183 lines
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183 lines
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# Copyright (c) Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# Get systemd version and if it doesn't exist don't run these tests.
- name: check systemd version
command: "systemctl --version"
register: systemd_version
ignore_errors: yes
- name: check homectl version
command: homectl --version
register: homectl_version
ignore_errors: yes
- block:
- name: Check and start systemd-homed service
name: systemd-homed.service
state: started
enabled: yes
- name: Add a user 'james'
name: james
password: myreallysecurepassword1!
state: present
- name: verify user added
command: homectl inspect james
register: james_info
- name: Add the user 'tom' with a zsh shell, uid of 1000, and gid of 1000
name: tom
password: myreallysecurepassword1!
state: present
shell: /bin/zsh
uid: 1000
gid: 1000
disksize: 10G
register: tom_userinfo
- name: Try to add user 'james' that already exists
name: james
password: myreallysecurepassword1!
state: present
shell: /bin/ksh
register: user_exists
- name: Try to use 'resize=yes' option without 'disksize' option (not allowed)
name: foo
password: uq4895738!@#$%dfd
state: present
resize: yes
register: resize_out
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Use option 'disksize=1G' without option resize (allowed)
name: foobar
password: "uq4895738!@#$%dfd"
state: present
disksize: 1G
register: disk_out
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Try to Create user without giving password
name: danielle
register: danielle_out
ignore_errors: yes
- name: remove user 'foobar' without requiring password
name: foobar
state: absent
register: delete_foobar_out
- name: modify user 'james' to have zsh shell and timezone 'America/New_York'
name: james
password: myreallysecurepassword1!
state: present
shell: /bin/zsh
timezone: America/New_York
register: lukuser_modify_out
- name: create user 'jake' with all mount options
name: jake
password: myreallysecurepassword12!
mountopts: noexec,nosuid,nodev
sshkeys: "ssh-rsa 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 test@router.home"
register: jake_out
- name: Try to remove user 'janet' that doesn't exist
name: janet
state: absent
register: user_not_exist
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Use check_mode to try and create user 'diana'
name: diana
password: helloworld123!@
state: present
check_mode: yes
register: diana_create_checkmode_out
- name: Verify user 'diana' was not created with check_mode
command: homectl inspect diana
register: user_diana_exists
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Try to modify user 'jake' with only noexec mount option in check_mode
name: jake
password: myreallysecurepassword12!
state: present
mountopts: noexec
check_mode: yes
register: jake_checkmode_out
- name: Verify user 'jake' was not modified and still has all mount options
command: homectl inspect jake
register: user_jake_details_out
- name: Modify user 'jake' with only noexec mount option
name: jake
password: myreallysecurepassword12!
state: present
mountopts: noexec
register: jake_modify_out
- name: modify user 'jake' again with only noexec mount option to make sure changed is false as nothing has changed.
name: jake
password: myreallysecurepassword12!
state: present
mountopts: noexec
register: jake_modify_again_out
- name: Try to modify user 'jake' with an incorrect password
name: jake
password: incorrectPassword!
state: present
mountopts: noexec
locked: yes
ignore_errors: yes
register: jake_incorrect_pass_out
- assert:
- james_info.rc == 0
- tom_userinfo.data['gid'] == 1000 and tom_userinfo.data['uid'] == 1000
- user_exists is changed and user_exists.data['shell'] == '/bin/ksh'
- resize_out is not changed
- disk_out is changed
- delete_foobar_out is changed
- danielle_out is not changed
- lukuser_modify_out.data['timeZone'] == "America/New_York" and lukuser_modify_out.data['shell'] == "/bin/zsh"
- user_not_exist is not changed and user_not_exist.msg == "User does not exist!"
- jake_out is changed and jake_out.data['mountNoDevices'] == True and jake_out.data['mountNoSuid'] == True and jake_out.data['mountNoExecute'] == True
- diana_create_checkmode_out is changed and 'No home for user diana known' in user_diana_exists.stderr
- "jake_checkmode_out is changed and 'Mount Flags: nosuid nodev noexec' in user_jake_details_out.stdout"
- jake_modify_out is changed and jake_modify_out.data['privileged']['sshAuthorizedKeys'] is not none
- jake_modify_out.data['mountNoDevices'] == False and jake_modify_out.data['mountNoExecute'] == True and jake_modify_out.data['mountNoSuid'] == False
- jake_modify_again_out is not changed
- jake_incorrect_pass_out is not changed and jake_incorrect_pass_out is failed and jake_incorrect_pass_out.msg == 'User exists but password is incorrect!'
# homectl was first introduced in systemd 245 so check version >= 245 and make sure system has systemd and homectl command
- systemd_version.rc == 0 and (systemd_version.stdout | regex_search('[0-9][0-9][0-9]') | int >= 245) and homectl_version.rc == 0
- ansible_distribution != 'Archlinux' # TODO!
- ansible_distribution != 'Fedora' or ansible_distribution_major_version|int < 36 # TODO!