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# Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import yaml
from collections import namedtuple
from import ConfigData
from ansible.errors import AnsibleOptionsError, AnsibleError
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text, to_bytes, to_native
from ansible.module_utils.parsing.convert_bool import boolean
from ansible.parsing.quoting import unquote
from ansible.utils.path import unfrackpath
from ansible.utils.path import makedirs_safe
Plugin = namedtuple('Plugin', 'name type')
Setting = namedtuple('Setting', 'name value origin type')
# FIXME: see if we can unify in module_utils with similar function used by argspec
def ensure_type(value, value_type):
''' return a configuration variable with casting
:arg value: The value to ensure correct typing of
:kwarg value_type: The type of the value. This can be any of the following strings:
:boolean: sets the value to a True or False value
:integer: Sets the value to an integer or raises a ValueType error
:float: Sets the value to a float or raises a ValueType error
:list: Treats the value as a comma separated list. Split the value
and return it as a python list.
:none: Sets the value to None
:path: Expands any environment variables and tilde's in the value.
:tmp_path: Create a unique temporary directory inside of the directory
specified by value and return its path.
:pathlist: Treat the value as a typical PATH string. (On POSIX, this
means colon separated strings.) Split the value and then expand
each part for environment variables and tildes.
if value_type:
value_type = value_type.lower()
if value_type in ('boolean', 'bool'):
value = boolean(value, strict=False)
elif value:
if value_type in ('integer', 'int'):
value = int(value)
elif value_type == 'float':
value = float(value)
elif value_type == 'list':
if isinstance(value, string_types):
value = [x.strip() for x in value.split(',')]
elif value_type == 'none':
if value == "None":
value = None
elif value_type == 'path':
value = resolve_path(value)
elif value_type in ('tmp', 'temppath', 'tmppath'):
value = resolve_path(value)
if not os.path.exists(value):
makedirs_safe(value, 0o700)
prefix = 'ansible-local-%s' % os.getpid()
value = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix, dir=value)
elif value_type == 'pathspec':
if isinstance(value, string_types):
value = value.split(os.pathsep)
value = [resolve_path(x) for x in value]
elif value_type == 'pathlist':
if isinstance(value, string_types):
value = value.split(',')
value = [resolve_path(x) for x in value]
# defaults to string types
elif isinstance(value, string_types):
value = unquote(value)
return to_text(value, errors='surrogate_or_strict', nonstring='passthru')
# FIXME: see if this can live in utils/path
def resolve_path(path):
''' resolve relative or 'varaible' paths '''
if '{{CWD}}' in path: # allow users to force CWD using 'magic' {{CWD}}
path = path.replace('{{CWD}}', os.getcwd())
return unfrackpath(path, follow=False)
# FIXME: generic file type?
def get_config_type(cfile):
ftype = None
if cfile is not None:
ext = os.path.splitext(cfile)[-1]
if ext in ('.ini', '.cfg'):
ftype = 'ini'
elif ext in ('.yaml', '.yml'):
ftype = 'yaml'
raise AnsibleOptionsError("Unsupported configuration file extension for %s: %s" % (cfile, to_native(ext)))
return ftype
# FIXME: can move to module_utils for use for ini plugins also?
def get_ini_config_value(p, entry):
''' returns the value of last ini entry found '''
value = None
if p is not None:
value = p.get(entry.get('section', 'defaults'), entry.get('key', ''), raw=True)
except: # FIXME: actually report issues here
return value
def find_ini_config_file():
''' Load INI Config File order(first found is used): ENV, CWD, HOME, /etc/ansible '''
# FIXME: eventually deprecate ini configs
path0 = os.getenv("ANSIBLE_CONFIG", None)
if path0 is not None:
path0 = unfrackpath(path0, follow=False)
if os.path.isdir(path0):
path0 += "/ansible.cfg"
path1 = os.getcwd() + "/ansible.cfg"
except OSError:
path1 = None
path2 = unfrackpath("~/.ansible.cfg", follow=False)
path3 = "/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg"
for path in [path0, path1, path2, path3]:
if path is not None and os.path.exists(path):
path = None
return path
class ConfigManager(object):
def __init__(self, conf_file=None):
self._base_defs = {}
self._plugins = {}
self._parser = None
self._config_file = conf_file = ConfigData()
# FIXME: make dynamic? scan for more? make it's own method?
# Create configuration definitions from source
bconfig_def = to_bytes('%s/base.yml' % os.path.dirname(__file__))
if os.path.exists(bconfig_def):
with open(bconfig_def, 'rb') as config_def:
self._base_defs = yaml.safe_load(config_def)
raise AnsibleError("Missing base configuration definition file (bad install?): %s" % to_native(bconfig_def))
if self._config_file is None:
# set config using ini
self._config_file = find_ini_config_file()
if self._config_file:
if os.path.exists(self._config_file):
# initialize parser and read config
# update constants
def _parse_config_file(self, cfile=None):
''' return flat configuration settings from file(s) '''
# TODO: take list of files with merge/nomerge
if cfile is None:
cfile = self._config_file
ftype = get_config_type(cfile)
if cfile is not None:
if ftype == 'ini':
self._parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
except configparser.Error as e:
raise AnsibleOptionsError("Error reading config file (%s): %s" % (cfile, to_native(e)))
# FIXME: this should eventually handle yaml config files
#elif ftype == 'yaml':
# with open(cfile, 'rb') as config_stream:
# self._parser = yaml.safe_load(config_stream)
raise AnsibleOptionsError("Unsupported configuration file type: %s" % to_native(ftype))
def _find_yaml_config_files(self):
''' Load YAML Config Files in order, check merge flags, keep origin of settings'''
def get_plugin_options(self, plugin_type, name, variables=None):
options = {}
defs = self.get_configuration_definitions(plugin_type, name)
for option in defs:
options[option] = self.get_config_value(option, plugin_type=plugin_type, plugin_name=name, variables=variables)
return options
def get_configuration_definitions(self, plugin_type=None, name=None):
''' just list the possible settings, either base or for specific plugins or plugin '''
ret = {}
if plugin_type is None:
ret = self._base_defs
elif name is None:
ret = self._plugins.get(plugin_type, {})
ret = self._plugins.get(plugin_type, {}).get(name, {})
return ret
def _loop_entries(self, container, entry_list):
''' repeat code for value entry assignment '''
value = None
origin = None
for entry in entry_list:
name = entry.get('name')
temp_value = container.get(name, None)
if temp_value is not None: # only set if env var is defined
value = temp_value
origin = name
# deal with deprecation of setting source, if used
if 'deprecated' in entry:
self.DEPRECATED.append((entry['name'], entry['deprecated']))
return value, origin
def get_config_value(self, config, cfile=None, plugin_type=None, plugin_name=None, variables=None):
''' wrapper '''
value, _drop = self.get_config_value_and_origin(config, cfile=cfile, plugin_type=plugin_type, plugin_name=plugin_name, variables=variables)
return value
def get_config_value_and_origin(self, config, cfile=None, plugin_type=None, plugin_name=None, variables=None):
''' Given a config key figure out the actual value and report on the origin of the settings '''
if cfile is None:
cfile = self._config_file
# Note: sources that are lists listed in low to high precedence (last one wins)
value = None
defs = {}
if plugin_type is None:
defs = self._base_defs
elif plugin_name is None:
defs = self._plugins[plugin_type]
defs = self._plugins[plugin_type][plugin_name]
# Use 'variable overrides' if present, highest precedence, but only present when querying running play
if variables:
value, origin = self._loop_entries(variables, defs[config]['vars'])
origin = 'var: %s' % origin
# env vars are next precedence
if value is None and defs[config].get('env'):
value, origin = self._loop_entries(os.environ, defs[config]['env'])
origin = 'env: %s' % origin
# try config file entries next, if we have one
if value is None and cfile is not None:
ftype = get_config_type(cfile)
if ftype and defs[config].get(ftype):
if ftype == 'ini':
# load from ini config
try: # FIXME: generaelize _loop_entries to allow for files also, most of this code is dupe
for ini_entry in defs[config]['ini']:
temp_value = get_ini_config_value(self._parser, ini_entry)
if temp_value is not None:
value = temp_value
origin = cfile
if 'deprecated' in ini_entry:
self.DEPRECATED.append(('[%s]%s' % (ini_entry['section'], ini_entry['key']), ini_entry['deprecated']))
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Error while loading ini config %s: %s" % (cfile, to_native(e)))
elif ftype == 'yaml':
# FIXME: implement, also , break down key from defs (. notation???)
origin = cfile
# for plugins, try using existing constants, this is for backwards compatiblity
if plugin_name and defs[config].get('constants'):
value, origin = self._loop_entries(, defs[config]['constants'])
origin = 'constant: %s' % origin
# set default if we got here w/o a value
if value is None:
value = defs[config].get('default')
origin = 'default'
# skip typing as this is a temlated default that will be resolved later in constants, which has needed vars
if plugin_type is None and isinstance(value, string_types) and (value.startswith('{{') and value.endswith('}}')):
return value, origin
# ensure correct type
value = ensure_type(value, defs[config].get('type'))
except Exception as e:
# deal with deprecation of the setting
if 'deprecated' in defs[config] and origin != 'default':
self.DEPRECATED.append((config, defs[config].get('deprecated')))
return value, origin
def initialize_plugin_configuration_definitions(self, plugin_type, name, defs):
if plugin_type not in self._plugins:
self._plugins[plugin_type] = {}
self._plugins[plugin_type][name] = defs
def update_config_data(self, defs=None, configfile=None):
''' really: update constants '''
if defs is None:
defs = self._base_defs
if configfile is None:
configfile = self._config_file
if not isinstance(defs, dict):
raise AnsibleOptionsError("Invalid configuration definition type: %s for %s" % (type(defs), defs))
# update the constant for config file'CONFIG_FILE', configfile, '', 'string'))
origin = None
# env and config defs can have several entries, ordered in list from lowest to highest precedence
for config in defs:
if not isinstance(defs[config], dict):
raise AnsibleOptionsError("Invalid configuration definition '%s': type is %s" % (to_native(config), type(defs[config])))
# get value and origin
value, origin = self.get_config_value_and_origin(config, configfile)
# set the constant, value, origin, defs[config].get('type', 'string')))