{ "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cog-Creators/Red-DiscordBot/V3/develop/schema/red_cog.schema.json", "name": "TemplateManager", "short": "A cog to help with server template management.", "description": "This cog helps to load and save a server's template. This cog does not yet help to build, find, or sync templates.", "end_user_data_statement": "This cog does not persistently store any data or metadata about users.", "install_msg": "Sorry there is not a lot of documentation, maybe check the code comments.", "author": [ "Ezekiel" ], "required_cogs": {}, "requirements": [], "tags": [ "red", "templates" ], "min_bot_version": "3.5.0", "hidden": false, "disabled": false, "type": "COG" }