip()
if physid not in sockets:
sockets[physid] = 1
elif key == 'core id':
coreid = data[1].strip()
if coreid not in sockets:
cores[coreid] = 1
elif key == 'cpu cores':
sockets[physid] = int(data[1].strip())
elif key == 'siblings':
cores[coreid] = int(data[1].strip())
elif key == '# processors':
self.facts['processor_cores'] = int(data[1].strip())
# Skip for platforms without vendor_id/model_name in cpuinfo (e.g ppc64le)
if vendor_id_occurrence > 0:
if vendor_id_occurrence == model_name_occurrence:
i = vendor_id_occurrence
if self.facts['architecture'] != 's390x':
if xen_paravirt:
self.facts['processor_count'] = i
self.facts['processor_cores'] = i
self.facts['processor_threads_per_core'] = 1
self.facts['processor_vcpus'] = i
if sockets:
self.facts['processor_count'] = len(sockets)
self.facts['processor_count'] = i
socket_values = list(sockets.values())
if socket_values:
self.facts['processor_cores'] = socket_values[0]
self.facts['processor_cores'] = 1
core_values = list(cores.values())
if core_values:
self.facts['processor_threads_per_core'] = core_values[0] // self.facts['processor_cores']
self.facts['processor_threads_per_core'] = 1 // self.facts['processor_cores']
self.facts['processor_vcpus'] = (self.facts['processor_threads_per_core'] *
self.facts['processor_count'] * self.facts['processor_cores'])
def get_dmi_facts(self):
''' learn dmi facts from system
Try /sys first for dmi related facts.
If that is not available, fall back to dmidecode executable '''
if os.path.exists('/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name'):
# Use kernel DMI info, if available
# DMI SPEC -- http://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0134_2.7.0.pdf
FORM_FACTOR = [ "Unknown", "Other", "Unknown", "Desktop",
"Low Profile Desktop", "Pizza Box", "Mini Tower", "Tower",
"Portable", "Laptop", "Notebook", "Hand Held", "Docking Station",
"All In One", "Sub Notebook", "Space-saving", "Lunch Box",
"Main Server Chassis", "Expansion Chassis", "Sub Chassis",
"Bus Expansion Chassis", "Peripheral Chassis", "RAID Chassis",
"Rack Mount Chassis", "Sealed-case PC", "Multi-system",
"CompactPCI", "AdvancedTCA", "Blade" ]
'bios_date': '/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_date',
'bios_version': '/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_version',
'form_factor': '/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_type',
'product_name': '/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name',
'product_serial': '/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_serial',
'product_uuid': '/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_uuid',
'product_version': '/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_version',
'system_vendor': '/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor'
for (key,path) in DMI_DICT.items():
data = get_file_content(path)
if data is not None:
if key == 'form_factor':
self.facts['form_factor'] = FORM_FACTOR[int(data)]
except IndexError:
self.facts['form_factor'] = 'unknown (%s)' % data
self.facts[key] = data
self.facts[key] = 'NA'
# Fall back to using dmidecode, if available
dmi_bin = self.module.get_bin_path('dmidecode')
'bios_date': 'bios-release-date',
'bios_version': 'bios-version',
'form_factor': 'chassis-type',
'product_name': 'system-product-name',
'product_serial': 'system-serial-number',
'product_uuid': 'system-uuid',
'product_version': 'system-version',
'system_vendor': 'system-manufacturer'
for (k, v) in DMI_DICT.items():
if dmi_bin is not None:
(rc, out, err) = self.module.run_command('%s -s %s' % (dmi_bin, v))
if rc == 0:
# Strip out commented lines (specific dmidecode output)
thisvalue = ''.join([ line for line in out.splitlines() if not line.startswith('#') ])
except UnicodeDecodeError:
thisvalue = "NA"
self.facts[k] = thisvalue
self.facts[k] = 'NA'
self.facts[k] = 'NA'
def _run_lsblk(self, lsblk_path):
# call lsblk and collect all uuids
# --exclude 2 makes lsblk ignore floppy disks, which are slower to answer than typical timeouts
# this uses the linux major device number
# for details see https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/devices.txt
args = ['--list', '--noheadings', '--paths', '--output', 'NAME,UUID', '--exclude', '2']
cmd = [lsblk_path] + args
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd)
return rc, out, err
def _lsblk_uuid(self):
uuids = {}
lsblk_path = self.module.get_bin_path("lsblk")
if not lsblk_path:
return uuids
rc, out, err = self._run_lsblk(lsblk_path)
if rc != 0:
return uuids
# each line will be in format:
# <devicename><some whitespace><uuid>
# /dev/sda1 32caaec3-ef40-4691-a3b6-438c3f9bc1c0
for lsblk_line in out.splitlines():
if not lsblk_line:
line = lsblk_line.strip()
fields = line.rsplit(None, 1)
if len(fields) < 2:
device_name, uuid = fields[0].strip(), fields[1].strip()
if device_name in uuids:
uuids[device_name] = uuid
return uuids
def _run_findmnt(self, findmnt_path):
args = ['--list', '--noheadings', '--notruncate']
cmd = [findmnt_path] + args
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd, errors='surrogate_then_replace')
return rc, out, err
def _find_bind_mounts(self):
bind_mounts = set()
findmnt_path = self.module.get_bin_path("findmnt")
if not findmnt_path:
return bind_mounts
rc, out, err = self._run_findmnt(findmnt_path)
if rc != 0:
return bind_mounts
# find bind mounts, in case /etc/mtab is a symlink to /proc/mounts
for line in out.splitlines():
fields = line.split()
# fields[0] is the TARGET, fields[1] is the SOURCE
if len(fields) < 2:
# bind mounts will have a [/directory_name] in the SOURCE column
if self.BIND_MOUNT_RE.match(fields[1]):
return bind_mounts
def _mtab_entries(self):
mtab_file = '/etc/mtab'
if not os.path.exists(mtab_file):
mtab_file = '/proc/mounts'
mtab = get_file_content(mtab_file, '')
mtab_entries = []
for line in mtab.splitlines():
fields = line.split()
if len(fields) < 4:
return mtab_entries
def get_mount_facts(self):
self.facts['mounts'] = []
bind_mounts = self._find_bind_mounts()
uuids = self._lsblk_uuid()
mtab_entries = self._mtab_entries()
mounts = []
for fields in mtab_entries:
device, mount, fstype, options = fields[0], fields[1], fields[2], fields[3]
if not device.startswith('/') and ':/' not in device:
if fstype == 'none':
size_total, size_available = self._get_mount_size_facts(mount)
if mount in bind_mounts:
# only add if not already there, we might have a plain /etc/mtab
if not self.MTAB_BIND_MOUNT_RE.match(options):
options += ",bind"
mount_info = {'mount': mount,
'device': device,
'fstype': fstype,
'options': options,
# statvfs data
'size_total': size_total,
'size_available': size_available,
'uuid': uuids.get(device, 'N/A')}
self.facts['mounts'] = mounts
def get_holders(self, block_dev_dict, sysdir):
block_dev_dict['holders'] = []
if os.path.isdir(sysdir + "/holders"):
for folder in os.listdir(sysdir + "/holders"):
if not folder.startswith("dm-"):
name = get_file_content(sysdir + "/holders/" + folder + "/dm/name")
if name:
def get_device_facts(self):
self.facts['devices'] = {}
lspci = self.module.get_bin_path('lspci')
if lspci:
rc, pcidata, err = self.module.run_command([lspci, '-D'], errors='surrogate_then_replace')
pcidata = None
block_devs = os.listdir("/sys/block")
except OSError:
for block in block_devs:
virtual = 1
sysfs_no_links = 0
path = os.readlink(os.path.join("/sys/block/", block))
except OSError:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
if e.errno == errno.EINVAL:
path = block
sysfs_no_links = 1
if "virtual" in path:
sysdir = os.path.join("/sys/block", path)
if sysfs_no_links == 1:
for folder in os.listdir(sysdir):
if "device" in folder:
virtual = 0
if virtual:
d = {}
diskname = os.path.basename(sysdir)
for key in ['vendor', 'model', 'sas_address', 'sas_device_handle']:
d[key] = get_file_content(sysdir + "/device/" + key)
for key,test in [ ('removable','/removable'), \
d[key] = get_file_content(sysdir + test)
d['partitions'] = {}
for folder in os.listdir(sysdir):
m = re.search("(" + diskname + "\d+)", folder)
if m:
part = {}
partname = m.group(1)
part_sysdir = sysdir + "/" + partname
part['start'] = get_file_content(part_sysdir + "/start",0)
part['sectors'] = get_file_content(part_sysdir + "/size",0)
part['sectorsize'] = get_file_content(part_sysdir + "/queue/logical_block_size")
if not part['sectorsize']:
part['sectorsize'] = get_file_content(part_sysdir + "/queue/hw_sector_size",512)
part['size'] = self.module.pretty_bytes((float(part['sectors']) * float(part['sectorsize'])))
part['uuid'] = get_partition_uuid(partname)
self.get_holders(part, part_sysdir)
d['partitions'][partname] = part
d['rotational'] = get_file_content(sysdir + "/queue/rotational")
d['scheduler_mode'] = ""
scheduler = get_file_content(sysdir + "/queue/scheduler")
if scheduler is not None:
m = re.match(".*?(\[(.*)\])", scheduler)
if m:
d['scheduler_mode'] = m.group(2)
d['sectors'] = get_file_content(sysdir + "/size")
if not d['sectors']:
d['sectors'] = 0
d['sectorsize'] = get_file_content(sysdir + "/queue/logical_block_size")
if not d['sectorsize']:
d['sectorsize'] = get_file_content(sysdir + "/queue/hw_sector_size",512)
d['size'] = self.module.pretty_bytes(float(d['sectors']) * float(d['sectorsize']))
d['host'] = ""
# domains are numbered (0 to ffff), bus (0 to ff), slot (0 to 1f), and function (0 to 7).
m = re.match(".+/([a-f0-9]{4}:[a-f0-9]{2}:[0|1][a-f0-9]\.[0-7])/", sysdir)
if m and pcidata:
pciid = m.group(1)
did = re.escape(pciid)
m = re.search("^" + did + "\s(.*)$", pcidata, re.MULTILINE)
if m:
d['host'] = m.group(1)
self.get_holders(d, sysdir)
self.facts['devices'][diskname] = d
def get_uptime_facts(self):
uptime_file_content = get_file_content('/proc/uptime')
if uptime_file_content:
uptime_seconds_string = uptime_file_content.split(' ')[0]
self.facts['uptime_seconds'] = int(float(uptime_seconds_string))
def get_lvm_facts(self):
""" Get LVM Facts if running as root and lvm utils are available """
if os.getuid() == 0 and self.module.get_bin_path('vgs'):
lvm_util_options = '--noheadings --nosuffix --units g'
vgs_path = self.module.get_bin_path('vgs')
#vgs fields: VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree
if vgs_path:
rc, vg_lines, err = self.module.run_command( '%s %s' % (vgs_path, lvm_util_options))
for vg_line in vg_lines.splitlines():
items = vg_line.split()
vgs[items[0]] = {'size_g':items[-2],
'num_lvs': items[2],
'num_pvs': items[1]}
lvs_path = self.module.get_bin_path('lvs')
#lvs fields:
#LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Move Log Copy% Convert
lvs = {}
if lvs_path:
rc, lv_lines, err = self.module.run_command( '%s %s' % (lvs_path, lvm_util_options))
for lv_line in lv_lines.splitlines():
items = lv_line.split()
lvs[items[0]] = {'size_g': items[3], 'vg': items[1]}
self.facts['lvm'] = {'lvs': lvs, 'vgs': vgs}
class SunOSHardware(Hardware):
In addition to the generic memory and cpu facts, this also sets
swap_reserved_mb and swap_allocated_mb that is available from *swap -s*.
platform = 'SunOS'
def populate(self):
except TimeoutError:
return self.facts
def get_cpu_facts(self):
physid = 0
sockets = {}
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/bin/kstat cpu_info")
self.facts['processor'] = []
for line in out.splitlines():
if len(line) < 1:
data = line.split(None, 1)
key = data[0].strip()
# "brand" works on Solaris 10 & 11. "implementation" for Solaris 9.
if key == 'module:':
brand = ''
elif key == 'brand':
brand = data[1].strip()
elif key == 'clock_MHz':
clock_mhz = data[1].strip()
elif key == 'implementation':
processor = brand or data[1].strip()
# Add clock speed to description for SPARC CPU
if self.facts['machine'] != 'i86pc':
processor += " @ " + clock_mhz + "MHz"
if 'processor' not in self.facts:
self.facts['processor'] = []
elif key == 'chip_id':
physid = data[1].strip()
if physid not in sockets:
sockets[physid] = 1
sockets[physid] += 1
# Counting cores on Solaris can be complicated.
# https://blogs.oracle.com/mandalika/entry/solaris_show_me_the_cpu
# Treat 'processor_count' as physical sockets and 'processor_cores' as
# virtual CPUs visisble to Solaris. Not a true count of cores for modern SPARC as
# these processors have: sockets -> cores -> threads/virtual CPU.
if len(sockets) > 0:
self.facts['processor_count'] = len(sockets)
self.facts['processor_cores'] = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, sockets.values())
self.facts['processor_cores'] = 'NA'
self.facts['processor_count'] = len(self.facts['processor'])
def get_memory_facts(self):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(["/usr/sbin/prtconf"])
for line in out.splitlines():
if 'Memory size' in line:
self.facts['memtotal_mb'] = int(line.split()[2])
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/swap -s")
allocated = int(out.split()[1][:-1])
reserved = int(out.split()[5][:-1])
used = int(out.split()[8][:-1])
free = int(out.split()[10][:-1])
self.facts['swapfree_mb'] = free // 1024
self.facts['swaptotal_mb'] = (free + used) // 1024
self.facts['swap_allocated_mb'] = allocated // 1024
self.facts['swap_reserved_mb'] = reserved // 1024
def get_mount_facts(self):
self.facts['mounts'] = []
# For a detailed format description see mnttab(4)
# special mount_point fstype options time
fstab = get_file_content('/etc/mnttab')
if fstab:
for line in fstab.splitlines():
fields = line.split('\t')
size_total, size_available = self._get_mount_size_facts(fields[1])
self.facts['mounts'].append({'mount': fields[1], 'device': fields[0], 'fstype' : fields[2], 'options': fields[3], 'time': fields[4], 'size_total': size_total, 'size_available': size_available})
def get_dmi_facts(self):
uname_path = self.module.get_bin_path("prtdiag")
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(uname_path)
rc returns 1
if out:
system_conf = out.split('\n')[0]
found = re.search(r'(\w+\sEnterprise\s\w+)',system_conf)
if found:
self.facts['product_name'] = found.group(1)
def get_device_facts(self):
# Device facts are derived for sdderr kstats. This code does not use the
# full output, but rather queries for specific stats.
# Example output:
# sderr:0:sd0,err:Hard Errors 0
# sderr:0:sd0,err:Illegal Request 6
# sderr:0:sd0,err:Media Error 0
# sderr:0:sd0,err:Predictive Failure Analysis 0
# sderr:0:sd0,err:Product VBOX HARDDISK 9
# sderr:0:sd0,err:Revision 1.0
# sderr:0:sd0,err:Serial No VB0ad2ec4d-074a
# sderr:0:sd0,err:Size 53687091200
# sderr:0:sd0,err:Soft Errors 0
# sderr:0:sd0,err:Transport Errors 0
# sderr:0:sd0,err:Vendor ATA
self.facts['devices'] = {}
disk_stats = {
'Product': 'product',
'Revision': 'revision',
'Serial No': 'serial',
'Size': 'size',
'Vendor': 'vendor',
'Hard Errors': 'hard_errors',
'Soft Errors': 'soft_errors',
'Transport Errors': 'transport_errors',
'Media Error': 'media_errors',
'Predictive Failure Analysis': 'predictive_failure_analysis',
'Illegal Request': 'illegal_request',
cmd = ['/usr/bin/kstat', '-p']
for ds in disk_stats:
cmd.append('sderr:::%s' % ds)
d = {}
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd)
if rc != 0:
return dict()
sd_instances = frozenset(line.split(':')[1] for line in out.split('\n') if line.startswith('sderr'))
for instance in sd_instances:
lines = (line for line in out.split('\n') if ':' in line and line.split(':')[1] == instance)
for line in lines:
text, value = line.split('\t')
stat = text.split(':')[3]
if stat == 'Size':
d[disk_stats.get(stat)] = self.module.pretty_bytes(float(value))
d[disk_stats.get(stat)] = value.rstrip()
diskname = 'sd' + instance
self.facts['devices'][diskname] = d
d = {}
def get_uptime_facts(self):
# On Solaris, unix:0:system_misc:snaptime is created shortly after machine boots up
# and displays tiem in seconds. This is much easier than using uptime as we would
# need to have a parsing procedure for translating from human-readable to machine-readable
# format.
# Example output:
# unix:0:system_misc:snaptime 1175.410463590
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command('/usr/bin/kstat -p unix:0:system_misc:snaptime')
if rc != 0:
self.facts['uptime_seconds'] = int(float(out.split('\t')[1]))
class OpenBSDHardware(Hardware):
OpenBSD-specific subclass of Hardware. Defines memory, CPU and device facts:
- memfree_mb
- memtotal_mb
- swapfree_mb
- swaptotal_mb
- processor (a list)
- processor_cores
- processor_count
- processor_speed
In addition, it also defines number of DMI facts and device facts.
platform = 'OpenBSD'
def populate(self):
self.sysctl = self.get_sysctl(['hw'])
except TimeoutError:
return self.facts
def get_mount_facts(self):
self.facts['mounts'] = []
fstab = get_file_content('/etc/fstab')
if fstab:
for line in fstab.splitlines():
if line.startswith('#') or line.strip() == '':
fields = re.sub(r'\s+',' ', line).split()
if fields[1] == 'none' or fields[3] == 'xx':
size_total, size_available = self._get_mount_size_facts(fields[1])
self.facts['mounts'].append({'mount': fields[1], 'device': fields[0], 'fstype' : fields[2], 'options': fields[3], 'size_total': size_total, 'size_available': size_available})
def get_memory_facts(self):
# Get free memory. vmstat output looks like:
# procs memory page disks traps cpu
# r b w avm fre flt re pi po fr sr wd0 fd0 int sys cs us sy id
# 0 0 0 47512 28160 51 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 116 89 17 0 1 99
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/bin/vmstat")
if rc == 0:
self.facts['memfree_mb'] = int(out.splitlines()[-1].split()[4]) // 1024
self.facts['memtotal_mb'] = int(self.sysctl['hw.usermem']) // 1024 // 1024
# Get swapctl info. swapctl output looks like:
# total: 69268 1K-blocks allocated, 0 used, 69268 available
# And for older OpenBSD:
# total: 69268k bytes allocated = 0k used, 69268k available
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/sbin/swapctl -sk")
if rc == 0:
swaptrans = { ord(u'k'): None, ord(u'm'): None, ord(u'g'): None}
data = to_text(out, errors='surrogate_or_strict').split()
self.facts['swapfree_mb'] = int(data[-2].translate(swaptrans)) // 1024
self.facts['swaptotal_mb'] = int(data[1].translate(swaptrans)) // 1024
def get_processor_facts(self):
processor = []
for i in range(int(self.sysctl['hw.ncpu'])):
self.facts['processor'] = processor
# The following is partly a lie because there is no reliable way to
# determine the number of physical CPUs in the system. We can only
# query the number of logical CPUs, which hides the number of cores.
# On amd64/i386 we could try to inspect the smt/core/package lines in
# dmesg, however even those have proven to be unreliable.
# So take a shortcut and report the logical number of processors in
# 'processor_count' and 'processor_cores' and leave it at that.
self.facts['processor_count'] = self.sysctl['hw.ncpu']
self.facts['processor_cores'] = self.sysctl['hw.ncpu']
def get_device_facts(self):
devices = []
self.facts['devices'] = devices
def get_dmi_facts(self):
# We don't use dmidecode(1) here because:
# - it would add dependency on an external package
# - dmidecode(1) can only be ran as root
# So instead we rely on sysctl(8) to provide us the information on a
# best-effort basis. As a bonus we also get facts on non-amd64/i386
# platforms this way.
sysctl_to_dmi = {
'hw.product': 'product_name',
'hw.version': 'product_version',
'hw.uuid': 'product_uuid',
'hw.serialno': 'product_serial',
'hw.vendor': 'system_vendor',
for mib in sysctl_to_dmi:
if mib in self.sysctl:
self.facts[sysctl_to_dmi[mib]] = self.sysctl[mib]
class FreeBSDHardware(Hardware):
FreeBSD-specific subclass of Hardware. Defines memory and CPU facts:
- memfree_mb
- memtotal_mb
- swapfree_mb
- swaptotal_mb
- processor (a list)
- processor_cores
- processor_count
- devices
platform = 'FreeBSD'
DMESG_BOOT = '/var/run/dmesg.boot'
def populate(self):
except TimeoutError:
return self.facts
def get_cpu_facts(self):
self.facts['processor'] = []
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/sbin/sysctl -n hw.ncpu")
self.facts['processor_count'] = out.strip()
dmesg_boot = get_file_content(FreeBSDHardware.DMESG_BOOT)
if not dmesg_boot:
rc, dmesg_boot, err = self.module.run_command("/sbin/dmesg")
for line in dmesg_boot.splitlines():
if 'CPU:' in line:
cpu = re.sub(r'CPU:\s+', r"", line)
if 'Logical CPUs per core' in line:
self.facts['processor_cores'] = line.split()[4]
def get_memory_facts(self):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/sbin/sysctl vm.stats")
for line in out.splitlines():
data = line.split()
if 'vm.stats.vm.v_page_size' in line:
pagesize = int(data[1])
if 'vm.stats.vm.v_page_count' in line:
pagecount = int(data[1])
if 'vm.stats.vm.v_free_count' in line:
freecount = int(data[1])
self.facts['memtotal_mb'] = pagesize * pagecount // 1024 // 1024
self.facts['memfree_mb'] = pagesize * freecount // 1024 // 1024
# Get swapinfo. swapinfo output looks like:
# Device 1M-blocks Used Avail Capacity
# /dev/ada0p3 314368 0 314368 0%
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/swapinfo -k")
lines = out.splitlines()
if len(lines[-1]) == 0:
data = lines[-1].split()
if data[0] != 'Device':
self.facts['swaptotal_mb'] = int(data[1]) // 1024
self.facts['swapfree_mb'] = int(data[3]) // 1024
def get_mount_facts(self):
self.facts['mounts'] = []
fstab = get_file_content('/etc/fstab')
if fstab:
for line in fstab.splitlines():
if line.startswith('#') or line.strip() == '':
fields = re.sub(r'\s+',' ',line).split()
size_total, size_available = self._get_mount_size_facts(fields[1])
self.facts['mounts'].append({'mount': fields[1], 'device': fields[0], 'fstype' : fields[2], 'options': fields[3], 'size_total': size_total, 'size_available': size_available})
def get_device_facts(self):
sysdir = '/dev'
self.facts['devices'] = {}
drives = re.compile('(ada?\d+|da\d+|a?cd\d+)') #TODO: rc, disks, err = self.module.run_command("/sbin/sysctl kern.disks")
slices = re.compile('(ada?\d+s\d+\w*|da\d+s\d+\w*)')
if os.path.isdir(sysdir):
dirlist = sorted(os.listdir(sysdir))
for device in dirlist:
d = drives.match(device)
if d:
self.facts['devices'][d.group(1)] = []
s = slices.match(device)
if s:
def get_dmi_facts(self):
''' learn dmi facts from system
Use dmidecode executable if available'''
# Fall back to using dmidecode, if available
dmi_bin = self.module.get_bin_path('dmidecode')
DMI_DICT = dict(
for (k, v) in DMI_DICT.items():
if dmi_bin is not None:
(rc, out, err) = self.module.run_command('%s -s %s' % (dmi_bin, v))
if rc == 0:
# Strip out commented lines (specific dmidecode output)
self.facts[k] = ''.join([line for line in out.splitlines() if not line.startswith('#') ])
except UnicodeDecodeError:
self.facts[k] = 'NA'
self.facts[k] = 'NA'
self.facts[k] = 'NA'
class DragonFlyHardware(FreeBSDHardware):
platform = 'DragonFly'
class NetBSDHardware(Hardware):
NetBSD-specific subclass of Hardware. Defines memory and CPU facts:
- memfree_mb
- memtotal_mb
- swapfree_mb
- swaptotal_mb
- processor (a list)
- processor_cores
- processor_count
- devices
platform = 'NetBSD'
MEMORY_FACTS = ['MemTotal', 'SwapTotal', 'MemFree', 'SwapFree']
def populate(self):
self.sysctl = self.get_sysctl(['machdep'])
except TimeoutError:
return self.facts
def get_cpu_facts(self):
i = 0
physid = 0
sockets = {}
if not os.access("/proc/cpuinfo", os.R_OK):
self.facts['processor'] = []
for line in get_file_lines("/proc/cpuinfo"):
data = line.split(":", 1)
key = data[0].strip()
# model name is for Intel arch, Processor (mind the uppercase P)
# works for some ARM devices, like the Sheevaplug.
if key == 'model name' or key == 'Processor':
if 'processor' not in self.facts:
self.facts['processor'] = []
i += 1
elif key == 'physical id':
physid = data[1].strip()
if physid not in sockets:
sockets[physid] = 1
elif key == 'cpu cores':
sockets[physid] = int(data[1].strip())
if len(sockets) > 0:
self.facts['processor_count'] = len(sockets)
self.facts['processor_cores'] = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, sockets.values())
self.facts['processor_count'] = i
self.facts['processor_cores'] = 'NA'
def get_memory_facts(self):
if not os.access("/proc/meminfo", os.R_OK):
for line in get_file_lines("/proc/meminfo"):
data = line.split(":", 1)
key = data[0]
if key in NetBSDHardware.MEMORY_FACTS:
val = data[1].strip().split(' ')[0]
self.facts["%s_mb" % key.lower()] = int(val) // 1024
def get_mount_facts(self):
self.facts['mounts'] = []
fstab = get_file_content('/etc/fstab')
if fstab:
for line in fstab.splitlines():
if line.startswith('#') or line.strip() == '':
fields = re.sub(r'\s+',' ',line).split()
size_total, size_available = self._get_mount_size_facts(fields[1])
self.facts['mounts'].append({'mount': fields[1], 'device': fields[0], 'fstype' : fields[2], 'options': fields[3], 'size_total': size_total, 'size_available': size_available})
def get_dmi_facts(self):
# We don't use dmidecode(1) here because:
# - it would add dependency on an external package
# - dmidecode(1) can only be ran as root
# So instead we rely on sysctl(8) to provide us the information on a
# best-effort basis. As a bonus we also get facts on non-amd64/i386
# platforms this way.
sysctl_to_dmi = {
'machdep.dmi.system-product': 'product_name',
'machdep.dmi.system-version': 'product_version',
'machdep.dmi.system-uuid': 'product_uuid',
'machdep.dmi.system-serial': 'product_serial',
'machdep.dmi.system-vendor': 'system_vendor',
for mib in sysctl_to_dmi:
if mib in self.sysctl:
self.facts[sysctl_to_dmi[mib]] = self.sysctl[mib]
class AIX(Hardware):
AIX-specific subclass of Hardware. Defines memory and CPU facts:
- memfree_mb
- memtotal_mb
- swapfree_mb
- swaptotal_mb
- processor (a list)
- processor_cores
- processor_count
platform = 'AIX'
def populate(self):
return self.facts
def get_cpu_facts(self):
self.facts['processor'] = []
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/lsdev -Cc processor")
if out:
i = 0
for line in out.splitlines():
if 'Available' in line:
if i == 0:
data = line.split(' ')
cpudev = data[0]
i += 1
self.facts['processor_count'] = int(i)
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/lsattr -El " + cpudev + " -a type")
data = out.split(' ')
self.facts['processor'] = data[1]
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/lsattr -El " + cpudev + " -a smt_threads")
data = out.split(' ')
self.facts['processor_cores'] = int(data[1])
def get_memory_facts(self):
pagesize = 4096
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/bin/vmstat -v")
for line in out.splitlines():
data = line.split()
if 'memory pages' in line:
pagecount = int(data[0])
if 'free pages' in line:
freecount = int(data[0])
self.facts['memtotal_mb'] = pagesize * pagecount // 1024 // 1024
self.facts['memfree_mb'] = pagesize * freecount // 1024 // 1024
# Get swapinfo. swapinfo output looks like:
# Device 1M-blocks Used Avail Capacity
# /dev/ada0p3 314368 0 314368 0%
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/lsps -s")
if out:
lines = out.splitlines()
data = lines[1].split()
swaptotal_mb = int(data[0].rstrip('MB'))
percused = int(data[1].rstrip('%'))
self.facts['swaptotal_mb'] = swaptotal_mb
self.facts['swapfree_mb'] = int(swaptotal_mb * ( 100 - percused ) / 100)
def get_dmi_facts(self):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/lsattr -El sys0 -a fwversion")
data = out.split()
self.facts['firmware_version'] = data[1].strip('IBM,')
lsconf_path = self.module.get_bin_path("lsconf")
if lsconf_path:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(lsconf_path)
if rc == 0 and out:
for line in out.splitlines():
data = line.split(':')
if 'Machine Serial Number' in line:
self.facts['product_serial'] = data[1].strip()
if 'LPAR Info' in line:
self.facts['lpar_info'] = data[1].strip()
if 'System Model' in line:
self.facts['product_name'] = data[1].strip()
def get_vgs_facts(self):
Get vg and pv Facts
hdisk0 active 546 0 00..00..00..00..00
hdisk1 active 546 113 00..00..00..21..92
hdisk74 active 1999 6 00..00..00..00..06
hdisk105 active 999 838 200..39..199..200..200
hdisk106 active 999 599 200..00..00..199..200
lsvg_path = self.module.get_bin_path("lsvg")
xargs_path = self.module.get_bin_path("xargs")
cmd = "%s | %s %s -p" % (lsvg_path ,xargs_path,lsvg_path)
if lsvg_path and xargs_path:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd,use_unsafe_shell=True)
if rc == 0 and out:
self.facts['vgs']= {}
for m in re.finditer(r'(\S+):\n.*FREE DISTRIBUTION(\n(\S+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+).*)+', out):
self.facts['vgs'][m.group(1)] = []
pp_size = 0
cmd = "%s %s" % (lsvg_path,m.group(1))
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd)
if rc == 0 and out:
pp_size = re.search(r'PP SIZE:\s+(\d+\s+\S+)',out).group(1)
for n in re.finditer(r'(\S+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+).*',m.group(0)):
pv_info = { 'pv_name': n.group(1),
'pv_state': n.group(2),
'total_pps': n.group(3),
'free_pps': n.group(4),
'pp_size': pp_size
def get_mount_facts(self):
self.facts['mounts'] = []
# AIX does not have mtab but mount command is only source of info (or to use
# api calls to get same info)
mount_path = self.module.get_bin_path('mount')
rc, mount_out, err = self.module.run_command(mount_path)
if mount_out:
for line in mount_out.split('\n'):
fields = line.split()
if len(fields) != 0 and fields[0] != 'node' and fields[0][0] != '-' and re.match('^/.*|^[a-zA-Z].*|^[0-9].*', fields[0]):
if re.match('^/', fields[0]):
# normal mount
self.facts['mounts'].append({'mount': fields[1],
'device': fields[0],
'fstype' : fields[2],
'options': fields[6],
'time': '%s %s %s' % ( fields[3], fields[4], fields[5])})
# nfs or cifs based mount
# in case of nfs if no mount options are provided on command line
# add into fields empty string...
if len(fields) < 8:
self.facts['mounts'].append({'mount': fields[2],
'device': '%s:%s' % (fields[0], fields[1]),
'fstype' : fields[3],
'options': fields[7],
'time': '%s %s %s' % ( fields[4], fields[5], fields[6])})
class HPUX(Hardware):
HP-UX-specific subclass of Hardware. Defines memory and CPU facts:
- memfree_mb
- memtotal_mb
- swapfree_mb
- swaptotal_mb
- processor
- processor_cores
- processor_count
- model
- firmware
platform = 'HP-UX'
def populate(self):
return self.facts
def get_cpu_facts(self):
if self.facts['architecture'] == '9000/800':
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("ioscan -FkCprocessor | wc -l", use_unsafe_shell=True)
self.facts['processor_count'] = int(out.strip())
#Working with machinfo mess
elif self.facts['architecture'] == 'ia64':
if self.facts['distribution_version'] == "B.11.23":
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/contrib/bin/machinfo | grep 'Number of CPUs'", use_unsafe_shell=True)
self.facts['processor_count'] = int(out.strip().split('=')[1])
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/contrib/bin/machinfo | grep 'processor family'", use_unsafe_shell=True)
self.facts['processor'] = re.search('.*(Intel.*)', out).groups()[0].strip()
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("ioscan -FkCprocessor | wc -l", use_unsafe_shell=True)
self.facts['processor_cores'] = int(out.strip())
if self.facts['distribution_version'] == "B.11.31":
#if machinfo return cores strings release B.11.31 > 1204
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/contrib/bin/machinfo | grep core | wc -l", use_unsafe_shell=True)
if out.strip()== '0':
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/contrib/bin/machinfo | grep Intel", use_unsafe_shell=True)
self.facts['processor_count'] = int(out.strip().split(" ")[0])
#If hyperthreading is active divide cores by 2
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/psrset | grep LCPU", use_unsafe_shell=True)
data = re.sub(' +',' ',out).strip().split(' ')
if len(data) == 1:
hyperthreading = 'OFF'
hyperthreading = data[1]
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/contrib/bin/machinfo | grep logical", use_unsafe_shell=True)
data = out.strip().split(" ")
if hyperthreading == 'ON':
self.facts['processor_cores'] = int(data[0])/2
if len(data) == 1:
self.facts['processor_cores'] = self.facts['processor_count']
self.facts['processor_cores'] = int(data[0])
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/contrib/bin/machinfo | grep Intel |cut -d' ' -f4-", use_unsafe_shell=True)
self.facts['processor'] = out.strip()
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/contrib/bin/machinfo | egrep 'socket[s]?$' | tail -1", use_unsafe_shell=True)
self.facts['processor_count'] = int(out.strip().split(" ")[0])
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/contrib/bin/machinfo | grep -e '[0-9] core' | tail -1", use_unsafe_shell=True)
self.facts['processor_cores'] = int(out.strip().split(" ")[0])
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/contrib/bin/machinfo | grep Intel", use_unsafe_shell=True)
self.facts['processor'] = out.strip()
def get_memory_facts(self):
pagesize = 4096
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/bin/vmstat | tail -1", use_unsafe_shell=True)
data = int(re.sub(' +',' ',out).split(' ')[5].strip())
self.facts['memfree_mb'] = pagesize * data // 1024 // 1024
if self.facts['architecture'] == '9000/800':
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("grep Physical /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log")
data = re.search('.*Physical: ([0-9]*) Kbytes.*',out).groups()[0].strip()
self.facts['memtotal_mb'] = int(data) // 1024
except AttributeError:
#For systems where memory details aren't sent to syslog or the log has rotated, use parsed
#adb output. Unfortunately /dev/kmem doesn't have world-read, so this only works as root.
if os.access("/dev/kmem", os.R_OK):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("echo 'phys_mem_pages/D' | adb -k /stand/vmunix /dev/kmem | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}'", use_unsafe_shell=True)
if not err:
data = out
self.facts['memtotal_mb'] = int(data) / 256
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/contrib/bin/machinfo | grep Memory", use_unsafe_shell=True)
data = re.search('Memory[\ :=]*([0-9]*).*MB.*',out).groups()[0].strip()
self.facts['memtotal_mb'] = int(data)
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/swapinfo -m -d -f -q")
self.facts['swaptotal_mb'] = int(out.strip())
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/swapinfo -m -d -f | egrep '^dev|^fs'", use_unsafe_shell=True)
swap = 0
for line in out.strip().splitlines():
swap += int(re.sub(' +',' ',line).split(' ')[3].strip())
self.facts['swapfree_mb'] = swap
def get_hw_facts(self):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("model")
self.facts['model'] = out.strip()
if self.facts['architecture'] == 'ia64':
separator = ':'
if self.facts['distribution_version'] == "B.11.23":
separator = '='
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/contrib/bin/machinfo |grep -i 'Firmware revision' | grep -v BMC", use_unsafe_shell=True)
self.facts['firmware_version'] = out.split(separator)[1].strip()
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/contrib/bin/machinfo |grep -i 'Machine serial number' ",use_unsafe_shell=True)
if rc == 0 and out:
self.facts['product_serial'] = out.split(separator)[1].strip()
class Darwin(Hardware):
Darwin-specific subclass of Hardware. Defines memory and CPU facts:
- processor
- processor_cores
- memtotal_mb
- memfree_mb
- model
- osversion
- osrevision
platform = 'Darwin'
def populate(self):
self.sysctl = self.get_sysctl(['hw','machdep','kern'])
return self.facts
def get_system_profile(self):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(["/usr/sbin/system_profiler", "SPHardwareDataType"])
if rc != 0:
return dict()
system_profile = dict()
for line in out.splitlines():
if ': ' in line:
(key, value) = line.split(': ', 1)
system_profile[key.strip()] = ' '.join(value.strip().split())
return system_profile
def get_mac_facts(self):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("sysctl hw.model")
if rc == 0:
self.facts['model'] = out.splitlines()[-1].split()[1]
self.facts['osversion'] = self.sysctl['kern.osversion']
self.facts['osrevision'] = self.sysctl['kern.osrevision']
def get_cpu_facts(self):
if 'machdep.cpu.brand_string' in self.sysctl: # Intel
self.facts['processor'] = self.sysctl['machdep.cpu.brand_string']
self.facts['processor_cores'] = self.sysctl['machdep.cpu.core_count']
else: # PowerPC
system_profile = self.get_system_profile()
self.facts['processor'] = '%s @ %s' % (system_profile['Processor Name'], system_profile['Processor Speed'])
self.facts['processor_cores'] = self.sysctl['hw.physicalcpu']
def get_memory_facts(self):
self.facts['memtotal_mb'] = int(self.sysctl['hw.memsize']) // 1024 // 1024
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("sysctl hw.usermem")
if rc == 0:
self.facts['memfree_mb'] = int(out.splitlines()[-1].split()[1]) // 1024 // 1024
class HurdHardware(LinuxHardware):
GNU Hurd specific subclass of Hardware. Define memory and mount facts
based on procfs compatibility translator mimicking the interface of
the Linux kernel.
platform = 'GNU'
def populate(self):
except TimeoutError:
return self.facts
class Network(Facts):
This is a generic Network subclass of Facts. This should be further
subclassed to implement per platform. If you subclass this,
you must define:
- interfaces (a list of interface names)
- interface_<name> dictionary of ipv4, ipv6, and mac address information.
All subclasses MUST define platform.
platform = 'Generic'
IPV6_SCOPE = { '0' : 'global',
'10' : 'host',
'20' : 'link',
'40' : 'admin',
'50' : 'site',
'80' : 'organization' }
def __new__(cls, *arguments, **keyword):
# When Network is created, it chooses a subclass to create instead.
# This check prevents the subclass from then trying to find a subclass
# and create that.
if cls is not Network:
return super(Network, cls).__new__(cls)
subclass = cls
for sc in get_all_subclasses(Network):
if sc.platform == platform.system():
subclass = sc
if PY3:
return super(cls, subclass).__new__(subclass)
return super(cls, subclass).__new__(subclass, *arguments, **keyword)
def populate(self):
return self.facts
class LinuxNetwork(Network):
This is a Linux-specific subclass of Network. It defines
- interfaces (a list of interface names)
- interface_<name> dictionary of ipv4, ipv6, and mac address information.
- all_ipv4_addresses and all_ipv6_addresses: lists of all configured addresses.
- ipv4_address and ipv6_address: the first non-local address for each family.
platform = 'Linux'
'1': 'ether',
'512': 'ppp',
'772': 'loopback',
'65534': 'tunnel',
def populate(self):
ip_path = self.module.get_bin_path('ip')
if ip_path is None:
return self.facts
default_ipv4, default_ipv6 = self.get_default_interfaces(ip_path)
interfaces, ips = self.get_interfaces_info(ip_path, default_ipv4, default_ipv6)
self.facts['interfaces'] = interfaces.keys()
for iface in interfaces:
self.facts[iface] = interfaces[iface]
self.facts['default_ipv4'] = default_ipv4
self.facts['default_ipv6'] = default_ipv6
self.facts['all_ipv4_addresses'] = ips['all_ipv4_addresses']
self.facts['all_ipv6_addresses'] = ips['all_ipv6_addresses']
return self.facts
def get_default_interfaces(self, ip_path):
# Use the commands:
# ip -4 route get -> Google public DNS
# ip -6 route get 2404:6800:400a:800::1012 -> ipv6.google.com
# to find out the default outgoing interface, address, and gateway
command = dict(
v4 = [ip_path, '-4', 'route', 'get', ''],
v6 = [ip_path, '-6', 'route', 'get', '2404:6800:400a:800::1012']
interface = dict(v4 = {}, v6 = {})
for v in 'v4', 'v6':
if v == 'v6' and self.facts['os_family'] == 'RedHat' \
and self.facts['distribution_version'].startswith('4.'):
if v == 'v6' and not socket.has_ipv6:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(command[v], errors='surrogate_then_replace')
if not out:
# v6 routing may result in
# RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument
words = out.splitlines()[0].split()
# A valid output starts with the queried address on the first line
if len(words) > 0 and words[0] == command[v][-1]:
for i in range(len(words) - 1):
if words[i] == 'dev':
interface[v]['interface'] = words[i+1]
elif words[i] == 'src':
interface[v]['address'] = words[i+1]
elif words[i] == 'via' and words[i+1] != command[v][-1]:
interface[v]['gateway'] = words[i+1]
return interface['v4'], interface['v6']
def get_interfaces_info(self, ip_path, default_ipv4, default_ipv6):
interfaces = {}
ips = dict(
all_ipv4_addresses = [],
all_ipv6_addresses = [],
for path in glob.glob('/sys/class/net/*'):
if not os.path.isdir(path):
device = os.path.basename(path)
interfaces[device] = { 'device': device }
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'address')):
macaddress = get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'address'), default='')
if macaddress and macaddress != '00:00:00:00:00:00':
interfaces[device]['macaddress'] = macaddress
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'mtu')):
interfaces[device]['mtu'] = int(get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'mtu')))
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'operstate')):
interfaces[device]['active'] = get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'operstate')) != 'down'
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'device','driver', 'module')):
interfaces[device]['module'] = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(path, 'device', 'driver', 'module')))
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'type')):
_type = get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'type'))
interfaces[device]['type'] = self.INTERFACE_TYPE.get(_type, 'unknown')
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'bridge')):
interfaces[device]['type'] = 'bridge'
interfaces[device]['interfaces'] = [ os.path.basename(b) for b in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, 'brif', '*')) ]
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'bridge', 'bridge_id')):
interfaces[device]['id'] = get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'bridge', 'bridge_id'), default='')
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'bridge', 'stp_state')):
interfaces[device]['stp'] = get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'bridge', 'stp_state')) == '1'
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'bonding')):
interfaces[device]['type'] = 'bonding'
interfaces[device]['slaves'] = get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'bonding', 'slaves'), default='').split()
interfaces[device]['mode'] = get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'bonding', 'mode'), default='').split()[0]
interfaces[device]['miimon'] = get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'bonding', 'miimon'), default='').split()[0]
interfaces[device]['lacp_rate'] = get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'bonding', 'lacp_rate'), default='').split()[0]
primary = get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'bonding', 'primary'))
if primary:
interfaces[device]['primary'] = primary
path = os.path.join(path, 'bonding', 'all_slaves_active')
if os.path.exists(path):
interfaces[device]['all_slaves_active'] = get_file_content(path) == '1'
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,'device')):
interfaces[device]['pciid'] = os.path.basename(os.readlink(os.path.join(path,'device')))
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'speed')):
speed = get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'speed'))
if speed is not None:
interfaces[device]['speed'] = int(speed)
# Check whether an interface is in promiscuous mode
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,'flags')):
promisc_mode = False
# The second byte indicates whether the interface is in promiscuous mode.
# 1 = promisc
# 0 = no promisc
data = int(get_file_content(os.path.join(path, 'flags')),16)
promisc_mode = (data & 0x0100 > 0)
interfaces[device]['promisc'] = promisc_mode
def parse_ip_output(output, secondary=False):
for line in output.splitlines():
if not line:
words = line.split()
broadcast = ''
if words[0] == 'inet':
if '/' in words[1]:
address, netmask_length = words[1].split('/')
if len(words) > 3:
broadcast = words[3]
# pointopoint interfaces do not have a prefix
address = words[1]
netmask_length = "32"
address_bin = struct.unpack('!L', socket.inet_aton(address))[0]
netmask_bin = (1<<32) - (1<<32>>int(netmask_length))
netmask = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', netmask_bin))
network = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', address_bin & netmask_bin))
iface = words[-1]
if iface != device:
interfaces[iface] = {}
if not secondary and "ipv4" not in interfaces[iface]:
interfaces[iface]['ipv4'] = {'address': address,
'broadcast': broadcast,
'netmask': netmask,
'network': network}
if "ipv4_secondaries" not in interfaces[iface]:
interfaces[iface]["ipv4_secondaries"] = []
'address': address,
'broadcast': broadcast,
'netmask': netmask,
'network': network,
# add this secondary IP to the main device
if secondary:
if "ipv4_secondaries" not in interfaces[device]:
interfaces[device]["ipv4_secondaries"] = []
'address': address,
'broadcast': broadcast,
'netmask': netmask,
'network': network,
# If this is the default address, update default_ipv4
if 'address' in default_ipv4 and default_ipv4['address'] == address:
default_ipv4['broadcast'] = broadcast
default_ipv4['netmask'] = netmask
default_ipv4['network'] = network
default_ipv4['macaddress'] = macaddress
default_ipv4['mtu'] = interfaces[device]['mtu']
default_ipv4['type'] = interfaces[device].get("type", "unknown")
default_ipv4['alias'] = words[-1]
if not address.startswith('127.'):
elif words[0] == 'inet6':
if 'peer' == words[2]:
address = words[1]
_, prefix = words[3].split('/')
scope = words[5]
address, prefix = words[1].split('/')
scope = words[3]
if 'ipv6' not in interfaces[device]:
interfaces[device]['ipv6'] = []
'address' : address,
'prefix' : prefix,
'scope' : scope
# If this is the default address, update default_ipv6
if 'address' in default_ipv6 and default_ipv6['address'] == address:
default_ipv6['prefix'] = prefix
default_ipv6['scope'] = scope
default_ipv6['macaddress'] = macaddress
default_ipv6['mtu'] = interfaces[device]['mtu']
default_ipv6['type'] = interfaces[device].get("type", "unknown")
if not address == '::1':
ip_path = self.module.get_bin_path("ip")
args = [ip_path, 'addr', 'show', 'primary', device]
rc, primary_data, stderr = self.module.run_command(args, errors='surrogate_then_replace')
args = [ip_path, 'addr', 'show', 'secondary', device]
rc, secondary_data, stderr = self.module.run_command(args, errors='surrogate_then_replace')
parse_ip_output(secondary_data, secondary=True)
interfaces[device]['features'] = self.get_ethtool_data(device)
# replace : by _ in interface name since they are hard to use in template
new_interfaces = {}
for i in interfaces:
if ':' in i:
new_interfaces[i.replace(':','_')] = interfaces[i]
new_interfaces[i] = interfaces[i]
return new_interfaces, ips
def get_ethtool_data(self, device):
features = {}
ethtool_path = self.module.get_bin_path("ethtool")
if ethtool_path:
args = [ethtool_path, '-k', device]
rc, stdout, stderr = self.module.run_command(args, errors='surrogate_then_replace')
if rc == 0:
for line in stdout.strip().splitlines():
if not line or line.endswith(":"):
key,value = line.split(": ")
if not value:
features[key.strip().replace('-','_')] = value.strip()
return features
class GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork(Network):
This is a generic BSD subclass of Network using the ifconfig command.
It defines
- interfaces (a list of interface names)
- interface_<name> dictionary of ipv4, ipv6, and mac address information.
- all_ipv4_addresses and all_ipv6_addresses: lists of all configured addresses.
platform = 'Generic_BSD_Ifconfig'
def populate(self):
ifconfig_path = self.module.get_bin_path('ifconfig')
if ifconfig_path is None:
return self.facts
route_path = self.module.get_bin_path('route')
if route_path is None:
return self.facts
default_ipv4, default_ipv6 = self.get_default_interfaces(route_path)
interfaces, ips = self.get_interfaces_info(ifconfig_path)
self.merge_default_interface(default_ipv4, interfaces, 'ipv4')
self.merge_default_interface(default_ipv6, interfaces, 'ipv6')
self.facts['interfaces'] = interfaces.keys()
for iface in interfaces:
self.facts[iface] = interfaces[iface]
self.facts['default_ipv4'] = default_ipv4
self.facts['default_ipv6'] = default_ipv6
self.facts['all_ipv4_addresses'] = ips['all_ipv4_addresses']
self.facts['all_ipv6_addresses'] = ips['all_ipv6_addresses']
return self.facts
def detect_type_media(self, interfaces):
for iface in interfaces:
if 'media' in interfaces[iface]:
if 'ether' in interfaces[iface]['media'].lower():
interfaces[iface]['type'] = 'ether'
def get_default_interfaces(self, route_path):
# Use the commands:
# route -n get -> Google public DNS
# route -n get -inet6 2404:6800:400a:800::1012 -> ipv6.google.com
# to find out the default outgoing interface, address, and gateway
command = dict(
v4 = [route_path, '-n', 'get', ''],
v6 = [route_path, '-n', 'get', '-inet6', '2404:6800:400a:800::1012']
interface = dict(v4 = {}, v6 = {})
for v in 'v4', 'v6':
if v == 'v6' and not socket.has_ipv6:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(command[v])
if not out:
# v6 routing may result in
# RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument
for line in out.splitlines():
words = line.split()
# Collect output from route command
if len(words) > 1:
if words[0] == 'interface:':
interface[v]['interface'] = words[1]
if words[0] == 'gateway:':
interface[v]['gateway'] = words[1]
return interface['v4'], interface['v6']
def get_interfaces_info(self, ifconfig_path, ifconfig_options='-a'):
interfaces = {}
current_if = {}
ips = dict(
all_ipv4_addresses = [],
all_ipv6_addresses = [],
# FreeBSD, DragonflyBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and OS X all implicitly add '-a'
# when running the command 'ifconfig'.
# Solaris must explicitly run the command 'ifconfig -a'.
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([ifconfig_path, ifconfig_options])
for line in out.splitlines():
if line:
words = line.split()
if words[0] == 'pass':
elif re.match('^\S', line) and len(words) > 3:
current_if = self.parse_interface_line(words)
interfaces[ current_if['device'] ] = current_if
elif words[0].startswith('options='):
self.parse_options_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'nd6':
self.parse_nd6_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'ether':
self.parse_ether_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'media:':
self.parse_media_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'status:':
self.parse_status_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'lladdr':
self.parse_lladdr_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'inet':
self.parse_inet_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'inet6':
self.parse_inet6_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'tunnel':
self.parse_tunnel_line(words, current_if, ips)
self.parse_unknown_line(words, current_if, ips)
return interfaces, ips
def parse_interface_line(self, words):
device = words[0][0:-1]
current_if = {'device': device, 'ipv4': [], 'ipv6': [], 'type': 'unknown'}
current_if['flags'] = self.get_options(words[1])
if 'LOOPBACK' in current_if['flags']:
current_if['type'] = 'loopback'
current_if['macaddress'] = 'unknown' # will be overwritten later
if len(words) >= 5 : # Newer FreeBSD versions
current_if['metric'] = words[3]
current_if['mtu'] = words[5]
current_if['mtu'] = words[3]
return current_if
def parse_options_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
# Mac has options like this...
current_if['options'] = self.get_options(words[0])
def parse_nd6_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
# FreeBSD has options like this...
current_if['options'] = self.get_options(words[1])
def parse_ether_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
current_if['macaddress'] = words[1]
current_if['type'] = 'ether'
def parse_media_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
# not sure if this is useful - we also drop information
current_if['media'] = words[1]
if len(words) > 2:
current_if['media_select'] = words[2]
if len(words) > 3:
current_if['media_type'] = words[3][1:]
if len(words) > 4:
current_if['media_options'] = self.get_options(words[4])
def parse_status_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
current_if['status'] = words[1]
def parse_lladdr_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
current_if['lladdr'] = words[1]
def parse_inet_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
# netbsd show aliases like this
# lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 33184
# inet netmask 0xff000000
# inet alias netmask 0xff000000
if words[1] == 'alias':
del words[1]
address = {'address': words[1]}
# deal with hex netmask
if re.match('([0-9a-f]){8}', words[3]) and len(words[3]) == 8:
words[3] = '0x' + words[3]
if words[3].startswith('0x'):
address['netmask'] = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', int(words[3], base=16)))
# otherwise assume this is a dotted quad
address['netmask'] = words[3]
# calculate the network
address_bin = struct.unpack('!L', socket.inet_aton(address['address']))[0]
netmask_bin = struct.unpack('!L', socket.inet_aton(address['netmask']))[0]
address['network'] = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', address_bin & netmask_bin))
# broadcast may be given or we need to calculate
if len(words) > 5:
address['broadcast'] = words[5]
address['broadcast'] = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', address_bin | (~netmask_bin & 0xffffffff)))
# add to our list of addresses
if not words[1].startswith('127.'):
def parse_inet6_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
address = {'address': words[1]}
if (len(words) >= 4) and (words[2] == 'prefixlen'):
address['prefix'] = words[3]
if (len(words) >= 6) and (words[4] == 'scopeid'):
address['scope'] = words[5]
localhost6 = ['::1', '::1/128', 'fe80::1%lo0']
if address['address'] not in localhost6:
def parse_tunnel_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
current_if['type'] = 'tunnel'
def parse_unknown_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
# we are going to ignore unknown lines here - this may be
# a bad idea - but you can override it in your subclass
def get_options(self, option_string):
start = option_string.find('<') + 1
end = option_string.rfind('>')
if (start > 0) and (end > 0) and (end > start + 1):
option_csv = option_string[start:end]
return option_csv.split(',')
return []
def merge_default_interface(self, defaults, interfaces, ip_type):
if 'interface' not in defaults:
if not defaults['interface'] in interfaces:
ifinfo = interfaces[defaults['interface']]
# copy all the interface values across except addresses
for item in ifinfo:
if item != 'ipv4' and item != 'ipv6':
defaults[item] = ifinfo[item]
if len(ifinfo[ip_type]) > 0:
for item in ifinfo[ip_type][0]:
defaults[item] = ifinfo[ip_type][0][item]
class HPUXNetwork(Network):
HP-UX-specifig subclass of Network. Defines networking facts:
- default_interface
- interfaces (a list of interface names)
- interface_<name> dictionary of ipv4 address information.
platform = 'HP-UX'
def populate(self):
netstat_path = self.module.get_bin_path('netstat')
if netstat_path is None:
return self.facts
interfaces = self.get_interfaces_info()
self.facts['interfaces'] = interfaces.keys()
for iface in interfaces:
self.facts[iface] = interfaces[iface]
return self.facts
def get_default_interfaces(self):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/bin/netstat -nr")
lines = out.splitlines()
for line in lines:
words = line.split()
if len(words) > 1:
if words[0] == 'default':
self.facts['default_interface'] = words[4]
self.facts['default_gateway'] = words[1]
def get_interfaces_info(self):
interfaces = {}
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/bin/netstat -ni")
lines = out.splitlines()
for line in lines:
words = line.split()
for i in range(len(words) - 1):
if words[i][:3] == 'lan':
device = words[i]
interfaces[device] = { 'device': device }
address = words[i+3]
interfaces[device]['ipv4'] = { 'address': address }
network = words[i+2]
interfaces[device]['ipv4'] = { 'network': network,
'interface': device,
'address': address }
return interfaces
class DarwinNetwork(GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork):
This is the Mac OS X/Darwin Network Class.
It uses the GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork unchanged
platform = 'Darwin'
# media line is different to the default FreeBSD one
def parse_media_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
# not sure if this is useful - we also drop information
current_if['media'] = 'Unknown' # Mac does not give us this
current_if['media_select'] = words[1]
if len(words) > 2:
# MacOSX sets the media to '<unknown type>' for bridge interface
# and parsing splits this into two words; this if/else helps
if words[1] == '<unknown' and words[2] == 'type>':
current_if['media_select'] = 'Unknown'
current_if['media_type'] = 'unknown type'
current_if['media_type'] = words[2][1:-1]
if len(words) > 3:
current_if['media_options'] = self.get_options(words[3])
class FreeBSDNetwork(GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork):
This is the FreeBSD Network Class.
It uses the GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork unchanged.
platform = 'FreeBSD'
class DragonFlyNetwork(GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork):
This is the DragonFly Network Class.
It uses the GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork unchanged.
platform = 'DragonFly'
class AIXNetwork(GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork):
This is the AIX Network Class.
It uses the GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork unchanged.
platform = 'AIX'
def get_default_interfaces(self, route_path):
netstat_path = self.module.get_bin_path('netstat')
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([netstat_path, '-nr'])
interface = dict(v4 = {}, v6 = {})
lines = out.splitlines()
for line in lines:
words = line.split()
if len(words) > 1 and words[0] == 'default':
if '.' in words[1]:
interface['v4']['gateway'] = words[1]
interface['v4']['interface'] = words[5]
elif ':' in words[1]:
interface['v6']['gateway'] = words[1]
interface['v6']['interface'] = words[5]
return interface['v4'], interface['v6']
# AIX 'ifconfig -a' does not have three words in the interface line
def get_interfaces_info(self, ifconfig_path, ifconfig_options='-a'):
interfaces = {}
current_if = {}
ips = dict(
all_ipv4_addresses = [],
all_ipv6_addresses = [],
uname_rc = None
uname_out = None
uname_err = None
uname_path = self.module.get_bin_path('uname')
if uname_path:
uname_rc, uname_out, uname_err = self.module.run_command([uname_path, '-W'])
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([ifconfig_path, ifconfig_options])
for line in out.splitlines():
if line:
words = line.split()
# only this condition differs from GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork
if re.match('^\w*\d*:', line):
current_if = self.parse_interface_line(words)
interfaces[ current_if['device'] ] = current_if
elif words[0].startswith('options='):
self.parse_options_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'nd6':
self.parse_nd6_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'ether':
self.parse_ether_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'media:':
self.parse_media_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'status:':
self.parse_status_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'lladdr':
self.parse_lladdr_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'inet':
self.parse_inet_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'inet6':
self.parse_inet6_line(words, current_if, ips)
self.parse_unknown_line(words, current_if, ips)
# don't bother with wpars it does not work
# zero means not in wpar
if not uname_rc and uname_out.split()[0] == '0':
if current_if['macaddress'] == 'unknown' and re.match('^en', current_if['device']):
entstat_path = self.module.get_bin_path('entstat')
if entstat_path:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([entstat_path, current_if['device'] ])
if rc != 0:
for line in out.splitlines():
if not line:
buff = re.match('^Hardware Address: (.*)', line)
if buff:
current_if['macaddress'] = buff.group(1)
buff = re.match('^Device Type:', line)
if buff and re.match('.*Ethernet', line):
current_if['type'] = 'ether'
# device must have mtu attribute in ODM
if 'mtu' not in current_if:
lsattr_path = self.module.get_bin_path('lsattr')
if lsattr_path:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([lsattr_path,'-El', current_if['device'] ])
if rc != 0:
for line in out.splitlines():
if line:
words = line.split()
if words[0] == 'mtu':
current_if['mtu'] = words[1]
return interfaces, ips
# AIX 'ifconfig -a' does not inform about MTU, so remove current_if['mtu'] here
def parse_interface_line(self, words):
device = words[0][0:-1]
current_if = {'device': device, 'ipv4': [], 'ipv6': [], 'type': 'unknown'}
current_if['flags'] = self.get_options(words[1])
current_if['macaddress'] = 'unknown' # will be overwritten later
return current_if
class OpenBSDNetwork(GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork):
This is the OpenBSD Network Class.
It uses the GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork.
platform = 'OpenBSD'
# OpenBSD 'ifconfig -a' does not have information about aliases
def get_interfaces_info(self, ifconfig_path, ifconfig_options='-aA'):
return super(OpenBSDNetwork, self).get_interfaces_info(ifconfig_path, ifconfig_options)
# Return macaddress instead of lladdr
def parse_lladdr_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
current_if['macaddress'] = words[1]
current_if['type'] = 'ether'
class NetBSDNetwork(GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork):
This is the NetBSD Network Class.
It uses the GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork
platform = 'NetBSD'
def parse_media_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
# example of line:
# $ ifconfig
# ec_capabilities=1<VLAN_MTU>
# ec_enabled=0
# address: 00:20:91:45:00:78
# media: Ethernet 10baseT full-duplex
# inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
current_if['media'] = words[1]
if len(words) > 2:
current_if['media_type'] = words[2]
if len(words) > 3:
current_if['media_options'] = words[3].split(',')
class SunOSNetwork(GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork):
This is the SunOS Network Class.
It uses the GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork.
Solaris can have different FLAGS and MTU for IPv4 and IPv6 on the same interface
so these facts have been moved inside the 'ipv4' and 'ipv6' lists.
platform = 'SunOS'
# Solaris 'ifconfig -a' will print interfaces twice, once for IPv4 and again for IPv6.
# MTU and FLAGS also may differ between IPv4 and IPv6 on the same interface.
# 'parse_interface_line()' checks for previously seen interfaces before defining
# 'current_if' so that IPv6 facts don't clobber IPv4 facts (or vice versa).
def get_interfaces_info(self, ifconfig_path):
interfaces = {}
current_if = {}
ips = dict(
all_ipv4_addresses = [],
all_ipv6_addresses = [],
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([ifconfig_path, '-a'])
for line in out.splitlines():
if line:
words = line.split()
if re.match('^\S', line) and len(words) > 3:
current_if = self.parse_interface_line(words, current_if, interfaces)
interfaces[ current_if['device'] ] = current_if
elif words[0].startswith('options='):
self.parse_options_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'nd6':
self.parse_nd6_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'ether':
self.parse_ether_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'media:':
self.parse_media_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'status:':
self.parse_status_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'lladdr':
self.parse_lladdr_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'inet':
self.parse_inet_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'inet6':
self.parse_inet6_line(words, current_if, ips)
self.parse_unknown_line(words, current_if, ips)
# 'parse_interface_line' and 'parse_inet*_line' leave two dicts in the
# ipv4/ipv6 lists which is ugly and hard to read.
# This quick hack merges the dictionaries. Purely cosmetic.
for iface in interfaces:
for v in 'ipv4', 'ipv6':
combined_facts = {}
for facts in interfaces[iface][v]:
if len(combined_facts.keys()) > 0:
interfaces[iface][v] = [combined_facts]
return interfaces, ips
def parse_interface_line(self, words, current_if, interfaces):
device = words[0][0:-1]
if device not in interfaces:
current_if = {'device': device, 'ipv4': [], 'ipv6': [], 'type': 'unknown'}
current_if = interfaces[device]
flags = self.get_options(words[1])
v = 'ipv4'
if 'IPv6' in flags:
v = 'ipv6'
if 'LOOPBACK' in flags:
current_if['type'] = 'loopback'
current_if[v].append({'flags': flags, 'mtu': words[3]})
current_if['macaddress'] = 'unknown' # will be overwritten later
return current_if
# Solaris displays single digit octets in MAC addresses e.g. 0:1:2:d:e:f
# Add leading zero to each octet where needed.
def parse_ether_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
macaddress = ''
for octet in words[1].split(':'):
octet = ('0' + octet)[-2:None]
macaddress += (octet + ':')
current_if['macaddress'] = macaddress[0:-1]
class HurdPfinetNetwork(Network):
This is a GNU Hurd specific subclass of Network. It use fsysopts to
get the ip address and support only pfinet.
platform = 'GNU'
_socket_dir = '/servers/socket/'
def populate(self):
fsysopts_path = self.module.get_bin_path('fsysopts')
if fsysopts_path is None:
return self.facts
socket_path = None
for l in ('inet', 'inet6'):
link = os.path.join(self._socket_dir, l)
if os.path.exists(link):
socket_path = link
if socket_path:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([fsysopts_path, '-L', socket_path])
self.facts['interfaces'] = []
for i in out.split():
if '=' in i and i.startswith('--'):
k,v = i.split('=',1)
# remove '--'
k = k[2:]
if k == 'interface':
# remove /dev/ from /dev/eth0
v = v[5:]
self.facts[v] = {
'active': True,
'device': v,
'ipv4': {},
'ipv6': [],
current_if = v
elif k == 'address':
self.facts[current_if]['ipv4']['address'] = v
elif k == 'netmask':
self.facts[current_if]['ipv4']['netmask'] = v
elif k == 'address6':
address,prefix = v.split('/')
'address': address,
'prefix': prefix,
return self.facts
class Virtual(Facts):
This is a generic Virtual subclass of Facts. This should be further
subclassed to implement per platform. If you subclass this,
you should define:
- virtualization_type
- virtualization_role
- container (e.g. solaris zones, freebsd jails, linux containers)
All subclasses MUST define platform.
def __new__(cls, *arguments, **keyword):
# When Virtual is created, it chooses a subclass to create instead.
# This check prevents the subclass from then trying to find a subclass
# and create that.
if cls is not Virtual:
return super(Virtual, cls).__new__(cls)
subclass = cls
for sc in get_all_subclasses(Virtual):
if sc.platform == platform.system():
subclass = sc
if PY3:
return super(cls, subclass).__new__(subclass)
return super(cls, subclass).__new__(subclass, *arguments, **keyword)
def populate(self):
return self.facts
def get_virtual_facts(self):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = ''
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = ''
class LinuxVirtual(Virtual):
This is a Linux-specific subclass of Virtual. It defines
- virtualization_type
- virtualization_role
platform = 'Linux'
# For more information, check: http://people.redhat.com/~rjones/virt-what/
def get_virtual_facts(self):
# lxc/docker
if os.path.exists('/proc/1/cgroup'):
for line in get_file_lines('/proc/1/cgroup'):
if re.search(r'/docker(/|-[0-9a-f]+\.scope)', line):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'docker'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if re.search('/lxc/', line) or re.search('/machine.slice/machine-lxc', line):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'lxc'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
# lxc does not always appear in cgroups anymore but sets 'container=lxc' environment var, requires root privs
if os.path.exists('/proc/1/environ'):
for line in get_file_lines('/proc/1/environ'):
if re.search('container=lxc', line):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'lxc'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if os.path.exists('/proc/vz'):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'openvz'
if os.path.exists('/proc/bc'):
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'host'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
systemd_container = get_file_content('/run/systemd/container')
if systemd_container:
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = systemd_container
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if os.path.exists("/proc/xen"):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'xen'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
for line in get_file_lines('/proc/xen/capabilities'):
if "control_d" in line:
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'host'
except IOError:
product_name = get_file_content('/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name')
if product_name in ['KVM', 'Bochs']:
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'kvm'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if product_name == 'RHEV Hypervisor':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'RHEV'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if product_name == 'VMware Virtual Platform':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'VMware'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if product_name == 'OpenStack Nova':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'openstack'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
bios_vendor = get_file_content('/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor')
if bios_vendor == 'Xen':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'xen'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if bios_vendor == 'innotek GmbH':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'virtualbox'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
sys_vendor = get_file_content('/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor')
# FIXME: This does also match hyperv
if sys_vendor == 'Microsoft Corporation':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'VirtualPC'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if sys_vendor == 'Parallels Software International Inc.':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'parallels'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if sys_vendor == 'QEMU':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'kvm'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if sys_vendor == 'oVirt':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'kvm'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if sys_vendor == 'OpenStack Foundation':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'openstack'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if os.path.exists('/proc/self/status'):
for line in get_file_lines('/proc/self/status'):
if re.match('^VxID: \d+', line):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'linux_vserver'
if re.match('^VxID: 0', line):
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'host'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if os.path.exists('/proc/cpuinfo'):
for line in get_file_lines('/proc/cpuinfo'):
if re.match('^model name.*QEMU Virtual CPU', line):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'kvm'
elif re.match('^vendor_id.*User Mode Linux', line):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'uml'
elif re.match('^model name.*UML', line):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'uml'
elif re.match('^vendor_id.*PowerVM Lx86', line):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'powervm_lx86'
elif re.match('^vendor_id.*IBM/S390', line):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'PR/SM'
lscpu = self.module.get_bin_path('lscpu')
if lscpu:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(["lscpu"])
if rc == 0:
for line in out.splitlines():
data = line.split(":", 1)
key = data[0].strip()
if key == 'Hypervisor':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = data[1].strip()
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'ibm_systemz'
if self.facts['virtualization_type'] == 'PR/SM':
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'LPAR'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
# Beware that we can have both kvm and virtualbox running on a single system
if os.path.exists("/proc/modules") and os.access('/proc/modules', os.R_OK):
modules = []
for line in get_file_lines("/proc/modules"):
data = line.split(" ", 1)
if 'kvm' in modules:
if os.path.isdir('/rhev/'):
# Check whether this is a RHEV hypervisor (is vdsm running ?)
for f in glob.glob('/proc/[0-9]*/comm'):
if open(f).read().rstrip() == 'vdsm':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'RHEV'
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'kvm'
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'kvm'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'host'
if 'vboxdrv' in modules:
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'virtualbox'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'host'
# If none of the above matches, return 'NA' for virtualization_type
# and virtualization_role. This allows for proper grouping.
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'NA'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'NA'
class VirtualSysctlDetectionMixin(object):
def detect_sysctl(self):
self.sysctl_path = self.module.get_bin_path('sysctl')
def detect_virt_product(self, key):
if self.sysctl_path:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("%s -n %s" % (self.sysctl_path, key))
if rc == 0:
if re.match('(KVM|Bochs|SmartDC).*', out):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'kvm'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
elif re.match('.*VMware.*', out):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'VMware'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
elif out.rstrip() == 'VirtualBox':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'virtualbox'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
elif out.rstrip() == 'HVM domU':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'xen'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
elif out.rstrip() == 'Parallels':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'parallels'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
elif out.rstrip() == 'RHEV Hypervisor':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'RHEV'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
def detect_virt_vendor(self, key):
if self.sysctl_path:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("%s -n %s" % (self.sysctl_path, key))
if rc == 0:
if out.rstrip() == 'QEMU':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'kvm'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if out.rstrip() == 'OpenBSD':
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'vmm'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
class FreeBSDVirtual(Virtual):
This is a FreeBSD-specific subclass of Virtual. It defines
- virtualization_type
- virtualization_role
platform = 'FreeBSD'
def get_virtual_facts(self):
# Set empty values as default
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = ''
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = ''
if os.path.exists('/dev/xen/xenstore'):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'xen'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
class DragonFlyVirtual(FreeBSDVirtual):
platform = 'DragonFly'
class OpenBSDVirtual(Virtual, VirtualSysctlDetectionMixin):
This is a OpenBSD-specific subclass of Virtual. It defines
- virtualization_type
- virtualization_role
platform = 'OpenBSD'
DMESG_BOOT = '/var/run/dmesg.boot'
def get_virtual_facts(self):
# Set empty values as default
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = ''
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = ''
if self.facts['virtualization_type'] == '':
# Check the dmesg if vmm(4) attached, indicating the host is
# capable of virtualization.
dmesg_boot = get_file_content(OpenBSDVirtual.DMESG_BOOT)
for line in dmesg_boot.splitlines():
match = re.match('^vmm0 at mainbus0: (SVM/RVI|VMX/EPT)$', line)
if match:
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'vmm'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'host'
class NetBSDVirtual(Virtual, VirtualSysctlDetectionMixin):
platform = 'NetBSD'
def get_virtual_facts(self):
# Set empty values as default
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = ''
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = ''
if self.facts['virtualization_type'] == '':
if os.path.exists('/dev/xencons'):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'xen'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
class HPUXVirtual(Virtual):
This is a HP-UX specific subclass of Virtual. It defines
- virtualization_type
- virtualization_role
platform = 'HP-UX'
def get_virtual_facts(self):
if os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/vecheck'):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/vecheck")
if rc == 0:
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'guest'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'HP vPar'
if os.path.exists('/opt/hpvm/bin/hpvminfo'):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/opt/hpvm/bin/hpvminfo")
if rc == 0 and re.match('.*Running.*HPVM vPar.*', out):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'guest'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'HPVM vPar'
elif rc == 0 and re.match('.*Running.*HPVM guest.*', out):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'guest'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'HPVM IVM'
elif rc == 0 and re.match('.*Running.*HPVM host.*', out):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'host'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'HPVM'
if os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/parstatus'):
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/parstatus")
if rc == 0:
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'guest'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'HP nPar'
class SunOSVirtual(Virtual):
This is a SunOS-specific subclass of Virtual. It defines
- virtualization_type
- virtualization_role
- container
platform = 'SunOS'
def get_virtual_facts(self):
# Check if it's a zone
zonename = self.module.get_bin_path('zonename')
if zonename:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(zonename)
if rc == 0 and out.rstrip() != "global":
self.facts['container'] = 'zone'
# Check if it's a branded zone (i.e. Solaris 8/9 zone)
if os.path.isdir('/.SUNWnative'):
self.facts['container'] = 'zone'
# If it's a zone check if we can detect if our global zone is itself virtualized.
# Relies on the "guest tools" (e.g. vmware tools) to be installed
if 'container' in self.facts and self.facts['container'] == 'zone':
modinfo = self.module.get_bin_path('modinfo')
if modinfo:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(modinfo)
if rc == 0:
for line in out.splitlines():
if 'VMware' in line:
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'vmware'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if 'VirtualBox' in line:
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'virtualbox'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
if os.path.exists('/proc/vz'):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'virtuozzo'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
# Detect domaining on Sparc hardware
virtinfo = self.module.get_bin_path('virtinfo')
if virtinfo:
# The output of virtinfo is different whether we are on a machine with logical
# domains ('LDoms') on a T-series or domains ('Domains') on a M-series. Try LDoms first.
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command("/usr/sbin/virtinfo -p")
# The output contains multiple lines with different keys like this:
# DOMAINROLE|impl=LDoms|control=false|io=false|service=false|root=false
# The output may also be not formatted and the returncode is set to 0 regardless of the error condition:
# virtinfo can only be run from the global zone
if rc == 0:
for line in out.splitlines():
fields = line.split('|')
if( fields[0] == 'DOMAINROLE' and fields[1] == 'impl=LDoms' ):
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'ldom'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
hostfeatures = []
for field in fields[2:]:
arg = field.split('=')
if( arg[1] == 'true' ):
if( len(hostfeatures) > 0 ):
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'host (' + ','.join(hostfeatures) + ')'
except ValueError:
smbios = self.module.get_bin_path('smbios')
if not smbios:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(smbios)
if rc == 0:
for line in out.splitlines():
if 'VMware' in line:
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'vmware'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
elif 'Parallels' in line:
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'parallels'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
elif 'VirtualBox' in line:
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'virtualbox'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
elif 'HVM domU' in line:
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'xen'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
elif 'KVM' in line:
self.facts['virtualization_type'] = 'kvm'
self.facts['virtualization_role'] = 'guest'
class Ohai(Facts):
This is a subclass of Facts for including information gathered from Ohai.
def populate(self):
return self.facts
def run_ohai(self):
ohai_path = self.module.get_bin_path('ohai')
if ohai_path is None:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(ohai_path)
class Facter(Facts):
This is a subclass of Facts for including information gathered from Facter.
def populate(self):
return self.facts
def run_facter(self):
facter_path = self.module.get_bin_path('facter', opt_dirs=['/opt/puppetlabs/bin'])
cfacter_path = self.module.get_bin_path('cfacter', opt_dirs=['/opt/puppetlabs/bin'])
# Prefer to use cfacter if available
if cfacter_path is not None:
facter_path = cfacter_path
if facter_path is None:
# if facter is installed, and we can use --json because
# ruby-json is ALSO installed, include facter data in the JSON
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(facter_path + " --puppet --json")
self.facts = json.loads(out)
def get_file_content(path, default=None, strip=True):
data = default
if os.path.exists(path) and os.access(path, os.R_OK):
datafile = open(path)
data = datafile.read()
if strip:
data = data.strip()
if len(data) == 0:
data = default
# ignore errors as some jails/containers might have readable permissions but not allow reads to proc
# done in 2 blocks for 2.4 compat
return data
def get_uname_version(module):
rc, out, err = module.run_command(['uname', '-v'])
if rc == 0:
return out
return None
def get_partition_uuid(partname):
uuids = os.listdir("/dev/disk/by-uuid")
except OSError:
for uuid in uuids:
dev = os.path.realpath("/dev/disk/by-uuid/" + uuid)
if dev == ("/dev/" + partname):
return uuid
return None
def get_file_lines(path):
'''get list of lines from file'''
data = get_file_content(path)
if data:
ret = data.splitlines()
ret = []
return ret
def ansible_facts(module, gather_subset):
facts = {}
facts['gather_subset'] = list(gather_subset)
for subset in gather_subset:
return facts
def get_all_facts(module):
setup_options = dict(module_setup=True)
# Retrieve module parameters
gather_subset = module.params['gather_subset']
GATHER_TIMEOUT = module.params['gather_timeout']
# Retrieve all facts elements
additional_subsets = set()
exclude_subsets = set()
for subset in gather_subset:
if subset == 'all':
if subset.startswith('!'):
subset = subset[1:]
if subset == 'all':
exclude = True
exclude = False
if subset not in VALID_SUBSETS:
raise TypeError("Bad subset '%s' given to Ansible. gather_subset options allowed: all, %s" % (subset, ", ".join(FACT_SUBSETS.keys())))
if exclude:
if not additional_subsets:
# facter and ohai are given a different prefix than other subsets
if 'facter' in additional_subsets:
facter_ds = FACT_SUBSETS['facter'](module, load_on_init=False).populate()
if facter_ds:
for (k, v) in facter_ds.items():
setup_options['facter_%s' % k.replace('-', '_')] = v
if 'ohai' in additional_subsets:
ohai_ds = FACT_SUBSETS['ohai'](module, load_on_init=False).populate()
if ohai_ds:
for (k, v) in ohai_ds.items():
setup_options['ohai_%s' % k.replace('-', '_')] = v
facts = ansible_facts(module, additional_subsets)
for (k, v) in facts.items():
setup_options["ansible_%s" % k.replace('-', '_')] = v
setup_result = { 'ansible_facts': {} }
for (k,v) in setup_options.items():
if module.params['filter'] == '*' or fnmatch.fnmatch(k, module.params['filter']):
setup_result['ansible_facts'][k] = v
return setup_result
# Allowed fact subset for gather_subset options and what classes they use
# Note: have to define this at the bottom as it references classes defined earlier in this file
VALID_SUBSETS = frozenset(FACT_SUBSETS.keys())