674 lines
26 KiB
674 lines
26 KiB
# (c) 2012, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import multiprocessing
import signal
import os
import pwd
import Queue
import random
import traceback
import tempfile
import time
import collections
import socket
import base64
import sys
import shlex
import ansible.constants as C
import ansible.inventory
from ansible import utils
from ansible import errors
from ansible import module_common
import poller
import connection
from return_data import ReturnData
from ansible.callbacks import DefaultRunnerCallbacks, vv
from Crypto.Random import atfork
except ImportError:
multiprocessing_runner = None
def _executor_hook(job_queue, result_queue):
# attempt workaround of https://github.com/newsapps/beeswithmachineguns/issues/17
# this function also not present in CentOS 6
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
while not job_queue.empty():
host = job_queue.get(block=False)
except Queue.Empty:
class HostVars(dict):
''' A special view of setup_cache that adds values from the inventory when needed. '''
def __init__(self, setup_cache, inventory):
self.setup_cache = setup_cache
self.inventory = inventory
self.lookup = {}
def __getitem__(self, host):
if not host in self.lookup:
result = self.inventory.get_variables(host)
result.update(self.setup_cache.get(host, {}))
self.lookup[host] = result
return self.lookup[host]
class Runner(object):
''' core API interface to ansible '''
# see bin/ansible for how this is used...
def __init__(self,
host_list=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST, # ex: /etc/ansible/hosts, legacy usage
module_path=None, # ex: /usr/share/ansible
module_name=C.DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME, # ex: copy
module_args=C.DEFAULT_MODULE_ARGS, # ex: "src=/tmp/a dest=/tmp/b"
forks=C.DEFAULT_FORKS, # parallelism level
timeout=C.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, # SSH timeout
pattern=C.DEFAULT_PATTERN, # which hosts? ex: 'all', 'acme.example.org'
remote_user=C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_USER, # ex: 'username'
remote_pass=C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_PASS, # ex: 'password123' or None if using key
remote_port=None, # if SSH on different ports
private_key_file=C.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, # if not using keys/passwords
sudo_pass=C.DEFAULT_SUDO_PASS, # ex: 'password123' or None
background=0, # async poll every X seconds, else 0 for non-async
basedir=None, # directory of playbook, if applicable
setup_cache=None, # used to share fact data w/ other tasks
transport=C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT, # 'ssh', 'paramiko', 'local'
conditional='True', # run only if this fact expression evals to true
callbacks=None, # used for output
sudo=False, # whether to run sudo or not
sudo_user=C.DEFAULT_SUDO_USER, # ex: 'root'
module_vars=None, # a playbooks internals thing
is_playbook=False, # running from playbook or not?
inventory=None, # reference to Inventory object
subset=None # subset pattern
# storage & defaults
self.setup_cache = utils.default(setup_cache, lambda: collections.defaultdict(dict))
self.basedir = utils.default(basedir, lambda: os.getcwd())
self.callbacks = utils.default(callbacks, lambda: DefaultRunnerCallbacks())
self.generated_jid = str(random.randint(0, 999999999999))
self.transport = transport
self.inventory = utils.default(inventory, lambda: ansible.inventory.Inventory(host_list))
self.module_vars = utils.default(module_vars, lambda: {})
self.sudo_user = sudo_user
self.connector = connection.Connection(self)
self.conditional = conditional
self.module_name = module_name
self.forks = int(forks)
self.pattern = pattern
self.module_args = module_args
self.timeout = timeout
self.remote_user = remote_user
self.remote_pass = remote_pass
self.remote_port = remote_port
self.private_key_file = private_key_file
self.background = background
self.sudo = sudo
self.sudo_pass = sudo_pass
self.is_playbook = is_playbook
# misc housekeeping
if subset and self.inventory._subset is None:
# don't override subset when passed from playbook
if self.transport == 'local':
self.remote_user = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid())[0]
if module_path is not None:
for i in module_path.split(os.pathsep):
# ensure we are using unique tmp paths
# *****************************************************
def _transfer_str(self, conn, tmp, name, data):
''' transfer string to remote file '''
if type(data) == dict:
data = utils.jsonify(data)
afd, afile = tempfile.mkstemp()
afo = os.fdopen(afd, 'w')
raise errors.AnsibleError("failure encoding into utf-8")
remote = os.path.join(tmp, name)
conn.put_file(afile, remote)
return remote
# *****************************************************
def _execute_module(self, conn, tmp, module_name, args,
async_jid=None, async_module=None, async_limit=None, inject=None):
''' runs a module that has already been transferred '''
# hack to support fireball mode
if module_name == 'fireball':
args = "%s password=%s" % (args, base64.b64encode(str(utils.key_for_hostname(conn.host))))
if 'port' not in args:
args += " port=%s" % C.ZEROMQ_PORT
(remote_module_path, is_new_style, shebang) = self._copy_module(conn, tmp, module_name, args, inject)
cmd_mod = ""
if self.sudo and self.sudo_user != 'root':
# deal with possible umask issues once sudo'ed to other user
cmd_chmod = "chmod a+r %s" % remote_module_path
self._low_level_exec_command(conn, cmd_chmod, tmp, sudoable=False)
cmd = ""
if not is_new_style:
args = utils.template(self.basedir, args, inject)
argsfile = self._transfer_str(conn, tmp, 'arguments', args)
if async_jid is None:
cmd = "%s %s" % (remote_module_path, argsfile)
cmd = " ".join([str(x) for x in [remote_module_path, async_jid, async_limit, async_module, argsfile]])
if async_jid is None:
cmd = "%s" % (remote_module_path)
cmd = " ".join([str(x) for x in [remote_module_path, async_jid, async_limit, async_module]])
if not shebang:
raise errors.AnsibleError("module is missing interpreter line")
cmd = shebang.replace("#!","") + " " + cmd
if tmp.find("tmp") != -1 and C.DEFAULT_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES != '1':
cmd = cmd + "; rm -rf %s >/dev/null 2>&1" % tmp
res = self._low_level_exec_command(conn, cmd, tmp, sudoable=True)
return ReturnData(conn=conn, result=res['stdout'])
# *****************************************************
def _executor(self, host):
''' handler for multiprocessing library '''
exec_rc = self._executor_internal(host)
if type(exec_rc) != ReturnData:
raise Exception("unexpected return type: %s" % type(exec_rc))
# redundant, right?
if not exec_rc.comm_ok:
self.callbacks.on_unreachable(host, exec_rc.result)
return exec_rc
except errors.AnsibleError, ae:
msg = str(ae)
self.callbacks.on_unreachable(host, msg)
return ReturnData(host=host, comm_ok=False, result=dict(failed=True, msg=msg))
except Exception:
msg = traceback.format_exc()
self.callbacks.on_unreachable(host, msg)
return ReturnData(host=host, comm_ok=False, result=dict(failed=True, msg=msg))
# *****************************************************
def _executor_internal(self, host):
''' executes any module one or more times '''
host_variables = self.inventory.get_variables(host)
if self.transport in [ 'paramiko', 'ssh' ]:
port = host_variables.get('ansible_ssh_port', self.remote_port)
if port is None:
# fireball, local, etc
port = self.remote_port
inject = {}
inject['hostvars'] = HostVars(self.setup_cache, self.inventory)
inject['group_names'] = host_variables.get('group_names', [])
inject['groups'] = self.inventory.groups_list()
# allow with_foo to work in playbooks...
items = None
items_plugin = self.module_vars.get('items_lookup_plugin', None)
if items_plugin is not None and items_plugin in utils.plugins.lookup_loader:
items_terms = self.module_vars.get('items_lookup_terms', '')
items_terms = utils.template_ds(self.basedir, items_terms, inject)
items = utils.plugins.lookup_loader.get(items_plugin, runner=self, basedir=self.basedir).run(items_terms, inject=inject)
if type(items) != list:
raise errors.AnsibleError("lookup plugins have to return a list: %r" % items)
if len(items) and self.module_name in [ 'apt', 'yum' ]:
# hack for apt and soon yum, with_items maps back into a single module call
inject['item'] = ",".join(items)
items = None
# logic to decide how to run things depends on whether with_items is used
if items is None:
return self._executor_internal_inner(host, self.module_name, self.module_args, inject, port)
elif len(items) > 0:
# executing using with_items, so make multiple calls
# TODO: refactor
aggregrate = {}
all_comm_ok = True
all_changed = False
all_failed = False
results = []
for x in items:
inject['item'] = x
result = self._executor_internal_inner(host, self.module_name, self.module_args, inject, port)
if result.comm_ok == False:
all_comm_ok = False
all_failed = True
for x in results:
if x.get('changed') == True:
all_changed = True
if (x.get('failed') == True) or (('rc' in x) and (x['rc'] != 0)):
all_failed = True
msg = 'All items completed'
if all_failed:
msg = "One or more items failed."
rd_result = dict(failed=all_failed, changed=all_changed, results=results, msg=msg)
if not all_failed:
del rd_result['failed']
return ReturnData(host=host, comm_ok=all_comm_ok, result=rd_result)
self.callbacks.on_skipped(host, None)
return ReturnData(host=host, comm_ok=True, result=dict(skipped=True))
# *****************************************************
def _executor_internal_inner(self, host, module_name, module_args, inject, port, is_chained=False):
''' decides how to invoke a module '''
# allow module args to work as a dictionary
# though it is usually a string
new_args = ""
if type(module_args) == dict:
for (k,v) in module_args.iteritems():
new_args = new_args + "%s='%s' " % (k,v)
module_args = new_args
module_name = utils.template(self.basedir, module_name, inject)
module_args = utils.template(self.basedir, module_args, inject, expand_lists=True)
if module_name in utils.plugins.action_loader:
if self.background != 0:
raise errors.AnsibleError("async mode is not supported with the %s module" % module_name)
handler = utils.plugins.action_loader.get(module_name, self)
elif self.background == 0:
handler = utils.plugins.action_loader.get('normal', self)
handler = utils.plugins.action_loader.get('async', self)
conditional = utils.template(self.basedir, self.conditional, inject)
if not getattr(handler, 'BYPASS_HOST_LOOP', False) and not utils.check_conditional(conditional):
result = utils.jsonify(dict(skipped=True))
self.callbacks.on_skipped(host, inject.get('item',None))
return ReturnData(host=host, result=result)
conn = None
actual_host = inject.get('ansible_ssh_host', host)
actual_port = port
if self.transport in [ 'paramiko', 'ssh' ]:
actual_port = inject.get('ansible_ssh_port', port)
# the delegated host may have different SSH port configured, etc
# and we need to transfer those, and only those, variables
delegate_to = inject.get('delegate_to', None)
if delegate_to is not None:
delegate_to = utils.template(self.basedir, delegate_to, inject)
inject = inject.copy()
interpreters = []
for i in inject:
if i.startswith("ansible_") and i.endswith("_interpreter"):
for i in interpreters:
del inject[i]
delegate_info = inject['hostvars'][delegate_to]
actual_host = delegate_info.get('ansible_ssh_host', delegate_to)
actual_port = delegate_info.get('ansible_ssh_port', port)
for i in delegate_info:
if i.startswith("ansible_") and i.endswith("_interpreter"):
inject[i] = delegate_info[i]
except errors.AnsibleError:
actual_host = delegate_to
actual_port = port
if actual_port is not None:
actual_port = int(actual_port)
except ValueError, e:
result = dict(failed=True, msg="FAILED: Configured port \"%s\" is not a valid port, expected integer" % actual_port)
return ReturnData(host=host, comm_ok=False, result=result)
conn = self.connector.connect(actual_host, actual_port)
if delegate_to or host != actual_host:
conn.delegate = host
except errors.AnsibleConnectionFailed, e:
result = dict(failed=True, msg="FAILED: %s" % str(e))
return ReturnData(host=host, comm_ok=False, result=result)
tmp = ''
# all modules get a tempdir, action plugins get one unless they have NEEDS_TMPPATH set to False
if getattr(handler, 'NEEDS_TMPPATH', True):
tmp = self._make_tmp_path(conn)
result = handler.run(conn, tmp, module_name, module_args, inject)
if not result.comm_ok:
# connection or parsing errors...
self.callbacks.on_unreachable(host, result.result)
data = result.result
if 'item' in inject:
result.result['item'] = inject['item']
result.result['invocation'] = dict(
if is_chained:
# no callbacks
return result
if 'skipped' in data:
elif not result.is_successful():
ignore_errors = self.module_vars.get('ignore_errors', False)
self.callbacks.on_failed(host, data, ignore_errors)
self.callbacks.on_ok(host, data)
return result
# *****************************************************
def _low_level_exec_command(self, conn, cmd, tmp, sudoable=False):
''' execute a command string over SSH, return the output '''
sudo_user = self.sudo_user
rc, stdin, stdout, stderr = conn.exec_command(cmd, tmp, sudo_user, sudoable=sudoable)
if type(stdout) not in [ str, unicode ]:
out = ''.join(stdout.readlines())
out = stdout
if type(stderr) not in [ str, unicode ]:
err = ''.join(stderr.readlines())
err = stderr
if rc != None:
return dict(rc=rc, stdout=out, stderr=err )
return dict(stdout=out, stderr=err )
# *****************************************************
def _remote_md5(self, conn, tmp, path):
''' takes a remote md5sum without requiring python, and returns 0 if no file '''
test = "rc=0; [ -r \"%s\" ] || rc=2; [ -f \"%s\" ] || rc=1" % (path,path)
md5s = [
"(/usr/bin/md5sum %s 2>/dev/null)" % path, # Linux
"(/sbin/md5sum -q %s 2>/dev/null)" % path, # ?
"(/usr/bin/digest -a md5 %s 2>/dev/null)" % path, # Solaris 10+
"(/sbin/md5 -q %s 2>/dev/null)" % path, # Freebsd
"(/usr/bin/md5 -n %s 2>/dev/null)" % path, # Netbsd
"(/bin/md5 -q %s 2>/dev/null)" % path # Openbsd
cmd = " || ".join(md5s)
cmd = "%s; %s || (echo \"${rc} %s\")" % (test, cmd, path)
data = self._low_level_exec_command(conn, cmd, tmp, sudoable=False)
data2 = utils.last_non_blank_line(data['stdout'])
return data2.split()[0]
except IndexError:
sys.stderr.write("warning: md5sum command failed unusually, please report this to the list so it can be fixed\n")
sys.stderr.write("command: %s\n" % md5s)
sys.stderr.write("output: %s\n" % data)
# this will signal that it changed and allow things to keep going
# *****************************************************
def _make_tmp_path(self, conn):
''' make and return a temporary path on a remote box '''
basefile = 'ansible-%s-%s' % (time.time(), random.randint(0, 2**48))
basetmp = os.path.join(C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_TMP, basefile)
if self.sudo and self.sudo_user != 'root':
basetmp = os.path.join('/tmp', basefile)
cmd = 'mkdir -p %s' % basetmp
if self.remote_user != 'root':
cmd += ' && chmod a+rx %s' % basetmp
cmd += ' && echo %s' % basetmp
result = self._low_level_exec_command(conn, cmd, None, sudoable=False)
rc = utils.last_non_blank_line(result['stdout']).strip() + '/'
return rc
# *****************************************************
def _copy_module(self, conn, tmp, module_name, module_args, inject):
''' transfer a module over SFTP, does not run it '''
if module_name.startswith("/"):
raise errors.AnsibleFileNotFound("%s is not a module" % module_name)
# Search module path(s) for named module.
in_path = utils.plugins.module_finder.find_plugin(module_name)
if in_path is None:
raise errors.AnsibleFileNotFound("module %s not found in %s" % (module_name, utils.plugins.module_finder.print_paths()))
out_path = os.path.join(tmp, module_name)
module_data = ""
with open(in_path) as f:
module_data = f.read()
if module_common.REPLACER in module_data:
module_data = module_data.replace(module_common.REPLACER, module_common.MODULE_COMMON)
encoded_args = "\"\"\"%s\"\"\"" % module_args.replace("\"","\\\"")
module_data = module_data.replace(module_common.REPLACER_ARGS, encoded_args)
encoded_lang = "\"\"\"%s\"\"\"" % C.DEFAULT_MODULE_LANG
module_data = module_data.replace(module_common.REPLACER_LANG, encoded_lang)
if is_new_style:
if 'ansible_syslog_facility' in inject:
facility = inject['ansible_syslog_facility']
module_data = module_data.replace('syslog.LOG_USER', "syslog.%s" % facility)
lines = module_data.split("\n")
shebang = None
if lines[0].startswith("#!"):
shebang = lines[0]
args = shlex.split(str(shebang[2:]))
interpreter = args[0]
interpreter_config = 'ansible_%s_interpreter' % os.path.basename(interpreter)
if interpreter_config in inject:
lines[0] = shebang = "#!%s %s" % (inject[interpreter_config], " ".join(args[1:]))
module_data = "\n".join(lines)
self._transfer_str(conn, tmp, module_name, module_data)
return (out_path, is_new_style, shebang)
# *****************************************************
def _parallel_exec(self, hosts):
''' handles mulitprocessing when more than 1 fork is required '''
manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
job_queue = manager.Queue()
for host in hosts:
result_queue = manager.Queue()
workers = []
for i in range(self.forks):
prc = multiprocessing.Process(target=_executor_hook,
args=(job_queue, result_queue))
for worker in workers:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
for worker in workers:
results = []
while not result_queue.empty():
except socket.error:
raise errors.AnsibleError("<interrupted>")
return results
# *****************************************************
def _partition_results(self, results):
''' seperate results by ones we contacted & ones we didn't '''
if results is None:
return None
results2 = dict(contacted={}, dark={})
for result in results:
host = result.host
if host is None:
raise Exception("internal error, host not set")
if result.communicated_ok():
results2["contacted"][host] = result.result
results2["dark"][host] = result.result
# hosts which were contacted but never got a chance to return
for host in self.inventory.list_hosts(self.pattern):
if not (host in results2['dark'] or host in results2['contacted']):
results2["dark"][host] = {}
return results2
# *****************************************************
def run(self):
''' xfer & run module on all matched hosts '''
# find hosts that match the pattern
hosts = self.inventory.list_hosts(self.pattern)
if len(hosts) == 0:
return dict(contacted={}, dark={})
global multiprocessing_runner
multiprocessing_runner = self
results = None
# Check if this is an action plugin. Some of them are designed
# to be ran once per group of hosts. Example module: pause,
# run once per hostgroup, rather than pausing once per each
# host.
p = utils.plugins.action_loader.get(self.module_name, self)
if p and getattr(p, 'BYPASS_HOST_LOOP', None):
# Expose the current hostgroup to the bypassing plugins
self.host_set = hosts
# We aren't iterating over all the hosts in this
# group. So, just pick the first host in our group to
# construct the conn object with.
result_data = self._executor(hosts[0]).result
# Create a ResultData item for each host in this group
# using the returned result. If we didn't do this we would
# get false reports of dark hosts.
results = [ ReturnData(host=h, result=result_data, comm_ok=True) \
for h in hosts ]
del self.host_set
elif self.forks > 1:
results = self._parallel_exec(hosts)
except IOError, ie:
print ie.errno
if ie.errno == 32:
# broken pipe from Ctrl+C
raise errors.AnsibleError("interupted")
results = [ self._executor(h) for h in hosts ]
return self._partition_results(results)
# *****************************************************
def run_async(self, time_limit):
''' Run this module asynchronously and return a poller. '''
self.background = time_limit
results = self.run()
return results, poller.AsyncPoller(results, self)