88 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File
88 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
MYTMPDIR=$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'mytmpdir')
trap 'rm -rf "${MYTMPDIR}"' EXIT
# create a test file
echo "This is a test file" > "${TEST_FILE}"
# old format
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-ansible format_1_0_AES.yml
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-ansible format_1_1_AES.yml
# old format, wrong password
echo "The wrong password tests are expected to return 1"
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong format_1_0_AES.yml && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong format_1_1_AES.yml && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong format_1_1_AES256.yml && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
set -eux
# new format, view
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password format_1_1_AES256.yml
# encrypt it
ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault decrypt "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password "${TEST_FILE}"
# new password file for rekeyed file
echo "newpassword" > "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}"
ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault rekey "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password --new-vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault decrypt "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" "${TEST_FILE}"
# reading/writing to/from stdin/stdin (See https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/23567)
ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" --output="${TEST_FILE_OUTPUT}" < "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" - < "${TEST_FILE_OUTPUT}"
ansible-vault decrypt "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" --output=- < "${TEST_FILE_OUTPUT}"
ansible-vault encrypt_string "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" "a test string"
ansible-vault encrypt_string "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" --name "blippy" "a test string names blippy"
# from stdin
ansible-vault encrypt_string "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" < "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault encrypt_string "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" --stdin-name "the_var_from_stdin" < "${TEST_FILE}"
# write to file
ansible-vault encrypt_string "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" --name "blippy" "a test string names blippy" --output "${MYTMPDIR}/enc_string_test_file"
# test playbooks using vaulted files
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password --list-tasks
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password --list-hosts
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password --syntax-check
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password
ansible-playbook test_vault_embedded.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password --syntax-check
ansible-playbook test_vault_embedded.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password
ansible-playbook test_vaulted_inventory.yml -i vaulted.inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password
ansible-playbook test_vaulted_template.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password