Trying to use the apt module on a freshly install 16.04 Ubuntu VM with
"ansible -m apt -a 'name=* state=latest' all" fail with this backtrace:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File \"/tmp/ansible_2inxygge/\", line 1055, in <module>
File \"/tmp/ansible_2inxygge/\", line 998, in main
upgrade(module, 'yes', force_yes, p['default_release'], use_apt_get, dpkg_options)
File \"/tmp/ansible_2inxygge/\", line 759, in upgrade
apt_cmd_path = m.get_bin_path(apt_cmd, required=True)
File \"/tmp/ansible_2inxygge/\", line 2182, in get_bin_path
File \"/usr/lib/python3.5/\", line 89, in join
genericpath._check_arg_types('join', a, *p)
File \"/usr/lib/python3.5/\", line 143, in _check_arg_types
(funcname, s.__class__.__name__)) from None
TypeError: join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'NoneType'
It seems that since aptitude is not installed on Xenial, so APTITUDE_CMD is None
and we later hit the bug in the upgrade function since it assume APTITUDE_CMD
is set.