425 lines
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# Copyright: (c) 2015, Paul Durivage <paul.durivage@rackspace.com>
# Copyright: (c) 2015, Tal Auslander <tal@cloudshare.com>
# Copyright: (c) 2017, Dag Wieers <dag@wieers.com>
# Copyright: (c) 2019, Viktor Utkin <viktor_utkin@epam.com>
# Copyright: (c) 2019, Uladzimir Klybik <uladzimir_klybik@epam.com>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.Basic
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.AddType
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.FileUtil
$spec = @{
options = @{
url = @{ type='str'; required=$true }
dest = @{ type='path'; required=$true }
timeout = @{ type='int'; default=10 }
headers = @{ type='dict'; default=@{} }
validate_certs = @{ type='bool'; default=$true }
url_username = @{ type='str'; aliases=@( 'username' ) }
url_password = @{ type='str'; aliases=@( 'password' ); no_log=$true }
force_basic_auth = @{ type='bool'; default=$false }
use_proxy = @{ type='bool'; default=$true }
proxy_url = @{ type='str' }
proxy_username = @{ type='str' }
proxy_password = @{ type='str'; no_log=$true }
force = @{ type='bool'; default=$true }
checksum = @{ type='str' }
checksum_algorithm = @{ type='str'; default='sha1'; choices = @("md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512") }
checksum_url = @{ type='str' }
mutually_exclusive = @(
,@('checksum', 'checksum_url')
supports_check_mode = $true
$module = [Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec)
$url = $module.Params.url
$dest = $module.Params.dest
$timeout = $module.Params.timeout
$headers = $module.Params.headers
$validate_certs = $module.Params.validate_certs
$url_username = $module.Params.url_username
$url_password = $module.Params.url_password
$force_basic_auth = $module.Params.force_basic_auth
$use_proxy = $module.Params.use_proxy
$proxy_url = $module.Params.proxy_url
$proxy_username = $module.Params.proxy_username
$proxy_password = $module.Params.proxy_password
$force = $module.Params.force
$checksum = $module.Params.checksum
$checksum_algorithm = $module.Params.checksum_algorithm
$checksum_url = $module.Params.checksum_url
$module.Result.elapsed = 0
$module.Result.url = $url
Function Invoke-AnsibleWebRequest {
Creates a WebRequest and invokes a ScriptBlock with the response passed in.
It handles the common module options like credential, timeout, proxy options
in a single location to reduce code duplication.
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ScriptBlock]$Script, # Invoked in this cmdlet
$Credential # Either a String (force_basic_auth) or NetCredentials
$web_request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($Uri)
$web_request.Method = $Method.($web_request.GetType().Name)
foreach ($header in $headers.GetEnumerator()) {
$web_request.Headers.Add($header.Key, $header.Value)
if ($timeout) {
$web_request.Timeout = $timeout * 1000
if (-not $UseProxy) {
$web_request.Proxy = $null
} elseif ($ProxyUri) {
$web_request.Proxy = $Proxy
if ($Credential) {
if ($Credential -is [String]) {
# force_basic_auth=yes is set
$web_request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $Credential")
} else {
$web_request.Credentials = $Credential
try {
$web_response = $web_request.GetResponse()
$response_stream = $web_response.GetResponseStream()
try {
# Invoke the ScriptBlock and pass in the WebResponse and ResponseStream
&$Script -Response $web_response -Stream $response_stream
} finally {
if ($Uri.IsFile) {
# A FileWebResponse won't have these properties set
$module.Result.msg = "OK"
$module.Result.status_code = 200
} else {
$module.Result.msg = [string]$web_response.StatusDescription
$module.Result.status_code = [int]$web_response.StatusCode
} catch [System.Net.WebException] {
$module.Result.status_code = [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
$module.FailJson("Error requesting '$Uri'. $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} finally {
if ($web_response) {
Function Get-ChecksumFromUri {
$script = {
param($Response, $Stream)
$read_stream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StreamReader -ArgumentList $Stream
$web_checksum = $read_stream.ReadToEnd()
$basename = (Split-Path -Path $SourceUri.LocalPath -Leaf)
$basename = [regex]::Escape($basename)
$web_checksum_str = $web_checksum -split '\r?\n' | Select-String -Pattern $("\s+\.?\/?\\?" + $basename + "\s*$")
if (-not $web_checksum_str) {
$Module.FailJson("Checksum record not found for file name '$basename' in file from url: '$Uri'")
$web_checksum_str_splitted = $web_checksum_str[0].ToString().split(" ", 2)
$hash_from_file = $web_checksum_str_splitted[0].Trim()
# Remove any non-alphanumeric characters
$hash_from_file = $hash_from_file -replace '\W+', ''
Write-Output -InputObject $hash_from_file
$invoke_args = @{
Module = $Module
Uri = $Uri
Method = @{
FileWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+File]::DownloadFile
FtpWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::DownloadFile
HttpWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Http]::Get
Script = $script
try {
Invoke-AnsibleWebRequest @invoke_args @RequestParams
} catch {
$Module.FailJson("Error when getting the remote checksum from '$Uri'. $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
Function Compare-ModifiedFile {
Compares the remote URI resource against the local Dest resource. Will
return true if the LastWriteTime/LastModificationDate of the remote is
newer than the local resource date.
$dest_last_mod = (Get-AnsibleItem -Path $Dest).LastWriteTimeUtc
# If the URI is a file we don't need to go through the whole WebRequest
if ($Uri.IsFile) {
$src_last_mod = (Get-AnsibleItem -Path $Uri.AbsolutePath).LastWriteTimeUtc
} else {
$invoke_args = @{
Module = $Module
Uri = $Uri
Method = @{
FtpWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::GetDateTimestamp
HttpWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Http]::Head
Script = { param($Response, $Stream); $Response.LastModified }
try {
$src_last_mod = Invoke-AnsibleWebRequest @invoke_args @RequestParams
} catch {
$Module.FailJson("Error when requesting 'Last-Modified' date from '$Uri'. $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
# Return $true if the Uri LastModification date is newer than the Dest LastModification date
((Get-Date -Date $src_last_mod).ToUniversalTime() -gt $dest_last_mod)
Function Get-Checksum {
[String]$Algorithm = "sha1"
switch ($Algorithm) {
'md5' { $sp = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider }
'sha1' { $sp = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider }
'sha256' { $sp = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256CryptoServiceProvider }
'sha384' { $sp = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384CryptoServiceProvider }
'sha512' { $sp = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512CryptoServiceProvider }
$fs = [System.IO.File]::Open($Path, [System.IO.Filemode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read,
try {
$hash = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($sp.ComputeHash($fs)).Replace("-", "").ToLower()
} finally {
return $hash
Function Invoke-DownloadFile {
# Check $dest parent folder exists before attempting download, which avoids unhelpful generic error message.
$dest_parent = Split-Path -LiteralPath $Dest
if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $dest_parent -PathType Container)) {
$module.FailJson("The path '$dest_parent' does not exist for destination '$Dest', or is not visible to the current user. Ensure download destination folder exists (perhaps using win_file state=directory) before win_get_url runs.")
$download_script = {
param($Response, $Stream)
# Download the file to a temporary directory so we can compare it
$tmp_dest = Join-Path -Path $Module.Tmpdir -ChildPath ([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())
$fs = [System.IO.File]::Create($tmp_dest)
try {
} finally {
$tmp_checksum = Get-Checksum -Path $tmp_dest -Algorithm $ChecksumAlgorithm
$Module.Result.checksum_src = $tmp_checksum
# If the checksum has been set, verify the checksum of the remote against the input checksum.
if ($Checksum -and $Checksum -ne $tmp_checksum) {
$Module.FailJson(("The checksum for {0} did not match '{1}', it was '{2}'" -f $Uri, $Checksum, $tmp_checksum))
$download = $true
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Dest) {
# Validate the remote checksum against the existing downloaded file
$dest_checksum = Get-Checksum -Path $Dest -Algorithm $ChecksumAlgorithm
# If we don't need to download anything, save the dest checksum so we don't waste time calculating it
# again at the end of the script
if ($dest_checksum -eq $tmp_checksum) {
$download = $false
$Module.Result.checksum_dest = $dest_checksum
$Module.Result.size = (Get-AnsibleItem -Path $Dest).Length
if ($download) {
Copy-Item -LiteralPath $tmp_dest -Destination $Dest -Force -WhatIf:$Module.CheckMode > $null
$Module.Result.changed = $true
$invoke_args = @{
Module = $Module
Uri = $Uri
Method = @{
FileWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+File]::DownloadFile
FtpWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::DownloadFile
HttpWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Http]::Get
Script = $download_script
$module_start = Get-Date
try {
Invoke-AnsibleWebRequest @invoke_args @RequestParams
} catch {
$Module.FailJson("Unknown error downloading '$Uri' to '$Dest': $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} finally {
$Module.Result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds
if (-not $use_proxy -and ($proxy_url -or $proxy_username -or $proxy_password)) {
$module.Warn("Not using a proxy on request, however a 'proxy_url', 'proxy_username' or 'proxy_password' was defined.")
$proxy = $null
if ($proxy_url) {
$proxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy($proxy_url, $true)
if ($proxy_username -and $proxy_password) {
$proxy_credential = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($proxy_username, $proxy_password)
$proxy.Credentials = $proxy_credential
$credentials = $null
if ($url_username) {
if ($force_basic_auth) {
$credentials = [convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($url_username+":"+$url_password))
} else {
$credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($url_username, $url_password)
if (-not $validate_certs) {
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true }
# Use last part of url for dest file name if a directory is supplied for $dest
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $dest -PathType Container) {
$uri = [System.Uri]$url
$basename = Split-Path -Path $uri.LocalPath -Leaf
if ($uri.LocalPath -and $uri.LocalPath -ne '/' -and $basename) {
$url_basename = Split-Path -Path $uri.LocalPath -Leaf
$dest = Join-Path -Path $dest -ChildPath $url_basename
} else {
$dest = Join-Path -Path $dest -ChildPath $uri.Host
# Ensure we have a string instead of a PS object to avoid serialization issues
$dest = $dest.ToString()
} elseif (([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($dest)) -eq '') {
# We have a trailing path separator
$module.FailJson("The destination path '$dest' does not exist, or is not visible to the current user. Ensure download destination folder exists (perhaps using win_file state=directory) before win_get_url runs.")
$module.Result.dest = $dest
# Enable TLS1.1/TLS1.2 if they're available but disabled (eg. .NET 4.5)
$security_protocols = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault
if ([Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetMember("Tls11").Count -gt 0) {
$security_protocols = $security_protocols -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11
if ([Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetMember("Tls12").Count -gt 0) {
$security_protocols = $security_protocols -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $security_protocols
$request_params = @{
Credential = $credentials
Headers = $headers
Timeout = $timeout
UseProxy = $use_proxy
Proxy = $proxy
if ($checksum) {
$checksum = $checksum.Trim().ToLower()
if ($checksum_algorithm) {
$checksum_algorithm = $checksum_algorithm.Trim().ToLower()
if ($checksum_url) {
$checksum_url = $checksum_url.Trim()
# Check for case $checksum variable contain url. If yes, get file data from url and replace original value in $checksum
if ($checksum_url) {
$checksum_uri = [System.Uri]$checksum_url
if ($checksum_uri.Scheme -notin @("file", "ftp", "http", "https")) {
$module.FailJson("Unsupported 'checksum_url' value for '$dest': '$checksum_url'")
$checksum = Get-ChecksumFromUri -Module $Module -Uri $checksum_uri -SourceUri $url -RequestParams $request_params
if ($force -or -not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $dest)) {
# force=yes or dest does not exist, download the file
# Note: Invoke-DownloadFile will compare the checksums internally if dest exists
Invoke-DownloadFile -Module $module -Uri $url -Dest $dest -Checksum $checksum `
-ChecksumAlgorithm $checksum_algorithm -RequestParams $request_params
} else {
# force=no, we want to check the last modified dates and only download if they don't match
$is_modified = Compare-ModifiedFile -Module $module -Uri $url -Dest $dest -RequestParams $request_params
if ($is_modified) {
Invoke-DownloadFile -Module $module -Uri $url -Dest $dest -Checksum $checksum `
-ChecksumAlgorithm $checksum_algorithm -RequestParams $request_params
if ((-not $module.Result.ContainsKey("checksum_dest")) -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $dest)) {
# Calculate the dest file checksum if it hasn't already been done
$module.Result.checksum_dest = Get-Checksum -Path $dest -Algorithm $checksum_algorithm
$module.Result.size = (Get-AnsibleItem -Path $dest).Length