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Ansible API Documentation
The Ansible API is under construction. These stub references for attributes, classes, functions, methods, and modules will be documented in future.
The :ref:`module utilities <ansible.module_utils>` included in ``ansible.module_utils.basic`` and ``AnsibleModule`` are documented under Reference & Appendices.
.. contents::
.. py:attribute:: AnsibleModule.params
The parameters accepted by the module.
.. py:attribute:: ansible.module_utils.basic.ANSIBLE_VERSION
.. py:attribute:: ansible.module_utils.basic.SELINUX_SPECIAL_FS
Deprecated in favor of ansibleModule._selinux_special_fs.
.. py:attribute:: AnsibleModule.ansible_version
.. py:attribute:: AnsibleModule._debug
.. py:attribute:: AnsibleModule._diff
.. py:attribute:: AnsibleModule.no_log
.. py:attribute:: AnsibleModule._selinux_special_fs
(formerly ansible.module_utils.basic.SELINUX_SPECIAL_FS)
.. py:attribute:: AnsibleModule._syslog_facility
.. py:attribute:: self.playbook
.. py:attribute:: self.play
.. py:attribute:: self.task
.. py:attribute:: sys.path
.. py:class:: ``ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule``
The basic utilities for AnsibleModule.
.. py:class:: AnsibleModule
The main class for an Ansible module.
.. py:function:: ansible.module_utils.basic._load_params()
Load parameters.
.. py:method:: AnsibleModule.log()
Logs the output of Ansible.
.. py:method:: AnsibleModule.debug()
Debugs Ansible.
.. py:method:: Ansible.get_bin_path()
Retrieves the path for executables.
.. py:method:: AnsibleModule.run_command()
Runs a command within an Ansible module.
.. py:method:: module.fail_json()
Exits and returns a failure.
.. py:method:: module.exit_json()
Exits and returns output.
.. py:module:: ansible.module_utils
.. py:module:: ansible.module_utils.basic
.. py:module:: ansible.module_utils.url