Split nova floating-ip pool logic
The desires around getting a floating ip associated with a pool and getting a floating ip not associated with a pool is just different enough that following it as one set of nested ifs is tricky. Split the function into two, one for the pool and one for the non-pool logic.pull/4420/head
@ -193,21 +193,116 @@ def _delete_server(module, nova):
module.fail_json(msg = "Timed out waiting for server to get deleted, please check manually")
def _add_floating_ip_from_pool(module, nova, server, floating_ip_obj):
# empty dict and list
usable_floating_ips = {}
pools = []
# user specified
pools = module.params['floating_ip']['pools']
# get the list of all floating IPs. Mileage may
# vary according to Nova Compute configuration
# per cloud provider
all_floating_ips = floating_ip_obj.list()
# iterate through all pools of IP address. Empty
# string means all and is the default value
for pool in pools:
# temporary list per pool
pool_ips = []
# loop through all floating IPs
for f_ip in all_floating_ips:
# if not reserved and the correct pool, add
if f_ip.instance_id is None and (f_ip.pool == pool):
# only need one
# if the list is empty, add for this pool
if not pool_ips:
new_ip = nova.floating_ips.create(pool)
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json(msg = "Unable to create floating ip")
# Add to the main list
usable_floating_ips[pool] = pool_ips
# finally, add ip(s) to instance for each pool
for pool in usable_floating_ips:
for ip in usable_floating_ips[pool]:
# We only need to assign one ip - but there is an inherent
# race condition and some other cloud operation may have
# stolen an available floating ip
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json(msg = "Error attaching IP %s to instance %s: %s " % (ip, server.id, e.message))
def _add_floating_ip_no_pool(module, nova, server, floating_ip_obj):
usable_floating_ips = list()
# if there is a list of IP addresses, make that the list
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('ips'):
usable_floating_ips = module.params['floating_ip']['ips']
# get the list of all floating IPs. Mileage may
# vary according to Nova Compute configuration
# per cloud provider
for f_ip in floating_ip_obj.list():
# if not reserved and the correct pool, add
if f_ip.instance_id is None:
if not usable_floating_ips:
new_ip = nova.floating_ips.create()
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json(msg = "Unable to create floating ip")
# finally, add ip(s) to instance
for ip in usable_floating_ips:
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json(msg = "Error attaching IP %s to instance %s: %s " % (ip, server.id, e.message))
def _add_floating_ip(module, nova, server):
# instantiate FloatingIPManager object
floating_ip_obj = floating_ips.FloatingIPManager(nova)
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('pools'):
_add_floating_ip_from_pool(module, nova, server, floating_ip_obj)
_add_floating_ip_no_pool(module, nova, server, floating_ip_obj)
# this may look redundant, but if there is now a
# floating IP, then it needs to be obtained from
# a recent server object if the above code path exec'd
server = nova.servers.get(server.id)
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json(msg = "Error in getting info from instance: %s " % e.message)
return server
def _create_server(module, nova):
# issue an error early on and not launch the instance
if module.params['floating_ip'] != None:
if module.params['floating_ip'] is not None:
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('ips'):
# can't specify "ips" and "auto" both
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('auto') and \
module.params['floating_ip']['auto'] is True:
err_msg = "For floating_ips - "
err_msg += "you cannot specify both 'auto' and 'ips'!"
module.fail_json(msg = err_msg)
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('auto') and module.params['floating_ip']['auto']:
module.fail_json(msg = "For floating_ips - you cannot specify both 'auto' and 'ips'!")
# can't specify "ips" and "pools" both
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('pools'):
err_msg = "For floating_ips - "
err_msg += "you cannot specify both 'ips' and 'pools'!"
module.fail_json(msg = err_msg)
module.fail_json(msg = "For floating_ips - you cannot specify both 'pools' and 'ips'!")
bootargs = [module.params['name'], module.params['image_id'], module.params['flavor_id']]
bootkwargs = {
@ -231,86 +326,11 @@ def _create_server(module, nova):
server = nova.servers.get(server.id)
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json(msg = \
"Error in getting info from instance: %s"\
% e.message
module.fail_json( msg = "Error in getting info from instance: %s" % e.message)
if server.status == 'ACTIVE':
# if floating_ip is specified, then attach
if module.params['floating_ip'] != None:
# instantiate FloatingIPManager object
floating_ip_obj = floating_ips.FloatingIPManager(nova)
# empty dict and list
usable_floating_ips = {}
pools = []
# if floating_ip pools are defined, then make that
# the list of pools
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('pools'):
# user specified
pools = module.params['floating_ip']['pools']
# otherwise all
pools = ['']
# if there is a list of IP addresses, make that the list
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('ips'):
usable_floating_ips[''] = \
# if 'auto', then assign automatically, no pool needed
if module.params['floating_ip'].has_key('auto') and \
module.params['floating_ip']['auto'] is True:
# get the list of all floating IPs. Mileage may
# vary according to Nova Compute configuration
# per cloud provider
all_floating_ips = floating_ip_obj.list()
# iterate through all pools of IP address. Empty
# string means all and is the default value
for pool in pools:
# temporary list per pool
pool_ips = []
# loop through all floating IPs
for f_ip in all_floating_ips:
# if not reserved and the correct pool, add
if f_ip.instance_id == None and \
(f_ip.pool == pool or pool == ''):
# one per pool
# if the list is empty, add for this pool
if len(pool_ips) == 0:
new_ip = nova.floating_ips.create(pool)
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json(msg = \
"Unable to create \
floating ip")
# Add to the main list
usable_floating_ips[pool] = pool_ips
# finally, add ip(s) to instance for each pool
for pool in usable_floating_ips:
for ip in usable_floating_ips[pool]:
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json(msg = \
"Error attaching IP %s to \
instance %s: %s " % \
(ip, server.id, e.message))
# this may look redundant, but if there is now a
# floating IP, then it needs to be obtained from
# a recent server object if the above code path exec'd
server = nova.servers.get(server.id)
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json(msg = \
"Error in getting info from \
instance: %s " % e.message)
if module.params['floating_ip'] is not None:
server = _add_floating_ip(module, nova, server)
private = [ x['addr'] for x in getattr(server, 'addresses').itervalues().next() if 'OS-EXT-IPS:type' in x and x['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'fixed']
public = [ x['addr'] for x in getattr(server, 'addresses').itervalues().next() if 'OS-EXT-IPS:type' in x and x['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating']
Reference in New Issue