
297 lines
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# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import re
import socket
import struct
from import Network
class GenericBsdIfconfigNetwork(Network):
This is a generic BSD subclass of Network using the ifconfig command.
It defines
- interfaces (a list of interface names)
- interface_<name> dictionary of ipv4, ipv6, and mac address information.
- all_ipv4_addresses and all_ipv6_addresses: lists of all configured addresses.
platform = 'Generic_BSD_Ifconfig'
def populate(self, collected_facts=None):
network_facts = {}
ifconfig_path = self.module.get_bin_path('ifconfig')
if ifconfig_path is None:
return network_facts
route_path = self.module.get_bin_path('route')
if route_path is None:
return network_facts
default_ipv4, default_ipv6 = self.get_default_interfaces(route_path)
interfaces, ips = self.get_interfaces_info(ifconfig_path)
interfaces = self.detect_type_media(interfaces)
self.merge_default_interface(default_ipv4, interfaces, 'ipv4')
self.merge_default_interface(default_ipv6, interfaces, 'ipv6')
network_facts['interfaces'] = sorted(list(interfaces.keys()))
for iface in interfaces:
network_facts[iface] = interfaces[iface]
network_facts['default_ipv4'] = default_ipv4
network_facts['default_ipv6'] = default_ipv6
network_facts['all_ipv4_addresses'] = ips['all_ipv4_addresses']
network_facts['all_ipv6_addresses'] = ips['all_ipv6_addresses']
return network_facts
def detect_type_media(self, interfaces):
for iface in interfaces:
if 'media' in interfaces[iface]:
if 'ether' in interfaces[iface]['media'].lower():
interfaces[iface]['type'] = 'ether'
return interfaces
def get_default_interfaces(self, route_path):
# Use the commands:
# route -n get -> Google public DNS
# route -n get -inet6 2404:6800:400a:800::1012 ->
# to find out the default outgoing interface, address, and gateway
command = dict(v4=[route_path, '-n', 'get', ''],
v6=[route_path, '-n', 'get', '-inet6', '2404:6800:400a:800::1012'])
interface = dict(v4={}, v6={})
for v in 'v4', 'v6':
if v == 'v6' and not socket.has_ipv6:
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(command[v])
if not out:
# v6 routing may result in
# RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument
for line in out.splitlines():
words = line.split()
# Collect output from route command
if len(words) > 1:
if words[0] == 'interface:':
interface[v]['interface'] = words[1]
if words[0] == 'gateway:':
interface[v]['gateway'] = words[1]
return interface['v4'], interface['v6']
def get_interfaces_info(self, ifconfig_path, ifconfig_options='-a'):
interfaces = {}
current_if = {}
ips = dict(
# FreeBSD, DragonflyBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and macOS all implicitly add '-a'
# when running the command 'ifconfig'.
# Solaris must explicitly run the command 'ifconfig -a'.
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([ifconfig_path, ifconfig_options])
for line in out.splitlines():
if line:
words = line.split()
if words[0] == 'pass':
elif re.match(r'^\S', line) and len(words) > 3:
current_if = self.parse_interface_line(words)
interfaces[current_if['device']] = current_if
elif words[0].startswith('options='):
self.parse_options_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'nd6':
self.parse_nd6_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'ether':
self.parse_ether_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'media:':
self.parse_media_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'status:':
self.parse_status_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'lladdr':
self.parse_lladdr_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'inet':
self.parse_inet_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'inet6':
self.parse_inet6_line(words, current_if, ips)
elif words[0] == 'tunnel':
self.parse_tunnel_line(words, current_if, ips)
self.parse_unknown_line(words, current_if, ips)
return interfaces, ips
def parse_interface_line(self, words):
device = words[0][0:-1]
current_if = {'device': device, 'ipv4': [], 'ipv6': [], 'type': 'unknown'}
current_if['flags'] = self.get_options(words[1])
if 'LOOPBACK' in current_if['flags']:
current_if['type'] = 'loopback'
current_if['macaddress'] = 'unknown' # will be overwritten later
if len(words) >= 5: # Newer FreeBSD versions
current_if['metric'] = words[3]
current_if['mtu'] = words[5]
current_if['mtu'] = words[3]
return current_if
def parse_options_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
# Mac has options like this...
current_if['options'] = self.get_options(words[0])
def parse_nd6_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
# FreeBSD has options like this...
current_if['options'] = self.get_options(words[1])
def parse_ether_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
current_if['macaddress'] = words[1]
current_if['type'] = 'ether'
def parse_media_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
# not sure if this is useful - we also drop information
current_if['media'] = words[1]
if len(words) > 2:
current_if['media_select'] = words[2]
if len(words) > 3:
current_if['media_type'] = words[3][1:]
if len(words) > 4:
current_if['media_options'] = self.get_options(words[4])
def parse_status_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
current_if['status'] = words[1]
def parse_lladdr_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
current_if['lladdr'] = words[1]
def parse_inet_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
# netbsd show aliases like this
# lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 33184
# inet netmask 0xff000000
# inet alias netmask 0xff000000
if words[1] == 'alias':
del words[1]
address = {'address': words[1]}
# cidr style ip address (eg, in inet line
# used in netbsd ifconfig -e output after 7.1
if '/' in address['address']:
ip_address, cidr_mask = address['address'].split('/')
address['address'] = ip_address
netmask_length = int(cidr_mask)
netmask_bin = (1 << 32) - (1 << 32 >> int(netmask_length))
address['netmask'] = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', netmask_bin))
if len(words) > 5:
address['broadcast'] = words[3]
# deal with hex netmask
if re.match('([0-9a-f]){8}', words[3]) and len(words[3]) == 8:
words[3] = '0x' + words[3]
if words[3].startswith('0x'):
address['netmask'] = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', int(words[3], base=16)))
# otherwise assume this is a dotted quad
address['netmask'] = words[3]
# calculate the network
address_bin = struct.unpack('!L', socket.inet_aton(address['address']))[0]
netmask_bin = struct.unpack('!L', socket.inet_aton(address['netmask']))[0]
address['network'] = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', address_bin & netmask_bin))
if 'broadcast' not in address:
# broadcast may be given or we need to calculate
if len(words) > 5:
address['broadcast'] = words[5]
address['broadcast'] = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L', address_bin | (~netmask_bin & 0xffffffff)))
# add to our list of addresses
if not words[1].startswith('127.'):
def parse_inet6_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
address = {'address': words[1]}
# using cidr style addresses, ala NetBSD ifconfig post 7.1
if '/' in address['address']:
ip_address, cidr_mask = address['address'].split('/')
address['address'] = ip_address
address['prefix'] = cidr_mask
if len(words) > 5:
address['scope'] = words[5]
if (len(words) >= 4) and (words[2] == 'prefixlen'):
address['prefix'] = words[3]
if (len(words) >= 6) and (words[4] == 'scopeid'):
address['scope'] = words[5]
localhost6 = ['::1', '::1/128', 'fe80::1%lo0']
if address['address'] not in localhost6:
def parse_tunnel_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
current_if['type'] = 'tunnel'
def parse_unknown_line(self, words, current_if, ips):
# we are going to ignore unknown lines here - this may be
# a bad idea - but you can override it in your subclass
# TODO: these are module scope static function candidates
# (most of the class is really...)
def get_options(self, option_string):
start = option_string.find('<') + 1
end = option_string.rfind('>')
if (start > 0) and (end > 0) and (end > start + 1):
option_csv = option_string[start:end]
return option_csv.split(',')
return []
def merge_default_interface(self, defaults, interfaces, ip_type):
if 'interface' not in defaults:
if not defaults['interface'] in interfaces:
ifinfo = interfaces[defaults['interface']]
# copy all the interface values across except addresses
for item in ifinfo:
if item != 'ipv4' and item != 'ipv6':
defaults[item] = ifinfo[item]
if len(ifinfo[ip_type]) > 0:
for item in ifinfo[ip_type][0]:
defaults[item] = ifinfo[ip_type][0][item]