
289 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# (c) 2016 Matt Clay <>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from os import path
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import ansible.constants as C
from ansible.playbook import Playbook
from ansible.vars import VariableManager
from ansible.parsing.dataloader import DataLoader
def main():
"""Generate an integration test script for changed modules."""
C.DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
'..', '..', '..', 'integration', 'targets'))]
posix_targets = [
windows_targets = [
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Generate an integration test script for changed modules.')
parser.add_argument('module_group', choices=['core', 'extras'], help='module group to test')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='write verbose output to stderr')
parser.add_argument('--changes', dest='changes', default=None,
help='file listing changed paths (default: query git)')
parser.add_argument('--image', dest='image', default=os.environ.get('IMAGE'),
help='image to run tests with')
parser.add_argument('--privileged', dest='privileged', action='store_true',
default=os.environ.get('PRIVILEGED') == 'true',
help='run container in privileged mode')
parser.add_argument('--python3', dest='python3', action='store_true',
default=os.environ.get('PYTHON3', '') != '',
help='run tests using python3')
parser.add_argument('--platform', dest='platform', default=os.environ.get('PLATFORM'),
help='platform to run tests on')
parser.add_argument('--version', dest='version', default=os.environ.get('VERSION'),
help='version of platform to run tests on')
parser.add_argument('--output', dest='output', required=True,
help='path to write output script to')
args = parser.parse_args()
targets = posix_targets
if args.image is not None:
script = 'integration'
options = ''
if args.privileged:
options += ' PRIVILEGED=true'
if args.python3:
options += ' PYTHON3=1'
jobs = ['IMAGE=%s%s' % (args.image, options)]
elif args.platform is not None and args.version is not None:
script = 'remote'
jobs = ['PLATFORM=%s VERSION=%s' % (args.platform, args.version)]
if args.platform == 'windows':
targets = windows_targets
raise Exception('job parameters not specified')
generate_test_commands(args.module_group, targets, script, args.output, jobs=jobs, verbose=args.verbose, changes=args.changes)
def generate_test_commands(module_group, targets, script, output, jobs=None, verbose=False, changes=None):
"""Generate test commands for the given module group and test targets.
module_group: The module group (core, extras) to examine.
targets: The test targets to examine.
script: The script used to execute the test targets.
output: The path to write the output script to.
jobs: The test jobs to execute, or None to auto-detect.
verbose: True to write detailed output to stderr.
changes: Path to file containing list of changed files, or None to query git.
base_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', '..', '..', '..'))
job_config_path = path.join(base_dir, 'shippable.yml')
module_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'lib', 'ansible', 'modules', module_group)
if verbose:
print_stderr(' config: %s' % job_config_path)
print_stderr('modules: %s' % module_dir)
print_stderr('targets: %s' % ' '.join(targets))
if changes is None:
paths_changed = get_changed_paths(module_dir)
with open(changes, 'r') as f:
paths_changed ='\n')
if len(paths_changed) == 0:
print_stderr('No changes to files detected.')
if verbose:
dump_stderr('paths_changed', paths_changed)
modules_changed = get_modules(paths_changed)
if len(modules_changed) == 0:
print_stderr('No changes to modules detected.')
if verbose:
dump_stderr('modules_changed', modules_changed)
module_tags = get_module_test_tags(modules_changed)
if verbose:
dump_stderr('module_tags', module_tags)
available_tags = get_target_tags(base_dir, targets)
if verbose:
dump_stderr('available_tags', available_tags)
use_tags = module_tags & available_tags
if len(use_tags) == 0:
print_stderr('No tagged test roles found for changed modules.')
if verbose:
dump_stderr('use_tags', use_tags)
target = ' '.join(targets)
tags = ','.join(use_tags)
script_path = 'test/utils/shippable/' % script
commands = ['TARGET="%s" TEST_FLAGS="-t %s" %s %s' % (target, tags, j, script_path) for j in jobs]
with open(output, 'w') as f:
def print_stderr(*args, **kwargs):
"""Print to stderr."""
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def dump_stderr(label, l):
"""Write a label and list contents to stderr.
label: The label to print for this list.
l: The list to dump to stderr.
print_stderr('[%s:%s]\n%s\n' % (label, len(l), '\n'.join(l)))
def get_target_tags(base_dir, targets):
"""Get role tags from the integration tests for the given test targets.
base_dir: The root of the ansible source code.
targets: The test targets to scan for tags.
Returns: Set of role tags.
playbook_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'test', 'integration')
tags = set()
for target in targets:
playbook_path = os.path.join(playbook_dir, target + '.yml')
tags |= get_role_tags(playbook_path)
return tags
def get_role_tags(playbook_path):
"""Get role tags from the given playbook.
playbook_path: Path to the playbook to get role tags from.
Returns: Set of role tags.
variable_manager = VariableManager()
loader = DataLoader()
playbook = Playbook.load(playbook_path, variable_manager=variable_manager, loader=loader)
tags = set()
for play in playbook.get_plays():
for role in play.get_roles():
for tag in role.tags:
return tags
def get_changed_paths(git_root, branch='devel'):
"""Get file paths changed in current branch vs given branch.
git_root: The root of the git clone.
branch: The branch to compare against (default: devel)
Returns: List of file paths changed.
paths = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'diff', '--name-only', branch], cwd=git_root).strip().split('\n')
return paths
def get_modules(paths):
"""Get module names from file paths.
paths: List of paths to extract module names from.
Returns: List of module names.
module_extensions = [
modules = [path.splitext(path.basename(c))[0].strip('_') for c in paths if
path.splitext(c)[1] in module_extensions and
'/' in c and
not c.startswith('test/') and
not path.basename(c)[0] == '']
return modules
def get_module_test_tags(modules):
"""Get test tags from module names.
modules: List of module names to get test tags for.
Returns: Set of test tags.
tags = set(['test_' + m for m in modules])
return tags
if __name__ == '__main__':