403 lines
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403 lines
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# Copyright: (c) 2017, Brian Coca <bcoca@ansible.com>
# Copyright: (c) 2018, Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import optparse
from operator import attrgetter
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible import context
from ansible.cli import CLI
from ansible.cli.arguments import optparse_helpers as opt_help
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleOptionsError
from ansible.inventory.host import Host
from ansible.plugins.loader import vars_loader
from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
INTERNAL_VARS = frozenset(['ansible_diff_mode',
'playbook_dir', ])
class InventoryCLI(CLI):
''' used to display or dump the configured inventory as Ansible sees it '''
ARGUMENTS = {'host': 'The name of a host to match in the inventory, relevant when using --list',
'group': 'The name of a group in the inventory, relevant when using --graph', }
def __init__(self, args):
super(InventoryCLI, self).__init__(args)
self.vm = None
self.loader = None
self.inventory = None
def init_parser(self):
super(InventoryCLI, self).init_parser(
usage='usage: %prog [options] [host|group]',
epilog='Show Ansible inventory information, by default it uses the inventory script JSON format')
# remove unused default options
# Actions
action_group = optparse.OptionGroup(self.parser, "Actions", "One of following must be used on invocation, ONLY ONE!")
action_group.add_option("--list", action="store_true", default=False, dest='list', help='Output all hosts info, works as inventory script')
action_group.add_option("--host", action="store", default=None, dest='host', help='Output specific host info, works as inventory script')
action_group.add_option("--graph", action="store_true", default=False, dest='graph',
help='create inventory graph, if supplying pattern it must be a valid group name')
# graph
self.parser.add_option("-y", "--yaml", action="store_true", default=False, dest='yaml',
help='Use YAML format instead of default JSON, ignored for --graph')
self.parser.add_option('--toml', action='store_true', default=False, dest='toml',
help='Use TOML format instead of default JSON, ignored for --graph')
self.parser.add_option("--vars", action="store_true", default=False, dest='show_vars',
help='Add vars to graph display, ignored unless used with --graph')
# list
self.parser.add_option("--export", action="store_true", default=C.INVENTORY_EXPORT, dest='export',
help="When doing an --list, represent in a way that is optimized for export,"
"not as an accurate representation of how Ansible has processed it")
# self.parser.add_option("--ignore-vars-plugins", action="store_true", default=False, dest='ignore_vars_plugins',
# help="When doing an --list, skip vars data from vars plugins, by default, this would include group_vars/ and host_vars/")
def post_process_args(self, options, args):
options, args = super(InventoryCLI, self).post_process_args(options, args)
display.verbosity = options.verbosity
self.validate_conflicts(options, vault_opts=True)
# there can be only one! and, at least, one!
used = 0
for opt in (options.list, options.host, options.graph):
if opt:
used += 1
if used == 0:
raise AnsibleOptionsError("No action selected, at least one of --host, --graph or --list needs to be specified.")
elif used > 1:
raise AnsibleOptionsError("Conflicting options used, only one of --host, --graph or --list can be used at the same time.")
# set host pattern to default if not supplied
if len(args) > 0:
options.pattern = args[0]
options.pattern = 'all'
return options, args
def run(self):
super(InventoryCLI, self).run()
# Initialize needed objects
self.loader, self.inventory, self.vm = self._play_prereqs()
results = None
if context.CLIARGS['host']:
hosts = self.inventory.get_hosts(context.CLIARGS['host'])
if len(hosts) != 1:
raise AnsibleOptionsError("You must pass a single valid host to --host parameter")
myvars = self._get_host_variables(host=hosts[0])
# FIXME: should we template first?
results = self.dump(myvars)
elif context.CLIARGS['graph']:
results = self.inventory_graph()
elif context.CLIARGS['list']:
top = self._get_group('all')
if context.CLIARGS['yaml']:
results = self.yaml_inventory(top)
elif context.CLIARGS['toml']:
results = self.toml_inventory(top)
results = self.json_inventory(top)
results = self.dump(results)
if results:
# FIXME: pager?
def dump(stuff):
if context.CLIARGS['yaml']:
import yaml
from ansible.parsing.yaml.dumper import AnsibleDumper
results = yaml.dump(stuff, Dumper=AnsibleDumper, default_flow_style=False)
elif context.CLIARGS['toml']:
from ansible.plugins.inventory.toml import toml_dumps, HAS_TOML
if not HAS_TOML:
raise AnsibleError(
'The python "toml" library is required when using the TOML output format'
results = toml_dumps(stuff)
import json
from ansible.parsing.ajson import AnsibleJSONEncoder
results = json.dumps(stuff, cls=AnsibleJSONEncoder, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
return results
# FIXME: refactor to use same for VM
def get_plugin_vars(self, path, entity):
data = {}
def _get_plugin_vars(plugin, path, entities):
data = {}
data = plugin.get_vars(self.loader, path, entity)
except AttributeError:
if isinstance(entity, Host):
data = combine_vars(data, plugin.get_host_vars(entity.name))
data = combine_vars(data, plugin.get_group_vars(entity.name))
except AttributeError:
if hasattr(plugin, 'run'):
raise AnsibleError("Cannot use v1 type vars plugin %s from %s" % (plugin._load_name, plugin._original_path))
raise AnsibleError("Invalid vars plugin %s from %s" % (plugin._load_name, plugin._original_path))
return data
for plugin in vars_loader.all():
data = combine_vars(data, _get_plugin_vars(plugin, path, entity))
return data
def _get_group_variables(self, group):
# get info from inventory source
res = group.get_vars()
# FIXME: add switch to skip vars plugins, add vars plugin info
for inventory_dir in self.inventory._sources:
res = combine_vars(res, self.get_plugin_vars(inventory_dir, group))
if group.priority != 1:
res['ansible_group_priority'] = group.priority
return res
def _get_host_variables(self, host):
if context.CLIARGS['export']:
hostvars = host.get_vars()
# FIXME: add switch to skip vars plugins
# add vars plugin info
for inventory_dir in self.inventory._sources:
hostvars = combine_vars(hostvars, self.get_plugin_vars(inventory_dir, host))
hostvars = self.vm.get_vars(host=host, include_hostvars=False)
return hostvars
def _get_group(self, gname):
group = self.inventory.groups.get(gname)
return group
def _remove_internal(dump):
for internal in INTERNAL_VARS:
if internal in dump:
del dump[internal]
def _remove_empty(dump):
# remove empty keys
for x in ('hosts', 'vars', 'children'):
if x in dump and not dump[x]:
del dump[x]
def _show_vars(dump, depth):
result = []
if context.CLIARGS['show_vars']:
for (name, val) in sorted(dump.items()):
result.append(InventoryCLI._graph_name('{%s = %s}' % (name, val), depth))
return result
def _graph_name(name, depth=0):
if depth:
name = " |" * (depth) + "--%s" % name
return name
def _graph_group(self, group, depth=0):
result = [self._graph_name('@%s:' % group.name, depth)]
depth = depth + 1
for kid in sorted(group.child_groups, key=attrgetter('name')):
result.extend(self._graph_group(kid, depth))
if group.name != 'all':
for host in sorted(group.hosts, key=attrgetter('name')):
result.append(self._graph_name(host.name, depth))
result.extend(self._show_vars(host.get_vars(), depth + 1))
result.extend(self._show_vars(self._get_group_variables(group), depth))
return result
def inventory_graph(self):
start_at = self._get_group(context.CLIARGS['pattern'])
if start_at:
return '\n'.join(self._graph_group(start_at))
raise AnsibleOptionsError("Pattern must be valid group name when using --graph")
def json_inventory(self, top):
seen = set()
def format_group(group):
results = {}
results[group.name] = {}
if group.name != 'all':
results[group.name]['hosts'] = [h.name for h in sorted(group.hosts, key=attrgetter('name'))]
results[group.name]['children'] = []
for subgroup in sorted(group.child_groups, key=attrgetter('name')):
if subgroup.name not in seen:
if context.CLIARGS['export']:
results[group.name]['vars'] = self._get_group_variables(group)
if not results[group.name]:
del results[group.name]
return results
results = format_group(top)
# populate meta
results['_meta'] = {'hostvars': {}}
hosts = self.inventory.get_hosts()
for host in hosts:
hvars = self._get_host_variables(host)
if hvars:
results['_meta']['hostvars'][host.name] = hvars
return results
def yaml_inventory(self, top):
seen = []
def format_group(group):
results = {}
# initialize group + vars
results[group.name] = {}
# subgroups
results[group.name]['children'] = {}
for subgroup in sorted(group.child_groups, key=attrgetter('name')):
if subgroup.name != 'all':
# hosts for group
results[group.name]['hosts'] = {}
if group.name != 'all':
for h in sorted(group.hosts, key=attrgetter('name')):
myvars = {}
if h.name not in seen: # avoid defining host vars more than once
myvars = self._get_host_variables(host=h)
results[group.name]['hosts'][h.name] = myvars
if context.CLIARGS['export']:
gvars = self._get_group_variables(group)
if gvars:
results[group.name]['vars'] = gvars
return results
return format_group(top)
def toml_inventory(self, top):
seen = set()
has_ungrouped = bool(next(g.hosts for g in top.child_groups if g.name == 'ungrouped'))
def format_group(group):
results = {}
results[group.name] = {}
results[group.name]['children'] = []
for subgroup in sorted(group.child_groups, key=attrgetter('name')):
if subgroup.name == 'ungrouped' and not has_ungrouped:
if group.name != 'all':
if group.name != 'all':
for host in sorted(group.hosts, key=attrgetter('name')):
if host.name not in seen:
host_vars = self._get_host_variables(host=host)
host_vars = {}
results[group.name]['hosts'][host.name] = host_vars
except KeyError:
results[group.name]['hosts'] = {host.name: host_vars}
if context.CLIARGS['export']:
results[group.name]['vars'] = self._get_group_variables(group)
if not results[group.name]:
del results[group.name]
return results
results = format_group(top)
return results