641 lines
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641 lines
23 KiB
# (c) 2012, Mark Theunissen <mark.theunissen@gmail.com>
# Sponsored by Four Kitchens http://fourkitchens.com.
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
'status': ['preview'],
'supported_by': 'community'}
module: mysql_user
short_description: Adds or removes a user from a MySQL database.
- Adds or removes a user from a MySQL database.
version_added: "0.6"
- name of the user (role) to add or remove
required: true
- set the user's password.
- Indicate that the 'password' field is a `mysql_native_password` hash
type: bool
default: 'no'
version_added: "2.0"
- the 'host' part of the MySQL username
default: localhost
- override the host option, making ansible apply changes to
all hostnames for a given user. This option cannot be used
when creating users
type: bool
default: 'no'
version_added: "2.1"
- "MySQL privileges string in the format: C(db.table:priv1,priv2)."
- "Multiple privileges can be specified by separating each one using
a forward slash: C(db.table:priv/db.table:priv)."
- The format is based on MySQL C(GRANT) statement.
- Database and table names can be quoted, MySQL-style.
- If column privileges are used, the C(priv1,priv2) part must be
exactly as returned by a C(SHOW GRANT) statement. If not followed,
the module will always report changes. It includes grouping columns
by permission (C(SELECT(col1,col2)) instead of C(SELECT(col1),SELECT(col2))).
- Append the privileges defined by priv to the existing ones for this
user instead of overwriting existing ones.
type: bool
default: 'no'
version_added: "1.4"
- Whether binary logging should be enabled or disabled for the connection.
type: bool
default: 'yes'
version_added: "2.1"
- Whether the user should exist. When C(absent), removes
the user.
default: present
choices: [ "present", "absent" ]
- Check if mysql allows login as root/nopassword before trying supplied credentials.
type: bool
default: 'no'
version_added: "1.3"
default: always
choices: ['always', 'on_create']
version_added: "2.0"
- C(always) will update passwords if they differ. C(on_create) will only set the password for newly created users.
- "MySQL server installs with default login_user of 'root' and no password. To secure this user
as part of an idempotent playbook, you must create at least two tasks: the first must change the root user's password,
without providing any login_user/login_password details. The second must drop a ~/.my.cnf file containing
the new root credentials. Subsequent runs of the playbook will then succeed by reading the new credentials from
the file."
- Currently, there is only support for the `mysql_native_password` encrypted password hash module.
author: "Jonathan Mainguy (@Jmainguy)"
extends_documentation_fragment: mysql
# Removes anonymous user account for localhost
- mysql_user:
name: ''
host: localhost
state: absent
# Removes all anonymous user accounts
- mysql_user:
name: ''
host_all: yes
state: absent
# Create database user with name 'bob' and password '12345' with all database privileges
- mysql_user:
name: bob
password: 12345
priv: '*.*:ALL'
state: present
# Create database user with name 'bob' and previously hashed mysql native password '*EE0D72C1085C46C5278932678FBE2C6A782821B4' with all database privileges
- mysql_user:
name: bob
password: '*EE0D72C1085C46C5278932678FBE2C6A782821B4'
encrypted: yes
priv: '*.*:ALL'
state: present
# Creates database user 'bob' and password '12345' with all database privileges and 'WITH GRANT OPTION'
- mysql_user:
name: bob
password: 12345
priv: '*.*:ALL,GRANT'
state: present
# Modify user Bob to require SSL connections. Note that REQUIRESSL is a special privilege that should only apply to *.* by itself.
- mysql_user:
name: bob
append_privs: true
priv: '*.*:REQUIRESSL'
state: present
# Ensure no user named 'sally'@'localhost' exists, also passing in the auth credentials.
- mysql_user:
login_user: root
login_password: 123456
name: sally
state: absent
# Ensure no user named 'sally' exists at all
- mysql_user:
name: sally
host_all: yes
state: absent
# Specify grants composed of more than one word
- mysql_user:
name: replication
password: 12345
state: present
# Revoke all privileges for user 'bob' and password '12345'
- mysql_user:
name: bob
password: 12345
priv: "*.*:USAGE"
state: present
# Example privileges string format
# mydb.*:INSERT,UPDATE/anotherdb.*:SELECT/yetanotherdb.*:ALL
# Example using login_unix_socket to connect to server
- mysql_user:
name: root
password: abc123
login_unix_socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
# Example of skipping binary logging while adding user 'bob'
- mysql_user:
name: bob
password: 12345
priv: "*.*:USAGE"
state: present
sql_log_bin: no
# Example .my.cnf file for setting the root password
# [client]
# user=root
# password=n<_665{vS43y
import re
import string
import traceback
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible.module_utils.database import SQLParseError
from ansible.module_utils.mysql import mysql_connect, mysql_driver, mysql_driver_fail_msg
from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
class InvalidPrivsError(Exception):
# ===========================================
# MySQL module specific support methods.
# User Authentication Management was change in MySQL 5.7
# This is a generic check for if the server version is less than version 5.7
def server_version_check(cursor):
cursor.execute("SELECT VERSION()")
result = cursor.fetchone()
version_str = result[0]
version = version_str.split('.')
# Currently we have no facility to handle new-style password update on
# mariadb and the old-style update continues to work
if 'mariadb' in version_str.lower():
return True
if int(version[0]) <= 5 and int(version[1]) < 7:
return True
return False
def get_mode(cursor):
cursor.execute('SELECT @@GLOBAL.sql_mode')
result = cursor.fetchone()
mode_str = result[0]
if 'ANSI' in mode_str:
mode = 'ANSI'
mode = 'NOTANSI'
return mode
def user_exists(cursor, user, host, host_all):
if host_all:
cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM user WHERE user = %s", ([user]))
cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM user WHERE user = %s AND host = %s", (user, host))
count = cursor.fetchone()
return count[0] > 0
def user_add(cursor, user, host, host_all, password, encrypted, new_priv, check_mode):
# we cannot create users without a proper hostname
if host_all:
return False
if check_mode:
return True
if password and encrypted:
cursor.execute("CREATE USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD %s", (user, host, password))
elif password and not encrypted:
cursor.execute("CREATE USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED BY %s", (user, host, password))
cursor.execute("CREATE USER %s@%s", (user, host))
if new_priv is not None:
for db_table, priv in iteritems(new_priv):
privileges_grant(cursor, user, host, db_table, priv)
return True
def is_hash(password):
ishash = False
if len(password) == 41 and password[0] == '*':
if frozenset(password[1:]).issubset(string.hexdigits):
ishash = True
return ishash
def user_mod(cursor, user, host, host_all, password, encrypted, new_priv, append_privs, module):
changed = False
grant_option = False
if host_all:
hostnames = user_get_hostnames(cursor, [user])
hostnames = [host]
for host in hostnames:
# Handle clear text and hashed passwords.
if bool(password):
# Determine what user management method server uses
old_user_mgmt = server_version_check(cursor)
if old_user_mgmt:
cursor.execute("SELECT password FROM user WHERE user = %s AND host = %s", (user, host))
cursor.execute("SELECT authentication_string FROM user WHERE user = %s AND host = %s", (user, host))
current_pass_hash = cursor.fetchone()
if encrypted:
encrypted_string = (password)
if is_hash(password):
if current_pass_hash[0] != encrypted_string:
if module.check_mode:
return True
if old_user_mgmt:
cursor.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR %s@%s = %s", (user, host, password))
cursor.execute("ALTER USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password AS %s", (user, host, password))
changed = True
module.fail_json(msg="encrypted was specified however it does not appear to be a valid hash expecting: *SHA1(SHA1(your_password))")
if old_user_mgmt:
cursor.execute("SELECT PASSWORD(%s)", (password,))
cursor.execute("SELECT CONCAT('*', UCASE(SHA1(UNHEX(SHA1(%s)))))", (password,))
new_pass_hash = cursor.fetchone()
if current_pass_hash[0] != new_pass_hash[0]:
if module.check_mode:
return True
if old_user_mgmt:
cursor.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR %s@%s = PASSWORD(%s)", (user, host, password))
cursor.execute("ALTER USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY %s", (user, host, password))
changed = True
# Handle privileges
if new_priv is not None:
curr_priv = privileges_get(cursor, user, host)
# If the user has privileges on a db.table that doesn't appear at all in
# the new specification, then revoke all privileges on it.
for db_table, priv in iteritems(curr_priv):
# If the user has the GRANT OPTION on a db.table, revoke it first.
if "GRANT" in priv:
grant_option = True
if db_table not in new_priv:
if user != "root" and "PROXY" not in priv and not append_privs:
if module.check_mode:
return True
privileges_revoke(cursor, user, host, db_table, priv, grant_option)
changed = True
# If the user doesn't currently have any privileges on a db.table, then
# we can perform a straight grant operation.
for db_table, priv in iteritems(new_priv):
if db_table not in curr_priv:
if module.check_mode:
return True
privileges_grant(cursor, user, host, db_table, priv)
changed = True
# If the db.table specification exists in both the user's current privileges
# and in the new privileges, then we need to see if there's a difference.
db_table_intersect = set(new_priv.keys()) & set(curr_priv.keys())
for db_table in db_table_intersect:
priv_diff = set(new_priv[db_table]) ^ set(curr_priv[db_table])
if len(priv_diff) > 0:
if module.check_mode:
return True
if not append_privs:
privileges_revoke(cursor, user, host, db_table, curr_priv[db_table], grant_option)
privileges_grant(cursor, user, host, db_table, new_priv[db_table])
changed = True
return changed
def user_delete(cursor, user, host, host_all, check_mode):
if check_mode:
return True
if host_all:
hostnames = user_get_hostnames(cursor, [user])
for hostname in hostnames:
cursor.execute("DROP USER %s@%s", (user, hostname))
cursor.execute("DROP USER %s@%s", (user, host))
return True
def user_get_hostnames(cursor, user):
cursor.execute("SELECT Host FROM mysql.user WHERE user = %s", user)
hostnames_raw = cursor.fetchall()
hostnames = []
for hostname_raw in hostnames_raw:
return hostnames
def privileges_get(cursor, user, host):
""" MySQL doesn't have a better method of getting privileges aside from the
SHOW GRANTS query syntax, which requires us to then parse the returned string.
Here's an example of the string that is returned from MySQL:
GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'pass';
This function makes the query and returns a dictionary containing the results.
The dictionary format is the same as that returned by privileges_unpack() below.
output = {}
cursor.execute("SHOW GRANTS FOR %s@%s", (user, host))
grants = cursor.fetchall()
def pick(x):
return 'ALL'
return x
for grant in grants:
res = re.match("""GRANT (.+) ON (.+) TO (['`"]).*\\3@(['`"]).*\\4( IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD (['`"]).+\5)? ?(.*)""", grant[0])
if res is None:
raise InvalidPrivsError('unable to parse the MySQL grant string: %s' % grant[0])
privileges = res.group(1).split(", ")
privileges = [pick(x) for x in privileges]
if "WITH GRANT OPTION" in res.group(7):
if "REQUIRE SSL" in res.group(7):
db = res.group(2)
output[db] = privileges
return output
def privileges_unpack(priv, mode):
""" Take a privileges string, typically passed as a parameter, and unserialize
it into a dictionary, the same format as privileges_get() above. We have this
custom format to avoid using YAML/JSON strings inside YAML playbooks. Example
of a privileges string:
The privilege USAGE stands for no privileges, so we add that in on *.* if it's
not specified in the string, as MySQL will always provide this by default.
if mode == 'ANSI':
quote = '"'
quote = '`'
output = {}
privs = []
for item in priv.strip().split('/'):
pieces = item.strip().rsplit(':', 1)
dbpriv = pieces[0].rsplit(".", 1)
# Check for FUNCTION or PROCEDURE object types
parts = dbpriv[0].split(" ", 1)
object_type = ''
if len(parts) > 1 and (parts[0] == 'FUNCTION' or parts[0] == 'PROCEDURE'):
object_type = parts[0] + ' '
dbpriv[0] = parts[1]
# Do not escape if privilege is for database or table, i.e.
# neither quote *. nor .*
for i, side in enumerate(dbpriv):
if side.strip('`') != '*':
dbpriv[i] = '%s%s%s' % (quote, side.strip('`'), quote)
pieces[0] = object_type + '.'.join(dbpriv)
if '(' in pieces[1]:
output[pieces[0]] = re.split(r',\s*(?=[^)]*(?:\(|$))', pieces[1].upper())
for i in output[pieces[0]]:
privs.append(re.sub(r'\s*\(.*\)', '', i))
output[pieces[0]] = pieces[1].upper().split(',')
privs = output[pieces[0]]
new_privs = frozenset(privs)
if not new_privs.issubset(VALID_PRIVS):
raise InvalidPrivsError('Invalid privileges specified: %s' % new_privs.difference(VALID_PRIVS))
if '*.*' not in output:
output['*.*'] = ['USAGE']
# if we are only specifying something like REQUIRESSL and/or GRANT (=WITH GRANT OPTION) in *.*
# we still need to add USAGE as a privilege to avoid syntax errors
if 'REQUIRESSL' in priv and not set(output['*.*']).difference(set(['GRANT', 'REQUIRESSL'])):
return output
def privileges_revoke(cursor, user, host, db_table, priv, grant_option):
# Escape '%' since mysql db.execute() uses a format string
db_table = db_table.replace('%', '%%')
if grant_option:
query = ["REVOKE GRANT OPTION ON %s" % db_table]
query.append("FROM %s@%s")
query = ' '.join(query)
cursor.execute(query, (user, host))
priv_string = ",".join([p for p in priv if p not in ('GRANT', 'REQUIRESSL')])
query = ["REVOKE %s ON %s" % (priv_string, db_table)]
query.append("FROM %s@%s")
query = ' '.join(query)
cursor.execute(query, (user, host))
def privileges_grant(cursor, user, host, db_table, priv):
# Escape '%' since mysql db.execute uses a format string and the
# specification of db and table often use a % (SQL wildcard)
db_table = db_table.replace('%', '%%')
priv_string = ",".join([p for p in priv if p not in ('GRANT', 'REQUIRESSL')])
query = ["GRANT %s ON %s" % (priv_string, db_table)]
query.append("TO %s@%s")
if 'REQUIRESSL' in priv:
query.append("REQUIRE SSL")
if 'GRANT' in priv:
query.append("WITH GRANT OPTION")
query = ' '.join(query)
cursor.execute(query, (user, host))
# ===========================================
# Module execution.
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
login_password=dict(default=None, no_log=True),
login_port=dict(default=3306, type='int'),
user=dict(required=True, aliases=['name']),
password=dict(default=None, no_log=True, type='str'),
encrypted=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
host_all=dict(type="bool", default="no"),
state=dict(default="present", choices=["absent", "present"]),
append_privs=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
check_implicit_admin=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
update_password=dict(default="always", choices=["always", "on_create"]),
connect_timeout=dict(default=30, type='int'),
config_file=dict(default="~/.my.cnf", type='path'),
sql_log_bin=dict(default=True, type='bool'),
ssl_cert=dict(default=None, type='path'),
ssl_key=dict(default=None, type='path'),
ssl_ca=dict(default=None, type='path'),
login_user = module.params["login_user"]
login_password = module.params["login_password"]
user = module.params["user"]
password = module.params["password"]
encrypted = module.boolean(module.params["encrypted"])
host = module.params["host"].lower()
host_all = module.params["host_all"]
state = module.params["state"]
priv = module.params["priv"]
check_implicit_admin = module.params['check_implicit_admin']
connect_timeout = module.params['connect_timeout']
config_file = module.params['config_file']
append_privs = module.boolean(module.params["append_privs"])
update_password = module.params['update_password']
ssl_cert = module.params["ssl_cert"]
ssl_key = module.params["ssl_key"]
ssl_ca = module.params["ssl_ca"]
db = 'mysql'
sql_log_bin = module.params["sql_log_bin"]
if mysql_driver is None:
cursor = None
if check_implicit_admin:
cursor = mysql_connect(module, 'root', '', config_file, ssl_cert, ssl_key, ssl_ca, db,
except Exception:
if not cursor:
cursor = mysql_connect(module, login_user, login_password, config_file, ssl_cert, ssl_key, ssl_ca, db,
except Exception as e:
module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database, check login_user and login_password are correct or %s has the credentials. "
"Exception message: %s" % (config_file, to_native(e)))
if not sql_log_bin:
cursor.execute("SET SQL_LOG_BIN=0;")
if priv is not None:
mode = get_mode(cursor)
except Exception as e:
module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
priv = privileges_unpack(priv, mode)
except Exception as e:
module.fail_json(msg="invalid privileges string: %s" % to_native(e))
if state == "present":
if user_exists(cursor, user, host, host_all):
if update_password == 'always':
changed = user_mod(cursor, user, host, host_all, password, encrypted, priv, append_privs, module)
changed = user_mod(cursor, user, host, host_all, None, encrypted, priv, append_privs, module)
except (SQLParseError, InvalidPrivsError, mysql_driver.Error) as e:
module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
if host_all:
module.fail_json(msg="host_all parameter cannot be used when adding a user")
changed = user_add(cursor, user, host, host_all, password, encrypted, priv, module.check_mode)
except (SQLParseError, InvalidPrivsError, mysql_driver.Error) as e:
module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
elif state == "absent":
if user_exists(cursor, user, host, host_all):
changed = user_delete(cursor, user, host, host_all, module.check_mode)
changed = False
module.exit_json(changed=changed, user=user)
if __name__ == '__main__':