
277 lines
9.8 KiB

# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import re
import sys
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from import Group
from import Host
from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes
from ansible.plugins.cache import FactCache
from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars
from ansible.utils.path import basedir
from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
class InventoryData(object):
Holds inventory data (host and group objects).
Using it's methods should guarantee expected relationships and data.
def __init__(self):
# the inventory object holds a list of groups
self.groups = {}
self.hosts = {}
# provides 'groups' magic var, host object has group_names
self._groups_dict_cache = {}
# current localhost, implicit or explicit
self.localhost = None
self.current_source = None
# Always create the 'all' and 'ungrouped' groups,
for group in ('all', 'ungrouped'):
self.add_child('all', 'ungrouped')
# prime cache
self.cache = FactCache()
def serialize(self):
data = dict()
return data
def deserialize(self, data):
def _create_implicit_localhost(self, pattern):
if self.localhost:
new_host = self.localhost
new_host = Host(pattern)
# use 'all' vars but not part of all group
new_host.vars = self.groups['all'].get_vars()
new_host.address = ""
new_host.implicit = True
if "ansible_python_interpreter" not in new_host.vars:
py_interp = sys.executable
if not py_interp:
# sys.executable is not set in some cornercases. #13585
py_interp = '/usr/bin/python'
display.warning('Unable to determine python interpreter from sys.executable. Using /usr/bin/python default. '
'You can correct this by setting ansible_python_interpreter for localhost')
new_host.set_variable("ansible_python_interpreter", py_interp)
if "ansible_connection" not in new_host.vars:
new_host.set_variable("ansible_connection", 'local')
self.localhost = new_host
return new_host
def _scan_groups_for_host(self, hostname, localhost=False):
''' in case something did not update inventory correctly, fallback to group scan '''
found = None
for group in self.groups.values():
for host in group.get_hosts():
if hostname ==
found = host
if found:
if found:
display.debug('Found host (%s) in groups but it was missing from main inventory' % hostname)
return found
def reconcile_inventory(self):
''' Ensure inventory basic rules, run after updates '''
display.debug('Reconcile groups and hosts in inventory.')
self.current_source = None
group_names = set()
# set group vars from group_vars/ files and vars plugins
for g in self.groups:
group = self.groups[g]
host_names = set()
# get host vars from host_vars/ files and vars plugins
for host in self.hosts.values():
mygroups = host.get_groups()
# ensure hosts are always in 'all'
if 'all' not in mygroups and not host.implicit:
if self.groups['ungrouped'] in mygroups:
# clear ungrouped of any incorrectly stored by parser
if set(mygroups).difference(set([self.groups['all'], self.groups['ungrouped']])):
elif not host.implicit:
# add ungrouped hosts to ungrouped, except implicit
length = len(mygroups)
if length == 0 or (length == 1 and all in mygroups):
# special case for implicit hosts
if host.implicit:
host.vars = combine_vars(self.groups['all'].get_vars(), host.vars)
# warn if overloading identifier as both group and host
for conflict in group_names.intersection(host_names):
display.warning("Found both group and host with same name: %s" % conflict)
self._groups_dict_cache = {}
def get_host(self, hostname):
''' fetch host object using name
deal with implicit localhost
and possible inconsistent inventory '''
matching_host = self.hosts.get(hostname, None)
# if host is not in hosts dict
if matching_host is None:
# might need to create implicit localhost
if hostname in C.LOCALHOST:
matching_host = self._create_implicit_localhost(hostname)
# might be inconsistent inventory, search groups
if matching_host is None:
matching_host = self._scan_groups_for_host(hostname)
# if found/created update hosts dict
if matching_host:
self.hosts[hostname] = matching_host
return matching_host
def add_group(self, group):
''' adds a group to inventory if not there already '''
if group not in self.groups:
g = Group(group)
self.groups[group] = g
self._groups_dict_cache = {}
display.debug("Added group %s to inventory" % group)
display.debug("group %s already in inventory" % group)
def add_host(self, host, group=None, port=None):
''' adds a host to inventory and possibly a group if not there already '''
g = None
if group:
if group in self.groups:
g = self.groups[group]
raise AnsibleError("Could not find group %s in inventory" % group)
if host not in self.hosts:
h = Host(host, port)
self.hosts[host] = h
if self.current_source: # set to 'first source' in which host was encountered
self.set_variable(host, 'inventory_file', os.path.basename(self.current_source))
self.set_variable(host, 'inventory_dir', basedir(self.current_source))
self.set_variable(host, 'inventory_file', None)
self.set_variable(host, 'inventory_dir', None)
display.debug("Added host %s to inventory" % (host))
# set default localhost from inventory to avoid creating an implicit one. Last localhost defined 'wins'.
if host in C.LOCALHOST:
if self.localhost is None:
self.localhost = self.hosts[host]
display.vvvv("Set default localhost to %s" % h)
display.warning("A duplicate localhost-like entry was found (%s). First found localhost was %s" % (h,
h = self.hosts[host]
if g and host not in g.get_hosts():
self._groups_dict_cache = {}
display.debug("Added host %s to group %s" % (host, group))
def set_variable(self, entity, varname, value):
''' sets a varible for an inventory object '''
if entity in self.groups:
inv_object = self.groups[entity]
elif entity in self.hosts:
inv_object = self.hosts[entity]
raise AnsibleError("Could not identify group or host named %s" % entity)
inv_object.set_variable(varname, value)
display.debug('set %s for %s' % (varname, entity))
def add_child(self, group, child):
''' Add host or group to group '''
if group in self.groups:
g = self.groups[group]
if child in self.groups:
elif child in self.hosts:
raise AnsibleError("%s is not a known host nor group" % child)
self._groups_dict_cache = {}
display.debug('Group %s now contains %s' % (group, child))
raise AnsibleError("%s is not a known group" % group)
def get_groups_dict(self):
We merge a 'magic' var 'groups' with group name keys and hostname list values into every host variable set. Cache for speed.
if not self._groups_dict_cache:
for (group_name, group) in iteritems(self.groups):
self._groups_dict_cache[group_name] = [ for h in group.get_hosts()]
return self._groups_dict_cache