
465 lines
17 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2022, Gregory Furlong <>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_bytes
import re
import os
def normalize_subvolume_path(path):
Normalizes btrfs subvolume paths to ensure exactly one leading slash, no trailing slashes and no consecutive slashes.
In addition, if the path is prefixed with a leading <FS_TREE>, this value is removed.
fstree_stripped = re.sub(r'^<FS_TREE>', '', path)
result = re.sub(r'/+$', '', re.sub(r'/+', '/', '/' + fstree_stripped))
return result if len(result) > 0 else '/'
class BtrfsModuleException(Exception):
class BtrfsCommands(object):
Provides access to a subset of the Btrfs command line
def __init__(self, module):
self.__module = module
self.__btrfs = self.__module.get_bin_path("btrfs", required=True)
def filesystem_show(self):
command = "%s filesystem show -d" % (self.__btrfs)
result = self.__module.run_command(command, check_rc=True)
stdout = [x.strip() for x in result[1].splitlines()]
filesystems = []
current = None
for line in stdout:
if line.startswith('Label'):
current = self.__parse_filesystem(line)
elif line.startswith('devid'):
return filesystems
def __parse_filesystem(self, line):
label = re.sub(r'\s*uuid:.*$', '', re.sub(r'^Label:\s*', '', line))
id = re.sub(r'^.*uuid:\s*', '', line)
filesystem = {}
filesystem['label'] = label.strip("'") if label != 'none' else None
filesystem['uuid'] = id
filesystem['devices'] = []
filesystem['mountpoints'] = []
filesystem['subvolumes'] = []
filesystem['default_subvolid'] = None
return filesystem
def __parse_filesystem_device(self, line):
return re.sub(r'^.*path\s', '', line)
def subvolumes_list(self, filesystem_path):
command = "%s subvolume list -tap %s" % (self.__btrfs, filesystem_path)
result = self.__module.run_command(command, check_rc=True)
stdout = [x.split('\t') for x in result[1].splitlines()]
subvolumes = [{'id': 5, 'parent': None, 'path': '/'}]
if len(stdout) > 2:
subvolumes.extend([self.__parse_subvolume_list_record(x) for x in stdout[2:]])
return subvolumes
def __parse_subvolume_list_record(self, item):
return {
'id': int(item[0]),
'parent': int(item[2]),
'path': normalize_subvolume_path(item[5]),
def subvolume_get_default(self, filesystem_path):
command = [self.__btrfs, "subvolume", "get-default", to_bytes(filesystem_path)]
result = self.__module.run_command(command, check_rc=True)
# ID [n] ...
return int(result[1].strip().split()[1])
def subvolume_set_default(self, filesystem_path, subvolume_id):
command = [self.__btrfs, "subvolume", "set-default", str(subvolume_id), to_bytes(filesystem_path)]
result = self.__module.run_command(command, check_rc=True)
def subvolume_create(self, subvolume_path):
command = [self.__btrfs, "subvolume", "create", to_bytes(subvolume_path)]
result = self.__module.run_command(command, check_rc=True)
def subvolume_snapshot(self, snapshot_source, snapshot_destination):
command = [self.__btrfs, "subvolume", "snapshot", to_bytes(snapshot_source), to_bytes(snapshot_destination)]
result = self.__module.run_command(command, check_rc=True)
def subvolume_delete(self, subvolume_path):
command = [self.__btrfs, "subvolume", "delete", to_bytes(subvolume_path)]
result = self.__module.run_command(command, check_rc=True)
class BtrfsInfoProvider(object):
Utility providing details of the currently available btrfs filesystems
def __init__(self, module):
self.__module = module
self.__btrfs_api = BtrfsCommands(module)
self.__findmnt_path = self.__module.get_bin_path("findmnt", required=True)
def get_filesystems(self):
filesystems = self.__btrfs_api.filesystem_show()
mountpoints = self.__find_mountpoints()
for filesystem in filesystems:
device_mountpoints = self.__filter_mountpoints_for_devices(mountpoints, filesystem['devices'])
filesystem['mountpoints'] = device_mountpoints
if len(device_mountpoints) > 0:
# any path within the filesystem can be used to query metadata
mountpoint = device_mountpoints[0]['mountpoint']
filesystem['subvolumes'] = self.get_subvolumes(mountpoint)
filesystem['default_subvolid'] = self.get_default_subvolume_id(mountpoint)
return filesystems
def get_mountpoints(self, filesystem_devices):
mountpoints = self.__find_mountpoints()
return self.__filter_mountpoints_for_devices(mountpoints, filesystem_devices)
def get_subvolumes(self, filesystem_path):
return self.__btrfs_api.subvolumes_list(filesystem_path)
def get_default_subvolume_id(self, filesystem_path):
return self.__btrfs_api.subvolume_get_default(filesystem_path)
def __filter_mountpoints_for_devices(self, mountpoints, devices):
return [m for m in mountpoints if (m['device'] in devices)]
def __find_mountpoints(self):
command = "%s -t btrfs -nvP" % self.__findmnt_path
result = self.__module.run_command(command)
mountpoints = []
if result[0] == 0:
lines = result[1].splitlines()
for line in lines:
mountpoint = self.__parse_mountpoint_pairs(line)
return mountpoints
def __parse_mountpoint_pairs(self, line):
pattern = re.compile(r'^TARGET="(?P<target>.*)"\s+SOURCE="(?P<source>.*)"\s+FSTYPE="(?P<fstype>.*)"\s+OPTIONS="(?P<options>.*)"\s*$')
match =
if match is not None:
groups = match.groupdict()
return {
'mountpoint': groups['target'],
'device': groups['source'],
'subvolid': self.__extract_mount_subvolid(groups['options']),
raise BtrfsModuleException("Failed to parse findmnt result for line: '%s'" % line)
def __extract_mount_subvolid(self, mount_options):
for option in mount_options.split(','):
if option.startswith('subvolid='):
return int(option[len('subvolid='):])
raise BtrfsModuleException("Failed to find subvolid for mountpoint in options '%s'" % mount_options)
class BtrfsSubvolume(object):
Wrapper class providing convenience methods for inspection of a btrfs subvolume
def __init__(self, filesystem, subvolume_id):
self.__filesystem = filesystem
self.__subvolume_id = subvolume_id
def get_filesystem(self):
return self.__filesystem
def is_mounted(self):
mountpoints = self.get_mountpoints()
return mountpoints is not None and len(mountpoints) > 0
def is_filesystem_root(self):
return 5 == self.__subvolume_id
def is_filesystem_default(self):
return self.__filesystem.default_subvolid == self.__subvolume_id
def get_mounted_path(self):
mountpoints = self.get_mountpoints()
if mountpoints is not None and len(mountpoints) > 0:
return mountpoints[0]
elif self.parent is not None:
parent = self.__filesystem.get_subvolume_by_id(self.parent)
parent_path = parent.get_mounted_path()
if parent_path is not None:
return parent_path + os.path.sep +
return None
def get_mountpoints(self):
return self.__filesystem.get_mountpoints_by_subvolume_id(self.__subvolume_id)
def get_child_relative_path(self, absolute_child_path):
Get the relative path from this subvolume to the named child subvolume.
The provided parameter is expected to be normalized as by normalize_subvolume_path.
path = self.path
if absolute_child_path.startswith(path):
relative = absolute_child_path[len(path):]
return re.sub(r'^/*', '', relative)
raise BtrfsModuleException("Path '%s' doesn't start with '%s'" % (absolute_child_path, path))
def get_parent_subvolume(self):
parent_id = self.parent
return self.__filesystem.get_subvolume_by_id(parent_id) if parent_id is not None else None
def get_child_subvolumes(self):
return self.__filesystem.get_subvolume_children(self.__subvolume_id)
def __info(self):
return self.__filesystem.get_subvolume_info_for_id(self.__subvolume_id)
def id(self):
return self.__subvolume_id
def name(self):
return self.path.split('/').pop()
def path(self):
return self.__info['path']
def parent(self):
return self.__info['parent']
class BtrfsFilesystem(object):
Wrapper class providing convenience methods for inspection of a btrfs filesystem
def __init__(self, info, provider, module):
self.__provider = provider
# constant for module execution
self.__uuid = info['uuid']
self.__label = info['label']
self.__devices = info['devices']
# refreshable
self.__default_subvolid = info['default_subvolid'] if 'default_subvolid' in info else None
self.__update_mountpoints(info['mountpoints'] if 'mountpoints' in info else [])
self.__update_subvolumes(info['subvolumes'] if 'subvolumes' in info else [])
def uuid(self):
return self.__uuid
def label(self):
return self.__label
def default_subvolid(self):
return self.__default_subvolid
def devices(self):
return list(self.__devices)
def refresh(self):
def refresh_mountpoints(self):
mountpoints = self.__provider.get_mountpoints(list(self.__devices))
def __update_mountpoints(self, mountpoints):
self.__mountpoints = dict()
for i in mountpoints:
subvolid = i['subvolid']
mountpoint = i['mountpoint']
if subvolid not in self.__mountpoints:
self.__mountpoints[subvolid] = []
def refresh_subvolumes(self):
filesystem_path = self.get_any_mountpoint()
if filesystem_path is not None:
subvolumes = self.__provider.get_subvolumes(filesystem_path)
def __update_subvolumes(self, subvolumes):
# TODO strategy for retaining information on deleted subvolumes?
self.__subvolumes = dict()
for subvolume in subvolumes:
self.__subvolumes[subvolume['id']] = subvolume
def refresh_default_subvolume(self):
filesystem_path = self.get_any_mountpoint()
if filesystem_path is not None:
self.__default_subvolid = self.__provider.get_default_subvolume_id(filesystem_path)
def contains_device(self, device):
return device in self.__devices
def contains_subvolume(self, subvolume):
return self.get_subvolume_by_name(subvolume) is not None
def get_subvolume_by_id(self, subvolume_id):
return BtrfsSubvolume(self, subvolume_id) if subvolume_id in self.__subvolumes else None
def get_subvolume_info_for_id(self, subvolume_id):
return self.__subvolumes[subvolume_id] if subvolume_id in self.__subvolumes else None
def get_subvolume_by_name(self, subvolume):
for subvolume_info in self.__subvolumes.values():
if subvolume_info['path'] == subvolume:
return BtrfsSubvolume(self, subvolume_info['id'])
return None
def get_any_mountpoint(self):
for subvol_mountpoints in self.__mountpoints.values():
if len(subvol_mountpoints) > 0:
return subvol_mountpoints[0]
# maybe error?
return None
def get_any_mounted_subvolume(self):
for subvolid, subvol_mountpoints in self.__mountpoints.items():
if len(subvol_mountpoints) > 0:
return self.get_subvolume_by_id(subvolid)
return None
def get_mountpoints_by_subvolume_id(self, subvolume_id):
return self.__mountpoints[subvolume_id] if subvolume_id in self.__mountpoints else []
def get_nearest_subvolume(self, subvolume):
"""Return the identified subvolume if existing, else the closest matching parent"""
subvolumes_by_path = self.__get_subvolumes_by_path()
while len(subvolume) > 1:
if subvolume in subvolumes_by_path:
return BtrfsSubvolume(self, subvolumes_by_path[subvolume]['id'])
subvolume = re.sub(r'/[^/]+$', '', subvolume)
return BtrfsSubvolume(self, 5)
def get_mountpath_as_child(self, subvolume_name):
"""Find a path to the target subvolume through a mounted ancestor"""
nearest = self.get_nearest_subvolume(subvolume_name)
if nearest.path == subvolume_name:
nearest = nearest.get_parent_subvolume()
if nearest is None or nearest.get_mounted_path() is None:
raise BtrfsModuleException("Failed to find a path '%s' through a mounted parent subvolume" % subvolume_name)
return nearest.get_mounted_path() + os.path.sep + nearest.get_child_relative_path(subvolume_name)
def get_subvolume_children(self, subvolume_id):
return [BtrfsSubvolume(self, x['id']) for x in self.__subvolumes.values() if x['parent'] == subvolume_id]
def __get_subvolumes_by_path(self):
result = {}
for s in self.__subvolumes.values():
path = s['path']
result[path] = s
return result
def is_mounted(self):
return self.__mountpoints is not None and len(self.__mountpoints) > 0
def get_summary(self):
subvolumes = []
sources = self.__subvolumes.values() if self.__subvolumes is not None else []
for subvolume in sources:
id = subvolume['id']
'id': id,
'path': subvolume['path'],
'parent': subvolume['parent'],
'mountpoints': self.get_mountpoints_by_subvolume_id(id),
return {
'default_subvolume': self.__default_subvolid,
'devices': self.__devices,
'label': self.__label,
'uuid': self.__uuid,
'subvolumes': subvolumes,
class BtrfsFilesystemsProvider(object):
Provides methods to query available btrfs filesystems
def __init__(self, module):
self.__module = module
self.__provider = BtrfsInfoProvider(module)
self.__filesystems = None
def get_matching_filesystem(self, criteria):
if criteria['device'] is not None:
criteria['device'] = os.path.realpath(criteria['device'])
matching = [f for f in self.__filesystems.values() if self.__filesystem_matches_criteria(f, criteria)]
if len(matching) == 1:
return matching[0]
raise BtrfsModuleException("Found %d filesystems matching criteria uuid=%s label=%s device=%s" % (
def __filesystem_matches_criteria(self, filesystem, criteria):
return ((criteria['uuid'] is None or filesystem.uuid == criteria['uuid']) and
(criteria['label'] is None or filesystem.label == criteria['label']) and
(criteria['device'] is None or filesystem.contains_device(criteria['device'])))
def get_filesystem_for_device(self, device):
real_device = os.path.realpath(device)
for fs in self.__filesystems.values():
if fs.contains_device(real_device):
return fs
return None
def get_filesystems(self):
return list(self.__filesystems.values())
def __check_init(self):
if self.__filesystems is None:
self.__filesystems = dict()
for f in self.__provider.get_filesystems():
uuid = f['uuid']
self.__filesystems[uuid] = BtrfsFilesystem(f, self.__provider, self.__module)