193 lines
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193 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2019 Zim Kalinowski, (@zikalino)
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from ansible.module_utils.azure_rm_common import AzureRMModuleBase
import re
from ansible.module_utils.common.dict_transformations import _camel_to_snake, _snake_to_camel
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
class AzureRMModuleBaseExt(AzureRMModuleBase):
def inflate_parameters(self, spec, body, level):
if isinstance(body, list):
for item in body:
self.inflate_parameters(spec, item, level)
for name in spec.keys():
# first check if option was passed
param = body.get(name)
if not param:
# check if pattern needs to be used
pattern = spec[name].get('pattern', None)
if pattern:
if pattern == 'camelize':
param = _snake_to_camel(param, True)
param = self.normalize_resource_id(param, pattern)
body[name] = param
disposition = spec[name].get('disposition', '*')
if level == 0 and not disposition.startswith('/'):
if disposition == '/':
disposition = '/*'
parts = disposition.split('/')
if parts[0] == '':
# should fail if level is > 0?
target_dict = body
elem = body.pop(name)
while len(parts) > 1:
target_dict = target_dict.setdefault(parts.pop(0), {})
targetName = parts[0] if parts[0] != '*' else name
target_dict[targetName] = elem
if spec[name].get('options'):
self.inflate_parameters(spec[name].get('options'), target_dict[targetName], level + 1)
def normalize_resource_id(self, value, pattern):
Return a proper resource id string..
:param resource_id: It could be a resource name, resource id or dict containing parts from the pattern.
:param pattern: pattern of resource is, just like in Azure Swagger
value_dict = {}
if isinstance(value, string_types):
value_parts = value.split('/')
if len(value_parts) == 1:
value_dict['name'] = value
pattern_parts = pattern.split('/')
if len(value_parts) != len(pattern_parts):
return None
for i in range(len(value_parts)):
if pattern_parts[i].startswith('{'):
value_dict[pattern_parts[i][1:-1]] = value_parts[i]
elif value_parts[i].lower() != pattern_parts[i].lower():
return None
elif isinstance(value, dict):
value_dict = value
return None
if not value_dict.get('subscription_id'):
value_dict['subscription_id'] = self.subscription_id
if not value_dict.get('resource_group'):
value_dict['resource_group'] = self.resource_group
# check if any extra values passed
for k in value_dict:
if not ('{' + k + '}') in pattern:
return None
# format url
return pattern.format(**value_dict)
def idempotency_check(self, old_params, new_params):
Return True if something changed. Function will use fields from module_arg_spec to perform dependency checks.
:param old_params: old parameters dictionary, body from Get request.
:param new_params: new parameters dictionary, unpacked module parameters.
modifiers = {}
result = {}
self.create_compare_modifiers(self.module.argument_spec, '', modifiers)
self.results['modifiers'] = modifiers
return self.default_compare(modifiers, new_params, old_params, '', self.results)
def create_compare_modifiers(self, arg_spec, path, result):
for k in arg_spec.keys():
o = arg_spec[k]
updatable = o.get('updatable', True)
comparison = o.get('comparison', 'default')
disposition = o.get('disposition', '*')
if disposition == '/':
disposition = '/*'
p = (path +
('/' if len(path) > 0 else '') +
disposition.replace('*', k) +
('/*' if o['type'] == 'list' else ''))
if comparison != 'default' or not updatable:
result[p] = {'updatable': updatable, 'comparison': comparison}
if o.get('options'):
self.create_compare_modifiers(o.get('options'), p, result)
def default_compare(self, modifiers, new, old, path, result):
Default dictionary comparison.
This function will work well with most of the Azure resources.
It correctly handles "location" comparison.
Value handling:
- if "new" value is None, it will be taken from "old" dictionary if "incremental_update"
is enabled.
List handling:
- if list contains "name" field it will be sorted by "name" before comparison is done.
- if module has "incremental_update" set, items missing in the new list will be copied
from the old list
If field is marked as non-updatable, appropriate warning will be printed out and
"new" structure will be updated to old value.
:modifiers: Optional dictionary of modifiers, where key is the path and value is dict of modifiers
:param new: New version
:param old: Old version
Returns True if no difference between structures has been detected.
Returns False if difference was detected.
if new is None:
return True
elif isinstance(new, dict):
if not isinstance(old, dict):
result['compare'] = 'changed [' + path + '] old dict is null'
return False
for k in new.keys():
if not self.default_compare(modifiers, new.get(k), old.get(k, None), path + '/' + k, result):
return False
return True
elif isinstance(new, list):
if not isinstance(old, list) or len(new) != len(old):
result['compare'] = 'changed [' + path + '] length is different or null'
return False
if isinstance(old[0], dict):
key = None
if 'id' in old[0] and 'id' in new[0]:
key = 'id'
elif 'name' in old[0] and 'name' in new[0]:
key = 'name'
key = next(iter(old[0]))
new = sorted(new, key=lambda x: x.get(key, None))
old = sorted(old, key=lambda x: x.get(key, None))
new = sorted(new)
old = sorted(old)
for i in range(len(new)):
if not self.default_compare(modifiers, new[i], old[i], path + '/*', result):
return False
return True
updatable = modifiers.get(path, {}).get('updatable', True)
comparison = modifiers.get(path, {}).get('comparison', 'default')
if comparison == 'ignore':
return True
elif comparison == 'default' or comparison == 'sensitive':
if isinstance(old, string_types) and isinstance(new, string_types):
new = new.lower()
old = old.lower()
elif comparison == 'location':
if isinstance(old, string_types) and isinstance(new, string_types):
new = new.replace(' ', '').lower()
old = old.replace(' ', '').lower()
if str(new) != str(old):
result['compare'] = 'changed [' + path + '] ' + str(new) + ' != ' + str(old) + ' - ' + str(comparison)
if updatable:
return False
self.module.warn("property '" + path + "' cannot be updated (" + str(old) + "->" + str(new) + ")")
return True
return True