
257 lines
9.9 KiB

# (c) 2014, Chris Church <>
# This file is part of Ansible.
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import base64
import os
import re
import shlex
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_text
_common_args = ['PowerShell', '-NoProfile', '-NonInteractive', '-ExecutionPolicy', 'Unrestricted']
# Primarily for testing, allow explicitly specifying PowerShell version via
# an environment variable.
_powershell_version = os.environ.get('POWERSHELL_VERSION', None)
if _powershell_version:
_common_args = ['PowerShell', '-Version', _powershell_version] + _common_args[1:]
class ShellModule(object):
# Common shell filenames that this plugin handles
# Powershell is handled differently. It's selected when winrm is the
# connection
# Family of shells this has. Must match the filename without extension
SHELL_FAMILY = 'powershell'
env = dict()
# We're being overly cautious about which keys to accept (more so than
# the Windows environment is capable of doing), since the powershell
# env provider's limitations don't appear to be documented.
safe_envkey = re.compile(r'^[\d\w_]{1,255}$')
def assert_safe_env_key(self, key):
if not self.safe_envkey.match(key):
raise AnsibleError("Invalid PowerShell environment key: %s" % key)
return key
def safe_env_value(self, key, value):
if len(value) > 32767:
raise AnsibleError("PowerShell environment value for key '%s' exceeds 32767 characters in length" % key)
# powershell single quoted literals need single-quote doubling as their only escaping
value = value.replace("'", "''")
return to_text(value, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
def env_prefix(self, **kwargs):
env = self.env.copy()
return ';'.join(["$env:%s='%s'" % (self.assert_safe_env_key(k), self.safe_env_value(k,v)) for k,v in env.items()])
def join_path(self, *args):
parts = []
for arg in args:
arg = self._unquote(arg).replace('/', '\\')
parts.extend([a for a in arg.split('\\') if a])
path = '\\'.join(parts)
if path.startswith('~'):
return path
return '\'%s\'' % path
def get_remote_filename(self, pathname):
# powershell requires that script files end with .ps1
base_name = os.path.basename(pathname.strip())
name, ext = os.path.splitext(base_name.strip())
if ext.lower() not in ['.ps1', '.exe']:
return name + '.ps1'
return base_name.strip()
def path_has_trailing_slash(self, path):
# Allow Windows paths to be specified using either slash.
path = self._unquote(path)
return path.endswith('/') or path.endswith('\\')
def chmod(self, paths, mode):
raise NotImplementedError('chmod is not implemented for Powershell')
def chown(self, paths, user):
raise NotImplementedError('chown is not implemented for Powershell')
def set_user_facl(self, paths, user, mode):
raise NotImplementedError('set_user_facl is not implemented for Powershell')
def remove(self, path, recurse=False):
path = self._escape(self._unquote(path))
if recurse:
return self._encode_script('''Remove-Item "%s" -Force -Recurse;''' % path)
return self._encode_script('''Remove-Item "%s" -Force;''' % path)
def mkdtemp(self, basefile, system=False, mode=None):
basefile = self._escape(self._unquote(basefile))
# FIXME: Support system temp path!
return self._encode_script('''(New-Item -Type Directory -Path $env:temp -Name "%s").FullName | Write-Host -Separator '';''' % basefile)
def expand_user(self, user_home_path):
# PowerShell only supports "~" (not "~username"). Resolve-Path ~ does
# not seem to work remotely, though by default we are always starting
# in the user's home directory.
user_home_path = self._unquote(user_home_path)
if user_home_path == '~':
script = 'Write-Host (Get-Location).Path'
elif user_home_path.startswith('~\\'):
script = 'Write-Host ((Get-Location).Path + "%s")' % self._escape(user_home_path[1:])
script = 'Write-Host "%s"' % self._escape(user_home_path)
return self._encode_script(script)
def exists(self, path):
path = self._escape(self._unquote(path))
script = '''
If (Test-Path "%s")
$res = 0;
$res = 1;
Write-Host "$res";
Exit $res;
''' % path
return self._encode_script(script)
def checksum(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
path = self._escape(self._unquote(path))
script = '''
If (Test-Path -PathType Leaf "%(path)s")
$sp = new-object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider;
$fp = [System.IO.File]::Open("%(path)s", [System.IO.Filemode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read);
[System.BitConverter]::ToString($sp.ComputeHash($fp)).Replace("-", "").ToLower();
ElseIf (Test-Path -PathType Container "%(path)s")
Write-Host "3";
Write-Host "1";
''' % dict(path=path)
return self._encode_script(script)
def build_module_command(self, env_string, shebang, cmd, arg_path=None, rm_tmp=None):
cmd_parts = shlex.split(to_bytes(cmd), posix=False)
cmd_parts = map(to_text, cmd_parts)
if shebang and shebang.lower() == '#!powershell':
if not self._unquote(cmd_parts[0]).lower().endswith('.ps1'):
cmd_parts[0] = '"%s.ps1"' % self._unquote(cmd_parts[0])
cmd_parts.insert(0, '&')
elif shebang and shebang.startswith('#!'):
cmd_parts.insert(0, shebang[2:])
elif not shebang:
# The module is assumed to be a binary
cmd_parts[0] = self._unquote(cmd_parts[0])
script = '''
$_obj = @{ failed = $true }
If ($_.Exception.GetType)
$_obj.Add('msg', $_.Exception.Message)
$_obj.Add('msg', $_.ToString())
If ($_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)
$_obj.Add('exception', $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)
ElseIf ($_.ScriptStackTrace)
$_obj.Add('exception', $_.ScriptStackTrace)
$_obj.Add('error_record', ($_ | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json))
Echo $_obj | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 99
Exit 1
''' % (env_string, ' '.join(cmd_parts))
if rm_tmp:
rm_tmp = self._escape(self._unquote(rm_tmp))
rm_cmd = 'Remove-Item "%s" -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue' % rm_tmp
script = '%s\nFinally { %s }' % (script, rm_cmd)
return self._encode_script(script)
def _unquote(self, value):
'''Remove any matching quotes that wrap the given value.'''
value = to_text(value or '')
m = re.match(r'^\s*?\'(.*?)\'\s*?$', value)
if m:
m = re.match(r'^\s*?"(.*?)"\s*?$', value)
if m:
return value
def _escape(self, value, include_vars=False):
'''Return value escaped for use in PowerShell command.'''
subs = [('\n', '`n'), ('\r', '`r'), ('\t', '`t'), ('\a', '`a'),
('\b', '`b'), ('\f', '`f'), ('\v', '`v'), ('"', '`"'),
('\'', '`\''), ('`', '``'), ('\x00', '`0')]
if include_vars:
subs.append(('$', '`$'))
pattern = '|'.join('(%s)' % re.escape(p) for p, s in subs)
substs = [s for p, s in subs]
replace = lambda m: substs[m.lastindex - 1]
return re.sub(pattern, replace, value)
def _encode_script(self, script, as_list=False, strict_mode=True):
'''Convert a PowerShell script to a single base64-encoded command.'''
script = to_text(script)
if strict_mode:
script = u'Set-StrictMode -Version Latest\r\n%s' % script
script = '\n'.join([x.strip() for x in script.splitlines() if x.strip()])
encoded_script = base64.b64encode(script.encode('utf-16-le'))
cmd_parts = _common_args + ['-EncodedCommand', encoded_script]
if as_list:
return cmd_parts
return ' '.join(cmd_parts)