197 lines
5.5 KiB
197 lines
5.5 KiB
# (c) 2015, Henrik Wallström <henrik@wallstroms.nu>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
$params = Parse-Args $args;
# Name parameter
$name = Get-Attr $params "name" $FALSE;
If ($name -eq $FALSE) {
Fail-Json @{} "missing required argument: name";
# State parameter
$state = Get-Attr $params "state" $FALSE;
If (($state -ne $FALSE) -and ($state -ne 'started') -and ($state -ne 'stopped') -and ($state -ne 'restarted') -and ($state -ne 'absent')) {
Fail-Json @{} "state is '$state'; must be 'started', 'restarted', 'stopped' or 'absent'"
# Path parameter
$physical_path = Get-Attr $params "physical_path" $FALSE;
$site_id = Get-Attr $params "site_id" $FALSE;
# Application Pool Parameter
$application_pool = Get-Attr $params "application_pool" $FALSE;
# Binding Parameters
$bind_port = Get-Attr $params "port" $FALSE;
$bind_ip = Get-Attr $params "ip" $FALSE;
$bind_hostname = Get-Attr $params "hostname" $FALSE;
$bind_ssl = Get-Attr $params "ssl" $FALSE;
# Custom site Parameters from string where properties
# are separated by a pipe and property name/values by colon.
# Ex. "foo:1|bar:2"
$parameters = Get-Attr $params "parameters" $null;
if($parameters -ne $null) {
$parameters = @($parameters -split '\|' | ForEach {
return ,($_ -split "\:", 2);
# Ensure WebAdministration module is loaded
if ((Get-Module "WebAdministration" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
Import-Module WebAdministration
# Result
$result = @{
site = @{}
changed = $false
# Site info
$site = Get-Website | Where { $_.Name -eq $name }
Try {
# Add site
If(($state -ne 'absent') -and (-not $site)) {
If ($physical_path -eq $FALSE) {
Fail-Json @{} "missing required arguments: physical_path"
ElseIf (-not (Test-Path $physical_path)) {
Fail-Json @{} "specified folder must already exist: physical_path"
$site_parameters = @{
Name = $name
PhysicalPath = $physical_path
If ($application_pool) {
$site_parameters.ApplicationPool = $application_pool
If ($site_id) {
$site_parameters.ID = $site_id
If ($bind_port) {
$site_parameters.Port = $bind_port
If ($bind_ip) {
$site_parameters.IPAddress = $bind_ip
If ($bind_hostname) {
$site_parameters.HostHeader = $bind_hostname
# Fix for error "New-Item : Index was outside the bounds of the array."
# This is a bug in the New-WebSite commandlet. Apparently there must be at least one site configured in IIS otherwise New-WebSite crashes.
# For more details, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3573889/ps-c-new-website-blah-throws-index-was-outside-the-bounds-of-the-array
$sites_list = get-childitem -Path IIS:\sites
if ($sites_list -eq $null) { $site_parameters.ID = 1 }
$site = New-Website @site_parameters -Force
$result.changed = $true
# Remove site
If ($state -eq 'absent' -and $site) {
$site = Remove-Website -Name $name
$result.changed = $true
$site = Get-Website | Where { $_.Name -eq $name }
If($site) {
# Change Physical Path if needed
if($physical_path) {
If (-not (Test-Path $physical_path)) {
Fail-Json @{} "specified folder must already exist: physical_path"
$folder = Get-Item $physical_path
If($folder.FullName -ne $site.PhysicalPath) {
Set-ItemProperty "IIS:\Sites\$($site.Name)" -name physicalPath -value $folder.FullName
$result.changed = $true
# Change Application Pool if needed
if($application_pool) {
If($application_pool -ne $site.applicationPool) {
Set-ItemProperty "IIS:\Sites\$($site.Name)" -name applicationPool -value $application_pool
$result.changed = $true
# Set properties
if($parameters) {
$parameters | foreach {
$parameter_value = Get-ItemProperty "IIS:\Sites\$($site.Name)" $_[0]
if((-not $parameter_value) -or ($parameter_value.Value -as [String]) -ne $_[1]) {
Set-ItemProperty "IIS:\Sites\$($site.Name)" $_[0] $_[1]
$result.changed = $true
# Set run state
if (($state -eq 'stopped') -and ($site.State -eq 'Started'))
Stop-Website -Name $name -ErrorAction Stop
$result.changed = $true
if ((($state -eq 'started') -and ($site.State -eq 'Stopped')) -or ($state -eq 'restarted'))
Start-Website -Name $name -ErrorAction Stop
$result.changed = $true
Fail-Json @{} $_.Exception.Message
if ($state -ne 'absent')
$site = Get-Website | Where { $_.Name -eq $name }
if ($site)
$result.site = @{
Name = $site.Name
ID = $site.ID
State = $site.State
PhysicalPath = $site.PhysicalPath
ApplicationPool = $site.applicationPool
Bindings = @($site.Bindings.Collection | ForEach-Object { $_.BindingInformation })
Exit-Json $result