patchback[bot] adba23c223
[PR #7267/43396efa backport][stable-7] feat(redis_info): use module_utils redis to support TLS (#7326)
feat(redis_info): use module_utils redis to support TLS (#7267)

feat(redis_info): use redis module_utils to support TLS

(cherry picked from commit 43396efa2c)

Co-authored-by: Grégoire Martini <>
2023-09-29 13:00:05 +02:00
.keep Rename changelogs/fragments/.empty -> changelogs/fragments/.keep 2020-08-07 08:17:57 +02:00
6134-add-locked-option-for-cargo.yml [PR #6134/a0d8f4de backport][stable-7] feat(cargo): add locked option (#7310) 2023-09-25 05:51:31 +02:00
7129-adding_set_secure_boot_command_to_redfish_config.yml [PR #7129/12b48aaa backport][stable-7] Adding SetSecureBoot to redfish_config (#7298) 2023-09-20 22:25:40 +02:00
7241-prevent-key-error-when-value-does-not-exist.yml [PR #7241/1beb38ce backport][stable-7] Use `get(..)` instead of [..] for safe lookup of value (Fixes #7240) (#7258) 2023-09-13 06:24:22 +00:00
7242_ignore_similar_chars.yml [PR #7242/c3fd14e1 backport][stable-7] Ignore similar chars in random_string (#7292) 2023-09-20 22:04:29 +02:00
7251-gitlab-variables-deleteing-all-variables.yml [PR #7251/fc2e6c4b backport][stable-7] Fixed gitlab_*_variable when using purge (#7294) 2023-09-20 22:04:19 +02:00
7263-proxmox-return-vmid-and-taskid.yaml [PR #7263/28b3da88 backport][stable-7] [proxmox] return vmid and taskid (#7307) 2023-09-22 21:55:52 +02:00
7264-ldap_search-strings.yml [PR #7264/fc530cd3 backport][stable-7] ldap_search: make sure to also handle binary strings in Python 3 (#7268) 2023-09-15 19:15:03 +02:00
7267-redis_info.yml [PR #7267/43396efa backport][stable-7] feat(redis_info): use module_utils redis to support TLS (#7326) 2023-09-29 13:00:05 +02:00
7273-ini_file_ignore_spaces.yml [PR #7273/8a9b9827 backport][stable-7] Add `ignore_spaces` option to `ini_file` to ignore spacing changes (#7279) 2023-09-17 14:36:05 +02:00
7284-supervisorctl-stop-before-remove.yaml [PR #7284/b88b0459 backport][stable-7] supervisorctl: stop process before removing it (#7325) 2023-09-28 21:43:45 +02:00
7301-fix-backend-config-string-encapsulation.yml [PR #7301/7bf24eeb backport][stable-7] Fixing incorrect string encapsulation for -backend-config. (#7315) 2023-09-25 05:51:22 +02:00
7303-mail-incorrect-header-parsing.yml [PR #7303/f4237dde backport][stable-7] Fix incorrect parsing of headers containing equal character (#7306) 2023-09-22 13:17:58 +02:00
7318-add-linkstatus-attribute-to-nic-inventory.yml [PR #7318/fbebcbad backport][stable-7] Add LinkStatus to Ethernet Interface attribute list (#7324) 2023-09-28 21:28:00 +02:00
7323-nmap.yml [PR #7323/53978b74 backport][stable-7] nmap: fix get_option calls (#7329) 2023-09-29 12:59:04 +02:00
deprecate-ansible-core-2.11-2.12.yml [stable-7] Deprecate support for ansible-core 2.11 and 2.12 (#7259) 2023-09-15 18:51:10 +02:00