389 lines
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389 lines
14 KiB
# (c) 2012, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import re
import codecs
import jinja2
import yaml
import json
from ansible import errors
import ansible.constants as C
import time
import subprocess
import datetime
import pwd
# TODO: refactor this file
_LISTRE = re.compile(r"(\w+)\[(\d+)\]")
def _varFindLimitSpace(basedir, vars, space, part, lookup_fatal, depth, expand_lists):
''' limits the search space of space to part
basically does space.get(part, None), but with
templating for part and a few more things
# Previous part couldn't be found, nothing to limit to
if space is None:
return space
# A part with escaped .s in it is compounded by { and }, remove them
if part[0] == '{' and part[-1] == '}':
part = part[1:-1]
# Template part to resolve variables within (${var$var2})
part = varReplace(basedir, part, vars, lookup_fatal=lookup_fatal, depth=depth + 1, expand_lists=expand_lists)
# Now find it
if part in space:
space = space[part]
elif "[" in part:
m = _LISTRE.search(part)
if not m:
return None
space = space[m.group(1)][int(m.group(2))]
except (KeyError, IndexError):
return None
return None
# if space is a string, check if it's a reference to another variable
if isinstance(space, basestring):
space = template(basedir, space, vars, lookup_fatal=lookup_fatal, depth=depth + 1, expand_lists=expand_lists)
return space
def _varFind(basedir, text, vars, lookup_fatal, depth, expand_lists):
''' Searches for a variable in text and finds its replacement in vars
The variables can have two formats;
- simple, $ followed by alphanumerics and/or underscores
- complex, ${ followed by alphanumerics, underscores, periods, braces and brackets, ended by a }
- $variable: simple variable that will have vars['variable'] as its replacement
- ${variable.complex}: complex variable that will have vars['variable']['complex'] as its replacement
- $variable.complex: simple variable, identical to the first, .complex ignored
Complex variables are broken into parts by separating on periods, except if enclosed in {}.
${variable.{fully.qualified.domain}} would be parsed as two parts, variable and fully.qualified.domain,
whereas ${variable.fully.qualified.domain} would be parsed as four parts.
Returns a dict(replacement=<value in vars>, start=<index into text where the variable stated>,
end=<index into text where the variable ends>)
or None if no variable could be found in text. If replacement is None, it should be replaced with the
original data in the caller.
start = text.find("$")
if start == -1:
return None
# $ as last character
if start + 1 == len(text):
return None
# Escaped var
if start > 0 and text[start - 1] == '\\':
return {'replacement': '$', 'start': start - 1, 'end': start + 1}
var_start = start + 1
if text[var_start] == '{':
is_complex = True
brace_level = 1
var_start += 1
is_complex = False
brace_level = 1
# is_lookup is true for $FILE(...) and friends
is_lookup = False
lookup_plugin_name = None
end = var_start
# part_start is an index of where the current part started
part_start = var_start
space = vars
while end < len(text) and (((is_lookup or is_complex) and brace_level > 0) or (not is_complex and not is_lookup)):
if text[end].isalnum() or text[end] == '_':
elif not is_complex and not is_lookup and text[end] == '(' and text[part_start:end].isupper():
is_lookup = True
lookup_plugin_name = text[part_start:end]
part_start = end + 1
elif is_lookup and text[end] == '(':
brace_level += 1
elif is_lookup and text[end] == ')':
brace_level -= 1
elif is_lookup:
# lookups are allowed arbitrary contents
elif is_complex and text[end] == '{':
brace_level += 1
elif is_complex and text[end] == '}':
brace_level -= 1
elif is_complex and text[end] in ('$', '[', ']', '-'):
elif is_complex and text[end] == '.':
if brace_level == 1:
space = _varFindLimitSpace(basedir, vars, space, text[part_start:end], lookup_fatal, depth, expand_lists)
part_start = end + 1
# This breaks out of the loop on non-variable name characters
end += 1
var_end = end
# Handle "This has $ in it"
if var_end == part_start:
return {'replacement': None, 'start': start, 'end': end}
# Handle lookup plugins
if is_lookup:
# When basedir is None, handle lookup plugins later
if basedir is None:
return {'replacement': None, 'start': start, 'end': end}
var_end -= 1
from ansible import utils
args = text[part_start:var_end]
if lookup_plugin_name == 'LOOKUP':
lookup_plugin_name, args = args.split(",", 1)
args = args.strip()
# args have to be templated
args = varReplace(basedir, args, vars, lookup_fatal, depth + 1, True)
instance = utils.plugins.lookup_loader.get(lookup_plugin_name.lower(), basedir=basedir)
if instance is not None:
replacement = instance.run(args, inject=vars)
if expand_lists:
replacement = u",".join([unicode(x) for x in replacement])
except errors.AnsibleError:
if not lookup_fatal:
replacement = None
replacement = None
return {'replacement': replacement, 'start': start, 'end': end}
if is_complex:
var_end -= 1
if text[var_end] != '}' or brace_level != 0:
return None
space = _varFindLimitSpace(basedir, vars, space, text[part_start:var_end], lookup_fatal, depth, expand_lists)
return {'replacement': space, 'start': start, 'end': end}
def varReplace(basedir, raw, vars, lookup_fatal=True, depth=0, expand_lists=False):
''' Perform variable replacement of $variables in string raw using vars dictionary '''
# this code originally from yum
if not isinstance(raw, unicode):
raw = raw.decode("utf-8")
if (depth > 20):
raise errors.AnsibleError("template recursion depth exceeded")
done = [] # Completed chunks to return
while raw:
m = _varFind(basedir, raw, vars, lookup_fatal, depth, expand_lists)
if not m:
# Determine replacement value (if unknown variable then preserve
# original)
replacement = m['replacement']
if expand_lists and isinstance(replacement, (list, tuple)):
replacement = ",".join(replacement)
if isinstance(replacement, (str, unicode)):
replacement = varReplace(basedir, replacement, vars, lookup_fatal, depth=depth+1, expand_lists=expand_lists)
if replacement is None:
replacement = raw[m['start']:m['end']]
start, end = m['start'], m['end']
done.append(raw[:start]) # Keep stuff leading up to token
done.append(unicode(replacement)) # Append replacement value
raw = raw[end:] # Continue with remainder of string
return ''.join(done)
def template(basedir, varname, vars, lookup_fatal=True, depth=0, expand_lists=True):
''' templates a data structure by traversing it and substituting for other data structures '''
if isinstance(varname, basestring):
m = _varFind(basedir, varname, vars, lookup_fatal, depth, expand_lists)
if not m:
return varname
if m['start'] == 0 and m['end'] == len(varname):
if m['replacement'] is not None:
return template(basedir, m['replacement'], vars, lookup_fatal, depth, expand_lists)
return varname
return varReplace(basedir, varname, vars, lookup_fatal, depth, expand_lists)
elif isinstance(varname, (list, tuple)):
return [template(basedir, v, vars, lookup_fatal, depth, expand_lists) for v in varname]
elif isinstance(varname, dict):
d = {}
for (k, v) in varname.iteritems():
d[k] = template(basedir, v, vars, lookup_fatal, depth, expand_lists)
return d
return varname
class _jinja2_vars(object):
Helper class to template all variable content before jinja2 sees it.
This is done by hijacking the variable storage that jinja2 uses, and
overriding __contains__ and __getitem__ to look like a dict. Added bonus
is avoiding duplicating the large hashes that inject tends to be.
To facilitate using builtin jinja2 things like range, globals are handled
extras is a list of locals to also search for variables.
def __init__(self, basedir, vars, globals, *extras):
self.basedir = basedir
self.vars = vars
self.globals = globals
self.extras = extras
def __contains__(self, k):
if k in self.vars:
return True
for i in self.extras:
if k in i:
return True
if k in self.globals:
return True
return False
def __getitem__(self, varname):
if varname not in self.vars:
for i in self.extras:
if varname in i:
return i[varname]
if varname in self.globals:
return self.globals[varname]
raise KeyError("undefined variable: %s" % varname)
var = self.vars[varname]
# HostVars is special, return it as-is
if isinstance(var, dict) and type(var) != dict:
return var
return template(self.basedir, var, self.vars)
def add_locals(self, locals):
If locals are provided, create a copy of self containing those
locals in addition to what is already in this variable proxy.
if locals is None:
return self
return _jinja2_vars(self.basedir, self.vars, self.globals, locals, *self.extras)
class J2Template(jinja2.environment.Template):
This class prevents Jinja2 from running _jinja2_vars through dict()
Without this, {% include %} and similar will create new contexts unlike
the special one created in template_from_file. This ensures they are all
alike, with the exception of potential locals.
def new_context(self, vars=None, shared=False, locals=None):
return jinja2.runtime.Context(self.environment, vars.add_locals(locals), self.name, self.blocks)
def template_from_file(basedir, path, vars):
''' run a file through the templating engine '''
from ansible import utils
realpath = utils.path_dwim(basedir, path)
if some extensions are set via jinja_extensions in ansible.cfg, we try
to load them with the jinja environment
jinja_exts = []
Let's make sure the configuration directive doesn't contain spaces
and split extensions in an array
jinja_exts = C.DEFAULT_JINJA2_EXTENSIONS.replace(" ", "").split(',')
environment = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader, trim_blocks=True, extensions=jinja_exts)
for filter_plugin in utils.plugins.filter_loader.all():
filters = filter_plugin.filters()
if not isinstance(filters, dict):
raise errors.AnsibleError("FilterModule.filters should return a dict.")
data = codecs.open(realpath, encoding="utf8").read()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise errors.AnsibleError("unable to process as utf-8: %s" % realpath)
raise errors.AnsibleError("unable to read %s" % realpath)
# Get jinja env overrides from template
if data.startswith(JINJA2_OVERRIDE):
eol = data.find('\n')
line = data[len(JINJA2_OVERRIDE):eol]
data = data[eol+1:]
for pair in line.split(','):
(key,val) = pair.split(':')
environment.template_class = J2Template
t = environment.from_string(data)
vars = vars.copy()
template_uid = pwd.getpwuid(os.stat(realpath).st_uid).pw_name
template_uid = os.stat(realpath).st_uid
vars['template_host'] = os.uname()[1]
vars['template_path'] = realpath
vars['template_mtime'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(realpath))
vars['template_uid'] = template_uid
vars['template_fullpath'] = os.path.abspath(realpath)
vars['template_run_date'] = datetime.datetime.now()
managed_default = C.DEFAULT_MANAGED_STR
managed_str = managed_default.format(
host = vars['template_host'],
uid = vars['template_uid'],
file = vars['template_path']
vars['ansible_managed'] = time.strftime(managed_str,
# This line performs deep Jinja2 magic that uses the _jinja2_vars object for vars
# Ideally, this could use some API where setting shared=True and the object won't get
# passed through dict(o), but I have not found that yet.
res = jinja2.utils.concat(t.root_render_func(t.new_context(_jinja2_vars(basedir, vars, t.globals), shared=True)))
if data.endswith('\n') and not res.endswith('\n'):
res = res + '\n'
return template(basedir, res, vars)