336 lines
9.4 KiB
336 lines
9.4 KiB
- name: postgresql_idx - create test table called test_table
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
shell: psql postgres -U "{{ pg_user }}" -t -c "CREATE TABLE test_table (id int, story text);"
ignore_errors: true
- name: postgresql_idx - drop test tablespace called ssd if exists
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
shell: psql postgres -U "{{ pg_user }}" -t -c "DROP TABLESPACE IF EXISTS ssd;"
ignore_errors: true
- name: postgresql_idx - drop dir for test tablespace
become: true
path: /mnt/ssd
state: absent
ignore_errors: true
- name: postgresql_idx - create dir for test tablespace
become: true
path: /mnt/ssd
state: directory
owner: '{{ pg_user }}'
mode: '0755'
ignore_errors: true
- name: postgresql_idx - create test tablespace called ssd
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
shell: psql postgres -U "{{ pg_user }}" -t -c "CREATE TABLESPACE ssd LOCATION '/mnt/ssd';"
ignore_errors: true
register: tablespace
- name: postgresql_idx - create test schema
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
shell: psql postgres -U "{{ pg_user }}" -t -c "CREATE SCHEMA foo;"
ignore_errors: true
- name: postgresql_idx - create table in non-default schema
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
shell: psql postgres -U "{{ pg_user }}" -t -c "CREATE TABLE foo.foo_table (id int, story text);"
ignore_errors: true
- name: postgresql_idx - create btree index in check_mode
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
db: postgres
login_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
table: test_table
columns: id, story
idxname: test0_idx
check_mode: true
register: result
ignore_errors: true
- assert:
- result is changed
- result.tblname == ''
- result.name == 'test0_idx'
- result.state == 'absent'
- result.valid != ''
- result.tblspace == ''
- result.storage_params == []
- result.schema == ''
- result.query == ''
- name: postgresql_idx - check nothing changed after the previous step
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
db: postgres
login_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
query: SELECT 1 FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = 'test0_idx'
register: result
- assert:
- result.rowcount == 0
- name: postgresql_idx - create btree index concurrently
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
db: postgres
login_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
table: test_table
columns: id, story
idxname: test0_idx
register: result
ignore_errors: true
- assert:
- result is changed
- result.tblname == 'test_table'
- result.name == 'test0_idx'
- result.state == 'present'
- result.valid != ''
- result.tblspace == ''
- result.storage_params == []
- result.schema == 'public'
- result.query == 'CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY test0_idx ON public.test_table USING BTREE (id, story)'
- name: postgresql_idx - check the index exists after the previous step
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
db: postgres
login_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
query: SELECT 1 FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = 'test0_idx'
register: result
- assert:
- result.rowcount == 1
- name: postgresql_idx - try to create existing index again
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
db: postgres
login_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
table: test_table
columns: id, story
idxname: test0_idx
register: result
ignore_errors: true
- assert:
- result is not changed
- result.tblname == 'test_table'
- result.name == 'test0_idx'
- result.state == 'present'
- result.valid != ''
- result.tblspace == ''
- result.storage_params == []
- result.schema == 'public'
- result.query == ''
- name: postgresql_idx - create btree index - non-default schema, tablespace, storage parameter
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
db: postgres
login_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
schema: foo
table: foo_table
- id
- story
idxname: foo_test_idx
tablespace: ssd
storage_params: fillfactor=90
register: result
ignore_errors: true
when: tablespace.rc == 0
- assert:
- result is changed
- result.tblname == 'foo_table'
- result.name == 'foo_test_idx'
- result.state == 'present'
- result.valid != ''
- result.tblspace == 'ssd'
- result.storage_params == [ "fillfactor=90" ]
- result.schema == 'foo'
- result.query == 'CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY foo_test_idx ON foo.foo_table USING BTREE (id,story) WITH (fillfactor=90) TABLESPACE ssd'
when: tablespace.rc == 0
- name: postgresql_idx - create brin index not concurrently
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
db: postgres
login_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
schema: public
table: test_table
state: present
type: brin
columns: id
idxname: test_brin_idx
concurrent: false
register: result
ignore_errors: true
- assert:
- result is changed
- result.tblname == 'test_table'
- result.name == 'test_brin_idx'
- result.state == 'present'
- result.valid != ''
- result.tblspace == ''
- result.storage_params == []
- result.schema == 'public'
- result.query == 'CREATE INDEX test_brin_idx ON public.test_table USING brin (id)'
when: postgres_version_resp.stdout is version('9.5', '>=')
- name: postgresql_idx - create index with condition
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
db: postgres
login_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
table: test_table
columns: id
idxname: test1_idx
cond: id > 1 AND id != 10
register: result
ignore_errors: true
- assert:
- result is changed
- result.tblname == 'test_table'
- result.name == 'test1_idx'
- result.state == 'present'
- result.valid != ''
- result.tblspace == ''
- result.storage_params == []
- result.schema == 'public'
- result.query == 'CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY test1_idx ON public.test_table USING BTREE (id) WHERE id > 1 AND id != 10'
- name: postgresql_idx - create unique index
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
db: postgres
login_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
table: test_table
columns: story
idxname: test_unique0_idx
unique: true
register: result
ignore_errors: true
- assert:
- result is changed
- result.tblname == 'test_table'
- result.name == 'test_unique0_idx'
- result.state == 'present'
- result.valid != ''
- result.tblspace == ''
- result.storage_params == []
- result.schema == 'public'
- result.query == 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX CONCURRENTLY test_unique0_idx ON public.test_table USING BTREE (story)'
- name: postgresql_idx - avoid unique index with type different of btree
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
db: postgres
login_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
table: test_table
columns: story
idxname: test_unique0_idx
unique: true
concurrent: false
type: brin
register: result
ignore_errors: true
- assert:
- result is not changed
- result.msg == 'Only btree currently supports unique indexes'
- name: postgresql_idx - drop index from specific schema cascade in check_mode
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
db: postgres
login_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
schema: foo
name: foo_test_idx
cascade: true
state: absent
concurrent: false
check_mode: true
register: result
ignore_errors: true
when: tablespace.rc == 0
- assert:
- result is changed
- result.name == 'foo_test_idx'
- result.state == 'present'
- result.schema == 'foo'
- result.query == ''
when: tablespace.rc == 0
- name: postgresql_idx - check the index exists after the previous step
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
db: postgres
login_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
query: SELECT 1 FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = 'foo_test_idx' AND schemaname = 'foo'
register: result
when: tablespace.rc == 0
- assert:
- result.rowcount == 1
when: tablespace.rc == 0
- name: postgresql_idx - drop index from specific schema cascade
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
db: postgres
login_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
schema: foo
name: foo_test_idx
cascade: true
state: absent
concurrent: false
register: result
ignore_errors: true
when: tablespace.rc == 0
- assert:
- result is changed
- result.name == 'foo_test_idx'
- result.state == 'absent'
- result.schema == 'foo'
- result.query == 'DROP INDEX foo.foo_test_idx CASCADE'
when: tablespace.rc == 0
- name: postgresql_idx - check the index doesn't exist after the previous step
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
db: postgres
login_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
query: SELECT 1 FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = 'foo_test_idx' and schemaname = 'foo'
register: result
when: tablespace.rc == 0
- assert:
- result.rowcount == 0
when: tablespace.rc == 0
- name: postgresql_idx - try to drop not existing index
become_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
become: true
db: postgres
login_user: '{{ pg_user }}'
schema: foo
name: foo_test_idx
state: absent
register: result
ignore_errors: true
- assert:
- result is not changed
- result.query == ''