* Updated utils to remove Avi SDK dependency and Avi 18.2.2 version update
* Fixed the python 3.x errors failing for avi_disable_session_cache_as_fact not properly documented
* Updated version added fields for new parameters
* fixed pep8 errors
* made requests import optional
* removed setting requests to None
* Added try catch for the avi helper methods such that any import fails then module fail gracefully. This was needed to pass the requests library not found error
* removed deprecated modules. Also, trying another fix to deal with requests import error
* Fixed python3 errors
* fixed pep8, no-dict-iteritems and import test failures
* added version 2.8 for new field
* some more code cleanup and formatting
* updated the fail message and fixed plint errors
* added workaround for unicode pylint
* fixed the version added for new parameter app_learning_memory_percent and removed unicode_literals import
* Removed check of HAS_AVI for common argument spec
* Updated version added value from 2.8 to 2.9
* Version added value fixes of CI error